Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 539 The Heart of the Confused

Li Ke fell into a strange feeling again.

He felt like he had lost his purpose.

To be precise, he felt confused when he watched Alsace's actions.

Although he didn't see Alsace's treatment of his letter with his own eyes, when he wrote the letter, Li Ke knew that his letter would never be taken seriously by Alsace.

No matter what kind of situation he said, Alsace would not take it seriously, he would only think that he was a coward.

Even, this letter will only bring countless troubles to Li Ke——

Whether the demons care or not, this is a betrayal of the demon's plan.

Even a betrayal of one's own plan and layout.

But Li Ke still did this, decided to do this with his own will, even though stopping Alsace would not do him any good, and even completely violated his decision from the beginning, he still did this.

In other words, he did something irrational and betrayed himself with his own reason and will, without reason or reason, when he should not have done so at all.

But he felt no regrets, even after sending it, he felt lost and helpless.

Because he knew that Alsace would not listen to him, but he still held 'what if? ' thought to do it.

and so.

Li Ke couldn't see himself clearly.

Generally speaking, people can only see themselves clearly when they are in trouble, because at this time, people will start to reflect on their own actions and thoughts.Only those who fall into a difficult situation and still think calmly can truly understand what they lack.

But Li Ke's current situation has no doubt that it has nothing to do with the predicament. He has the right and left, and he has no problem joining any force. Ke's body, but Li Ke has never had any substantive communication with this moon god.

After all, Li Ke thought that he could not fulfill the request of the Moon God—spontaneous love for all life in the world.

He can love a night elf lady who is tall, well-proportioned and powerful, with purple and pink skin, beautiful and wild and calm, or a high elf with blonde hair and blue eyes, proud but excellent, and open and enthusiastic.

Can also love serious jokes, and serious evil eredar.

Of course, you can also love the most thoughtful, but also the most energetic human beings.

Even Naga is not bad, as long as he is beautiful enough, Li Ke's XP system can be updated infinitely, with enough benefits and benefits, he is willing to try Miss Centaur.

But, things like cockroaches, mice, sorry, he really can't love them.

After all, you have to admit that although things like cockroaches and mice are annoying, they are actually an indispensable part of the macro ecosystem. If the mice die, then there will be many kinds of animals that will face food shortages. If there is not enough food, they have to hunt more other things, which will cause a devastating blow to the existing ecological circle.

To make a very inappropriate and unscientific analogy, it is a raptor that can live by catching mice. After more hunting without mice, other birds and insects will be unlucky. Even these "raptors" were originally Mice were selected because it was difficult to catch birds, and thus degenerated, and many had to eat insects and the like.

Then the bees died inexplicably, and the more aggressive wasps barely survived, but because of this, more insects were unlucky-the wasps eat meat.

With the disappearance of insects in large areas, the birds that catch insects are even more unlucky, more are attacked, and more die.

Afterwards, the plants began dying because of the disappearance of insects and birds, unable to disperse their own seeds and the next generation.

The entire biosphere will be turbulent for countless years.

Of course, it is unscientific to say this, because the ecological circle can be self-regulated, unless it is true that all the mice disappeared in an instant, or many ecological niches disappeared directly in hundreds of years.Otherwise, such a situation will not occur.

But although Li Ke knew this truth, he still didn't like mice. His city spent a lot of money to raise a lot of dogs just to catch mice.

That's right, using dogs to catch mice, because cats will be passive and sabotage, and they can't be tamed at all, is not suitable for large-scale use to catch mice. On the contrary, dogs are more professional in catching mice, only in relatively narrow places. Li Ke's mouse catching The team will let the cat out.

It is almost equal to the difference between regular troops and external mercenaries - external mercenaries always have to have some unique skills.

In fact, this matter is not too outrageous, Druid also does not like to have mice in his house, but it is mainly because of his attitude.Druids don't like rats, but they do love nature.

But the way Li Ke loves nature and life is a little different.

He wanted as many chickens as possible - so that their corpses and souls would give him more fel energy and souls, as well as enough meat to eat.

He hoped that the more people the better, the happier the life would be—so that more people could serve him.

He hopes that the more plants the better, the more lush the better—so that he has countless grains, seasonings, wood, and various raw materials.

It would be polite for Luna not to come down and kill him directly.

Luna's request is that you don't talk about whether you can do it or not, you must love it first.

And Li Ke's demand is, let's not talk about whether you like it or not, you should get the production up first.

So he actually didn't deal with Luna very well, and because of this, he didn't have much contact with Luna.

However, the matter of Luna will wait until later, and the thing he is most confused about now is still one thing.

"Do I still have a conscience?"

Li Ke didn't quite understand this matter. He kept thinking and analyzing himself, and finally came to this conclusion.

He still has the rare thing of conscience.

"So am I being honest and honest, or is it the influence of my education? Or is it both? No, I am very clear about the motives of my actions. I am not for their benefit, but simply , I know the consequences, I know what terrible scenes oppressing them will cause, I just want to last forever... Then why do I have to remind Alsace? This does not conform to the logic of my actions."

Li Ke is very clear that ordinary people cannot get out of their own limitations. To be exact, everyone is the same. They are influenced by their own knowledge, the environment in which they grew up, and the knowledge and technology of this era. .

Any great man, their knowledge may be able to far exceed the people of the current time, but they will never be able to transcend the times, let alone the world.

He does things with the shadow of the world he grew up in and the education he received, which is really quite normal.

He is the savior of this world, but he is also an ordinary person in his own world.

It's normal to have a little conscience, because he knows what the consequences of not having a conscience are, then——

This is a magical world, and he alone can suppress those who want to resist with absolute force.

He doesn't need a conscience, and he doesn't need to worry about the resistance of those ordinary workers.

He doesn't need to be so good.

"Why should I care what will happen to this world? What is it that supports my efforts? Fear? But they can't defeat me by force!"

He could no longer understand, what was he afraid of?Only then will he restrain the giant capital beast he created, which can let him live happily?
Does he really have a conscience?
Li Ke was confused by this.

The next chapter is coming later...

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