Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 513 The Unlucky Mage 4K

"Of course, Your Highness, the fleet from Stormwind City is already coming here, so you will soon be able to get a large amount of sufficient funds, but you also need to prepare what Mr. Li Ke needs."

Sir Prestor spread out his hands, indicating that he was ready.

"That's good. In addition, but, Prestor, are there any problems with the orcs? I heard that the orcs have all gone to Alterac."

Alsace was very curious about this matter.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, the orcs won't affect us, after all, they can't protect themselves now."

Arthas was still very vigilant about the orcs, because many of the art of war he learned when he was a child was against the orcs. He remembered these things very clearly, so he naturally understood the threat and capabilities of the orcs very well.

Because of this, he has a lot of fear of orcs.

"As long as you are ready."

Alsace nodded, intending to skip this matter, the orcs are just, it has nothing to do with his career, if these orcs don't have eyes, he will have time to deal with those orcs.

However, at this moment, Prestor suddenly spoke.

"By the way, Your Highness, you should know about Luo Ning, right?"

Alsace was stunned for a moment, wondering why Prestor suddenly brought up this matter.

"I know, what's wrong?"

Deathwing chuckled.

"The trace of the mage appeared in Alterac... So I would like to ask you to write a letter to everyone in Dalaran, asking them to arrest Rhonin as soon as possible. After all, we can explain the right and wrong, can't we?"

Alsace frowned. He thought for a while, wondering if the man in front of him was trying to eliminate dissidents, targeting Ronin, who had defeated him once.

But for the current Arthas, he knew very well that he needed the power of Deathwing, so he nodded after thinking for a while.


The most important thing is that he also has enmity with those people.

He will remember Farric's death forever!

Seeing that His Royal Highness agreed, Deathwing's smile became brighter and brighter.

And in the distant Alterac, Rhonin's current state is not very good.

"damn it……"

Luo Ning looked at Krasus lying weakly in the cave, feeling very helpless.

In order to save them before, Krasus was directly shot through the body by the bed crossbow, and he was already very weak. After escaping from that small town, they rushed towards Dalaran non-stop.

But unfortunately, the mages of Dalaran refused to take them in, because they had indeed attacked the prince of Lordaeron just now, and no one dared to take the risk of offending Lordaeron and let the three of them in.

Krasus's injuries were already under control, but when they landed in Alterac, a group of Alterac troops who had degenerated into thieves attacked them. Their bed crossbows were strangely smeared with dragon-targeting poison, so Krasus fell to the ground directly. They also learned that the three of them were wanted and had to hide in the mountains.

In this place, not to mention the lack of oil and salt, it can be said that there is nothing. If Vereesa's ranger is not superb, or just relying on his lame food creation skill, they would have starved to death long ago.

Moreover, creating food cannot solve all problems. After all, creating food is essentially arcane energy. Although it can provide a temporary sense of satiety and taste in the mouth, there is no doubt that it is.

This thing is really not nutritious. After a while, the structure of the spell is destroyed by stomach acid, and the arcane energy that makes up the food will be destroyed. It is simply that it can temporarily give the hungry people strength and not be hungry.

Of course, it can also serve as a seasoning.

But it's a pity that he can only make small snacks, so every time he sees that Vereesa uses creamy snacks to make spicy and salty barbecue, and it does have a creamy texture and taste, he feels uncomfortable for a while.

The taste is so weird!

His resentment towards Deathwing is even deeper now, because if it hadn't been for Deathwing's troubles, he wouldn't have been brought over by Krasus, and if he hadn't been brought over by Krasus, he wouldn't have been burned by the mess, and because of this, he wouldn't have been wanted and hunted down.

If it wasn't for being wanted and hunted down, he should be living a life away from everyone with his girlfriend Vereesa in the house he built with her, and he has even entered the stage of going to bed now, not the stage of just holding hands!
But Luo Ning thought about it, and all his tragic experiences came from Krasus asking him to investigate Deathwing and save the Red Dragon Queen.

Although he didn't regret saving the Red Dragon Queen, but thinking about it now, no matter how he thought about it, it was Krasus, a bastard, who asked him to die.

Therefore, Master Luo Ning, who was holding the wooden pillar, couldn't help but chant.

"I shouldn't have come to Dalaran to study from the very beginning. If I hadn't come to Dalaran to study, I wouldn't have ended up in such a sad place..."

Vereesa, who was using Ronin to make a salty, creamy snack barbecue, couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and looked at Krasus, who was also speechless, and finally spoke to Ronin.

"Okay, stop talking about it over there, Krasus's injuries have stabilized, and we will be able to find out the truth soon."

She was speechless to Luo Ning. Of course, she also knew that the reason why Luo Ning would be so thoughtful was simply because the other party felt that this made her suffer. Otherwise, this guy who can roast chicken with fireball skills would care about such a small problem.

"Deathwing's plot must be foiled, you know, Ronin."

Krasus just looked at his disciple calmly, and couldn't help feeling amused.

Once again, he witnessed how great a change love can bring to people, and because of this, he was very happy to see the progress of his students.

After all, although he is a red dragon, he is also a mage of Dalaran. He also likes Dalaran very much, otherwise he would not stay there for decades and continue to cultivate reliable people in Dalaran.

He has always felt that the advantage of human beings is that they, like dragons, have the will and knowledge inherited from the previous generation, as well as the continuous burst of enthusiasm.

Like him, when he researches a topic, after more than 100 years of no progress, his enthusiasm will inevitably be wiped out.

But human beings, although many of them can only persist for more than ten years or even a few years, countless human beings will become interested in a subject and get the progress of the previous generation.

Although it will cause the tragedy of "the wheel was invented" many times, and the things studied by the previous generation will be researched again, but the enthusiasm will always exist.

The enthusiasm of one person may not be able to solve a difficult problem, but the enthusiasm of hundreds of thousands of people, the knowledge of hundreds of thousands of years, and the urgent need to solve the problem are all the reasons for the rapid development of the human race.

For Krasus, the definition of a human being is someone who has a short lifespan but is always full of enthusiasm. He once saw one of his students study a subject for decades, then returned to his hometown disheartened to marry and have children.

But the dragons can't do it. The dragons are too long-lived and too powerful. Even if they don't solve some problems by themselves, they can solve them directly through their own strength. Therefore, countless dragons don't care much about learning spells.

After studying spells for a whole year, the power cannot even reach that of a casual breath, and the Aspect Dragon's own ability is even more powerful, and the Red Dragon's Fire is even more unmatched by any arcane spells.

Under such circumstances, it is simply impossible for the Dragon Race to have the same enthusiasm as humans.

Because dragons are different from human beings, human beings don't have enough time and strength to resist the threats of nature, so they can discover more things in this world and research things that they don't even know.

After all, from the very beginning——

Krasus raised his head and looked towards the sky.

"The goal of the guardian dragon is to save the whole world, Ronin, I know I'm sorry for this, but it must be done."

He looked at his student with some guilt. This young human should not have shouldered these responsibilities, as well as Deathwing's little hostility.

That's right, a little hostility, Krasus is very clear, although Ronin defeated Deathwing's conspiracy, Deathwing never took Ronin seriously, because no matter how powerful Ronin was, it was absolutely impossible to defeat Deathwing.

The reason why he was able to defeat the opponent was entirely due to his own carelessness, coupled with a coincidence.

So Deathwing would not directly attack Ronin, but would play Ronin like a cat playing with a mouse, letting him go to his own death.

And all of this should have been his responsibility.

Luo Ning scratched his head in embarrassment. He knew this, and the reason why he complained was because he couldn't think of any other way to break the situation.

"Yes yes yes, I know, but now we have no clue at all! We all know that guy is definitely Deathwing, but we don't have any evidence, even the proof from Dalaran proves that he is a human being... Why does King Terenas still want him to be the prince's sidekick even though he knows this?"

Luo Ning was puzzled. He respected and admired Terenas very much, because it was under the governance of Terenas that his parents, a pair of farmers turned businessmen, were able to send him to school in Dalaran.

Although he spent most of his own expenses with scholarships and dissertation bonuses, there was no doubt that before the orcs invaded, Lordaeron was indeed a place full of milk and honey.

Of course Krasus knew what it was because of the money. The black dragon was very rich. These dragons could naturally dig out all the treasures in the earth, but money was really nothing to them, so they didn't care about money.

But as long as any black dragon wants to, it can fill a treasure house with gold in a year or two.

It's just that the black dragons in the past would not do this, because gold and gems are also part of the leylines, and the current black dragons will not do this, because money is meaningless to them.At most, they would be placed in one's own treasure house as decorations, to attract mortals.

That's all, no serious black dragon would waste time on gold.

But for humans, it's different.

"Things for you humans are always complicated."

Krasus's tone was a bit bitter, but just as they were about to continue chatting, a voice suddenly came from outside. Vereesa immediately turned over and picked up her sword and bow. Ronin also immediately stood in front of the weak Krasus lying on the ground. He had already prepared a teleportation spell in his hand. If he encountered any problem that they could not solve, he would immediately transfer everyone to another place.

Although the place of landing is unknown and the long-term is uncertain, it is better than being directly trapped in a cave and killed.

And these voices came to them very quickly, and after seeing the person clearly, Luo Ning was almost suffocated.Because when these people came in front of them, he felt a strange wave of energy.

When the energy fluctuation dissipated, he saw...

Orcs, a whole army of orcs!

A team of hundreds of orcs!

Vereesa bit her lip. She knew that these days of hunting and the harsh environment had lowered her vigilance, but she didn't expect it to be so low.

But Krasus knew why these orcs hadn't been discovered. His knowledge was much better than that of Ronin, and he immediately realized that the other party was using the most orthodox elemental spells, even more exquisite than those of some elemental lords!

Who is it?

Krasus looked at these orcs suspiciously, and decided to send Ronin and Vereesa away even if he risked his own death.

However, at this moment, a hooded orc walked over holding a hammer that shone with powerful elemental power. As soon as he appeared, everyone felt his difference. Those blue eyes shone with kindness, instead of being silent and bloody like other orcs.

He stood up, stretched out his hand to the three of them, and spoke in a gentle tone.

"My spies told me that there is a powerful mage and an elf moving with another injured elf here, and they have been attacked by the Syndicate, so I wonder if they, like me, have heard the prophecy about Alsace, the death sword, and whether I can help them, or help each other."

Luo Ning stood up directly. He looked at the orc in front of him, stiffened his neck and spoke.

"I'm afraid, it is the greatest help for us that you leave directly."

He could clearly see that Vereesa on one side was praying to her dead brother before the battle.

This is the rhythm of a battle to the death.

But the orc in front of him didn't give up because of these attitudes, he still stretched out his hand.

"But maybe we can go a step further and get what we need from each other... I need your help, mage, I want to save a person, a human girl. As a price, I can provide you with enough food and supplies. And the most important thing is..."

The orc looked at Krassu behind Luo Ning.

"...I have someone who knows how to heal a dragon's wounds, and, for you, the most important thing is to thwart Deathwing's plot to corrupt Arthas, isn't it?"

Rhonin's breathing stagnated, the orcs in front of him were really different, and they were indeed desperate, so he thought for a while, and under Vereesa's unbelievable gaze, he walked up to the orc in front of him and stretched out his hand.


The orc didn't care about Luo Ning's awkward look, but instead showed a smile, and took the initiative to hold Luo Ning's hand.


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