Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 571 The Power of Hope

Li Ke's orders were executed quickly, because although Li Ke's current management office system is already a bit large, it is not bloated. There are three people, plus human employees who don't know the truth, and even five forces manage it in one place. When you work under an organization, and the big bosses behind you all say that you cannot be lazy and cunning, it will be difficult for corruption, collusion, and lazy administration to appear in a short period of time.

Because everyone only belongs to the top boss, it is not that simple to solve the little problems on the road of corruption.

Of course, nothing can be seen now, but once it is said to be stable...

This situation of several forces in one place will make the place a mess, and it can even be said that it is completely out of Li Ke's control.

But unfortunately, it is also a very sad thing about this world.

That is to say, there is a strong man who can defeat ten thousand with one.

And Li Ke is such a person.

Therefore, his order was implemented very well.

In an instant, the originally bustling and noisy Gusi Town became much deserted.

The townspeople looked at Jennifer and Griet who had changed into linen clothes and even dressed as peasant women, as well as the civil servants who were not dressed very flashy in the past and were now even more casually dressed. They all felt that the world was about to turn upside down. .

"Oh my god, what kind of threat is it that makes Miss Jennifer dress like us?"

A tavern proprietress looked at Jennifer riding a horse, waving to everyone, and then heading to an orphanage. She couldn't help but wring out the towel in her hand, and then put it at the door.

This is a towel for the traveling merchants who come here to purchase goods and other customers to wipe the dust on their faces and the dust on their bodies. After all, although the greening in Gus Town is now good, many places are covered in water due to road construction. With flying dust.

"It's not Alsace's fault...it's causing such trouble that now everyone has no fruit or candy to eat."

A drinker muttered in displeasure. He was the head of a family of five. He had originally promised to buy the children a can of corn syrup to make sweet pies at home, but Li Ke urgently posted a notice. But his thoughts were cut off.

But before he could say anything, someone spoke up.

"Ha, what about Alsace? I think it's just a rumor. Terenas has cut off our lord's trade. He doesn't want to sell it to us. It's true that he wants to make money."

The clothes on this man's body were a little tattered, and the moment he said these words, almost everyone in the tavern looked at him, but instead of having any scruples, he spoke with a proud and mocking expression.

"I see, our lord is no different from other lords. They don't treat people as human beings. Don't tell me that the salary is high. We should be paid for the work we have done. We should also be given clothes and what to wear. Civilian clothes..."

When he said this, he looked impassioned and eloquent, as if he was the moral high ground, but he didn't realize that his friend had silently distanced himself from him.

And the facts proved that their choice was correct, because at the next moment, several iron wine glasses the size of human heads were thrown over, full of beer.

The heavy wine glass accurately hit the speaker, knocking him to the ground at once, while his friends quickly moved away and acted as if they were unwilling to interfere.

The reason is also very simple.

Almost half of the people in the tavern stood up, and the remaining half of the people in the tavern also raised their glasses.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!"

Several big men with bad tempers rushed over, grabbed the man's collar from the ground, and punched the man several times without even looking.

After five or six blows with a fist about the same size as a grapefruit on Earth, the person who did it shook the unconscious guy in his hand, then grabbed his collar and walked towards the door. .

Then, without hesitation, he shouted to the people who were still looking at Jennifer in the distance.

"Brothers of the Iron Pick Brotherhood! There is a guy here who is dissatisfied with the Lord! Let's send him to the police station!"

When he said this, he couldn't help but raise his thick arm, which had a yellow ribbon on it. When seeing this ribbon, some people who were originally curious about what was going on immediately lost interest. .

The next moment, countless people with yellow marks on their arms walked out from various places, and then looked at this person with questioning faces.

And when this person repeated what this guy said, even those without red ribbons on their arms started shouting angrily.

"Kill this white-eyed wolf!"

"Drive this bastard out!"

"A guy who doesn't know right from wrong! He doesn't deserve to live in this world!"

"Are the people from the Iron Fork Brotherhood here?! Let's kill this guy together!"

"Stop beating him to death! It's not appropriate to pay for this bastard with your life!"


The noisy citizens surrounded the panicked idiot and walked towards the police station. Among the guests in the tavern, those friends of the idiot who felt that they had lost face and were taken away quietly slipped away, because The other guests looked at them quite strangely.

The tavern proprietress couldn't help but shook her head when she looked at the tables, chairs, benches, and wine glasses that the guests had spontaneously put away.

"Is this person crazy? He would say such a thing. Although Master Li Ke has controlled supplies, we can still have enough to eat and drink, but it's just not as good as before."

The tavern proprietress sighed and carefully hid the sugar bowl while sighing.

After all, there won't be any candy for a long time to come, so she has to be careful about someone stealing the candy.

"Ha... this person may have forgotten what we used to be like."

A man with a red shawl around his neck laughed and then spoke.

"I still remember what I was like before. I didn't have enough to eat, and I didn't have warm clothes. But what about now? Although the limit is limited, I still have meat to eat, and I can still eat enough. I don't have enough salt. As for sugar..."

The drinker chuckled.

"I never dared to think about that thing before. We used to get some corn stalks to chew in our mouths, or some wild honey... we couldn't eat more, because that thing can be sold for money, and we can usually eat it. Sweet things like pumpkins, apples, grapes, etc. can only be eaten secretly. But now, you can even study and go to school..." He used to be a part-time worker, and his main job was to help people. Although those who plowed the land and harvested wheat were not considered tenants but freedmen, that was because they were not just tenants.

He actually came to Li Ke's territory not long ago, but after finding a job, his three views were refreshed.

Here, when he was harvesting wheat, he could not directly harvest with a sickle. Instead, he watched how others harvested with a harvester in the field, and then someone taught them how to drive the harvester. He even accidentally lost his temper while learning. He broke one, but no one asked him to compensate. Except for two or three idiots who wanted to sell the harvester, the rest of the people would be fine no matter how big the problem was. Which training course did you graduate from?

Then, he has now learned how to use a machine to sow seeds, and is currently learning how to use an excavator. Those dwarf masters who don't like wine and only like super spicy mature barbecue said that he will be able to graduate soon.

After that, he can become a member of a glorious engineering team, and his daily job is to drive an excavator to work.

But he was not satisfied, because no one taught these things before, and no one would throw their own eating skills at you like throwing away garbage.

Only here, only Li Ke's City of Holy Light.

Although this place is called Gus Town, which means tax, now everyone has a different attitude towards the word tax.

"Once upon a time, paying taxes was our biggest fear, but now, I'm starting to wonder, are we paying too little?"

The drinker's eyes were a little confused and hazy. What he learned here would take two or three generations of effort and struggle to learn in other places. Whether it is writing, mathematics, or other things, you must know Those places that give them classes as adults will even teach them to draw!
Although he used pencils to draw drawings on paper and taught people how to quickly draw mountains and roads, this was something he had never dared to dream of before!

That is something only the children of noble lords deserve to learn!
When the tavern proprietress heard his muttering, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. She thought about the taxes she had paid in Stormwind City and the taxes she paid here.

"It's a bit missing..."

After she finished speaking, she couldn't help but cover her face, wondering if she had a fever.

"Oh my god, I actually said such a thing... But can this amount of tax revenue really be maintained?"

She was a little worried and looked outside through the colorfully painted windows. Although Li Ke's factory sold transparent glass, the common people's impression of glass was still the colorful glass in churches, so On the premise that Li Ke did not produce colored glass, they used their talents to use various methods and methods to turn complete glass into the appearance of colorful broken glass.

And through these windows, what she saw were tightly-fitted roads paved with cement and stone bricks, and there were even flowers as embellishments on both sides... Although these flowers were pulled up by many people to plant vegetables, more people I still want to decorate my life with flowers.

You can get clean water as soon as you turn on the faucet. On the streets, mercenaries from the city management committee specially set up by Li Ke were cleaning, reprimanding and imposing fines on those who spit and throw garbage.

In addition, there are countless shops with various cheap items opened by Li Ke on both sides of the street. Although the meat has become less and the sugar has been limited, there is no doubt that the vegetables and meat here are still so good. Cheap and still everyone’s first choice.

There is no doubt that these things require taxation to maintain them, but can the taxes they pay really be able to maintain these things?
She was a little uneasy.

The beauty here is like a dream. Without these, her children would not be able to learn painting and mathematics, and she would not be able to open this tavern by herself as a woman, because only in Li Ke's territory can there be no There will be situations where soldiers and gangsters collude with each other.

Any gangster who dares to collect protection money will be hanged directly by Li Ke's soldiers.And as if they have magic, they can easily find who is causing trouble.

And if this dream is shattered, her property will be taken away by the gangsters and nobles in various ways. Her labor force alone will not be enough to support her children, because even the most friendly lord will not fight with Li Ke. Same, given such loose taxation.

The [-]% tax is simply charity!
Because she was afraid that such a dream would be shattered, she couldn't help but mutter.

"Alsace, that bastard!"

In the past, she had always heard how wise Arthas was and how wise Terenas of Lordaeron was.

Indeed, the orcs were indeed defeated under the command and help of His Highness Terenas, and Stormwind City restored its kingdom, and they returned to their country because of this.

But why do children born to such a king have to be in trouble with poor people like them?

They have only had a few good months!
If a good prince doesn't act like that, why would he cause a plague or some weird Frostmourne? !

"Yeah, Arthas is a bastard."

The drinkers also felt uneasy. Everything here was like a dream, and Li Ke's taxes were not enough to maintain the city. Now in order to deal with the incident in Alsace, expenditures have to be increased or even specially reduced. What does this say about their welfare?
It explained Lord Li Ke's original plan because something went wrong in Alsace.

At this time, some people spoke again.

"I heard that Princess Gianna came here this time just to seek help from Mr. Li Ke to fight against Arthas. This is why Mr. Li Ke started to prepare."

This Gianna...

This idea appeared in the minds of all the drinkers, but many of their jobs were due to the establishment of trade with Kul Tiras, so not many people said bad things about Jaina.

At this moment, a hooded drinker spoke.

"Speaking of which, if our lord needs us to go to the battlefield..."

"Count me in."

The former part-time worker spoke without hesitation. He took a deep breath. Although he only lived here for half a year, Li Ke gave him hope.

He has never forgotten that when he used to cut wheat for those farmers, those who worked part-time all their lives tried their best to get more bread and hid it, and how hard the owner tried to prevent them from taking away the bread. And full salary, and how did an old man who had worked odd jobs all his life, whom he had met a few times, die silently on the side of the street.

And here, in Li Ke's territory, he saw the reality that he could earn enough wages to buy land through his own efforts, and he could learn mathematics and painting, and learn more.

How to farm, how to treat diseases... these things were things that he had never dared to think about before. They were things that could feed a person for a lifetime, or even feed on them for generations!

If this place was broken, so would his hope.

Although he may die in the war, he is willing to believe that Li Ke, who gave him hope, will not let him die in vain. Li Ke has people teach them mathematics, their writing, their painting, and various life skills. He is definitely not letting them Go and die in vain!and……

He would rather die than go back to the dark and hopeless time before!

Even for hope, a possibility, he is willing to take this risk!
After he finished speaking, most people in the tavern raised their glasses.

"Count me in!"

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