Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 386 The wolf is here

Li Ke said and stretched.

"I don't need so many farmers, Grayson. Don't tell me you can't see that this vast land is the most suitable for collective planting farms."

Picking up the coffee, the rich aroma made Li Ke very satisfied. He looked at the bustling heads of the recruitment office not far away, and he could see the quarrel there.

Obviously, jobs for workers have become scarce at this time, and those who want to stay here will definitely find ways to stay here.

Those recruiting people must be very troubled, because this will cause countless troubles.

But these troubles are not managed by him, but by his female mayor, Lagertha.And she must do her best - because she knows the rules of the world very well.


If she messes things up, Li Ke can easily kill her, and no one will suspect Li Ke.

Just like when an AK47 is placed on the head, even the poorest little fresh meat can become a movie star. Under the threat of death, La Gesha will definitely do things with all her heart. Of course, her The rewards are also quite generous - it is impossible for Li Ke to really fill his administrative system with twilight believers, dragon people, and demons.

That would be hilarious.

If so, wouldn't he become the second Stormwind City?

Although it's about the same now.

So whether it's the accommodation arrangements for the personnel, or security issues, or the food and public facilities that the remaining farmers need, and a lot of messy things, Lagertha needs to worry about it.

And he doesn't need to deal with it specially.

He only needs to look at the difficulties and troubles that La Gesha encountered, and then understand it, and he doesn't need to deal with it himself.

It sounds similar to the gilded son, but Li Ke still consciously seeks information about this world, but uses another set of models and theories to help him understand and understand these troubles.

After all, apart from the problems of customs and habits, what problems can ordinary people have?
It is nothing more than food and clothing, some fun to watch, children who can be better than themselves, or be the same as themselves-there is a hope that is more or less attainable, and some people who are worse than themselves.

What more trouble could there be?

It’s not that Li Ke looked down on these strange things that medieval peasants cared about, but in his eyes, many habits and rules were caused by insufficient resources and productivity. If the productivity is not sufficient, you say that it is broken, and these things will still exist.

Just like religion, how many modern people would really pray to gods and Buddhas if they hadn't reached a dead end or had no hope for life?
The tools Li Ke used to understand the world were not something that these bumpkins who were still in the feudal era could understand. He learned from Ma Zhe... probably, the tools he used to understand the world were naturally their tools.

And the more he recalled the truth in the previous book, the more he felt that it was fucking true, and the more he understood the weakness of the empire he was about to build.

That's right, after he finished the ceremony, he has been recalling the political class he took, and using the knowledge of the political class to continuously improve his plan and system, so as to ensure that his business empire will not be destroyed by the guy with the red holy light overthrow.

After all, your weaknesses are best understood only by your natural enemies.

And he also found many ways.

For example, personally cultivate some bad guys with sores on the top of their heads and pus on the soles of their feet to set off how good his welfare benefits are.

Of course, not with him, but with other kingdoms and races.

Then he told his people about the evil of these people to set off his greatness.

"The purpose of my high salary is very simple. Grayson, when the drivers who transport the goods for me are able to take care of noble ladies in other kingdoms, my plan will be considered to be initially completed. Grayson, after all, if there is no high salary, how can they Will you treat your factory as your own family, and then work hard for the family, and plunder wealth and rights for me?"

"I like wolf creatures very much, Grayson. They are not the kind of bullying beasts in nature, but the good wishes that humans bestow on wolves."

Li Ke spread his hands.

"United, powerful, and greedy, they can bite off the throats of their brothers without hesitation for themselves, but they can let the people who lead them crazily prey on everything they can see, and strengthen their own group , they are not begging dogs, but wolves that eat their own meat. I need a group of subordinates like this, I don’t need them to have humanity, I don’t need them to have any morality, I just need them to create profits for me. And there is no one An environment that is credible, profitable, and lacks sufficient demand cannot breed such wolves."

"After all, if we want to cultivate such wolves, we must let them have enough things that they can't get no matter how hard we try, and then let them really eat meat, even if I, as the master, eat the most meat. , but they will undoubtedly be able to get enough meat to satisfy their appetite in a short time. So now I have to let them eat meat, let them understand that I am different from those who live an honest life, They are the elite, they are wolves hidden among sheep."

"They are meat eaters, they were born to devour the sheep they grew up with."

"I think, as a dreadlord, you should understand what I mean."

"After all, no matter what kind of creature is, it has its own desires that can never be satisfied."

"In this regard, even Sargeras is no different from ordinary people."

Li Ke's lazy tone made Grayson tremble all over. He felt that he had really met a truly terrifying mortal.

Everything this mortal said was in line with his experience and knowledge, but it was so creepy.

Seeing the whole picture through a peephole, Grayson can clearly feel that Li Ke's understanding of the inferiority of mortals is no worse than their dreadlords, and even the most cunning dreadlords, there are hardly many people like Li Ke. , so clearly and systematically exploiting the inferiority of mortals.

He originally thought that the sheep-eating environment created by Li Ke would be enough to destroy the systems of all worlds, but he did not expect that this system had more advanced operations and arrangements in Li Ke's hands.

He considered his admiration, and then said the greatest compliment of his identity and knowledge.

"You will have the biggest sin monument in Revendreth ever. A sin monument that can hang everyone in this world."

Li Ke sneered.

Revenders in the afterlife world, which is the territory of Denathius, will engrave a person's sins on a tombstone there. The more sins, the bigger the monument, which is convenient for others to judge.

But generally speaking, the heavier the sin, the stronger it is.

Grayson's compliment was indeed in Revendreth's style.

"You underestimate me, Grayson."

He put down the coffee cup and looked at the letter in front of him, which was about to be sent to Varian, the smile on his face was a little unpredictable.

"My factory can't produce such a big sin monument."

Grayson: "???!!"

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Ke in disbelief.

Earn money from the dead? !
Sorry for not getting up this morning.

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