Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 417 New Identity

Chapter 417 New Identity
Although Onyxia spoke nicely, Li Ke was just referring to it. After realizing that Deathwing not only held his capital chain and labor, Li Ke's thoughts gradually began to change.

But he didn't show it because he couldn't change his personality.

Li Ke has not forgotten that in Onyxia's eyes, he is a black dragon who is not pedantic and believes in the holy light.

So at this time, he will jump out and object.

"Your plan is really insane. If you do this, Onyxia, I will no longer identify with the identity of a human being."

"Of course, honey, I wouldn't do such a thing as a human being, because it would make me lose you, I'm just talking..."

Onyxia looked shocked, she gently stroked Li Ke's face, trying to calm the dissatisfaction on Li Ke's face.But Li Ke's response was to strangle Onyxia's neck, almost lifting her up, allowing her to undergo secondary development.

Li Ke looked at Onyxia's still calm face, and spoke word by word.

"It's better, Onyxia, otherwise, even if I have to start over, I won't make it easier for you. But you also know that as long as we cooperate happily, then I will always be a black dragon."

After finishing speaking, he let go of Onyxia, and after Onyxia coughed a few times, she still smiled and answered Li Ke.

"of course."

"Let the dragon people be careful."

After Li Ke finished speaking, he walked out quickly. He didn't intend to let Telegosa continue to wander on this land. Although Li Ke was open-minded and not afraid to investigate, what if something was found out?
So he decided to tackle the problem himself.


Telegosa found this place very interesting.

Not only because of those neat looking buildings, but also because of the planning of the city.

The city is quite symmetrical and beautiful.

But she didn't really care much, she just used magic to measure the data of this place, and then came up with some answers that made her very satisfied.

"The specifications of the floor tiles next to the street are the same, and I have heard precise calculations. The specifications of the road are also the same, and the length is just right, and an error parameter is obviously designed, which can be adjusted to a certain extent."

She looked at the floor tiles on the ground. These flat and uniform floor tiles made her very comfortable, and everything around the street was also so standard and flat, which made her very comfortable.

The most important thing is that most of the buildings here use exquisite geometry. She only took a few glances and saw an exquisite designer.

However, when she saw the old town of Taxation Town, which is also the most prosperous place with the most shops, she couldn't help but frown.

The uneven ground, the fully exposed mud and earth pits, and the crooked houses: wood, stone, but even the neatest houses have a kind of crookedness. The feeling, the feeling to her is that it will collapse at any time, but it just reached a delicate balance.

The ground of the old city gave her a feeling that she didn't want to set foot on it. In fact, she didn't blame her, because the sewer in the old city hadn't been built yet, so there was no sewer here.

Even in the Middle Ages, the demolition fee was a huge amount - Li Ke didn't like those three melons and two dates, so he paid the full price for the demolition, but it also directly caused the demolition fee to become huge, so high that he even frowned the point.The messy houses that Telegosa saw were the houses that the townspeople of the tax town showed up to pay for the demolition.

Li Ke originally planned to admit it, but they went too far, so Li Ke chose to shelve the development.

Anyway, the main trading area will be set up in the port in the future, and the general points of the construction here are also average.

Even Telegosa saw some random straw and wood houses in the old city, which made her feel quite uncomfortable, so she stopped and planned to visit the construction site next to it.

She is very interested in the machines used by those people. This kind of machine that does not rely on magic but operates on electricity is a very novel thing to her.

But at this moment, a sound of horseshoes came from behind her, and she also felt a burst of warm and strong energy approaching like the sun.

She turned her head quickly, and what she saw was Li Ke in armor and several elves.

She frowned. She recognized Li Ke. Although she had only seen the portrait, she knew Li Ke's loyalty to the Holy Light and the powerful power of the Holy Light.

"It's time to leave."

Telegosa knew what was going on. Li Ke had invited the elves here. It was impossible for the other party not to know that the female elf, Teresta, who was also called Tai Lei, was guiding the magic net and was planning to build a magic net here. Small mana well.So the appearance of the other party must have discovered something wrong with him.

After all, there are only so many elves now, and the sudden appearance of an elf is very conspicuous.

"Why leave so soon? Miss Elf."

Li Ke didn't know whether Teresta was really going to leave, so he directly asked to stay.But Telegosa's straightforwardness was far beyond his imagination.

Seeing Li Ke looking at him suspiciously, Telegosa chose a showdown.

"Sorry to bother you, but I'm not actually an elf. I'm the blue dragon who came here to investigate the changes in the magic net, the lord of humans. I think you know that this place is very close to the portal of darkness, so you'd better You can have a good discussion with the elves to prevent demons from appearing in this world—I don’t think you want to let the portal of darkness open again.”

Although she has a good impression of Li Ke because of the architectural style here, Telegosa does not intend to say anything to Li Ke, but as the guardian dragon's sense of responsibility, she still intends to remind this human being and leave a Contact information.

She has a very responsible character. In view of the fact that these elves who often make troubles, in the face of the possibility of problems in the future and they don't know, and then cause bigger problems, Telegosa chose to eliminate the problems as much as possible. in the bud.

After all, this place is too close to the Dark Portal!

She took out her scales and sent them to Li Ke's hands with magic.

"Please take this, human lord, if you have any problems with the operation of the magic net, then use this to contact me, but I hope you will not want to use this thing, because before you use this thing At the same time, you will also see the wrath of the dragon."

After speaking, Telegosa planned to leave.

But Li Ke looked at the scales in his hand that were shining with power similar to the power of the black dragon, raised his eyebrows, and then looked up at Telegosa.

"So, you are a dragon?"

The instant he spoke, blue scales appeared on his face.

Blue scales belonging to blue dragons.

The scale only appeared for a moment, and even the people around Li Ke didn't see it.

But Telegosa, who was about to leave, was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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