Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 384 Execution of Light

In the silence, Li Ke looked at the civilians below, they were dressed in rags, their faces were yellow and emaciated.

In this world, it is obvious that the rich mineral resources allow a lord to easily use steel fences to keep their manors short-cut, but Li Ke can still see that some poor people do not even have an iron spoon or iron hoe. Made of wood.

But unfortunately, wooden farm tools also cost money.

He finds it ridiculous that capital is born to exploit people, but some people still think that the feudal system is thousands of times better than capital. Can solve all the same problems.

But Li Ke only thought it was ridiculous.

"Is Tenaris a wise lord?

Is Varian a good guy?
But what about their kingdom?
The people of Stormwind are in dire straits, and the peasants of Lordaeron are overwhelmed. They even want to become undead in exchange for their dignity.

What dignity?
The dignity that one's own offspring can transform.

This was something he had seen with his own eyes, and it was also the beating he had personally experienced.

And the holy light protects such a kingdom, such a virtuous king and minister.

Shelter this glamorous crime.

Because it stands too high, and too—


Mortals don't need perfect holiness, it's just a slogan and a goal.

History does not need perfect holiness, it is just the result that history will achieve in the future. "

These thoughts reverberated in Li Ke's mind. He knew that his former self would never think so, and that innocent self would only think: "Ah, such a good opportunity, such a sacred power, why don't we make the social form more perfect?" What about further? '.

He won't now, although he still will.

But instead of turning that scourge into something else.

Instead, the throats of the princes and nobles were completely strangled!Let out what that beast really was.

These ragged people below, he doesn't need them to become benevolent gentlemen, he doesn't need them to become law-abiding.

He just needs to turn the sheep under the princes and nobles into scourges.

His thoughts became clear at this time, he opened his arms, calling for the coming of the Holy Light.

The curtain of holy light descended from the sky, he despised holy light, tired of holy light, even hated holy light.

But when he needs it.

The Light will always come.

The warm holy light reminds Li Ke at this moment that he is no longer who he used to be, but he still shares his strength and warmth with everyone.

Li Ke's cloak was constantly fluttering under the urging of the holy light, and there were traces of the holy light rushing out under his feet. His light and the holy light calling out from the sky were here, now, at this moment. At this moment, in this barren wild west, a pure and immaculate holy place has been formed!

The soil began to turn golden-white, and the plants began to transform their nature, becoming non-toxic and healing to any life.

And the civilians below were bathed in the holy light, and immediately felt the peace of mind, and the irritability in their hearts began to disappear, and some minor injuries and ailments were also healed under the radiation of such a huge amount of holy light. They couldn't believe it. Seeing Li Ke in front of him with dazzling wings of holy light stretching out to form this canopy of holy light, he couldn't tell whether it was a god or a human being.

Li Ke stretched out his hand, as if calling and praying for something, and at this moment, a pink flower landed on his hand.

His gloved hand was shining with holy light, and he gently twirled the flower. The flower was immediately baptized by a huge amount of holy light and turned into a crystallization of holy light. Then, after Li Ke's twirling, It turned into a crystal-clear golden powder, and then he let go of his hand and let it go.

The golden powder drifted with the wind, and he also looked at those benefactors who were bathing in the holy light.

"But, look, the Holy Light is watching over you, too."

He waved his hand, allowing them to see clearly the radiance of the Holy Light falling on him.

"This means that in the eyes of the holy light, the nobles are no more noble than you. Their blood and flesh are the same as yours. So, what distinguishes you?"

Li Ke's words made these farmers think under the influence of the Holy Light.

"Let me tell you why, because they hold power and wealth. Their children will receive the services of more than a dozen teachers from birth, and there will be several teachers with superb sword skills to help them learn swordsmanship and martial arts , the food that you can only eat during the Chinese New Year, to them, is just leftovers to be thrown away. But what about you? You, as well as your children, have been learning from you by your side since childhood Farming, if you want to learn another skill, you need ten years, or even decades of courting and serving."

Li Ke paused for a moment. Although these farmers were stimulated by the holy light, their knowledge still couldn't quickly understand Li Ke's meaning.

"Think about it, if the son of the lord wants to learn how to bake bread, then the lord can call all the bakers in his territory and get all their secret formulas in one day, but what about your children? Yours What does a child need to do for a baker if he wants to learn how to bake bread?"

He told them, told these people, what they could best understand.

"Are they wrong? No, there are no mistakes in this world! The lord can afford so many teachers because he can afford the price for teachers to teach skills, and you don't have the ability to pay this price."

Most of the peasants lowered their heads, they knew this very clearly, they didn't need Li Ke to say more, but...

Usually, they can deceive themselves, and deceive their children to be lucky one day and become a nobleman, or become a rich businessman or something.

Everyone's heard of such a thing, hasn't it?
"After I came into this world, what I saw was these injustices, and even I suffered from them."

Li Ke recalled everything he had encountered when he first arrived, especially when he wanted to join the Church of the Holy Light but failed, a helpless and sympathetic sigh came from the void.

"Since I came to this world, I have seen countless abandoned babies, countless old people died of hunger, and I saw a man in his 30s who looked close to 60 years old. He was willing to give everything just to be here with me. Get a job. Why? Because the nobles don't need a weak man like him, because the merchant doesn't need a weak farmhand like him, because the farmer doesn't need a man who can't help himself with more work.

Oh, he told me, Master Li Ke, I don't need your money and rewards, I need a job.So what made a farmer take the risk of being killed to ask for a job from me, a knight?

Because he has a family, he as a man, as a husband, and his wife as a mother, needs to support their children and support themselves.

He has to bear his highest calling as a man, as a woman, as a wife and husband, as a parent, as a human being.

Raise children and spread hope.

But when I looked at their fertile fields full of wheat and endless fields, their barns full of grain and their gardens full of cattle and sheep, I had a question in my heart. "

Li Ke took a deep breath, and wanted to know about these poor people in the western wilderness.

"Why, the peasants can't eat enough, the weavers can't afford clothes, they work so hard and work so hard, why, they still can't eat enough? Why, they are still alive after all this!"

Those Lordaeron farmers who voluntarily became undead flashed in his mind. Those farmers shocked the prince Alsace, so how could he, a time traveler, stay out of it.

He hated Alsace, was it really because Alsace had conflicts with him?
"During this time, I understood that there was still hope for them."

Li Ke looked at the people below as if looking at the sword in his hand.

"They hope that they will have a good life in the coming year, that they will be able to eat enough, wear warm clothes, and even eat meat in the coming year. They hope that their sons and daughters will be able to be successful and live a better life than them, so that their families can live a happy life. Better. Being able to make your life better through your own hands and hard work.”

"I don't think this is an excessive request, a very reasonable request, friends, I hope you can allow me to call you this. But I have to regret to tell you that among those nobles who have pocketed their own pockets, in the In the eyes of those pocketed officials, this is a request that is more excessive than killing them.

They extinguished your hopes, and when you looked at the endless grain and herds of cattle and sheep with satisfaction, they told you that you not only have to pay the king's tax and the lord's tax, but also give them these high-ranking Your nobles respect you, so your endless food has become bran that cannot fill your stomach no matter what, and your cattle and sheep have become the meat they have eaten and the gold coins in their hands.

His Royal Highness Varian’s taxes are not very high, and none of the people of Stormwind praised his benevolence and bravery under the light of the Holy Light, but why, under the rule of such a benevolent and brave king , you are still so poor?
My friends, this kingdom is full of moths.

The thieves of Defias were just civilians like you at the beginning. They hoped to build the castle of their proud kingdom so that the tragedies caused by the orcs would no longer befall the world, and no longer let the darkness The tide has once again overwhelmed the people of this kingdom!

But what do they get? "

Li Ke could see clearly, Van Cleef, who was hiding himself in the crowd, and those Defias stonemasons clenched their fists.

Especially Van Cleef, his eyes looked at him with contempt, but the hand holding the stone pillar was almost embedded in it.


Li Ke roared out, and following his roar, the Defias below also roared out.

The roar of betrayal made the guards maintaining order a little uneasy. They are not blind or deaf. How could they not know who these outstanding stonemasons suddenly appeared on Li Ke's territory?

However, before they are soldiers, they are first of all ordinary people.

They also witnessed it with their own eyes.

If these Defias stonemasons met them at the beginning, they would kill them without any scruples, but during this time, they watched these 'thieves' build the city in front of them, and because of a little bit, the labor came How can they agree that they are bloodthirsty and ruthless thieves?

These soldiers are not soldiers trained by Stormwind City for many years, they are just a group of civilians who are about to be abandoned due to financial problems.

"The betrayal of the nobles made them lose everything! My friends! Whether it is their past, future, or present, or their hopes, they have lost it! You are the same! Your labor has not replaced you Come to live a happy life, but only brought you endless suffering! Because the greed of those nobles can’t be filled! Think about it! Was your tax so high in the beginning? Think about it! Was they so unscrupulous in the beginning? Think about it! When did you start to lower your hopes and goals little by little!"

Li Ke has read the records of these nobles. They didn't let these peasant households pay almost [-]% of the tax at the beginning. They also suppressed the tax bit by bit at the beginning.

This time, he saw the palms of the farmers clenched into fists.

Because it's something that happened to them and they remember it very well.

"King Varian asked you to come here with good hopes for you. He hoped that you could turn the western wilderness into the empire's granary here, so that you former refugees can live a happy life. Happy days, and the land, and your labors, respond to you in this way! Look! Look at your granaries! Look! Look at the boundless fields! What your labors bring forth!
think about it!My friends!What is the meaning of taxation? !Taxation exists for this country, for this country to protect you, and to protect you from living a happy life!It is to make your life hopeful and exist!It is to enable you to bathe in the radiance of the Holy Light and live with a smile!but!Are you happy now?Do you have hope now? !Do you have the courage to laugh and talk about life now? ! "

Li Ke paused again, looked at these farmers in the western wilderness, and spoke word by word.

"You don't. The only thing left of you is hope for the future, and this is the only hope left, and those nobles will also extinguish it."


"You have nothing left."

"From the past to the future, your future is still so miserable, and even more miserable."

His voice echoed in the square, and many of the farmers became sad. Under the illumination of the holy light, they could understand this, understand this, and know their situation.There were even some emotional ones who couldn't help covering their mouths and began to cry.

Li Ke didn't know how much of it was the power of the Holy Light, and how much of it was the power of his own words, but he knew that it was time to say something else.

"But the Light has not forgotten you, my friends, look above your heads, over your land, the Light is there, the Light is in your hands.

The holy light brought me here, and it is the power of the holy light that made me understand what I should do—"

Li Ke stretched out his hand, and the holy light shone on the audience again.

"Holy Light wants me to protect your flame of hope, but I think it's not enough. The world is so cold, I don't want to see more tragedies. Since the Holy Light has given me such power, then I will It should make you more happy.

I'd love to exempt you from all taxes, but I know that's not possible.

I can't let my soldiers starve to protect you, I can't just give you a light when you deserve it and it will bless you - though it does bless you, but that's the right of all of us human beings.

So I have to collect taxes to keep the fire of hope going.

My friends, I think many of you have heard the rumors, heard the orders I had the soldiers convey, and now, at this very moment, I want you to understand once again my determination, that what you hear is not false Therefore, I am here to swear an oath to the Holy Light. "

"I, Li Ke, swear by the Holy Light! Whenever and wherever, as long as my territory reaches Li Ke! The tax on farmland will always be only [-]%! And there will never be corvee! Those who work for me, I will guarantee His life, old age, sickness and death, marriage and family inheritance will always be under my protection and protection! No matter at any time, no matter what the situation! If I violate it, I will lose all the power of the Holy Light! And I will be executed by the Holy Light to death!"

Li Ke's oath immediately caused an uproar in the audience, but Li Ke continued to speak without waiting for these people to react!

"In order to draw a clear distinction between me and those nobles! Let you understand your own nobility! My friends! I will let you see the filth of those nobles! Let you see their methods clearly, let you understand their crimes! Let You understand what they think of you! Come! My friends, come and witness why I have such thoughts and ideas! Come! My friends! Come and witness the crimes of these nobles!"

He raised his arms high, calling upon the power of the shadows.

"The dark side of the Holy Light! Give me strength!"

Following Li Ke's call, the power of darkness suddenly soared into the sky, and the existence of darkness also responded to Li Ke at this moment.

As the nobles who were kneeling in the middle of the manor waiting to be executed wailed, their bodies exuded dark power, and everyone present was plunged into darkness as a result. They discovered in horror that they and others were sitting On the chairs one by one, and below, are those former nobles.

They deduce their own crimes and their own filth, so that they can see clearly the faces of these people, how these people view them, and how taxes that should not have been collected are collected by them.

Therefore, when Li Ke withdrew the power of the shadow with a pale face, and got the power of darkness fed back by the dark existence, a farmer who woke up from the hallucination roared and rushed to the execution platform, waving his fist, It slammed into a nobleman's face fiercely, knocking his three teeth out of his mouth.

So, accompanied by the horrified shouts of the nobles, the execution without the executioner began at this very moment.

But Li Ke didn't smile.

5k, I forgot to mark it in the title after I posted it...

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