Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 556 Epic and Ordinary

Chapter 556 Epic and Ordinary

However, for Li Ke, it was more exciting.

Because although he still felt sorry for Alsace, he also knew that Alsace was hopeless.

His arrogance has prevented him from establishing the absolutely correct kingdom in his mind.

And until a certain point.

Absolute correctness does not belong to humans.

Because most of the time, leaders don’t understand what absolute correctness means.

Correctness is also relative.

The correctness of ministers, the correctness of common people, and the correctness of leaders are never the same thing.Even a person's view on whether something is correct or not will change after experiencing a series of events.

Li Ke clearly saw this in himself and clearly saw this in other people.

People are chaotic and changing.

It is both uncontrollable and controllable.

The difference is whether they can accept that you are right.

Alsace's actions would not have been successful even without his obstruction.

Maybe he can indeed build an empire that is proud of being undead, and build a just and clean country with the undead at its core.

But this country does not rely on systems and morality, but on its own power.

Let’s not talk about whether there is a conspiracy in the source of his power.

It is impossible to manage an entire country with one person's wisdom.

Just the development and construction of a western wilderness, as well as foreign trade operations, made Li Ke wish he could divide it into hundreds of people.

Does he really want to use black dragons, demons, and cultists as his team?Does he really not know that these people are completely untrustworthy and cannot be his basic strength?

But he doesn’t have that much energy, nor that much knowledge and ability to handle everything!

People will get tired, and they will be worn away by trivial matters and wear away their original ideals and wishes!
Li Ke did not deny this at all. When Alsace repeatedly dealt with the same mistakes and problems countless times, he would definitely get tired and bored!

He doesn't have that kind of patience!
There is no doubt about this. Human nature is inherently selfish. Alsace's moral standards are not as high as he thinks. When people who don't have enough positions appreciate his talent and his creations, then he will become It's not surprising that he has any kind of twisted appearance, and the most terrifying thing is that in his system, no one can accuse him of his mistakes, and no one has the same status as him.

In the long period of time and history, he will inevitably be corrupted!

What's more, his power was given by others, and this world is not a garden where he can dance freely!
The correct future that Alsace saw was exactly the utopia that existed only in fantasy due to his lack of experience and lack of knowledge!

Although his passion makes people yearn for and miss him, no matter when or where, Alsace's actions can only be said to be unrealistic!
He did see great things, but he tried in vain to reduce the soil and pillars that support the emergence of those great things, and use external forces to solve all problems!

This in itself is a big problem!

Spontaneous power that is not your own can never be relied upon!

The holy light comes from the spirit and will fluctuate with the changes of the spirit.

The same is true for the shadow force. Neither of them is stable enough. They will save you when you need it because of your emotions, and they will also abandon you because of your emotions.

The power of pure life has no order at all, while the power of death is the end of everything, fair but too cruel.In the hands of powerful people, there are not many negative effects, but for mortals living in the material world, it is so terrifying.

The power of arcane is cold and realistic, while the power of evil is cruel and powerful.

But no matter which one of them, they are all chess players competing for the material world.

"From the beginning to the end, Alsace, you have not understood that only those who can stand by your side are the ones you can rely on."

In his opinion, it was much easier for Alsace to form his own force than it was for him. Even though he was prospering now, everyone knew one thing.

He, Li Ke, is playing with fire.

So just like using evil energy, the closer he is to the edge of losing control, the stronger his power becomes.

It's just that most people don't know that he really has the ability to flip the chessboard.

But what made him feel ironic was that Arthas began his own fall because of his achievements in playing with fire.

This is simply a big joke.

Li Ke's thoughts have basically become clear. At this time, he no longer has any psychological pressure over the inevitable destruction of Lordaeron, because he has completely seen clearly that even if there is no Burning Legion, no one else will intervene. , Terenas' eldest son Arthas will also completely ruin his family's wealth, and bring about the end of Lordaeron.

The reason is not what Alsace does, but the prosperous kingdom of Lordaeron, which is already rotten internally, and other countries are even worse, which makes Lordaeron look so stable.

But at this time, as long as a shrewd, capable king with his own strong ambition comes to power, then everything will be over like dry wood and fire.

"It's ironic..."

Li Ke recalled the information he had seen during this period, and walked into the living room with words like this that made Grayson feel confused.

In the living room, Veresa was looking at Li Ke angrily, with only two words on her face.


Illegal drugs do not cause memory loss, so she also knew the experience of almost being drugged by Li Ke.

In fact, they had already touched each other. Just because she called Luo Ning's name, Li Ke bent the thing aside in an instant.

So although Vereesa was unhappy with Li Ke, she didn't have much ill feeling, because it wasn't Li Ke's fault at all.

Although what the Barov mother and daughter did was dirty, from their standpoint, what they did was really within the scope of the noble rules.

This is nothing at all.

The ones with problems are those of my own race who have bad brains!

In this matter, what Vereesa hates most is Emniel, the bastard and pimp!
Why are there people in this world who are willing to be slaves and yet become happy! ?

Li Ke just did what human beings would do in her memory, and it didn't make her feel any more bad for Li Ke. Of course, it was absolutely impossible to have any good feelings for him.

"It looks like we can still talk to each other, Miss Vereesa."

Li Ke looked at the calm Vereesa and nodded, then sat on the seat opposite her.

"I am here to apologize to you for the reckless behavior of my subordinates. If I had known that you were the famous Vereesa, we would not have been so unhappy. Of course, I also hope that you can understand my subordinates, because To us, elves are indeed such noble beings, especially people like you."

Li Ke casually complimented Vereesa and revealed the matter of Barov and his daughter. After all, the Barovs and their daughters are still human beings, and Kel'Thuzad dared to send them here, which shows that These two people are definitely not as crazy as in the plot.

Therefore, Li Ke felt that it was not impossible to protect himself.

"Of course, then, I think you can understand my difficulties."

Vereesa doesn’t want to mention these bad things. She just wants to return to the Elf Kingdom with Valeera and Eminil, or return to the Elf Kingdom without Eminil—because she can’t confirm Eminil. Is it really just a middleman?

When criminals are caught, they usually do not reveal their crimes.

What surprised her was that Li Ke didn't follow court etiquette very much, and spoke quite directly, even rudely.

"Of course, you and Miss Valeela can leave, but that slave trader can't. An elf next to me was deeply affected by it, and was even brainwashed by him to become a complete slave. So I want to leave this slave trader. , hand it over to my friend, and after that, you will bring her back to Quel'Thalas to help her regain her normalcy."

Li Ke thought of his elf. He was quite satisfied with his elf, because to him, the elf's attitude and service were first-class, and he never talked nonsense, and he had His ability to handle official duties is not weak, and he can be said to be a perfect slave.

But the more this happens, the more Li Ke wants to set her free. The real way to make people willing to be slaves forever is not to make slaves live under you for the rest of their lives, but to make them desire something, and this thing is quite difficult to obtain.

But in other respects, you have to respect them, praise them, and claim that they have received countless rights, the same rights as you.

For this reason, Li Ke has never let her little elf get involved in her real business. Although she knows some dirty information, it is difficult to win the trust of others without evidence.


Vereesa frowned, then nodded.

She frowned not because of Eminil, because she was not sure whether Eminil was guilty, but because of Li Ke's subtext.

There are elf slaves around Li Ke, which means that there are indeed human nobles enslaving her compatriots, and it is a quite common behavior.

"Can you tell me the name of this elf?"

Vereesa asked, but Li Ke could only shake his head.

"I don't know her name, and I didn't give her a name, so her name is a mystery, but I think your Windrunner family is well-informed and can always help her find her relatives. If that doesn't work, I'll write The same goes for a letter to Prince Kael'thas. After all, none of the elf advisors in my manor have ever met this friend of mine."

Li Ke generously said that he could write to Kael'thas. Firstly, he said that he and Kael'thas are indeed good friends. Your prince probably knows about your affairs, and that he is really an elf. It's not a big deal, Kael'thas's eighth floor acquiesced.

After all, to put it bluntly, this matter is still a scandal, not very glorious.

Since no one wants to let it continue to ferment, Li Ke doesn't feel the need to continue discussing the matter.

"I understand."

Vereesa nodded, and couldn't help sighing.

Li Ke's words had an effect on her.

If it were her eldest sister, Li Ke's lower body would probably have been roasted and eaten, and her second sister Sylvanas would probably hang Li Ke's head on the tower.

That is to say, she doesn't want to think about these things now and wants to find Luo Ning quickly, otherwise she will tie Li Ke to the fishing rod and feed the fish. "So, can you sponsor me a ship? After all, you know my current situation."

Vereesa was talking about her status as a wanted criminal. Since Li Ke used her status as a wanted criminal to develop for her subordinates, she could use her status as a wanted criminal to gain benefits.

Anyway, after the exposure, it will actually be Li Ke who will be difficult to do.

"no problem."

Where Vereesa wants the boat to go, Li Ke knows it all with his butt, but——

Looking at Vereesa's face and what she might encounter when going to Northrend, Li Ke hesitated for a moment and then spoke.

"If you are looking for Master Ronin, it is better not to go. Because Prince Arthas will also go there, and it may not be very pleasant if you meet him."

Li Ke dares to swear that if Vereesa sets foot on the land of Northrend, the only outcome will be to replace her sister and become a banshee, because it is impossible for him, Li Ke, to let all the elven civilians die. Her sister Sylvana Si's fate was naturally changed.

Because he does not plan to fight Alsace in his own city, but plans to establish further friendship with the elves, draw some elves to his territory, and provide his factory with more fair-priced magic technicians.

Instead of being like now, spending the same money as the Elf Kingdom, but only able to use one-fifth of the technicians - the elf technicians only work one-fifth of Li Ke's workers every day, and the rest of the time is not To have a banquet is to gather people to have a party, or to have fun and travel.

Li Ke was itching to watch because several elves almost touched his staff dormitory!In that case things will get serious!
So he thought for a long time and decided to fight the Lich King in Quel'Thalas to prevent the war from burning his territory.


Vereesa immediately felt something was wrong, because Li Ke seemed to be too aware of Alsace's affairs, but she felt relieved when she thought of the rumors about Li Ke.

It would be strange for such a person not to pay attention to Alsace.

"Don't worry about this. After all, I still have to send this girl home."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Valeera who was careless. She had an indifferent expression on her face, as if she always looked the same wherever she went. And sure enough, something gave Vereesa a headache.

"I don't want to go back to Quel'Thalas."

Valeera spoke without hesitation. She had no impression of Quel'Thalas, but he was more familiar with the human world.

"You are related to the Blood Baron, so you still have family."

Vereesa knew Valeera a long time ago, and then continued to speak.

"Besides, you should also go back and see where your parents lived, right?"

Her words made Valeera silent. Although her parents had died long ago, Valeela had a very good impression of them, so she fell silent.

"That's it. If you need anything, just contact my butler Grayson."

Li Ke nodded and stood up directly.

Now that everything has been finalized, the only thing left is to implement it. These things can be done by the people below, and he doesn't need to intervene.

"Then I say goodbye."

Li Ke quickly left his territory. Although Terenas was already at sunset, he still had a lot to prepare.

For example, every day he has to receive some guests, some various people in his territory.

Therefore, Li Ke did not plan to be late for the meeting with the other party. Since Vereesa was so calm and saved a lot of negotiation time, it would not delay him from doing serious things.


Vereesa was not polite and just saw off the guest like a host.

Li Ke went directly to his office, waited for a while, and processed some unimportant documents. Not long after, he arrived at the appointed time.

Without any preparation, a secretary walked in with someone. Li Ke raised his head and saw a somewhat old man nervously standing at the door of his office, holding his hat, his face full of expressions. Uneasy expression.

Li Ke took one look at him and immediately recognized this man as a miner who had studied in night school, but he looked much plumper now than before.

He chuckled and motioned for the man to sit down.

The worker looked at Li Ke nervously, and after confirming again and again that Li Ke let him sit on the soft sofa, he put his clean hat on it, and then sat on only half of his buttocks.

Li Ke didn't say anything. Looking at this nervous man, he couldn't help laughing.

"Your name is Montov, right? Sorry, I can't remember your last name, but I remember your name is Montov."

Li Ke looked at the nervous man and spoke in a gentle tone.

"Yes, yes, Master Li Ke."

Looking at Li Ke who was looking at him gently, Mr. Montov stood up suddenly. He looked at his hat falling to the ground in a panic. He didn't know how to talk to Li Ke, and even subconsciously wanted to kneel down.

Because in his memory, people like him must kneel down if they want to talk to people like Li Ke.

But Li Ke looked at the nervous man and suddenly realized something.

While he and the elves were doing this and talking about the exchange of interests, this man was probably already waiting outside.

And sleepy and hungry.

Although there are snacks and food in his waiting hall, people of this background will never have the courage to eat them, and his staff are either demons or cultists, or dragons, and they have no understanding of humans yet. empathy.

Talking here may be a burden to the other party.

So Li Ke stood up. Seeing that he didn't dare to make that soft velvet sofa, he smiled and picked up his hat, then patted it and found that it was a quite classic hat.

He smiled and spoke to the nervous man.

"Nice hat."

His compliment made Montov's face turn red. He wanted to take his hat back from Li Ke's hand, but he didn't dare, so he was careful to speak in a dull manner.

"Ah, yes, my wife made it for me."

Li Ke smiled and hugged the man in shabby clothes. Grayson didn't care much about this man's schedule, and the time he arranged was not very good.

Li Ke didn't remind him either, because in fact he only discovered it.

Only then did he realize that this man was not a cultist, nor a draconian, nor a demon from the Burning Legion.

He is a simple miner, a man who eats with his own hands and supports his whole family.

He patted the man's back.

"It's okay. Look, it's already very late today. How about we chat while we eat?"

His voice stuttered.

"How dare you do this?"

Li Ke smiled and pulled him towards the employee canteen of his office building.

He usually lives well in the lord's mansion, but the food in his staff cafeteria is not bad. It's just that his luxurious desk clearly scares this old miner who has never experienced luxury.

"Okay, let's go, let's go to the staff canteen for a meal."

Under the leadership of Li Ke, the man's face turned red and he was taken to Li Ke's canteen. Li Ke specially ordered a few hard dishes and his usual dishes, then poured a glass of wine and asked about the man. Contribute to the process of 'invention'.

"...Actually, I'm not a great person."

After Montov drank a few glasses of wine, he finally relaxed. He looked at the smiling Li Ke guiltily.

"I discovered this metal while working. To be precise, it was a work mistake. My companion and I mistakenly mixed tin with another metal, and then discovered that these metals not only have no chemical properties , has become quite fragile, and has become very light, and even the melting point has become very low, but it will only become stronger at lower temperatures... We were fined by the people in the mine at that time A lot of money, and my wife almost starved to death because of it..."

He kept talking about his discovery of this metal, while Li Ke listened and poured the miner wine so that he could relax more.

Only then did he realize that because he was interested in the life of a blacksmith, he had wanted to learn the various properties of metals, but the blacksmith did not want him as an apprentice. However, in Li Ke's night school, he not only learned how to write his own name, but also learned how to write his own name. In the subsequent training, I mastered some experimental methods of chemistry and physics, and this is why I experimented with this kind of metal suitable for making can iron.

It was just an accident and coincidence, but Li Ke saw a strong desire to get ahead in his eyes.

In other words, a strong desire for a happy life.

And when the worker left Li Ke's office building with pride and excitement after eating and drinking, he had a new hat on his head, a hat customized by Li Ke that seemed out of place for him.

The simple but gorgeous hat is in sharp contrast with his slightly older appearance and shabby clothes, and it complements each other so well when paired with his expression full of information about the future.

His old hat was left with Li Ke as a souvenir, and this new hat was not only a reward from Li Ke, but also a kind of recognition.

He pushed open his house and saw that he was carefully calculating how many gold coins he could save this month, how much grain and cloth he could buy, what he and his husband had eliminated, and how to change the work clothes Li Ke distributed for free. The wife, who was wearing something suitable for their child, hugged him excitedly.

His wife felt baffled, but when she saw her husband smiling and saying that this was what Li Ke had given him and what kind of position he was going to give him, she couldn't help showing a worried expression on her face. .

"But... are you really qualified for this position? We couldn't even write our names before... We are not even people with boots (people who have knowledge and don't have to work)..."

She fell into deep fear, but her husband couldn't help but take off his hat and grit his teeth.But he looked at his wife's worried expression, and with the help of alcohol, he hugged his wife's body tightly while looking at his child's textbook.

"I'll have boots worthy of the hat, I promise."

 6500, well, I finally finished yesterday’s work, and there’s still [-] more... I’ll take a nap and continue writing.

(End of this chapter)

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