Chapter 387

Just when Li Ke was watching with high spirits that his team of migrant workers began to fill up everything in the city, a group of angry people roared out in a fair place.

"How dare he! How dare he!"

The angry nobleman threw the file in his hand on the table, making a dull but insignificant sound.These are the messages sent back by spies from different families, without exception, are Li Ke's treatment of the workers, and what Li Ke said in front of his mansion.

Those words against them nobles made them extremely angry and unwilling. In their opinion, they should be with them, but now they treat them like this!

Why can't these nobles see what Varian can see? They really think that Li Ke is just a guy who was tested by Tenaris, so they plan to throw out some abandoned children to see Li Ke's reaction.

As long as Li Ke shows some tough skills and doesn't pursue the people behind those abandoned children, they will immediately appear to help Li Ke build the Western Wilderness.

But looking at it now, Li Ke trusts Van Cleef even more than they, loyal and benevolent people!

simply!Simply intolerable!

"How did Tenaris send such a man?"

A nobleman was smoking expensive tobacco with a pipe in his mouth, looking dissatisfied at the letters laid out on the map.

"A holy knight chosen by God, I would do the same."

Another younger nobleman sneered.

"Holy light, when it reaches his level, will anyone still doubt his piety?"

They don't pay much attention to light users who are not very powerful, but a paladin like Li Ke who can turn a place into a holy place for a short time...

To be honest, tell them that Li Ke is not a person of high moral character, they themselves don't really believe it.

After all, those who have been forcibly infused with the Holy Light have become more gentle and righteous in their behavior, and if a person's moral level decreases, the level of the Holy Light will also decrease.

So although they all look down on those low-level users of the Holy Light and feel that they are just hypocrites, they still have some respect for those users of the Holy Light who can truly perform miracles.

It's just that most of these holy light users care about their own morality and integrity, so they can be easily used. There are almost no paladins like Li Ke who actually control a large area and can summon miracles.

The most important thing is that his mind is still very flexible, unlike other paladins who abide by dogma and rules.

But here comes the problem, his words and deeds, from the perspective of ordinary people, are undoubtedly a saint.

This opponent 'ally'...

It's really hard to bear.

"The methods we use to deal with other paladins may not work against him."

The young nobleman sighed.

Ordinary paladins can easily handle some moral traps, but this miraculous paladin...

He really doubts that the other party can really pull the dead up, after all, this is not something without precedent.

"Then do we need to contact the Silver Hand?"

Another nobleman spoke.

"They are not needed now, they have no position to help us, and most of the Silver Hands are from Lordaeron, and Uther is a standard paladin. When facing Li Ke, they may There is a dispute, but judging by Li Ke's attitude towards civilians, although he will criticize slightly, he will definitely not help us."

The old nobleman sighed.

Uther was quite reliable as a comrade-in-arms, but as a leader, he was too rigid. As long as it was not in line with the teachings and laws of the Holy Light, he would fight with you, and this lump of hard things He's also really good at fighting, and very loyal.

Let's put it this way, if you violate morality in front of Uther, he will not care about your status at all, and will directly reprimand and teach you.And if you are his subordinate, this guy is still the same.

Let's just say, Uther has never used any of the public funds of the Knights of the Silver Hand.He has never taken bribes or anything, and is completely a typical example of following the rules.

That alone is enough to make one despair.

"Damn it, can we just watch him be arrogant?"

The old aristocrat hammered angrily. He seemed more excited than the young aristocrats, but it was not because of his temper, but because his family suffered the heaviest loss in this operation!

"And there is another question, how much food is there in the Western Wilderness? Our spies didn't give us a clear report. The paladin's subordinates are very strange, especially the tax officials. They are incredibly clean."

The young nobleman glanced at Li Ke's territory, then sighed.

"And it only charges [-]% of the tax. How on earth does he support such a large team?"

Rubbing a black wafer, the young noble was very puzzled.He was really very curious, where did Li Ke get the money, the wages of six gold coins for a laborer who could make him squander so much, as well as weekends and weekends, nine to five, and even medical care and food? stay.

He hasn't started corvée yet.

The monthly salary alone costs [-] gold coins, and a castle can be burned down in two months, but where did he get so much money?
And those skilled laborers and strict tax officials are like a prince building his own team...


The young nobleman's eyes widened in an instant. He looked at the map in astonishment, and quickly searched for Li Ke's experience from Li Ke's files. Then, he saw a resume that sent chills down his spine:
He suddenly appeared at the home of a die-hard supporter of Tenaris, became a knight as a nephew, and completed a non-marriage marriage with the lord's illegitimate daughter.

Then the lord's family suddenly lost their son before the arrival of Prince Alsace, and when Princess Jaina came, they even made trouble with orcs.

Then Prince Alsace stayed there for a while, then quickly led his troops to the territory and took over everything.

After meeting again, Alsace chose to support the undead as if he had no brains, and there were rumors that Li Ke and the future queen Jaina were unclear. Li Ke also showed unprecedented power of the Holy Light, and directly led Let the whole family fly away.

At this time, Tenaris suddenly ordered Sir Prestor to hand over their territory in Stormwind City, and posted his daughter here.

Then this gentleman named Li Ke successfully took over the territory as a commoner, and the real lord was like a vase.

The elves and people from Kul Tiras also ran over.

Countless tax officials who are not corrupt and perverting the law, the sudden appearance of smart and capable skilled workers and powerful, unexplainable financial resources, Tenaris' ambiguous attitude...

"This fellow is definitely the bastard son of Tenaris!"

(End of this chapter)

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