Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 558 Glorious Stratholme

Jaina was stunned on her horse, but looking at Alsace's firm expression, she still chose to believe Alsace.

Because Arthas would not tell such lies, and all his actions proved this and his loyalty to Lordaeron.

There is no doubt about that.

Looking at the serious and serious Alsace, Jaina's eyes immediately became misty. She looked at Alsace, suddenly jumped from her horse, and hugged Alsace tightly.

The huge impact almost caused Alsace to fall off his horse, and even more frightened the horse under his crotch.

Arthas hugged Jaina who suddenly rushed over, adjusting his posture and pulling the reins.

Unfortunately, the horse moved several times before he could successfully adjust his posture.

"It's better to be invincible."

These words suddenly flashed into Arthas's mind, but immediately, Jaina's crying sounded in his ears.Arthas's heart immediately returned to Jaina, but he still couldn't help but miss the invincibility brought by the cursed sect.

As a prince, he naturally cannot ride a war horse that is cursed in the eyes of others, so his invincibility cannot be seen in the light. Therefore, he has to reluctantly hand over his invincibility to those who cursed the sect.

But this time, in order to show his determination, he played a trick and let those who cursed the sect bring Invincible there!
He looked towards Stratholme in the distance, where Invincible was waiting for him, waiting to fight alongside him again!
He couldn't help but look forward to it, looking forward to the feeling of riding an invincible horse.

Holding Alsace, who exuded a cold aura, Jaina couldn't help crying. She was so worried about Alsace, worried that Alsace would become bad, and she might as well try to repair the relationship between Li Ke and him. No matter whether he is traveling around or not, it is all for Alsace.

It's all so that the two of them can be together smoothly in the future.

But Alsace has never given her a correct response. Until now, until just now, he gave her a response that was not a response!
He would not let Lordaeron down.

In other words, he will not let down his father, his people, and he will not let down——

she was.

After experiencing so many things, she also knew that as long as Arthas lived up to Lordaeron, there would never be any problems with her marriage to Arthas.

Although many people in Kul Tiras objected to marrying Prince Arthas, thinking that this would put Lordaeron at a lower level, but as long as Arthas is willing to take responsibility for Lordaeron, then Kul Tiras will forever be Stand with Lordaeron.

Jaina knew this. She was a smart princess after all. She also knew that her marriage to Alsace would not be pure, but there was no way. She just fell in love with Alsace, and Alsace fell in love with her. .

There is no other way.

Moreover, when two people get married, they themselves are happy, the two countries are also happy, and it can also prevent possible wars in the future, so...

She will do her best for a good marriage.

However, Alsace didn't give her a promise until now.


The girl's voice was full of grievance, and she wanted to be comforted by Alsace. Whether it was a touch on the back or a kiss, it could satisfy her and give her spiritual comfort.

This is also the reason why Li Ke and Jaina don't have a close relationship.

Before going through many things.

Jaina could never be separated from Arthas.

The things she does and her actions will always be based on the premise that she and Alsace can live a happy life!
She is indeed kind and innocent.

But she is also a living person who longs for a happier and better life.

Unless Arthas dies, she will never like anyone else.

"Well, Jaina, don't worry."

Feeling Jaina's trembling and longing, as well as the deep feeling of grievance, Arthas finally understood why Jaina was acting so strangely.

It turned out to be waiting for his own promise.

He suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness.

Does he still need to make any commitment to the other party?

He is the prince of Lordaeron. Kul Tiras's prosperity basically depends on Lordaeron, and Lordaeron also relies on Kul Tiras to absorb wealth from all over the world.

How could their two interest groups not marry?
Moreover, Kul Tiras is an island country with no depth. If it does not have good relations with the most powerful land-based country, then if something goes wrong, the people of Kul Tiras will have nowhere to run.

Even if they don't like each other, they won't be together.

He had never doubted Jaina's feelings for him from the beginning. Even when Prince Kael'thas pursued her crazily, he did not show the slightest concern.

However, Jaina is worried that she will become a bloodthirsty butcher.

She really loves herself.

But, she really doesn't understand, nor does she understand herself.

For the first time, Arthas felt that Jaina was being unreasonable.

However, he could understand Jaina's worries, so he didn't say anything. He just hugged Jaina tightly, but he didn't kiss the girl who made him feel the beauty of love. He just took her towards Stratholme. Walked over.

"Let's go, Jaina, everyone is still waiting for us."

He looked at the people in front of him and spoke to Jaina, who was still in tears. Jaina huddled in Arthas's arms, looking at the knights and warriors in the distance who were smiling at them, but she didn't feel anything. Alsace looked strange, but showed an embarrassed expression, and shyly hid in Alsace's arms.

Arthas didn't say much, but silently took Jaina's horse and looked at Stratholme in the distance.

Under the setting sun, Stratholme in the distance seems to gather all the beauty in the world.

The towering city walls provide a guarantee of safety. The beautifully designed and practical Stratholme Gate has blocked countless attacks by trolls and kobolds. Even when the orcs came here, Stratholme None of them were completely breached, so the orcs had to join forces with the trolls to take a detour before breaking into the Yongsong Forest.

The bustling farmers and businessmen were entering and exiting Stratholme in an orderly manner. Countless businessmen and workers were chatting and discussing how the business was going today.

Stratholme is a place specifically responsible for trading with elves, so it gathers all the essence of the northern and eastern parts of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Food, commodities, and handicrafts are all gathered here. It can be said that it accounts for half of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

And because in the orc war, with its strong fortress, Rivendell's losses were quite small, and therefore, his development was also the most vigorous.

This led to some minor friction between Rivendell and the royal family of Lordaeron.He has actually not been to Stratholme a few times, but he was very impressed by this important town in Lordaeron, because it is not just a 'small problem' as his father said, the most important thing is...

"Arthas! My prince! It is a great honor for Stratholme that you are able to reach here!"

Baron Rivendell rode his war horse. Amid the surprised gazes of many people, he came humbly but piously in front of Alsace. Then he jumped off the horse amidst the surprised gazes of others and personally served for Alsace. Lead the horse.

Arthas did not refuse. He just looked at the sincerely happy Baron Rivendell and twitched the corners of his mouth slightly before returning to normal.

"Thank you, Baron Rivendell."

He acted abnormally normal, as if the people holding the horse for him were not the important ministers of the kingdom, Baron Rivendell, who controlled almost half of Lordaeron's food supply, but those who needed to be loyal to him in order to gain status. knight.

In fact, even Uther was very surprised. He looked at Baron Rivendell who came out of the city to greet him in astonishment. According to the rules, he only had to give the prince a knightly salute.

And at his age and his strength, it doesn't matter even if he salutes on horseback.

However, he was so humble as to lead the horse for Alsace!

But that's not all that shocked Uther. As he approached Stratholme, Rivendell's smile became brighter, and his words made more and more people, including his own son, Surprised and speechless.

"Your Highness, you are finally here. Orcs and bandits have been harassing Stratholme recently. It is great that you are here. I can completely leave the defense of Stratholme to you! Your warriors You must stand on our tower! In this way, your people in Stratholme will definitely be able to regain their sense of security!"

This is no longer humility, but completely putting one's life in Alsace's hands!

No noble would completely hand over the guards of their towns and fortresses at will!Especially for someone like Baron Rivendell, who after holding a horse for Alsace, completely handed over the guards of his city walls and towers!
This means that if Arthas wants to kill Baron Rivendell, then Baron Rivendell will die suddenly because he drank cold water and was stabbed dozens of times to death!

And it can be done so beautifully that no one can survive!
Then just call it a plague, or something else.The nobles will not be serious with the king for a fool who can give up the walls of their castle.


Uther didn't know what to say, because Terenas had always been worried about Stratholme's loyalty. They attacked the orcs instead of Alterac, and went to Stratholme specifically to attack Stratholme. Mu and Quel'Thalas, who have been very active recently.

Although the Paladin does not like politics, in his view, maintaining the unity and deterrence of Lordaeron is not a political act, but a normal act of defending the country.

But Rivendell's performance fully demonstrated his loyalty, which could even be said to be unspeakable.

"Perhaps Terenas' suspicion of Baron Rivendell is a little too much?"

Uther saw a heartfelt smile on his face, and he had no other thoughts about Baron Rivendell. To be honest, he felt a little ashamed.

Because when he came, he really discussed with Terenas how they should attack this strong fortress if Baron Rivendell did not cooperate, and he also thought about how to attack this strong fortress after Baron Rivendell died. Which of his sons should be appointed to ensure that Lordaeron can quickly stabilize.

None of this violated his paladin creed, but seeing Baron Rivendell's calm attitude, he really felt ashamed.


"My father would have loved to see this."

Arthas looked at Baron Rivendell and couldn't help but speak, receiving a smile from Baron Rivendell.

Jaina felt that she heard words she shouldn't have heard, but when she thought that she would be Alsace's wife in the future, she listened as a matter of course.

"Of course, after all, your father has always misunderstood me. I don't actually value power that seriously. This is also the reason why he chose me in the first place. It's a pity that the king always has to doubt everyone. This may also be the reason why he chose me." It’s kind of sad.”

Rivendell spoke without any scruples. Such arrogant words made Jaina couldn't help but reveal one eye in Arthas' arms and looked at the baron in surprise.


Alsace chuckled and did not answer.

Rivendell's performance, to be honest, made him feel relieved.

He looked at the confused people around him and the confused girl Gianna in his arms, and couldn't help but smile again.

"They looked surprised, which felt pretty good. They probably didn't expect that we were like-minded people."

Rivendell looked at the surprised people, especially his son, and couldn't help but laugh, laughing at their ignorance, laughing at them...

Disaster is coming without knowing it.

Especially the civilians who stopped to see the prince in his glory, he laughed at them for being stupid and naive, really thinking that the prince came to quell the rumors.

He looked at the farmers, and the smile on his face became more and more sincere.

As a person who was scrupulous and concerned about by Terenas, the reason why he treated Alsace like this, being so groveling and docile to him was very simple.

He and Kel'Thuzad were close friends.

Yes, they have known each other for a long time.

They are all obsessed with the power of darkness, both have a soft spot for necromancy, and are tired of the power struggles in this world. They just want to gain powerful power and live forever.

Therefore, he doesn't care about any power or wealth.

"This is really, really surprising..."

Jaina couldn't help but speak. She looked at Baron Rivendell with a warm smile, and then at Arthas' relaxed expression that couldn't help but speak. Then she smiled and spoke to Baron Rivendell. .

"You must also be a person who cares about your people!"

Baron Rivendell was stunned for a moment. He looked at the happy-looking Jaina in Arthas's arms and laughed loudly.

"That's right, Your Highness Princess."

Baron Rivendell's smile made Jaina confused, and even felt a little creepy, but just when she felt something was wrong, Baron Rivendell stopped smiling with a serious expression.

"I do care for my people."

Only, in a different way.

Still two thousand short...

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