Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 557 Is it Eternal?

Chapter 557 Is it Eternal?
Montov's position is not very high, but for people like Grayson, it feels a bit incredible.

"Master Li Ke, there is no need for this Montov to be treated like this by you, right?"

He didn't quite understand that Montov was able to discover that metal purely because of luck. If it weren't for the fact that Li Ke needed a metal that was not very strong, but had a high yield and strong corrosion resistance, then He will always be a laughingstock.

It is true that all gold shines, but for a lucky man like Montov, he cannot always be so lucky.

One just learned some superficial knowledge of chemistry and physics out of interest. He even learned how to read at the night school run by Li Ke.

Such a person is not worthy of being a middle- or high-level person in Li Ke's society.

"You're wrong about that, Grayson. What do you think is the key to dominance?"

Li Ke looked at his notebook, and after contacting Montov, he found that he rarely paid attention to the lives of his subjects. What he had been facing was world-class things.

Whether it's Ronin, Arthas, Deathwing, or Kil'jaeden or something.

They seem to have a connection with these workers and old farmers, but in fact the connection is not that obvious.

Although the connection is actually quite strong.

But heroic epics have little to do with these ordinary people.

He seemed to be somewhat separated from the people he relied on.

"Leave them half alive?"

Grayson thought of the practices of some knight lords, which kept the peasants from having enough to eat and leaving them with no leisure time. Although this would shorten the lifespan of the peasants and workers, it would greatly stabilize their rule.And he did this most of the time when he was acting.

"It's almost the same, but it's actually not the case. That's what those feudal knight lords do, and if I do this, I won't end up well."

Li Ke sneered. If he manages the people under him with half-death, then there is actually not much difference between him and these knight lords and kings.


"Hope, truly solid rule is forged with hope."

Li Ke stood up and walked to his window. He found that this was what he had been doing. He used to know how to lead people with hope, but until he saw a farmer with his own eyes, he was leading people with hope because of a random gift and a promise. After changing his appearance, he lamented the benefits of wealth and status to people, and this was what he lamented.

Only now did he truly understand how terrifying hope was in ruling a group.

This is not something he could understand just by copying a cat or a tiger before.

Although he had used hope to manage the people under him before, his experience and understanding were definitely not as profound as this time.

"Hope is the medicine for everything, but it is also a double-edged sword. We give people a hope and lead people forward, but if we cannot meet this hope, we will suffer backlash. Therefore, those knights and kings , they will let the peasants live half-dead to manage them, and then tell them that the world is so bad. Because they cannot fulfill their hopes, the truth is always within reach, as long as a calm wise man can see it clearly To this point, but... most of the time, people have their own opinions, which is why so many people make stupid judgments."

Li Ke smiled lightly.

"And here I am, a country of hope. When it prospers and develops, it can always meet the hopes of others."

"What about after that?"

Grayson nodded, and his meaning was simple.

If hopes can be met during development, what about in the future?
When it cannot develop and its hopes are not met, it will be okay for a while, but when no one's hope can be met, Li Ke's country will turn from the city of hope, the beacon of the world of Azeroth, into ruins. .

It is not just the dissatisfaction of those whose hopes cannot be met, but also the conflict between the original interests and those who come in pursuit of hope.

The two are almost irreconcilable.

"The future matters will naturally be solved by the wisdom of future generations. Grayson, sometimes, if you don't stay away from your rights, your rights will stay away from you. Royal power is not eternal."

"Are you willing?"

"Kingdom has no eternity, Grayson. His Highness Terenas sees it clearly, doesn't he?"

Li Ke smiled lightly.

He does not need to be the absolute leader forever because he can never satisfy everyone.

But he can always be the most powerful and richest man on Azeroth.

People with money and power...

Will there be no rights?

Everyone who works hard will want to become a leader. This is an inevitable result, but the problem is.

There is always only one leader.

And since the leader can get all the honors and rights, naturally he also has to bear all the blame and curses.A person who wants to live a happy life will not like to have countless people cursing him.

People can live the most comfortable life when everyone likes them.

But, does Alsace see this clearly?

Li Ke wanted to know.

While he was thinking about this matter, Alsace looked at the endless wheat fields and the farmers with smiles on their faces, and silently clenched his hands.

"My kingship will last forever."

Arthas' eyes flickered with uneasiness. He received a message that Ronin, who had killed his soldiers, and a red dragon went to Northrend to capture Frostmourne.

This incident made him quite uneasy, because if Frostmourne was taken away, then...

"This stupid bastard, prophecy, prophecy, have you lost your mind?"

Arthas gritted his teeth. He didn't understand why the prophecy spoken by Li Ke and Jaina was spread by so many people at first, but he understood it when he walked on his kingdom.

Because too many people are dissatisfied with his father.

The commoners were dissatisfied because of the orc shelter, and the nobles were dissatisfied because they were not given any of the land in Alterac. Under such circumstances, it was natural to slander him while fawning over him.

Arthas felt that these people were disloyal and pure guys. Although their existence was necessary, they were not irreplaceable, but his father just allowed the prophecy to spread.

He knew clearly that his father was trying to figure out the truth about the prophecy, but because this prophecy spread more and more among the people, some people began to believe it.

This was actually a huge problem for him.

Because this prophecy... he felt it was true.

Thinking about the prophecy, Arthas couldn't help but laugh.

"In the prophecy, I will hold Frostmourne in my hand, slaughter the citizens of Lordaeron, and destroy Lordaeron. But have they ever thought that what I am destroying is this corrupt Lordaeron?"

Looking at the farmers harvesting late wheat, Prince Alsace had a sneer on his face.

In his eyes, Lordaeron is an efficient kingdom that is free from corruption. Everyone lives and works in peace and contentment and performs their duties. As long as farmers work hard, they can make money and later become merchants or scholars, or even It's an official.

Of course, officials must become immortal, because only the immortals under his control can be honest and honest in the true sense.

His newly established Lordaeron is naturally a hell for the current nobles, the so-called 'citizens of Lordaeron', the illegitimate children of the nobles, and the White Gloves. It is naturally something that must be seen for infertility.

This corrupt, decadent Lordaeron is their Lordaeron!

Only those who act in accordance with their disgusting rules, are related by blood to them, and adhere to their principles are 'citizens of Lordaeron'!
What he wants to destroy is this kind of Lordaeron, and what he wants to destroy is this kind of human world!
"So, I will indeed fulfill the prophecy, and no one can stop me!"

Arthas's smile became warmer and warmer, because he had already thought about the prosperity of his eternal kingship, and how the entire Azeroth and the entire human world would prosper under his rule!

"Li Ke is just tinkering with the old world!"

He thought of Li Ke again, snorted coldly, and his mood became bad.

However, looking at Stratholme in the distance and the laughing children, his eyes still showed reluctance and pain.

Because this place is about to be destroyed.And it was destroyed by their prince, that is, him.

"Alsace, we are almost there."

Uther looked at Stratholme in the distance and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In the prophecy that continues to spread, Stratholme will be the first city destroyed by Alsace, and it is the source of Alsace's corruption.

But now, he has brought all the members of the Knights of the Silver Hand here. He believes that no matter what kind of danger appears in this city, the members of the Knights of the Silver Hand can easily solve all the problems encountered here. problems, and wash away those vague problems in Alsace.

The most important thing is that they also want to fight against the orc bandits here, add some military exploits to Alsace, and then pass by Quel'Thalas to show the prosperity of the Knights of the Silver Hand.

This is the main purpose of their coming.

Whether it was Uther or Terenas who arranged these things, they did not take Frostmourne into their hearts.

None of them thought that Alsace would massacre its own people.

"Yes, Teacher Uther."

Arthas looked at Stratholme in the distance and showed a gentler smile. This smile made Uther nod again.

Although his disciples have temporarily lost the favor of the Holy Light, this is not a big deal. Li Ke can forcefully give Terenas the Holy Light, and so can he. Arthas himself already has the Holy Light, and after dealing with the orcs When the time comes, just baptize Alsace again in the temple in Stratholme.

With military exploits at his side, the other knights wouldn't say anything.

But at this moment, a group of soldiers suddenly appeared in their sight. Uther squinted his eyes and immediately saw a beautiful figure.

He laughed, then quickly rode away, leaving space for the young man.

And this beautiful figure is naturally Jaina.

Arthas looked at Jaina and found with distress that Jaina had become haggard recently. Jaina, who had always been active and innocent before, now had a frown on her face. Even when she saw him, Although he still showed a heartfelt smile, he still showed concern and sympathy.

The Knights of the Silver Hand and Jaina's troops gathered together. Several acquaintances among them had already planned which tavern in Stratholme they would go to for a drink, while the two looked at each other on horseback.

Arthas looked at the sympathy in Jaina's eyes. He stroked Jaina's golden hair and said, "You have become haggard."

However, the sympathy in Jaina's eyes made him...

Feel sick.

In the end, Jaina, who believed in the prophecy the most, spoke up. She looked at Arthas, whose brows were growing more melancholy, and felt heartbroken.

Others, even Uther, probably didn't know that Alsace's melancholy expression was actually different from before. Alsace was even more melancholy now, but there was something about it that made her hair stand on end. confidence and determination.

She heard that Arthas went to Stratholme, so she dropped everything she was doing and came here, but seeing Alsace like this, honestly, it made her...

Make her a little scared.

"Arthas, Kel'Thuzad's matter..."

She wanted to talk about Kel'Thuzad's evil intentions, but when Arthas heard the name Kel'Thuzad, he immediately pulled the reins and walked forward.

"I don't want to talk about him, Jaina, he's gone."

Arthas' words were decisive, letting Jaina know that there would be no results if she continued to speak.

"Then Alsace, Stratholme..."

She wanted to say something, but Arthas interrupted her again, even becoming rude.

"What reason do I have to harm my people? Jaina!"

Jaina was stunned. Yes, what reason did Arthas have to harm his own people?

Looking at Jaina's dazed look, Arthas felt a burst of heartache. He knew that Jaina loved him and he loved Jaina, but Jaina was always so naive and always felt that if there was any problem, just talk about it. After being able to solve it, I always feel that there are still many good people in this world.

She doesn't understand herself.

A feeling of loneliness enveloped Alsace. He truly felt that what could be more tragic than people who love each other, cannot understand each other, and even have completely different ideas?

As he thought this, the image of Kel'Thuzad turning into ashes without any regrets suddenly flashed in his mind.



"My heart to protect Lordaeron will never change."

 The next chapter will be around two o'clock...

(End of this chapter)

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