Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 582 Dreams and Reality

Chapter 582 Dreams and Reality

"We are still short of manpower."

Li Ke rubbed his temples. He packed up all the people Varian gave him and threw them to Jaina. After all, the other party was the one who needed to fight against Arthas.

In fact, his troops will not actually confront Arthas' troops head-on, because he and Arthas will only fight in Quel'Thalas, and he will not protect Lordaeron under any circumstances.

So expansion is not needed for the time being.

However, his mind was still focused on magic weapons.

"If large-scale popularization of fire element weapons doesn't work...then what about other powers?"

Six kinds of power are constantly lingering in Li Ke's hands.

These powers do not have enough influence on him, but this is not the case for ordinary people.

Fel energy, shadow, and death can be given up without considering it, while arcane spells are too demanding on the user, and so is life.

"Is there still only the Holy Light?"

The power in Li Ke's hand gradually changed into the form of Holy Light.

In the deserted office, he casually used some arcane tricks he had recently learned to summon an iron ingot from his toolbox into the air, and then fixed it with holy light.

He tried to penetrate his holy light into the iron ingot, but the holy light only penetrated the iron ingot slightly, and then began to dissipate in the iron ingot. It did not successfully become light cast iron as he expected. .

Holy light is still holy light, and iron ingots are still iron ingots.

"Light cast iron can become light cast iron only after the iron ingot is continuously washed and baptized by the holy light. So what if I 'order' these holy lights to exist directly in the iron ingot?"

Li Ke muttered to himself, he really had never done such a thing.

After thinking for a while, Li Ke decided to give it a try.

If he succeeds, then he can simply make a lot of light cast iron, and then everyone will have light cast iron armor and weapons, giving Alsace the palm of his hand.

For long-range combat, there are machine guns and artillery, while for close combat, all members are equipped with light cast iron armor.

The only thing he had to worry about was not to kill Alsace directly.

So he stretched out his hand and began to give orders, but before doing this, he carefully applied a layer of holy light shield to himself, and added an arcane shield inside.

Then, a layer of protection was added to this room.

Because he didn't know if it would explode.

After ensuring his own safety, Li Ke started his own action.

"Give me even distribution among them!"

Looking at the iron ingot suspended in front of him, Li Ke gave an order to his holy light.However, the moment he issued this order, Li Ke thought of something.

"Light cast iron, is there an additional holy light element in the iron element? Or is it atoms or electrons?"

This idea was just a momentary thought, but the moment he issued this order, Li Ke felt dizzy and had a strong sense of crisis.

But before he had time to react, he felt that he was moving forward rapidly. The huge sense of advancement made everything in front of him appear extremely chaotic, and the scenery passing in front of him made his reaction nerves unable to see clearly. You can't even hear the sound, you can only feel the boundless vibration.

By the time he reacted, he was already in a farmland two kilometers away. The shield on his body had been completely shattered, half of his bones were broken, and he spit out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably.

Under his gaze, his office and room were blown away, and half of his manor collapsed, glowing with golden light and exuding a powerful aura of holy light.

"Cough... what happened?"

Li Ke was a little confused. The power of life force and the power of holy light quickly acted on his body, forcibly repairing the broken bones and broken internal organs, so that he could have enough mobility.

But his mind was still in chaos, and his brain hurt even more. Not to mention normal thinking, he couldn't even control himself carefully when treating himself, and he almost let his life force grow a second one for him. The spear comes out.

At this critical moment, Grayson quickly appeared next to Li Ke, but before he got close to Li Ke, the sound of his flesh being burned by flames came from his body, forcing him to quickly stay away. Li Ke, to prevent the powerful holy light power on Li Ke from burning his body into ashes.

However, he didn't have other options. Before other demons found Li Ke, Grayson quickly threw a ball of blood-red energy at Li Ke.

"Master, please wake up!"

This blood-red energy is the anima. Li Ke's body absorbed the anima without any resistance. Only then did Li Ke's spirit become clearer and he was able to think normally.

Only then did he realize that he had an extremely violent holy light on his body, and the ground under his feet began to sparkle under the illumination of this holy light.

He immediately restrained these holy lights, allowing Grayson to get closer to him.

And he himself quickly crushed an anima bead on his body, used the power of anima to relieve his mental fatigue, and finally returned to his normal posture.

Grayson also approached Li Ke at this time and helped Li Ke up.

"Master, what happened?"

Li Ke covered his head, feeling the violent holy light rising into the sky in the distance, and probably knew what it was about.

My ability was indeed successful, but it was too successful. Things I accidentally thought of were also controlled by my own energy.I don’t know what happened during this period. Anyway, the piece of iron exploded and then sent me so far away that I didn’t even have time to counterattack.

"Ahem, I did an experiment. Grayson, what about the casualties?"

"No one was injured, Mr. Li Ke. The scope of the explosion was not very large. Only your room was directly destroyed. The other rooms were only hit by the shock wave, so there were no casualties."

"Okay then, take me there, I want to see the results of my experiment."

Li Ke shook his head. Although he had absorbed a large amount of mental energy, his body and soul were still extremely tired, almost to the point of falling asleep.

But it was absolutely impossible for him to fall asleep, so the power of evil energy quietly bloomed in Li Ke's body, and the sleepiness in Li Ke's heart was barely dispelled, allowing him to face his subordinates in a relatively normal posture.

The two of them quickly returned to the ruins. The demon subordinates were very sensible and did not join in the fun, while the dragon guards sealed Li Ke's mansion immediately, so there was no big fuss. movement.

However, when Li Ke looked at the ruins of his former office, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

Brilliant holy light continued to shine in the ruins of the explosion. Except for the place where he was sitting before, other places had traces of the radial holy light impact.And it is constantly emitting violent holy light outwards. The power of demons and shadows cannot get close at all. Even Grayson can't get close and can only watch from a distance.

But among the things that remained, whether they were broken pens or twisted steel bars, they all shone with the aura of holy light and were undoubtedly light cast iron.

Even a piece of gravel or a piece of paper inside is shining with the aura of holy light.

Li Ke squatted down and picked up a piece of iron. It should be one of his rulers, but now, this ruler, which seemed to have been half vaporized by something, was shining with the light of the holy light, and the ruler on the ground. Like steel bars, it is undoubtedly light cast iron.

Obviously, he succeeded.

His legion will have a large amount of light iron to forge armor.

But strictly speaking, it cannot be considered a success.Because this forging method is so damn exciting!
"So what exactly happened..."

Li Ke's superficial knowledge of physics was not enough for him to understand what had just happened, but there was no doubt that he was able to retrieve his memory and check it.

This kind of behavior that only knows the result but not the principle makes Li Ke very uncomfortable.

"Take care of this... I need a break."

Holding his chest, Li Ke walked towards his intact courtyard and began to close his eyes and rest, heal his body and relieve his lingering fatigue.

This feeling of fatigue comes from the soul, and Li Ke can only relieve it by constantly absorbing energy.

However, he did not forget to study why this happened.

He retrieved his own memory and watched what happened in his memory world. Then, in his memory that had slowed down countless times, he saw what happened.

The moment he gave the order, the iron controlled by his magic began to become translucent from the outside to the inside, and shone with golden light, forming a translucent golden substance.

But this substance was quite unstable and began to collapse almost as soon as it appeared.

The next moment, the holy light began to become violent, and this piece of 'light cast iron' suddenly began to spread outward, and then -

Then the holy light contained in it violently swept through everything around it. Even the piece of light cast iron itself transformed into violent holy light, and vented the holy light in all directions.

But the explosion only lasted a moment, and the scale was not very large. Li Ke also clearly saw that at the moment of the explosion, a considerable part of the iron ingot was vaporized instead of exploding together.

"...Did I rub my hands into the fusion reaction?"

Li Ke looked at his hand. His lack of knowledge was not enough for him to understand the truth, but he also fully understood that it was precisely because he ordered the holy light to enter the iron element of this iron ingot that this happened. Condition.

"Forget it, it can be used after all. Let's wait until later to do research in this area."

Li Ke closed his eyes, stretched out his hand and laid a strong enough barrier in the room, and then stopped suppressing his fatigue and began to rest.

And in this long-lost sleep, Li Ke once again dreamed of his hometown:
"here it is……"


Looking at the busy streets and the people going to work with their mobile phones, Li Ke felt confused for a moment.

"I'm back?"

He looked at the flickering portal behind him, and finally remembered that he had studied the portal technology and then came back.

"That's great...Azeroth is a place where it's really hard for people to live comfortably."

Thinking of this, Li Ke breathed a sigh of relief. He really didn't like Azeroth. Except for a few people there, to him, the rest of the people were people with brain problems, even the elves and Jaina, and his There is a huge gap between his outlook on life and what he is used to.

There, he was always alone. Even when he was sleeping, he had to set up various barriers and warnings around him, for fear that he would die unknown.

Even if it was an occasional indulgence, he couldn't trust anyone.

No one can understand him, no one can understand his isolation and loneliness, and no one can understand how much he hates that world where everything makes him feel strange.

"Finally home……"

Feeling his own power, Li Ke's mouth showed a smile. He still had power, and he could do whatever he wanted on earth.

He can take humans to the endless starry sky, make this world extremely developed, and even change the entire world, so that humans no longer have to plot everything on earth and go to the stars to start the next chapter.

And he can also become a person above ten thousand people, make his life happy, and make his family and friends happy.

Their names will be etched in history!
"Haha...that's great!"

He happily opened his arms, ready to embrace the world, and the first person he planned to tell was his family.

However, just when he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed his family's number, completely different voices came out.

"You did a good job..."

"It's a whole new world!"

"This world should also be full of death."

"The Holy Light will come here!"

"Thank you for bringing me new food!"

"This place should be destroyed too!"

With these sounds, countless cracks opened around him, and powerful forces poured into his world. Holy light, life, evil energy, arcane, death, and shadow, the six forces continued to flow. Come into his world!It turned into countless weird beings on the ground!

Everything he was familiar with before his eyes began to change into various forms under the influence of the Force, attacking and destroying each other.

There is no difference between these six kinds of force!Each one brings death and destruction to his world!
And just when he wanted to organize in fear, a red giant filled with evil energy appeared from a portal, and then, countless demons began to appear in this world.

"You did a good job. You dedicated your world to me. Li Ke, you did a good job!"

Li Ke recognized the other party's appearance, it was Sargeras!

As he lowered his hands, his power disappeared, and he could only watch countless monsters representing various forces invade his world. But just as he knelt down dejectedly, he suddenly discovered that in his hands There is something cold.

He raised the sword in confusion, and then saw the magic sword that he had never really seen before, but had seen in countless scenes.

His hand began to tremble, and the sword blade also reflected a reflection with two completely opposite sides, but the sword blade combined it into a face. .

On one side is his confused face, and on the other side——

It's Alsace who keeps smiling evilly.

Behind this face is Sargeras, whose body is burning with evil energy.


Li Ke suddenly stood up from the bed, sweating profusely, panting, looking blankly at the dark room, and couldn't help but cover his head.

"We must... ensure that ending."

The ending of Sargeras being sealed!

At the same moment, the prince of Lordaeron also returned to his kingdom in the early morning with the sword and the smile in Li Ke's nightmare.

 I will update tomorrow and finish writing "Father's Kindness and Son's Filial Piety" in one go.

(End of this chapter)

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