Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 512 Wonderful gift 4K

It was really unexpected for Li Ke to feel the embrace of two female Eredars.

Among them, the purple Ariane is called Saloras, whose title and position seems to be the queen, while the red one is Aureses, a high-level warlock among Eredar.

Undoubtedly one of the Burning Legion's top brass, the Demon Chief, one of Kil'jaeden's 'loyal' subordinates.

But how to say?

Just weird.

If you want to say that they are not important, when Kil'jaeden leaves the field in person, he will take the two of them with him, which can be said to be quite important.

But let them do this kind of work similar to prostitutes and mistresses. If they are important, they don't seem to be that important. It can be said to be quite weird.

Either these two women don't care about such things, or Kil'jaeden's bad habits of the Burning Legion as always.


The Burning Legion is quite wasteful in doing things. Li Ke has always been very sure of this. The help he received from the demons, such as Mr. Motor who helped her create a nuclear fusion generator, is like waste among demons. Existence is not valued at all. A great scientist is thrown out abruptly to be a cannon fodder spy without considering talents at all.

So Li Ke was very suspicious, and the reason for these two was the same.

However, what interested him most now was the bound demon.

"You are indeed a good gift, but this succubus, is it the succubus I need?"

Li Ke looked curiously at the succubus being led away by the two of them. Surprisingly, this succubus didn't have the arrogance of ordinary succubi, but rather a kind of tranquility.

"That's right, this is a high-end product. Generally speaking, it is used to seduce the rulers of those planets."

Aureses gently stroked Li Ke's chin with her red arm, and stuck out her tongue, licking Li Ke's cheek.

"Since she was born, she has been instilled with various concepts of abstinence and chastity, and she regards abstinence and self-defense as her own standard, and is cultivated by her ethnic group to like all bright things."


"It's punishment, dear."

Saloras leaned on Li Ke's body, and put Li Ke's hand on her plump and smooth thigh. The first time she saw Li Ke, she knew that Li Ke would definitely like to touch her thigh Yes, and as expected, Li Ke really liked it.

Eredar, or the essence of the Draenei lies in their waists, legs and buttocks. To put it bluntly, they are good mares.

Even the structure is very similar.

Li Ke has never personally experienced a mares, but he has seen a lot of research on mares and ewes in the research of Twilight Cultists...

As a leader and his thirst for knowledge, Li Ke has seen everything.

There is no way, the speed of realizing knowledge in this world is much faster than that of the earth, and Li Ke does not intend to let go of any knowledge.

This knowledge reveals how the Twilight Cultists mixed the advantages and disadvantages of various animals and stabilized them. Although it is very ruinous and the methods used are quite inhumane, it has to be said that these methods are in this world. is really useful.

So naturally I know some amazing knowledge.


Li Ke knows that the succubus in this world is not a simple demon, but a race that seems to be called Sayad.

"That's right, those succubi will imprison the offspring of those who have offended them, so that they cannot enjoy the joy of evil energy, and let them suppress their own nature, and become existences despised by their ethnic groups. A way to turn around."

Olysses added.

And judging from her expression, she really agrees with this statement.

"However, these succubi still have some value. Their bodies are still yearning for destruction and violence, but their rationality and three views make them yearn for light, so it only takes some small tricks to make them be killed by some warriors and the like." and let these warriors see the light in their hearts, and then... it is time for her to kill those lovely righteous warriors with her own hands. After all, their bodies are still demons, and there is no way to control their bodies from being manipulated .”

Saloras followed her sister and told about the usage of these succubus.

"You guys still know how to plan."

Li Ke couldn't help but praised, in all fairness, such a routine can kill a lot of people.

Obviously, the succubi of the Burning Legion are still very powerful.

It's just that other demons are more powerful in cutting people, which makes their status quite embarrassing, so generally speaking, these succubi are responsible for torturing information.

"There is just one thing, master, Sayad is very jealous. Even a succubus who has been cultivated into such a character can't help it. She will give up her life for you, but other people will appear beside you. When you are a woman, you can't help but feel jealous... But what is interesting is that the descendants of these former sinners will also be taught that it is wrong to be jealous of their master's other women, so it will be very painful."

Aureses continued what Saro Lass said, the twins who only have different skin colors seem to be very used to this kind of dialogue, so Li Ke was a little confused when he heard it, but he also felt that it had a different meaning.

But the information they revealed about the succubus still made Li Ke feel interesting.

He caressed the waist and buttocks of the two eredar casually, and asked.

"Succubus is still jealous?"

"Of course, my master, their race is very interesting, and their nature is very cruel, but if they are allowed to live with a male for a long time, as long as the two parties have a little bit of trust and cooperation, as well as the behavior of serving, then these guys will It’s very easy to develop feelings of love.”

Aureise bit Li Ke's ear and opened her mouth, her breathing also became heavy.

Obviously, the gift Kil'jaeden prepared for Li Ke was indeed very sensible.

"Is that so..."

Li Ke has never heard of such a thing, but it doesn't matter.

Since it's a gift, I'll just get to know it slowly in the future.

He looked at the magic book and asked.

"Then what is this? Also, if you are twins, do you have the ability of telepathy?"

Saloras knelt down quietly, stroked Li Ke's legs, and untied Li Ke's clothes.

"That's the method Kil'jaeden gave you to seal Ragnaros. We will help you seal Ragnaros... As for us..."

"Our bodies are also empathetic...but you...you are so cute."

Li Ke: "..."

He took a look at these two people who were nearly four meters tall, and the eredar's body structure, which was different from humans and elves, and it could be said that it was bottomless. He thought about it, what kind of height can be " Tiny is cute'.

You must know that Sironas, who has shrunk her body to the same size as herself, is also a small person in front of her.

No way, the body structure of Eredar is very peculiar.

It's impossible for him to study how to learn how to learn the half-hour-long celestial avatar and use this skill to increase his size because of this kind of thing?
To make up for his lack of height?


Not bad?
Li Ke's mind was blank for a moment, and he wanted to find someone like Muradin to find a way to learn the skill of descending from the gods.After all, compared to human beings, the bodies of Saloras and Aureises are really huge, let alone him.

But fortunately, the bodies of the two of them are slowly getting smaller, and obviously, they are also aware of this problem.

"By the way, you are a paladin, right?"

Just as he was thinking, Aureses spoke again.

"Would you mind showing us your holy light? My sister and I like to be a little bit more painful, and more righteous... okay?"

Li Ke's gaze became sharper.

He pushed Aureise away, his eyes were cold, and he let out a roar.

"Holy Light! These two enemies are worth fighting! Please give me the power to slay demons and destroy evil!"

Later, Sironas and Onyxia also joined the battle.

Only the succubus was left alone, trembling and out of breath listening to the faint voice.

... omitting one hundred thousand words ...

Time passed quickly, and in the morning, the person in charge of monitoring Li Ke found that Li Ke was surrounded by two powerful archmages and a shy and shy maid.

They immediately passed the news back, but unfortunately, no one would care about the news.

After all, there were too many people suddenly appearing around Li Ke, and even the chief officer who received the information just regarded the two new red-haired and blue-haired female mages as a private investment of Dalaran. That's all.

The nobles didn't care either. Although they were still unhappy with Li Ke and would even want to get rid of Li Ke if they had the chance, there was no doubt that they all needed Li Ke's assets to stabilize the situation and contributed to the vote ——Although this incident itself was caused by Li Ke.

In their eyes, what happened this time was entirely because Li Ke wanted to force them to stand in line, but he didn't expect the mob and goblins to be so arrogant, so they urgently joined forces, and planned to kill the goblins first, and then talk about the things between them.

This is also a political rule and a tacit understanding. Even in the ancient barbaric era, the mortal enemies who were fighting at the last moment would not hesitate to put aside their disputes when encountering a surprise attack by a troll or the like. Let's kill the troll first.

For the tribes and noble families who did not do so, died.

So they took it for granted that Li Ke thought this way, and that cooperating with Alsace by default and making them money was Li Ke's sincerity and his solution to the predicament.

After all, everyone knows how much Li Ke's territory has spent, and everyone can see that Li Ke's finances are definitely going to be in trouble.

They felt that this was Li Ke's concession, and because of this, Nefarian and Onyxia, who were in charge of cooperation, both felt very headaches. The demands made by these nobles were really too much. They will make more stringent demands.

For Nefarian, who finally got close to the nobles, one can imagine his stress and irritability.

But when he was going to see Li Ke, he saw Saro Las and Aureses standing behind Li Ke like door gods. demon.

Very strong, very strong, at least I need to fight for a long time to win them!
Looking at the two demons behind Li Ke, Nefarian's vigilance was immediately raised. After glancing at his sister, he still inevitably had some doubts about cooperating with demons.

Because the demon is too strong, a demon of such strength will send it out as a plaything if it is said to be sent out as a plaything, which is really frightening.

Because of this, he was wary of Li Ke's proposal.

But it is absolutely impossible to say that he does not want to unify Black Rock Mountain.

Although in terms of the ability to mass-produce weapons, the Black Iron Dwarves have been beaten by the one-piece stamping machine so that their mothers don't know each other, but in terms of high-end weapon manufacturing, they undoubtedly still have a place.

But even Li Ke would not ignore them.

He will always be in short supply of senior technicians. The experience of these master craftsmen is like a Dinghaishenzhen in any factory.

After all, no matter how advanced a machine is, it is still a human being who uses it.

"So, are you really going to help me control Blackrock Mountain? Help me defeat Ragnaros?"

Li Ke nodded seriously, and put a report in front of Nefarian.

This is a data of how many workers are still lacking in his territory, and an evaluation report of how much food the Burning Plain can produce if it returns to normal arable land.

"That's right, my factory needs a lot of skilled dwarven workers. The number of dwarven workers alone is not enough, and the terrain of the burning plain is also very suitable for growing food. If we can quell the magma and fire on that land, I have Be sure to invite enough night elf druids to help us cultivate the land."

Li Ke is really sure that with Hisaly's presence, he can definitely hook up with the night elves.

Moreover, among the night elves, there are quite a few believers of the Old Gods.


Nefarian looked at Li Ke, then looked at the plan in his hand, and the detailed compilation in it, related proposals about inviting druids to help with greening, and then looked at his sister and the demon around Li Ke .

Their camp, their composition, invite druids to help farm the land? ?

He even plans to ask the green dragon to help if there are conditions? ?
He subconsciously scratched his head, he really didn't understand, what was wrong with Li Ke's brain that he came up with such a plan?

Is it...

Nefarian looked at Li Ke carefully, and couldn't help but have an answer in his mind that he had been skeptical about before but refused to believe.

Is he really a madman?
Um, sorry, I'm too sleepy, I don't wake up until nine o'clock...

That's why I hate drunks...

Take this slowly...

I owe all four books, and it feels too terrible.

The group number is in the introduction, but I don't seem to have released this book?
I'll put it on tonight.

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