Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 581 Weapons

There are many conscripts in Li Ke's territory, and Li Ke is not very urgent to send them to the battlefield immediately, so for the time being, he just lets them gather and then train.

Because Li Ke's real soldiers are still demons and dragons.

Not only that, he also had to wait for some things to be installed.

"Lord Li Ke, do all soldiers need to be equipped with firearms?"

Walder looked at Li Ke with some confusion.

Li Ke nodded.

"Yes, you must be equipped with firearms and use brass bullets uniformly. It does not require much power, as long as it can crush people's heads."

He is really serious.

Bullets on earth are nothing in this world, because the armor here is at least one centimeter thick. Unless it is an armor-piercing bullet or something like that, ordinary bullets will only make a sound when they hit a fully armed soldier. That’s all.

Moreover, the metals in Azeroth are better than those in the human world in all aspects. To be honest, their iron just happens to be called iron, and it is not very similar to that on Earth.

But the musket is still very powerful.

This high-speed designed metal projectile can still crush most bows and arrows, but it cannot be compared with those bows and arrows because of its short development time, high cost, and tragic rate of fire.

Those elves can shoot five or six arrows in an instant, and they can also add spells to them. It is obviously one arrow shot out, but hundreds of energy arrows fly out, which is not too difficult to see. matter.

The most important thing is that guns are really expensive.

Flames, bullets, and the care and maintenance of the gun. Compared with the relatively cheap and mature bows and arrows, the gun is really not on the table.

And if you want to increase the power, the bow and arrow only need to be powerful to be used by the user, and the firearm must be replaced, or even replaced with more powerful bullets.

Not only that, various protective spells made the firearms useless.

However, even so, artillery and firearms are powerful forces in Azeroth.

Because the gunpowder here is not the gunpowder from the earth. The stones here can be used to make gunpowder. No kidding, just grind the stones here into powder and put charcoal and the like on it to make gunpowder.

It's just not powerful enough.


"In this case, our financial problems will be huge, and brass..."

Wald kept scratching his head. With their current industrial reserves, it is not difficult to make brass bullets. As long as he goes back and gets the design drawings, the factory can build the lathe in the afternoon.

But the problem is, this is a gold-swallowing behemoth, and it puts a lot of pressure on logistics.

Although the dwarves relied on muskets, they used fixed gunpowder and lead bullets. The brass bullets Li Ke requested were already from another era, and they were something the dwarves were better at.

But the gnomes also fire metal shards, not bullets.

Because bullets are too expensive.

"There is no way, the training time for my soldiers is too short, and I have no intention of giving up cold weapon combat."

Li Ke shook his head.In serious terms of the Middle Ages, he is now going to teach these people what the virtue of artillery is. It is my virtue, and my range is the size of my territory.

But now, guns are actually quite powerless against demons.

However, it is still very powerful against undead natural disasters!
As long as there are enough machine gun positions, the number of people that the Undead Scourge is best at is not a problem. A single squad of soldiers can withstand thousands of undead troops.

Of course, expecting them to be able to deal with abominations, oozes and the like is a bit much.

But those will naturally be dealt with by elite soldiers and mages. The machine guns here can clean up the miscellaneous soldiers and ensure the lives of these people.

"My workers are much more precious than money, Wald. Our strength and everything comes from our workers. Naturally, we are also responsible for their lives. In addition, you should also improve this Gatling gun. If you can If so, I plan to allow each soldier in a squad to have his or her own Gatling gun."

Li Ke casually took out the design drawing of the Gatling gun, intending to enable all human soldiers to carry heavy machine guns on their backs.

Again, this is not the earth, this is Azeroth, and the weight of the machine gun is nothing to some people.

That is to say, he doesn't use technology points such as rockets very much now, otherwise he would have to demonstrate to Alsace what it means to have rich fire coverage.

Gunpowder weapons are indeed not very powerful for these magical creations, but what about five thousand soldiers each firing a hundred bullets in one minute?
He really wanted to know whether he could withstand the natural disaster of the undead.

"Oh, by the way, place an order with the elves to make some magazines and bullet chains that can automatically replenish bullets, so that our soldiers can save some time in loading bullets."

Li Ke said casually that this kind of small spell was not a problem for the elves, not even difficult for him. He could figure it out after a week or two of research.

But if it is left to the elf team, the elf mages can come up with a rough idea in about an afternoon, and then start designing a mass production plan.

There is no way. When it comes to enchantment, elves are undoubtedly the masters. Even the Black Dragon Legion is not as powerful as the elf mages in many places. They are just more adapted to the dragon's fighting style.

"Understood, leave this matter to me."

Walder nodded.

But, just when he was about to leave, Li Ke suddenly spoke.


"What's wrong? Master Li Ke."

Walder looked at Li Ke with some confusion.

"You said, if we bind some fire elements to weapons, can we create some powerful enchanted equipment? For example, fire elements?"

Li Ke also just thought of it. If they could enslave some elements and bind the core of these elements to the sword, would they be able to give the sword the power of the elements?
Li Ke's question stunned Walder for a moment. The Black Dragon Legion really had such technology.

"It's just that Master Li Ke, the cost will be very high, and not everyone can use this weapon. Only a master can use such a weapon. Otherwise, it will be counterattacked."

"Is that so? I see."

Li Ke rubbed his temples. He knew that he was impatient, but there was nothing he could do about it. Before, he had to develop his own industry at all costs, so now the lack of troops is obvious.

And this is his only weakness.

He has no ability to go out and conquer.

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