Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 573 Northrend is about to arrive

The source of this unknown premonition is not just from one place.

He had this ominous feeling when the undead appeared in his land.

When Li Ke obtained a large amount of money contrary to common sense and developed an industry completely different from what he imagined, an unknown premonition also appeared.

And when Arthas came into contact with the man named Kel'Thuzad, the ominous premonition became even stronger.


He felt that he could control everything.

The matter in Stratholme is not a matter at all. Most of the people in Stratholme are dead anyway, and the rest are undead. Just disrupt the undead and spread them out as family units.

Although some rumors will arise, those nobles who are in urgent need of workers will spontaneously help solve the rumors.

Of course, before doing this, you need to deal with the possible plague problem first.

Li Ke's industrial country is not a problem. Li Ke's industrial country seems to be developed, but in fact it is very fragile. As long as he can unite all kingdoms to embargo, then Li Ke's industrial country can only be like Dalaran, forever. Play on your own turf.

These are just minor problems.

But the problem is something else.

Alsace, his ambition.

He knew exactly what Alsace was thinking. He knew his son too well. After regaining energy, his way of thinking became more rigorous and detailed, as if he had returned to the past.

And a young and powerful brain will naturally not be as relieved as an old man.

He saw clearly Alsace's crazy and unworkable idea.

Terenas looked at the leaving guards and couldn't help but sigh. When he was young, he also wanted to build an eternal empire. Otherwise, why would he make so many arrangements?
But in old age, he looked away and understood.

Although his companions can be wise and mighty, when they have children, they still have to consider their own family.

And these people are all people with outstanding achievements, and it is only natural to give their children a chance.

But their children lack nothing and can live a good life without even working hard. Why should they work hard?

So Terenas is actually very grateful to the orcs, because the orcs not only established his hegemony and solved his serious problem, Alterac, but also allowed him to select a new generation of elites.

Those who he named before are all very good talents.

But the reality will not change.

Compared with the nobles, there are more down-and-out nobles and commoners. Although there are very few successful people among them, there are still a lot of them based on the number.

But there are only so many nobles, and there are still many who are holding back.

The first and second generations of nobles may still be worthy of their titles, but what about the third and fourth generations, as well as the children who have been arranged to live in other places?
These people have a good life, but they have no ability. They just have power. What will happen?

This is the inevitable result.

But Arthas wanted to use necromancy to end all this, use the undead who completely surrendered to him to take charge of the law and official positions, and sweep the nobles into the garbage heap.

It seems very possible.

But in fact it is absolutely impossible.

"My son actually had such an idea and paid the price of hundreds of thousands of people to pursue an artifact whose power he didn't know the source of or who it belonged to..."

How ridiculous and stupid this is.

Terenas sighed, but even if there was no problem with Frostmourne, he would not support Arthas doing this because it was unrealistic.

His actions are destroying human history!

Of course he knows that most nobles are stupid, and if the undead are used to solve the corruption problem, the empire will indeed become great, but——

"Some things are inevitable in history, Arthas. In the current world, it is impossible for human beings to establish an eternal empire."

Terenas sighed deeply, and Arthas chose the path that was least acceptable to him.

He wants to challenge history and human nature.

He believes that human beings can achieve this without any need for privileges or showing off. Differences only represent individuality, not superiority or inferiority.

He has even taken the initiative to pay the price, and there is no turning back.

"Human beings are more greedy than goblins, more cruel than trolls, and less aware of restraint than ooze monsters. Maybe in the future, humans can obey such management and such ideas, but it is absolutely impossible now. Moreover, there are absolute rules. It represents absolute authority, but it also represents absolute tyranny. Your idea is too dangerous... Don't blame me, child, if you continue to do this, it will only make Menethil extinct..."

Terenas didn't want to think too much about things that would make him feel painful. He had already planned to abolish Arthas. Although Li Ke, his son-in-law, made him very dissatisfied, if he wanted to legitimately get the Empire of Lordaeron, , then he must give his daughter a title and inherit the throne through the blood of Menethil.

Otherwise, Li Ke would not be able to sit still.

As for what happened next, he couldn't control it, but it was better than being tortured by Alsace to the point of extermination.

"It would be great if you were really my illegitimate son."

Terenas sighed softly. He admired Li Ke's way of guiding the people. Although he was still very immature, there was no doubt that he was upright and royal. Most importantly, many of Li Ke's arrangements seemed to be absolute. The right to rule, but in fact, he could tell that Li Ke didn't care at all about the ownership of a ruling institution. He only cared about whether the institution could complete his own ideas.

Third-rate kings rely on rights, second-rate kings play with rights, first-rate kings use rights, and true kings create rights.

Like him, Li Ke is a person who creates rights.

Their rights come from themselves, and the rights of their subordinates come from their thoughts and wishes. As long as such a king has a sound mind and sufficient resources, he is invincible.

Terenas was a little troubled for a moment. If he was still his old self, he might have another thought now. If Jaina hadn't revealed the prophecy, he might have another thought.

Even if Li Ke hadn't lifted the veil of industrialization and revealed his ferocious appearance, and what Alsace did was too terrifying, he might have had other ideas.

But now, there is only one.No matter how much he loves his son, he can only make this choice.It is always better to hand over the family property to a decent person than to have a son destroy his own property, but as a doting father, he still gave his son the last chance.

If he is willing to look back...

That evidence can be used.

"I gave you the last chance, Arthas, don't let me down."

But first, he must mobilize his troops to prevent the possibility of the prophecy from happening, and send his own troops to prevent his fleet from obeying Arthas' orders and help him find the magic sword.

Terenas' worries could not affect anything. The extra gears in this world produced a development that was paradoxical to the previous timeline, and began to slide towards a similar but completely different place.

But it is a pity that the butterfly's wings are still weak at this time and cannot incite too many things, even though he has brought about earth-shaking changes in everything around him.

But the choices of some people and the experiences of some people will not actually cause much deflection.


The meaning is completely different.

The sea breeze in Northrend is howling, and everything on the sea is so lonely and desolate.Battleships from not far away from Stratholme are constantly moving forward. With the help of the mages who set off with the ships, the cold sea wind cannot make people feel too much.

But the people on the fleet were not afraid of the sea breeze at all, but looked at everything in the distance, looking forward to finding the power to save their kingdom, because they all believed in the judgment of Prince Alsace, and they were all of excellent quality. The soldiers and accompanying people are also the most elite navy in the kingdom. Although it cannot be compared with the navy of Kul Tiras, among other countries in the world, no country's navy can match their navy. Comparable.

"Your Highness Arthas, Northrend is very close, but the soldiers are a little worried."

The captain came over and looked at Alsace. Because there were many undead on the ship, they were moving very fast. There should usually be places like pirates, but now there is nothing, only some corpses. and the remnants of sea beasts, they just need to sail with peace of mind.

Moreover, Arthas also brought countless elite weapons, so there is no need to worry about many things.

"So, what are they worried about?"

Standing at the bow of the ship, looking at the white mist in the distance and the ice floes in the sea, Alsace didn't pay attention to the cold air, because ever since he started learning necromancy, the cold air had no impact on him. It's so huge as imagined.

"They worry, prophesies."

The captain looked at the sponge in the distance, then spoke again.

"We will be able to arrive at Mr. Muradin's landing point this afternoon, but His Royal Highness, you should know that everyone was worried about this matter when we set off. I have suppressed it all the way, but..."

There was a troubled look on the captain's face. As a prince, Alsace had no legal possibility to mobilize this fleet, but in fact this was not the case. After Alsace began to have his own soldiers, In fact, he has already begun to perform the duties of the king. Under such circumstances, legal principles and so on are actually bullshit.

But the prophecy related to Alsace forced him to ask.

Because in the prophecy, Arthas took that magic sword and destroyed Lordaeron.

"Tell them that before the mage arrives, I will not search for the magic sword, nor will I lead them to search for the magic sword."

Arthas answered these people calmly, his tone was very sincere.

"Even after you send me there, you can go back and wait for my father's orders. Captain, you can definitely write that you were escorting me for a walk, but I walked farther."

After all, my father will never let you assist me.

Alsace was very aware of this matter, and understood that his father might have seen through his tactics and understood his thoughts at this time.

But he couldn't stop it.

Those nobles who have tasted the sweetness and those factories that need cheap workers will not let so many undead stay there in vain, especially when there is no one to control these undead.

So when he spoke, the smile on his face was indifferent and mocking.But the captain felt that this should be due to the cold wind in Northrend, because Arthas was really kind and would not put him in a dilemma.

Not obeying Alsace's instructions would be to offend the future king.

Disobeying Terenas' order is an offense against the current king, and no one can be dealt with by him.

"Now those soldiers can feel at ease. By the way, Your Highness, we caught a seal before. Are you interested in eating seal steak tonight? This is a rare delicacy."

He felt that Arthas would not be so crazy. After all, there was something wrong with an artifact with unknown origins and unknown rumors. No matter what, the mages of Dalaran should take a look at it, right?

The captain's words made Alsace nodded, but Alsace looked at him and chuckled.

"Of course, by the way, take out the flour and bread I brought here. Wait until we get to the shore and let everyone have a big meal before leaving."

His words meant something, but the captain didn't think much of it.

"Thank you so much, thank you on behalf of the boys."

The captain bent down in gratitude, but Alsace just waved his hand and continued to look at the foggy front, indicating that the captain could leave.

After the captain left, a hooded mage came over. In the eyes of the soldiers, this mage came to prepare measures to keep their prince warm, but when the mage read in their eyes When the spell is cast, an arrangement has actually been completed.

"Your Majesty, the plague has been put into the strong wine and flour. As long as there is no mage to conduct careful testing, there will be no problem."

Alsace nodded. Of course he knew that his father would not let him take this army away. Even if he wanted to take it away, he would still do such a thing.

Because without the navy, he couldn't control everyone, and he couldn't take any risks.

"Very good, the generous character of the dwarves will help us do the rest... You are ready to control these crews. When I get Frostmourne, we will return to Lordaeron immediately."

When he said these words, a strong wind blew past them. While Alsace's blond hair and blue cloak were blowing, the thick fog in front of him dispersed, revealing the snow-capped wild continent. .



Well, after struggling for a while, I decided to write it this way...

Sorry for being late, I will make an update tomorrow to compensate.

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