Does he have a conscience, or is he hypocritical?

Li Ke couldn't tell the difference anymore.

He knew that Alsace would not listen to him, but he still sent the letter hypocritically. This was undoubtedly hypocrisy, because Alsace would only be provoked.

But when he was sending and writing letters, he really hoped that Arthas would obey his words and delay the appearance of the Lich King, because in this case, in this case...


Unless it's a miracle.

Li Ke took a deep breath, he was sure that he was a hypocrite.He just hopes that his conscience can get by, and he doesn't want to make himself regret it.

In this way, in the future, he can have a clear conscience.

'I persuaded you'

He can say so confidently at that time.

"It seems that I am indeed a hypocrite..."

But at this moment, Li Ke suddenly heard a gentle voice.

"Actually, you don't need to treat yourself so harshly. You are indeed a kind person, child."

Li Ke's eyes widened suddenly, and he found again that he had not properly controlled the energy around him because of his restlessness!Let those representatives of the Force hear their own voices!Feel your emotions!

Do you have to hinder me? !
Li Ke cursed angrily in his heart, but he also knew that it was not Alsace who hindered him.

is himself.

"How much have you heard?"

Li Ke quickly calmed down, and he adjusted his breathing so that he would not be so excited.

"I didn't hear you, boy, because all my exes told me you didn't like us hearing your voice, so I didn't."

Shengguang's voice spoke softly, and Li Ke also felt that a warm feeling was surrounding him, protecting his thoughts from being heard by anyone.

Even the Holy Light itself.

"What about their people?"

Li Ke didn't know what to say. He was not familiar with the will of the representative of the Holy Light. Does this mean...

Shengguang's voice spoke, and her tone was full of pride and sadness.

"For the justice of the world, he left us."


Li Ke didn't know what to say. These representatives of the Holy Light would always be like this, dedicating themselves for a moment of justice, so that every time he contacted the Holy Light, the will of the Holy Light would change.

He won't do the same hypocrisy as they do...

What can he do?
Li Ke was silent, he found that his behavior of writing to Alsace seemed to be hypocrisy.

"Do you seem to be doubting your own heart and your own efforts? Child."

Shengguang's voice was very gentle, and it also made Li Ke irritated.

Because he is telling the truth.

Only the truth that you don't want to hear can be annoying.

"Are you unable to see the path in front of you and why you are working hard?"

Now Li Ke was even more irritable.

Li Ke thinks this is absurd. His career is booming, and his career is advancing to a critical point. He is also very aware of the disadvantages of being confused at this time. He absolutely should not, nor can he be confused, nor should he have such thoughts .

But, damn it, he was lost.

Because he felt that there was no difference between himself and Alsace.

Alsace thought he could succeed.

He thought so too.

Arthas thought his path was the right one.

He thought so too.

Alsace felt that everyone else was stupid, only he saw the world clearly.

He thought so too.

Arthas loathes the Holy Light.

He also loathes the Holy Light.

Arthas employs people in a different way, and he...

more excessive.

Therefore, when Li Ke saw the transformation of Alsace and the inevitable slide into the abyss, he was confused.

He clearly knew the reason, and knew that he shouldn't be confused, but he was.

He also knows that he should be confident and strong, he should be firm and proud in the face of his goals, and he should firmly believe in what he insists on!
He understands this very well.

But his mood and thoughts are not changed by how much he knows.

It made him feel that he was still that powerless person, a person who couldn't change his nature and cowardice.

This made him very irritable.

Especially being seen by others, by people he is upset with——

holy light.

But just when he was about to cut off the connection, the will of the Holy Light spoke.

"My suggestion is, go on, son. Although we may not meet again in the future, you are indeed a good boy. You are covered with bruises, but you are still willing to believe in the light, and the reason why you feel irritable is because Because you are facing something you are not willing to do... something that goes against your nature, causing you to deny yourself and not willing to forgive yourself—you think you are the same as Alsace, right?"

To shut up!

Li Ke roared these words in his heart, but he didn't yell out, he just adjusted his breathing.

Also because he didn't interrupt, Shengguang's will continued.

"I know that mortals are different from us. You have all kinds of desires and temptations. If you feel that you are addicted to them and cannot get rid of them, it is a sin, but you have to be clear that there is nothing wrong with yearning for a better life. A beautiful life in your own heart, satisfying your own desires, as long as it does not hurt other people, then this is definitely not a mistake. Because this is your life, your path, your life, I have seen the lives of countless mortals, they have People don't even have the concept of good and evil, but they still feel happy and happy, which is not shameful. Children, holy light, and kindness are the privileges of intelligent life, and they should be adapted to local conditions. Every race, every person The environment you encounter is different, and the form of the holy light will naturally be different, so you don't have to hate yourself and the holy light so much. At least—”

Her voice became weak. Even here, Li Ke could know that her life was about to end. He didn't know what the other party was facing, but according to the characters of the naru, it was either to save lives or to kill Back to the dark.

"—You know introspection, you know that you are doing something wrong. Children, introspection is an extremely noble virtue. Even us Naru, many of us don't have this virtue. You don't need to be harsh on yourself, you have done a good job I don't know what you're going to do, but since you're going to feel bad and reflect on yourself about it, it proves a thing."

Her voice became softer and fainter, and Li Ke realized that this was the last voice of this naru.And it really didn't disappoint his expectations. Although he didn't bother, the voice began to become difficult to detect.

"You are still kind. Your path will definitely not hurt more people, but can bring more people happiness. So why don't you do it? Why deny your own nature?"

At this time, Li Ke had to use more force to perceive the voice of the Naru, but to his astonishment, a sharp, golden crystal fragment suddenly appeared in front of him, And that Naru's voice became clear again.

"May the Holy Light shine on your path forever, child, you are not the only one who struggles here, there are many children like you who can use different or even opposing forces at the same time, your struggle, and Not alone. Good and evil, always one."

The golden crystal carried a warm light. Li Ke looked at this crystal fragment with complex eyes, although the power of the holy light still remained, but the will on it had completely dissipated, and subconsciously sighed.

He subconsciously infiltrated his power into this fragment.

"Unfortunately, I reflect because I am still sentimental about this kind of thing, not because I think I did something wrong."

As his power penetrated into the fragments of the naru, countless phantoms began to appear in front of his eyes. This is the encouragement of this unknown naru to him, and it is also what she did:

She blew herself up in order to prevent a planet from being polluted by the power of shadow. The death was vigorous and incomparably great. For the battle between light and dark, she once again set up a monument, preventing the shadow from letting a civilization completely fall into the pursuit of desire. .

Very great, very gentle, and very just.

But it also made the necklace on Li Ke's hand that had been burning his skin even more tingling, making him want to vomit.

This necklace would make him feel tingling every time he hesitated and recalled the past. Li Ke knew it was a psychological effect, but he didn't take it away.

Because every sting can make him recall what happened to him here, everything and everything.

Being excluded, persecuted, and treated differently, I even become distorted and cowardly because of the situation here, and even have distorted emotions towards the other party because they only treat me fairly.

He hesitates in doing things, not decisive at all, looking forward and backward, hysterical, as humble as dust, as twisted as maggots.

That's too humble, too disgusting, and thinking that such a person is actually his former self, he can't help but want to vomit, and he will strengthen his heart.

He will never turn back into a maggot like that again.


"Ridiculous Holy Light, your gentleness is meaningless, Naaru. Although your sacrifice is respectable,... it is still nothing more than a struggle for the Force."

He made an assessment.

That's right, although Shengguang's words were gentle and credible, Li Ke didn't listen to them from the very beginning, because his problem was not with what Naru said.

Although some of the other parties were right, Li Ke was not the kind of person who would be excited by just a few words.

Moreover, Naru's deeds are great, and this Naru is also very down-to-earth, but Li Ke can see it clearly.

The other party's tenderness, the other party's understanding of mortals.

It is precisely the question of the Holy Light.

Li Ke is very sure of this.

Because, when he infiltrated his spirit and power into Naaru's body, he discovered something different.

"Come out, other powers."

Looking at the fragments of Naaru's body, he gave the order of his own volition.

The next moment, an unbelievable situation appeared.

Among the body fragments made entirely of naaru, power that does not belong to the Holy Light emerged.

The power of shadow, the power of fel, the power of arcane, the power of life, and even the power of death.

These powers affect this naaru, making her less aggressive, and even able to understand mortals, those who have no wisdom.

In a sense, this naaru—

"Not loyal, not pure... Even the Naaru of the Holy Light is like this, then..."

Li Ke is actually not surprised by this. Naru himself is a body of light and darkness, and can also use arcane magic. It is not surprising that other powers will appear.

But there are other forces in the body besides shadow, arcane, and holy light, which proves Li Ke's idea.

"...Can I think that the original force determines a person's character and choice, the holy light and shadow that created the world in the beginning may not necessarily be life and death, but also evil energy and arcane magic. Both growth and Perdition, the collision of disorder and order."

"So, who created this world? Or who is the ultimate answer to the world? And what are the specific differences between these forces?"

"Everyone is one body with two sides, and everyone has each other's energy, so can I think that the battle of creation is still going on?"

"Any creature in this universe can be regarded as a pawn of the original force. The original force is everywhere. The six original forces exist in the human body, soul, and exist in any corner of the world. There is no completely pure force. , there is no completely opposite force, holy light, evil energy, arcane, life, death, shadow, they are mixed together, there is me in you, and you in me, they are all eager to overwhelm other forces, always Fighting, and therefore, created this world? Has it created people with various personalities?"

"Those with a lot of origin force tend to be inclined to a certain origin force and show the characteristics of the origin force, while those with a small amount of origin force will also be stimulated by other environments and the soul, resulting in some Sometimes, in certain places, the proportion of the force in your body changes? And then it shows different performance?"

"But this world is a magical world, and there is an absolute powerhouse, that is Azeroth, that is to say, whether it is Sargeras or other people, no matter what thoughts they have, What kind of reason, in the end, is actually just that the original forces they represent want the power of Azeroth? That is, to gain the dominance of the world?"

"Then what is so special about Azeroth? Why am I special? Azeroth is special because of the soul. In the setting, she has incredible power because of the abundance of soul elements. Everyone covets her." If the soul is strong, it can greatly reduce the influence of the original force? Otherwise, there is no need for them to use such a terrible method."

Whether it's fel energy or shadow, what they think is to pollute Azeroth, even holy light, arcane and life are no exception, almost all powers are deployed on Azeroth.

The Titans represent Arcane, Elune represents Life, the Warden represents Death, Sargeras represents Fel Energy, the Old Gods represent Shadow, and the Naaru represent Light.

These things all have their own arrangements on Azeroth.

"No, strong soul power does not necessarily have this effect, but my specialness must be due to my race, which has never been affected by the original force."

Li Ke looked at the fragment of Naru in his hand. He had always regarded Naru as the representative of the force of the Holy Light, but now it seems that this is not the case.

He knew that his thoughts were a little too arrogant and whimsical.

But since Naru's body is not pure, is his conjecture possible?
Li Ke closed his eyes. Although he had been guessing all the time, but this time because of Naru's body, he had thought for so long and rounded up his thoughts. It was indeed the first time he was able to convince himself theory.

Then, he naturally came to a conclusion.

"Then, my current situation is that if I don't work hard, even if I don't want to turn to any force, then getting the force of Azeroth will force me to rely on the victorious one." Force?"

The power of Azeroth is absolute, and both the Warden and Sargeras' yearning for the power of Azeroth illustrate this point.

Well, if he messes things up and allows a principle to truly control the world, then even if he escapes to the depths of the universe, to a place where Sargeras can't find him, he will still be forced to make a choice .

At that time, he had no choice.

The rest of the force will be completely devoured by the winner in one go!


Who is qualified to stop all this?

Li Ke looked at the palm of his hand, the six original forces gathered and formed in his hands, and the five elemental forces of fire, water, earth, wind, and soul were in the middle of the six original forces. Under Li Ke's manipulation, they formed a The look of Azeroth.

Only him.

Only he, who will never be bewitched or influenced by the Six Forces, can do this and make the Six Forces never win.

He is the only one.

He is unique, only he can do this in this world.

He is not the savior of humanity, not the savior of this planet.

He is the savior of the whole world, all the Force, all intelligent life, and all non-intelligent life.

He doesn't need to hesitate because he is the only savior.

He doesn't need to feel guilty, because this is the only way and choice for more people to survive in this world.

He doesn't need to feel ashamed to satisfy his desire, because he deserves it.

It shouldn't be that he thinks he is like Alsace, but that Alsace is like him!
Because Arthas is bound to fail, he can never save his kingdom, he doesn't have that power!
And he, Li Ke, has it.

Everything he does will be correct and unquestionable.

He and Alsace have the same gap as Tianyuan, an insurmountable gap.

Li Ke closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his wrist was no longer hurt by the necklace.

He may later feel sad about having to sacrifice others, and feel guilty about having to sit back and watch tragedy happen.

But he won't hesitate any longer.

Because he is the only savior.

The only true savior of this universe, this world.


I will not hesitate any longer.

I will take your curses on me, your anger and resentment towards me!

I am the one who truly rules the world!
Only I have this qualification!

But I will give you the biggest funeral ever!

This world that I loathe will be destroyed by me together with you.

and so--

"Please for my cause."

"Die like a clown."

Well, this chapter is 5k, because if you don’t finish it, many people will probably scold you, so you can finish it in one go.In fact, I don't want to write so many psychological descriptions in this chapter, but Li Ke and Alsace are indeed very similar. Both of them feel that they are right, and they both use people by unscrupulous means.Li Ke saw that Alsace was so determined to march towards the abyss in one breath for the sake of "goodness", and he had no way to do it, so he would inevitably have self-doubt, doubting whether he was also heading towards destruction.So Li Ke had to go beyond Alsace, or to put it another way, beyond his doubts and doubts, as well as his inferiority complex.

Just like Alsace wants to surpass him, but unfortunately my writing skills may not be enough?It didn't appear that the two paths were actually the same.


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