The shouts in the tavern were very loud and exciting. Almost everyone understood clearly that in this world, only Li Ke would treat them like this. Only Li Ke would give them such an environment and allow them to do this. Got such favorable conditions.

This is something that can be made clear and understood without anyone’s teaching.

In the eyes of some people, these things are very cheap and insignificant, but to these people who have nothing to begin with, they are extremely vivid things.

It's as if all the companies are asking you to work overtime without any overtime pay, and also make you bear the ridiculous reputation of maliciously working overtime, maliciously asking for... etc., but suddenly there is a company that does not require you to work overtime, and he gives you All your statutory holidays are paid well, and your bonuses are never owed.

Such a company seems to be the most beautiful thing in the world.

And if you can enter this company, then it will be an even better thing.

But the fact is, no, and the people of Azeroth also know very well that there are no people like Li Ke in other places.

Those in the Holy Light Church may do this, because most of them are really good people.

But even they cannot satisfy most people because they are simply doing charity.

But Li Ke is telling you here that as long as you are willing to abide by his rules, you can enjoy all this.

In this city, there is no shortage of people who were driven away by Li Ke. Those who came here and thought they could do whatever they wanted died at the hands of demons and dragons. Even the cultists would perform rituals when they needed it. Take these people to do your own rituals.

Therefore, the people here are very sensible and know how hard-won their good life is and how dreamy it is.

"You should feel relieved now, right?"

Sironas also wore a hood, looked at the people raising their arms and shouting, and couldn't help but speak.

"But it only takes 20 or [-] years for people here to forget all this and take it for granted, and the new young people will also feel that the suffering is only because of my incompetence and my The incompetence of the system.”

Li Ke smiled lightly.

But he doesn't think this is a bad thing.

People will not be satisfied with the status quo, which is why old and young people can never reach a consensus.

The elderly have experienced hard times and gained a good life, so they will naturally be grateful. However, people born in the new era have seen all the good things in the eyes of the elderly since they were young. If they regress even slightly, they will feel serious discomfort. , and then dissatisfaction arises.

At first glance, this seems to be due to human nature, but in fact it is due to knowledge.

Happiness is a comparison.

People who are knowledgeable usually have greater desires. Although there are not people who are easy to satisfy, most of them are small things.

This is also why old employees and bosses in some companies always feel that young people are dissatisfied.

They have been through more difficult things and will naturally feel dissatisfied when they see that you can get everything without doing anything.

But if you think this dissatisfaction is reasonable, you are right to say that young people are "ungrateful".

Li Ke felt at this time...

"That's farting."

Before he came, he really felt that these were all right and that the young man would never be grateful. But when he saw the rude person, this worry became even more intense.

He has seen too many such things in the Internet age. People who devote themselves are slandered, and those who use power for personal gain will live a rich and prosperous life.Then the new generation of people don’t know what their predecessors have gone through, and they only know that they want more from the achievements of their predecessors.

But when he saw these cheering people, he wanted to laugh.

He knew it would be like this when he came. There were definitely many people who were loyal to him, and there were definitely many people who were willing to fight for him. But when he really saw this, he still felt a huge sense of satisfaction and satisfaction. A sense of accomplishment, and a sense of familiarity.

He felt that he had seen these vivid lives in that yellowed history and in that white history textbook, even though the eras were different, the backgrounds were different, and the people were different.


People's desire for a happier life is the same.

"So any young person who doesn't know how to be grateful is just farting..."

After drinking a glass of wine, Li Ke wanted to laugh. He always laughed at the stupidity of people in this world, but the experience and knowledge in his mind always combined with the actual performance of the world and his own gradual reflection and maturity to tell himself , how stupid I was before.

"The world is constantly moving forward. Whether you like it or not, people feel the beauty from birth, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking this beauty for granted. Is the struggle of the previous generation just to let this generation eat the same food? Bitter? It's just a joke. The only ones who are at fault are those who are unwilling to move forward and no longer want to watch others move forward... But they don't make any sense."

Because the world moves forward, whether you want it to or not.

"My worry should be that I don't think I have that much ability, right?"

Li Ke took another sip of wine. He realized what his worries came from, which came from his lack of confidence in his abilities. He was confident that he would bring the people of Azeroth into the 21st century through the power of magic, but what happens after that?

He only has so much knowledge. Without advanced wisdom, where can he lead the people of this world?

Will the world still be safe and wonderful?

But after seeing these people, the thoughts that had been lingering in his mind before completely came true and completely occupied his thinking.

"If you don't leave power, power will leave you..."

Muttering these words, Li Ke made a decision.

He will lead Azeroth forward, but the real masters of this world will still be Azerothians.

Because no matter how powerful a person is, they cannot stop those who want to have a better life.

Who stopped them.

who dies.

Even he is the same.

Maybe he can destroy this world, but what about the next world?What about the next world?

He was sure of this from the beginning, so he was worried about these people, whose descendants would not be grateful to him and then destroy everything about him.

But now he figured it out.

If in the future, the system he established cannot bring a better future to the people of this world, destruction is the real thing that should be done, rather than guarding what he has built.

The world is moving forward, and people should also move forward.

What he brings should indeed be methods and new ways of thinking, not an eternal empire.

"I should learn to adapt to the way of thinking of immortal species."

With a chuckle, Li Ke, who had finished self-reflection and thinking again, was ready to leave.

But at this time, Sironas spoke.

"You gave them everything. Even if you don't want to give it to them, it's only natural. Is there anything wrong with that? I really don't know what you are worried about."

"The human heart is unstoppable. Sironas, people who call others mortals think of themselves as superior, but in fact, you also know very well that even if you are a devil, you still have your own desires. You desire Destruction, you crave more excitement, you crave more power, and..."

Li Ke smiled lightly.

"Do you really think life in the Burning Legion is good?"

Sironas was stunned for a moment, but she didn't show it to Li Ke, she just sneered.

"What are you talking about? Destruction and destruction are what I like best!"


Li Ke looked at the drink in her hand. It was a kind of pear wine. Sironas basically only drank this kind of wine. When she chose clothes, she would also subconsciously choose clothes that could highlight her body, even if this The appearance is just an illusion, she will still choose the image of having breasts, thighs, a slim waist and a perky butt.

It is true that there are demons who only know destruction and killing, but do demons like Ereda, who have become a monk by the way, really only have these thoughts?
Not necessarily?
"People always have to see themselves clearly when they lose something. Sironas, have you ever seen yourself clearly?"

Li Ke put down his drink money and walked out of the bar, but his words angered Sironas. The devil came out, looked at Li Ke seriously, and looked at Li Ke with a fierce look, as if Li Ke was interested in her. What an insult.

"You're always talking nonsense. I'm a devil from beginning to end?"

and so.

Do you admit that you are pretending?
Li Ke chuckled. He once again glanced at the people behind him who were cheering, feeling their enthusiasm and determination, and smiled softly.

As long as he, Li Ke, never betrays these people.


He is invincible.

No worries anymore. "Alsace, I'm waiting for you to come."

Li Ke was certain of his own people's determination, but Alsace fell into a helpless sadness.

"This is the truth, my dear people."

Arthas looked at the people who had been transformed into undead by his own plague and were watching them under the city tower, and spoke impassionedly.

"Despite our best efforts, Tichondrius still uses his evil magic to turn countless undead people into mindless monsters!"

The undead people below the city tower looked at their prince uneasily. According to the guards, their food had been poisoned by a monster called Tichondrius. The poison would transform them into undead people. That's not all. After all, after they became undead, the monster named Tichondrius could easily turn them into that kind of brainless monster!

They have seen these monsters, the bodies lying in a pool of blood, they have seen them with their own eyes. Basically, most people have seen what those monsters look like.

"So, I'm going to find Frostmourne!"

Alsace's voice suddenly rose in pitch!

"As long as I have this sword, I can protect you from Tichondrius' intrusion. As long as I have this sword, I can let you survive as an immortal forever! And in the future, One day, let your bodies recover!”

Alsace clutched his chest and spoke sadly.

"You are just sick! My people! You are not monsters!"

His words were deafening, causing those Stratholme people who were worried that they would become monsters and be killed to raise their arms and shout. No one wanted to die, no one wanted to become a monster.

The fear of death made them agree with Alsace's words unparalleledly, making them choose to ignore the loopholes in Alsace's words.

Because if Alsace's words are wrong, then...

They must die too.

No one wants to die.

This is loyalty in the face of death, and it is also what people of this era are best at using.

"May the glory of Lordaeron last forever!"

Arthas raised his sword high, which was his new weapon, saying it was to commemorate the dead in Stratholme.

And countless Stratholme people, or the undead, also raised their hands.

"May the glory of Lordaeron last forever!"

After finishing his speech, Arthas looked at the undead people who were whispering to each other and the people with uneasy expressions on their faces, but he was not in a good mood.

One reason is because he slaughtered most of the people, and the other reason is that he has been delayed here for too long, and someone has already arrived first!

"How is the situation in Northrend?"

He put away his sword and looked at his men.

"The situation over there is more complicated. Someone in His Highness Muradin's fleet gave us information. They talked about Frostmourne, but they also talked about dragons and a mage."


Arthas frowned.

"Luoning, he is already dead, but according to what that person said, he and the dragon sealed the sword. Anyone who comes close will be attacked by their corpses..."

This name made Arthas clenched his fists in dissatisfaction.

He was dissatisfied with Ronin for letting his captain Farric die, but what was even more dissatisfied was——

"Are you going to hinder me even if you die?"

Arthas no longer had an ounce of respect for Ronin.

"Then bring enough people and smash their bodies into pieces!"

He must set off quickly and reach Northrend before more people know about this!Otherwise, whether it is Jaina or other careerists, they will cause more trouble!
However, the attendant's other words made Alsace even more anxious.

"In addition, Lord Uther has also returned to Lordaeron..."

Alsace was stunned for a moment, and he immediately realized that he had to set off immediately.

Yes, after the Stratholme incident, the angry Uther did not return to his hometown, but moved towards Lordaeron and met Terenas.

"You mean, he started massacring Stratholme and ordered you to involve the Silver Hand?"

Looking at the news brought by his old friend, Terenas felt his head hurt like crazy, and he even wanted to curse.

"Yes, Your Majesty, and His Royal Highness the Prince also dismissed me from my position and the Knights of the Silver Hand, so many people joined the Prince's team...I did not stop them."

Uther had mixed feelings. He should have stopped those people, but loyalty is still a virtue.

Terenas didn't want to say whether Arthas's order was legal. He was old and it was time to give up power, but he had a problem.

"He sealed off Stratholme?"

He wanted to know if Arthas could kill them all.

As long as everyone can be killed, then this matter is not a big deal.

Uther nodded.

"Yes, Your Majesty, no one can escape. Baron Rivendell also helped. But when I came, there was news that Arthas did not kill everyone, and the remaining half were not transformed into monsters, but were Transformed into the undead..."

Before Uther could finish his words, Terenas suddenly stood up from the throne.

"You mean, he left half of the undead behind?"

The light of the Holy Light was constantly emanating from Terenas' body. This Holy Light contained an angry tone, and its intensity made Uther even more surprised.

When Li Ke infused Terenas with Holy Light at first, Terenas was just a more powerful Holy Light user, but now, the intensity of this Holy Light is even weaker than himself and Li Ke!

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Uther nodded and told the news he knew.

After confirming the news, he saw Terenas' body trembling, and then the Holy Light became even more angry and brilliant, and then slowly retracted under Terenas' strong control.

This made Uther couldn't help but frown, because he just couldn't control the expression of his holy light and emotions. He was not sure whether Terenas knew this.

"I understand... You should go and take a rest first, Uther. When Alsace comes back, I will ask him to apologize to you."

Terenas took a deep breath and sat back on the throne. He looked at Uther kneeling on the ground and waved his hand.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Uther left, even though he still had much to say.

Terenas, on the other hand, closed his eyes and supported his forehead with his hands, constantly adjusting his emotions.

Of course he knows Alsace's little tricks. He has played this trick countless times. If it were before, he would have endured it, but now...

Terenas opened his eyes, and the light of the Holy Light flashed away. This light was not interfered by Li Ke. He could not do such an exaggerated thing, but it was normal. The Holy Light can affect a person. Impact.

But Terenas didn't notice this, or in other words, it didn't matter if he did.

He looked at his bodyguard and spoke.

"Go visit Baron Presto, tell my daughter to go to her real husband, help manage the finances, and invite him to Lordaeron. Also, give me a copy of the real Li Ke's The birth certificate proves that he is my illegitimate son. And send the evidence you left behind in secret letters to Uther, Gavinrad Doom, Saidan Dathrohan, and Alex in my name. Sandros Mograine, Alfred Abbendis, and Antonidas tell them to open this letter if necessary."

Terenas' order made the guard open his mouth wide.

"Your Majesty, this..."

"Do as I say!"

Looking at his astonished bodyguard, Terenas issued his order with an unmistakable roar. ,

Because he had an unknown premonition.


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