Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 418 The Power of the Blue Dragon

Chapter 418 The Power of the Blue Dragon
The scale phantom exuding the power of the blue dragon disappeared in an instant.

But Telegosa's whole body was not well. She looked at Li Ke's cheek tightly, felt the scales on Li Ke's hand, and then something that shocked her even more happened!

She felt quite pure blue dragon power in the human body in front of her!
It's just that the power of this blue dragon is quite ethereal and illusory, she is just a dazed effort, this power is overwhelmed by the huge power of holy light on him, and it is already too late to find it?

Absolutely impossible!
Leaving aside the fact that her eyes are very good, the aura she sensed just now must not be faked!
And most importantly, part of the power of the blue dragon on the scales she handed over to Li Ke was consumed, and this part was definitely not as much as the power of the blue dragon that had just flickered on the human being in front of him!
"This is……"

Li Ke frowned, showing a puzzled look, and stroked the dragon scale in his hand.

But he didn't show much, he just looked down at Miss Telegosa standing on the ground with a puzzled expression.

"Sorry, Miss Long, although I personally have a very good sense of you, I still hope that you can stay away from my territory as soon as possible. Although I don't mind your identity as a dragon, there are still many other human beings present. It died in the mouth of the Dragon Clan."

"Of course, I will pay attention to what you said. In fact, we have discussed such things with the elves. They have promised me that the terrible power of magic must be returned to order, but since you remind me, I will do my best. Possibly supervise them."

Li Ke's words woke up Telegosa who was still wondering what the situation was, and made her understand that the humans in front of her, or something else, did not welcome her.

"Of course, I understand you completely."

Telegosa was cold for a moment, Li Ke's understanding made her quite satisfied, but the picture she just saw made her unable to bear to observe Li Ke carefully, wanting to see this paladin who is the same as the incarnation of the holy light , What is the relationship with the blue dragon in the end.

"If this man is really a dragon, he should also be a black dragon. No, how could a black dragon be as kind and just as he is?"

Telegosa also knew what Li Ke had done before, and the black dragon she knew would never do such a thing, so for her, Li Ke was absolutely impossible to be a black dragon.

And this inference is based on the determination that Lady Katrana is from the black dragon. After all, her father was once impersonated by Sir Prestor, and there is a high possibility that she has problems, but they did not find anything abnormal.

But the scales of the blue dragon...

Telegosa looked at Li Ke seriously, but finally couldn't hold back and asked.

"Mr. Li Ke, I want to know, are you good at using arcane magic? It's like this."

Telegosa directly condensed a magic circle in her hand, and then a blue breath appeared, forming a strange ice sculpture in her hand.

"Ha, although I don't know what you want to do, Miss Long, but although I am not a magician, my magical talent is even admired by Princess Jaina. I can show you my magical talent , but please don’t make any more strange requests, after all my people don’t like giant dragons.”

Li Ke held out his hand while maintaining his character design.

Looking at the magic circle released by Telegosa, he couldn't help laughing.

Because the power used by this magic circle is the power of the blue dragon, although he doesn't know the specific function of this magic circle, it is definitely not a simple spell to carve ice sculptures.

Therefore, he quickly synthesized the power of the blue dragon that he just knew the formula in his body, and then activated the magic in his own hand.

The next moment, the fluctuation of magic appeared, and an ice sculpture more exquisite than Telegosa appeared in front of her. However, for Telegosa, the most important thing was not this exquisite and excessive ice sculpture, but ——

The moment he used this magic, Li Ke's eyes shone with the power of a blue dragon!
Others may think it is the light effect of a spell, but she will never admit it wrong!

That is definitely the power of the blue dragon!
But when she was in a daze, Li Ke had already thrown away the ice sculpture in her hand.

The aura of the blue dragon on his body was directly completely covered by the huge aura of holy light, but Telegosa already knew what was going on.

The power on Li Ke is the power of the blue dragon!

She just hid a small magic circle, and Li Ke doesn't need to use that magic circle, as long as he uses arcane energy and tries to cast spells, she can make her blue dragon power resonate with Li Ke, and then confirm that Li Ke Ke's situation.

Then, she really saw that Li Ke's eyes exuded the power of a blue dragon, and it was pure blue dragon power!

But why do humans have the power of blue dragons?
And it's so pure, without any exclusion, as if this human being is born with it!
Just as she was thinking, Li Ke spoke again.

"I've done what you said, Miss Dragon, if you can't keep your promise, I think we have to do something unpleasant."

Li Ke's words were still very polite and distant, and Telegosa, whose thoughts were interrupted, also nodded, and then took a deep breath.

"I see, I'm leaving now."

But when she left, she still couldn't help but glance at Li Ke, because this human being is too special, a human with pure blue dragon power, she really couldn't figure out why.

So amidst the exclamation of the crowd, Telegosa's figure instantly turned into that of a giant dragon, and flew directly towards the sky.

And watching the other party leave, Li Ke was relieved.

If Telegosa had just said 'you are a blue dragon' out of his wits, he would have to find a way to tell more lies to Onyxia.

For example, I don't know why, is it a blue dragon hybrid?Or maybe the other party misunderstood something, after all, where is the power of the blue dragon in his body, isn't it all the power of the black dragon?

Although he can ensure that there will be no loopholes in the lies, lies are lies after all, and there is a risk of being exposed.

"Sure enough, as I thought, when there is no black dragon, the blue dragon is very cautious."

Making this judgment in his heart, Li Ke savored the newly acquired power of the blue dragon in his body, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Like the power of the black dragon, the power of the blue dragon also gave him quite a surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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