Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 574 The irresistible footsteps

The wind in Northrend was bone-chilling, and even wearing a thick fur coat couldn't resist the cold feeling that penetrated into the bone marrow, as well as the terrifying temperature.

Under such circumstances, any act of fighting would be quite luxurious and undoubtedly extremely difficult.

And any living person with good intentions, and a large number of living people with supplies, will definitely be accepted quickly, but...

"My goodness……"

Watching the fleet of Lordaeron approaching rapidly, when they woke up, the two dwarves who were changing shifts opened their mouths in surprise, couldn't help but stare at the flag above, and took out their binoculars.

Then, the dwarf in charge of the night watch saw the bright flag and Alsace who was looking at it from the bow of the ship.

"Oh my God! Is it really Arthas?! Could it be that the prophecy is true?"

The surprised dwarf put down his telescope and handed it to his companion, but to be honest, he felt a little weird, because of the time, the noise of the battle between Ronin and Deathwing, and Muradin's exuberant curiosity, so they also discovered the sword guarded by the dragon.

It's just that most people are afraid of this sword just by seeing it, so Muradin wants to completely bury the sword and let it stay in the frozen wasteland forever.

Because of this, they did not return to the civilized world with other gains from this adventure.

Muradin therefore told them to be careful of anyone passing by, but this was Arthas!The prince of Lordaeron, the prophesied devil!

So the two people watching the night were in quite complicated moods.

"Okay, forget about the prophecies. We should go to greet the fleet. Maybe they have brought enough wine."

The dwarf hammered his friend, then quickly walked to the horn and blew the horn according to a specific pattern.

However, when most of the dwarves and other human crew members studying here heard that Arthas was coming, they all thought of the prophecy, and some became uneasy.

However, the sound of the horn continued to wake up the sleeping dwarves in the camp and was also transmitted to the ships in the distant sea. So Alsace's men quickly responded with the horn and played a semaphore.

And Alsace finally arrived at the camp not long after.

The construction ability of the dwarves is unparalleled. Although it is just a simple camp, they still built a simple dock in a decent manner, which can allow large ships to dock.

In addition, this is almost a natural port, so Alsace's fleet arrived here with almost no obstacles, and Alsace's boots finally set foot on Northrend, which had been waiting for him.

And when his feet really stepped on the wind and snow of Northrend, his restless heart calmed down because of the cold and thick snow.

Because he has reached the last step from his victory and the realization of all his wishes.

However, he did not see his teacher Muradin among the people who greeted him, which made him couldn't help but ask.

"Where is Teacher Muradin?"

Regarding Alsace's question, the dwarf in charge of the reception had no doubts. Alsace was basically someone Muradin had grown up watching, and the skills of the other warriors were basically taught by Muradin. Under such circumstances, Alsace It was normal for Sass to ask about Muradin's situation when they met.


The dwarf glanced at Alsace, who looked extremely eager, and couldn't help but murmured in his heart.

"You didn't even say hello?"

He suppressed the doubts in his heart and spoke directly.

"Muradin is currently exploring the vicinity of Frostmourne because he plans to seal the sword forever."

After hearing the news, Arthas frowned. He looked at the dwarf in front of him and couldn't help but ask.

"He plans to seal that sword? Why?"

He didn't quite understand, and the dwarf looked at Alsace's puzzled expression and became even more puzzled, and felt helpless.

The reason why Muradin wanted to seal Frostmourne was because Arthas fell after he drew the sword in the prophecy?
"Yes, Muradin said that he also felt an ominous aura. The sword was pulled out and inserted into his chest voluntarily. He said that something that is willing to be guarded like this is definitely something ominous, so He is thinking about whether to build a maze here so that the damn magic sword will never appear. And, you should know, some widely circulated news..."

The dwarf coughed slightly after speaking. He was not suitable as a receptionist. In fact, he preferred to go mining, but there was always someone to guard the camp.

"The prophecy... I didn't expect Muradin to believe the prophecy of a madman who almost destroyed Azeroth."

Arthas sneered. In his opinion, the mage Medivh who summoned the orcs was just a lunatic who wanted to control the orcs and establish a kingdom for himself. After all, the orcs were obviously under his control.

Such a person predicts that he will destroy the world, doesn't it just mean that he, Arthas, wants to destroy the old world?
This group of people can only see the negative side of the prophecy, which is simply stupid.

He couldn't help but want to show a mocking expression on these dwarves who were obviously worried about the prophecy, but because he didn't want to cause trouble, it turned into a smile.

In his opinion, the power of the dwarf is indispensable. If he wants to get a machine like Li Ke, it is not enough to have money. The dwarf will not give him the core technology, so in order to surpass Li Ke, the dwarf must Be his strength.

So, he raised his hand, and behind him, soldiers arrived carrying barrels of spirits and fresh flour.

And, of course, there were the seals they hunted.

"Oh, it seems like I didn't come at the right time, but I think strong wine and fresh bread can dispel some of your worries, right?"

Even if the smell of the wine was frozen by the ice, it could never escape the noses of these dwarves. Their eyes suddenly lit up, and the uneasiness caused by Alsace's arrival quickly disappeared.

The dwarf who received Alsace couldn't help but rub his hands, looking forward to the smell of fresh bread and wine.

You know, they have been so short of wine recently that they even want to drink antifreeze!

I even want to give up on things here and return to the civilized world again!
"Then prepare a banquet. Let everyone be happy. Oh, my soldiers will also attend the banquet. Everyone can enjoy it."

Alsace smiled and patted the dwarf on the shoulder. His face was full of smiles, but for some reason, the originally happy dwarf suddenly felt a cold feeling after being patted by Alsace.

He glanced at Alsace with a bright smile in confusion. He didn't know why he felt like this, but he did feel like this.

But subconsciously, he still wanted to escape from Alsace. "Then I have to call Lord Muradin, otherwise, if he knows that I am drunk and doesn't call him, the consequences will be terrible!"

He grunted and planned to ride on the goat to call Muradin, but was stopped by Arthas.

"Then please take me with you. I haven't seen Muradin for a long time, and it would be rude not to go to my teacher as soon as I get here... Don't worry, Muradin is here, and you won't be worried. won't happen."

Arthas smiled and patted the dwarf on the shoulder, and the dwarf found that he had nothing to refuse. Just looking at Alsace with a smile on his face, he suddenly realized something.

He didn't know why this prince came.

However, his identity was not enough for him to ask such a thing, so he could only nod helplessly.

"Okay, His Highness Alsace... did you hear it? Prepare for the banquet! We are going to have a carnival today!"

He ignored the haze in his heart, shouted to the people around him, and went to prepare his mount to advance in the snow. Others in the camp had been waiting for this moment, and they cheered and took over the soldiers. With the wine barrel and food in his hands, he started chatting with the soldiers who had been floating at sea for several days.

The camp suddenly became very lively.

Alsace also took some guards to Muradin's location.

"The weather is nice today. If we walk faster, we can come back before the banquet starts."

Pulling the mount, the dwarf spoke. Although he was still worried about whether there was something wrong with Arthas wanting to be with Frostmourne so eagerly, the other party saw that his teacher's behavior was understandable. He really didn't know how to refuse.

And because they were already extremely familiar with the road, they did run back and forth once a day without the need to explore the road conditions.

After all, they were not hunting for treasure, but traveling between two camps.

He was also a little surprised, because compared to the normal weather, although there was still flying snow in Northrend today, it was already very good weather. The dwarf who led the way did not know what this meant, but there was no doubt that it was Yes, the countdown to destruction has begun.

The constantly drifting snow fell on the ground, and the breath of the mount and the person were unusually conspicuous. However, when the dwarf turned his head unconsciously, he discovered that among the drifting snow, there were several Alsace guards. There was no white smoke coming out of the breath.

This made him a little uneasy, but he didn't pay more attention to it. After all, it was just a glimpse.

They ran for nearly five hours before they saw some simple buildings and a giant dragon on the plain in the distance.

This giant dragon surrounded its body, guarding a sword with a faint blue light and a figure in its body, and stretched out its wings to protect the figure from the wind and snow.

Almost as soon as Arthas saw this sword, he ignored all other sights, because he knew very well that this was the sword in the prophecy. The sword in the prophecy changed his mind and made him He launched a massacre against Lordaeron and destroyed Lordaeron's magic sword.


"They don't know the true meaning of the prophecy."

Arthas couldn't help but reveal a true grin on his face. He couldn't wait to realize his wish and dream.

He could no longer stop. Kel'Thuzad, countless civilians in Lordaeron who had been oppressed and died, and the hundreds of thousands of innocent souls in Stratholme were all pushing him towards him. The dream went over and pushed him to kill Theodix, the 'culprit'.

Therefore, he wants to pull out that sword now, and then start his most noble slaughter - those nobles, those corrupt bureaucrats, will become the spring of cleansing all the filth in Lordaeron, those who sacrificed for this The people will also be the last drop of blood shed by mankind!

His breathing became heavier until the people in the camp raised the alarm and a familiar short figure walked out.

"Alsace! You shouldn't be here!"

The moment Muradin saw Alsace, he couldn't help but say these words. Although he couldn't help hugging the dismounted body of Alsace, there was no joy on his face.

"You know, the prophecy is very bad for you, and this sword..."

He didn't make any pleasantries and went straight to the point and spoke his thoughts.

The moment he saw this sword, he immediately understood that it was not something that humans could control at all. The wanted mage named Luo Ning was indeed a person worthy of respect, so he rose up The idea of ​​burying this place.

"I know, but something happened and I need to use the power of this sword to kill a demon, a very powerful demon."

Alsace spoke, but he looked at his teacher and couldn't help but speak.

"However, the first words we said when we met were this. Are you too serious, Muradin? In your heart, am I someone who doesn't know the importance?"

He tried hard not to look at the sword, because the more the king wanted something, the less he could reveal his thoughts, otherwise countless sins would result.

But his joke didn't make Muradin laugh. The dwarf looked at Arthas's face and was about to say something when he noticed something was wrong.

"This is different, Arthas. Anyway, I won't let you get close to this sword... Wait, why are you here? Arthas! You should be waiting for me in the camp! No, how do you know me? Where?!"

After the surprise and fright of seeing Alsace faded, Muradin's mind started to move.

Although his location is not a top secret, it shouldn't be something that Arthas can find. He has never told Lordaeron the location of his camp!

Moreover, Arthas was well taught by Terenas and he was very polite.Under normal circumstances, he would not come here directly at all, but would wait for him in the camp.

There is a traitor in my team!

Arthas is bound to get this sword!
Muradin understood all this immediately, but it was already too late. Because he realized that Muradin would never let him get close to Arthas of Frostmourne, a black aura suddenly appeared on his palm, and hit him. onto the unsuspecting Muradin.

This warrior was no match for him when he became an adult, and now that he was attacked by him using magic without any defense, it was even less possible for him to put up any resistance.

This black aura suddenly expanded on Muradin's body, imprisoning him in place, and the dwarf who brought Arthas here was beaten by several people before he could wipe out his hammer. The soldier, who was not breathing and was cold all over, was pressed to the ground.

"Sorry, sensei, but I have to get it."

Looking at Muradin who was unable to move under his own curse, with a frightened expression on his face, Arthas showed an apologetic smile, and then looked at the sudden surge of light at the moment he took action. Frostmourne, whose blue light shot straight into the sky, told her reasons and reasons.

"For Lordaeron."

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