Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 570 The Winter is Coming

Li Ke and Gianna are very good friends, but Li Ke still has no idea of ​​falling in love with each other.

The main reason is that although the current Jaina does not have much emotional experience, she is undoubtedly a cheater.

Not cheating in the descriptive sense, but actually cheating.

She came to him for help, but the problem was that she was not only the princess of Kul Tiras, but also the future heir of Dalaran.

In such cases, it is often feasible.

As long as Dalaran and Kul Tiras want to show off, they must recognize Li Ke as a person.

Of course, you can also expel Jaina directly to avoid having to pay Li Ke, but the problem is that Kul Tiras has always been in the hands of Proudmoore's family. In the original history, even if Jaina cheated Although everything was gone, he was still able to solve the problems in his own territory in one fell swoop after the internal conflicts were resolved, and in fact suppressed several other families by the way.

There is no way, on Kul Tiras, the Proudmoore family is invincible.

As for Dalaran, what Li Ke does in the alliance system, as long as Dalaran still wants to act within the alliance order, then Li Ke must be given sincerity.

There is even something about elves here.

Although the elves seem to have nothing to do with each other, because Kael'thas allowed Jaina to teleport to him without permission, even if Li Ke said he didn't care, Kael'thas must match Li Ke's worth and Jaina's worth. apologetic gift.

It may be some treasures, it may be some craftsmen, but all in all, Li Ke is not at a loss at all.

If he sends thousands of people and a few ships out, he will get a lot of political resources, which can even make people more angry.

Moreover, he sent out thousands of people...

Can Jaina really find Arthas?
Anyway, Li Ke felt that Northrend was so big and the navigation skills of people in this era were not very good. Starting from here, he might encounter some strange monsters, attacks by cultists, robberies by goblins, and so on. Demonic rituals and stuff.

No matter how bad it is, some of the dangers on the original journey can be arranged.

By the time Jaina had leveled up all the way, things in Northrend were almost over.

But if this princess is allowed to go...

A witch and demon king who can annihilate the world with ice may really appear in this world.

If you give that huge power to Arthas, he can attack the city, but if you give it to Jaina, that huge spiritual power is in the hands of this undoubtedly talented mage...

This is the real catastrophe.

Therefore, it is really not a big deal for Li Ke to provide money to Gianna. It is not expensive anyway.

It's just a little hard work for my uncle Nefarian.

As for manpower.

Jaina, he is really looking forward to being able to recruit as many people in his territory who just died for some reward.

"Please make more careful preparations for me. Prepare the best ship for Her Royal Highness Jaina, our best weapons and armor, enough supplies for her to arm an army of 5000 people. By the way, prepare some food for them."

While Li Ke was talking, Sironas was recording. She had been severely suppressed by the Eredar Twins recently. Li Ke hadn't played mahjong with each other in bed for a long time, so at this time, Sironas was recording. Li Ke ordered, while crossing his legs, showing off his plump thighs and buttocks, the two best parts of the Eredar people.

Of course, that slim waist is no exception.

At this time, she was wearing a black dress. There was no material on her shoulders and back. She only relied on the corset to maintain the stability of the front piece of cloth, so that her plump beauty would not be exposed.

Her black skirt was made of silk, but the opening was relatively large, reaching to her thighs.

But there's no need to worry about being exposed, because some small metal buckles bind the fabric inside the dress, so that when the skirt is swung, only the plump and white thighs can be seen.

The most important thing is that this dress is very suitable for transformation. Even if Sironas transforms back to Ereda at this time, she only needs to take off her high heels and loosen her belt a little, and she can smoothly transform. Succeed in body and do not consume this piece of clothing.

But it is a pity that even so, this piece of clothing has a lifespan of only one or two months at most, and will not even be worn by Sironas more than three times.

As for the price, it is very cheap, because Li Ke has successfully brought down the price of silk, but it is not because of the better silkworm-raising technology, but because of the spiders.

Yes, they are spiders. Those spiders cultivated by Twilight believers. Although some spiders are not very powerful, they can produce a large amount of almost identical spider silk, which is of course useless for expanding Twilight's combat career. , but for industrialization, it is simply perfect.

These spiders are docile and reproduce very quickly. With a few tricks, these spiders can produce a large amount of silk, so the price of silk in Li Ke's territory has been directly reduced to the same price as cotton cloth.

If it weren't for the short lifespan of these spiders, the price of silk products would even be lower than linen!
The best thing is that the lifespan of this kind of spider is only two months, which means that people like Li Ke who can afford large-scale breeding can afford it. Every one of the self-employed people in the Middle Ages died.

At this time, Li Ke couldn't even completely write down the principles and names of the new products in his territory, because there were too many. After his framework was built, too many things appeared here, and the speed Far beyond his imagination!
So when Li Ke looked at Hilonnas's thighs, what he thought of was not the other party's penis, but another thing.

"How are the preparations going at the cannery?"

He remembered that he had received a worker who had discovered a special metal that was suitable for cans. His name was Montov. He was promoted to a small leader and enjoyed some of the cans' dividends.

It's probably like giving him one copper coin for every thousand cans.

There is no way, if you give him too much, he will die inexplicably.

Li Ke has seen too many things like getting rich overnight and then disappearing overnight during this period. That is to say, the demons under him do not need money at all. Otherwise, his demon police and judges, It has long been corroded.

Although, it is only a matter of time.

After all, these people are demons.

"We are ready, but the production of canned fruits may not be satisfactory, because the supply of sugar cannot keep up at all. Although our current corn is enough for us to produce three thousand tons of corn syrup in your mouth, the rest is rations. And the food reserves used to recruit civilians that you said must not be used."

Sironas directly delivered a report to Li Ke.

Li Ke took a look. In the cannery, canned fish and beef are not a problem. His salt can definitely keep up, but canned fruits cannot. The lack of fruit production is a problem. There are a large number of fruit farms. In fact, they are all over there in Elwynn Forest, and there are even only pumpkins, tomatoes, grapes and apples.

Yes, pumpkin is considered a fruit.

Even bananas can only be eaten by a few people, because they are produced in Stranglethorn Vale, where there are either ferocious beasts or trolls, and no one will look for excitement here.

As for sugar cane...the main producing area of ​​sugar cane is also in Stranglethorn Valley.

There is very little sugar cane cultivation in Stormwind City.


Li Ke couldn't help but scratch his scalp. Although his factory has already developed chemical fertilizers, and the effect seems to be very good, the food output will not be perfected until next year. If he wants to develop, then he must suspend the current provision of fertilizers to these people. All support.

Canned fruits were developed first.

After all, on the front line of the battlefield, it is completely different whether you can have a hot bite, whether you can have a bite of fruit, meat, and delicious enough food.

The belief and persistence in fighting are also different.

This is why he had to do this kind of thing at this time.

When the opponent's soldiers are sleepy and hungry and the supply line is completely cut off, although your army's supply line is also cut off, each soldier still has a few cans in his backpack, which can be used to make a little fire while resting. Just make a mouthful of hot beef soup, plus a mouthful of fruit soaked in sugar water, or even a piece of sweet chocolate. Then as long as the disparity in strength is not too great, victory will undoubtedly be yours.

Moreover, the logistical pressure can also be greatly relieved.

Transporting meat is not a simple matter. Most of the armies in this era used salted meat, and if it was really delicious, it would not be used in only a few dishes.

And the hardness of cured meat can be used to crush people's heads...

"There is nothing we can do about it, my master, but the existing canned meat is enough for the soldiers to obtain sufficient nutrients and morale."

Sironas changed her position, feeling that she was just a little short of food, and the soldiers should be able to understand.

But at this time, Li Ke had already walked to the window.

He looked at his city, at the soldiers standing guard, at the citizens whose faces were full of laughter and had no idea that the Burning Legion was coming, and thought about one thing.

"Do you think they can understand the seriousness and threat of the upcoming natural disaster in Alsace?"

Li Ke's question made Hilonas stunned for a moment, and then she glanced at Li Ke's reserve supplies.

"No, after all, you are very well prepared. Even if that little guy from Alsace can really hit you, these people will still be able to maintain their current lives for several years."

"So, will they feel a personal hatred for Alsace and feel that they need to fight to protect what they have? Can they really realize again how precious what they have got?"

Li Ke stroked the glass on his window, and he suddenly realized something.

That was because he was laughing at Jaina that she might not be able to get enough soldiers from herself with the gold coins she gave her.


What about himself?

Workers do not need to go to the battlefield to get supplies to feed their families. Even those who do odd jobs do not have to worry about their next meal.

Farmers don't have to worry about not having enough to eat, and soldiers only need to catch a few thieves to get a good salary.

And these people, can they understand that Alsace's damage to the world is extremely huge, and if they don't stand up and resist, they will be killed?
Li Ke was silent for a while.

Then he spoke.


He didn't look at Sironas, but his serious tone made Sironas alert.

Li Ke rarely uses a serious tone, but once he uses a serious tone, it means that this matter is definitely not simple. It can even be said to be earth-shaking again, shocking people's attention.

"Give me an urgent request for a parliament, a planning committee, responsible for controlling the flow of supplies to the town! From today on, we will start to restrict the distribution of supplies! Well, I'll also change your skirt into a linen skirt!"

Li Ke's words stunned Silonas for a moment. She quite liked this skirt. The most important thing was that she could dress herself up and upright using reasons such as 'Li Ke's work needs' and 'temptation of Li Ke'.

But the linen skirt…

She can't take it.

"This, why is this?"

"Don't worry about why! In short, let me control all sugar, cloth, salt, meat and other things, develop our cannery with all our strength, and declare to the outside world... No, our purpose is to deal with possible future difficulties. Fight! Defeat the chaos and darkness that may arise because of Alsace! Because winter is coming! And everyone has to work overtime! But there is no overtime pay!"

Li Ke's words made Silonas dumbfounded. She knew very well that Li Ke's territory did not lack food and supplies at all, let alone a little overtime pay!
"This...this is..."

"Isn't it because we have to deal with Alsace's invasion?"

Li Ke turned his head and looked at Sironas with a half-smile.

"The Scourge has no interest in giving you overtime pay or anything like that, and they don't care how much benefit you can get from your work. Arthas and Frostmourne in his hands don't care how comfortable you have been before. He just wants you to become a zombie under his command, work for him for the rest of your life, and let you kill your family.”

Sironas opened her mouth. Alsace hadn't even gotten Frostmourne yet. Li Ke had already prepared the name of the legion and what crimes he would commit.

She once again experienced Li Ke's chameleon-like form, and couldn't help but shake her head and complain.

"You are truly a chameleon."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Li Ke chuckled lightly. He knew it was ironic, but unfortunately, the fate of Azeroth was like a fragile branch. Any wind or rain would cause the world to be destroyed.

However, this branch will not be broken only in the hands of the chameleon.

"But I didn't lie, after all..."

"Winter is coming."

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