Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 583: The Sorrow of Lordaeron 10k

"Lordaeron, your prince is back!"

Seeing Alsace walking off the ship, the port administrator shouted happily.

Alsace's return can be said to be quite upright. He ruled the people of the port very early and handed over the command of the fleet.

Because of this, the people of this small town were able to gather together and see their prince.

They kept cheering, not only because Alsace was back, but also because of one thing.

Alsace stopped the plague.

Stratholme's matter was quickly resolved through Terenas' public relations. For the people of Lordaeron who had not personally experienced the massacre, the relationship between Stratholme's life and death was not actually very important.

Just like the people of Washington and New York in the Bad Country dislike each other, and the people of the Magic City and the Imperial City dislike each other, as the second largest economy in the country, the relationship between Stratholme and the people of Lordaeron is also the same. Not very harmonious.

Arthas put on his hood silently. He looked at the people who were surprised to see his face, and saw the people who were happy because of his return.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, because he felt the irony that these people simply did not understand that his return was not because their prince changed his mind, stopped pursuing the magic sword in the prophecy, and solved the terrible plague.

But to make this world his master's thing!
Arthas looked at everything in front of him. He could build Lordaeron into a perfect world of equality that belonged to his master!

Everyone in this world is undead, and everyone can spend their lives perfectly.

No pain, no suffering, no hunger and cold, only fairness and justice!
What a wonderful world this is!
But if you want to complete this world, then one thing must be done!

Complete your master's mission and defeat the current Lordaeron!Down with the alliance formed by these vested interests!

He looked up at the palace, where his father lived, and started to move forward with a smile.

People who learned that the prince had returned from outside continued to gather, and looking at these people, the smile on Alsace's lips became more and more sarcastic.

He looked at the laughing people, and a voice suddenly arose in his heart.

"Aren't you happy that they are cheering for you?"

It was his master's voice.


Arthas answered his master the Lich King in his mind.

"Is it because killing and blood are your favorite things now?"

The Lich King asked based on his own experience.

"No, my master."

Arthas chuckled.

"Then, what is the reason for your ridicule...?"

Lich King Ner'zhul was confused. He checked Arthas's thoughts, but he didn't quite understand what Arthas was thinking.

"Because they are supporting a false honor, as lambs supporting the lions who protect the flock of lambs. They have not seen at all that their happy life is stepping on others. Why are such a group of people not worthy of ridicule? The more they become The more loyal I feel towards the royal power of Lordaeron, the more ridiculous I find it... These people don’t understand what they are worshiping at all, and they can’t even be considered alive.”

As Alsace was walking, he vaguely heard the ringing of the bell. It was the bell that his father rang to welcome him. His father still loved him, but there was no doubt that his father was a Foolish, courageless, a man who tried to maintain his ridiculous dominance and glory, and gave himself this identity, making it impossible for him to stand with those who really should stand together.

Petals began to fall from the sky. Those were the petals swayed by the people of Lordaeron who felt that he had made countless achievements. In the minds of the people, Arthas, who had successfully repelled the orcs and defeated the plague, would definitely be able to defeat them again. question.

The problem was that their jobs were taken away by Li Ke.

Although it was just a small test for Li Ke's industry, the high-quality industrial products and the sales of Li Ke's money still made the workers and businessmen of Lordaeron almost bankrupt.

Workers cannot find jobs because of the large number of cheap industrial products, and businessmen cannot make money because of the large number of cheap goods.

"His Royal Highness Prince Alsace! Please defeat that evil Li Ke!"

"His Royal Highness Alsace!"

"Your Highness the Prince! That evil Li Ke is so hateful!"

The cheers for Alsace were mixed with many such calls, because too many workshop owners were broken by Li Ke's dumping. If Terenas hadn't immediately stopped Li Ke's imports and detained If all the goods can be seized and the time is short, then it is really a matter of time before these people go bankrupt and live on the streets.

"Look, my master, they are becoming dissatisfied because the prices of the products they can make have dropped. They hope that I, the prince, can fight for them and kill a... kind-hearted person."

The moment Arthas mentioned Li Ke, his spirit had a huge fluctuation, which even the Lich King could not understand. However, Arthas was not able to break free from his control.

Because Arthas accepted the power of Frostmourne wholeheartedly.And, before coming into contact with Frostmourne, Arthas...

He has gone crazy.

To be precise, he was desperate.

Therefore, Frostmourne easily took over everything from him and made him a servant of the Lich King.

The Lich King couldn't understand Arthas' thoughts before, but after Arthas became his slave, he finally understood why.

Arthas couldn't find a way to defeat Li Ke, couldn't find a way to defeat the interest groups established by Li Ke, couldn't find a way to defeat the interest groups of the Alliance of Lordaeron, and couldn't find any other way to speed up the progress of the world. .

He could see clearly that no matter how hard he struggled and worked hard, he would end up being like trash, being mercilessly swept into the trash heap by history and the people, and saddled with eternal infamy, and everything he cared about would continue to be. Experience destruction, rebirth, and then destruction again.

It is even said that the cycle of rebirth and destruction is repeated forever, constantly bringing tragedy.

Alsace, despairing of the world.

Disappointed by history.

I despaired of humanity and this world.

So he chose powerful power, a power that no one could resist. He felt that his will would be able to resist that terrible fate. He felt that in this world, he who realizes this and realizes this truth must be the world's leader. The chosen savior.

In other words, he forced himself to think that he was the savior, so that he could save those who must die in history.

As for the possibility of failure, he was naturally aware of it, but when faced with the temptation of a perfect ending, one that could skip thousands of years of history, he chose to try and become the savior.

But alas, he is not.

Ner'zhul could not understand Arthas's thoughts, because he could not agree with or understand many of Arthas's ideas.

Especially about Li Ke, what the two of them were thinking about was obviously very high-end stuff, which made him feel irritated.

His premonition told him that these things were very great things, but as an orc, an orc in a primitive society, he was completely unable to understand these things.

He could understand Alsace's sense of responsibility and thoughts about the future, but he didn't understand why Alsace wanted to save humans in other countries.

He knows the importance of trade, but he doesn't understand why commodity trade can destroy a country, because in his opinion, if there is not enough, he will rob it, and if the businessman sells it at a high price, he will kill all his family members.

He knows the importance of glory, and he also knows that glory essentially makes people willing to die, but he doesn’t understand——

I don’t understand why both Arthas and Li Ke seem to truly believe in Glory.

As for the relationship and opinions between Alsace and Li Ke, he couldn't understand it even more.

Li Ke and Alsace hate each other, but in Alsace's heart, Li Ke is the only one who can understand him.

But this understanding made him very clear that when Li Ke and he met, they would definitely hate and attack each other. They could even fight each other and kill each other's whole family.


Alsace was extremely eager to become Li Ke's friend, or to have Li Ke become his friend. Even when looking through Alsace's memories, he even saw two people sitting side by side drinking together, and they The fantasy of his wife cooking and taking care of the children at the same time, and the dream of two people leading an army respectively and comparing who killed more enemies.

Alsace is very eager to become friends with Li Ke.

However, he also hates Li Ke very much.

He hates Li Ke for being weak, hates that Li Ke doesn't solve the problem when he sees it, hates that Li Ke doesn't work with him to find a solution, hates that Li Ke abandons him before working hard with him.

The intensity of the emotional entanglement between the other party and Li Ke even surpassed that of the woman named Gianna.

His feelings for Gianna are very simple, just love and helplessness.

He loved Gianna's body, appearance, character, identity, character, and conversation.

But I can't help but Jaina's naivety and narrow vision.

Overall, it's a very bland feeling. Although it's strong, it doesn't have any ups and downs.

He didn't understand, because in his opinion, Alsace should have more intense feelings for his lover.

"You don't seem to want to respond to them?"

The Lich King asked with confusion.

"Well, because that's wrong. These people don't know that the wind of the times has blown. The best thing they should do now is to change careers or learn new things, because the wind of the times will not stop for anyone. , once the road of industry starts, it will never stop. They will only become a mantis run over by the wheel of history. I will not do such a stupid thing. They are just unwilling to change... But the reason why they are unwilling to change It's also very simple. They don't have the resources to change. They are afraid of the future because they have worked so hard to obtain the technology. They don't want their descendants to spend such a huge price again, which will cause them to worry about the future. What causes fear, no hope of learning new things, it can even be said to be fear, are those monopolies, those aristocrats who control knowledge, extremely high prices, and people who work all year round. Once they suddenly stop working, they will lose their jobs for a month They don’t understand that what they hate is something that can really bring them change and a better life... But this is also normal. Because they cannot change, and the beneficiaries of the old world cannot make them change. , because they have changed, people in the old world can no longer stay safely in the old world."

Alsace chuckled, and a petal fell from the sky. He stretched out his hand and caught the delicate petal.

These petals are already in the past. Although they still have bright colors and vitality, but the moment the wind of industrialization blows up, the roots of the old things are cut off like it.

When a flower leaves its own branches, it can only see the brilliant blooming and fruiting of new flowers. Therefore, those people, like this flower, are about to die.

But it was not rescued by Li Ke's slow way, but another way.

"So the first thing a new thing does when it comes to this world is to cause killing. It has nothing to do with good or evil, only killing of destruction! It will devour everything of the old things to promote its own development."

His fingers gently twisted the petals in his hands, and the delicate petals instantly withered in his hands, losing their remaining life.

Alsace chuckled and threw away the petals, letting them turn into debris in the air, completely dissipating in people's eyes.

The Lich King couldn't understand this.

He didn't understand what Alsace meant by what he said. Although he could understand everything Alsace was thinking now, he just couldn't understand this thought and thought.

But Alsace looked at these workers' representatives, chamber of commerce leaders, and nobles, and suddenly thought of something.

He once imagined this scene, which was the scene of his wedding to Gianna. Under the golden sunshine, with blessings and bells ringing, he kissed Gianna on the lips.

However, none of this will happen now.

What will happen to Gianna in the future?
He didn't know, maybe he would marry Li Ke and be killed by him together, or simply, be killed by him when he stopped him later.

Of course, the most likely thing is that she left this continent and went to another continent as predicted.

But no matter what, I will never share this bell with him again.

This bell is not rung casually.

They are only sounded on occasions such as state ceremonies, such as royal weddings, births of crown princes, funerals of late kings, or the establishment of alliances, victory in wars, and other major events, and his playing also shows that his father has great respect for him. What a joy to return.

Of course he would be happy because his son had "returned from his lost ways".

Alsace's smile became even more sarcastic. When he saw his father ordering the fleet to return and heard from the messenger that his father asked his sister to invite Li Ke, he knew that his father had indeed seen clearly. My own tricks, but it doesn't matter, because from now on, many things will change.

He sent a letter in advance, which was why Lordaeron still had time to prepare for the ceremony. In the letter, he asked to meet his father alone, and his father naturally agreed.

It was obvious that his father also wanted to say something to his lost son.

But unfortunately...

He won't say anything.

The Lich King did not confuse Arthas anymore, because he found that Arthas hated his father no less than he hated Li Ke, so he just said something silently.

"it's time."

Arthas lowered his head and no longer looked at the cheers of those people. Instead, he walked towards the throne room. The heavy door of the throne room was of no use in his eyes. He pushed the door open with a hard push, revealing Father sitting on the throne.

Terenas looked at his child and stood up subconsciously. How could he not miss his child? He had thought about abolishing Alsace, but that was the result of Alsace being completely disobedient and insisting on his own way. .

But now, he looked at his son and was very satisfied.

Isn't it a good thing that his son realized the error of his ways and returned to himself before his messenger arrived?

However, just when he subconsciously wanted to stand up and look at his son, Arthas pulled out his Frostmourne, stuck it on the ground, and performed a knight's salute.

The moment Frostmourne appeared, the holy light on his body suddenly gave off a strong warning. A feeling he had never experienced in his life flickered in his heart. He could feel the huge and evil body of Arthas. With the energy, I can feel how the Holy Light in my body resists this power, and I can also feel Alsace's malicious emotions!

Just looking at Alsace, the image of Alsace lifting his neck and piercing his heart with one breath appeared in his mind.

These pictures are so real, as if they are real.

I hate the Light.

Terenas closed his eyes.

Because the Holy Light will make him see things he doesn't want to believe.

"My child, you finally..."

He opened his mouth, and his tone was as old and decayed as when he had not obtained the Holy Light, but Arthas looked at his father and seemed to realize that his father might have guessed his plan.

"You don't have to worry about you anymore..."

The Lich King spoke, but Arthas spoke first.

"You no longer have to sacrifice for your people. You no longer have to bear the weight of this crown. Father, I have taken care of everything and I am ready."

The Lich King was stunned for a moment, because Arthas said the words he wanted to use to confuse him, and the moment Arthas said these words, the Lich King felt a huge sense of crisis!
Although Alsace was controlled by the magic sword, in fact, in order to obtain Alsace's powerful abilities, he did not deprive Alsace of his ability to think, but...

Alsace seems too smart!
Arthas stood up and lifted his hood, revealing his pale hair and pale face. The boy who once had golden hair was completely gone. The only one standing here was the death knight of the Lich King. , the destroyer of this world.

Terenas was extremely sad. His son had now lost almost all symbols of the living, and his breath was almost indistinguishable from that of the dead. He had completely fallen into darkness. The hope and warmth that had appeared in his heart before were now gone. It turned into an extremely sharp spear and pierced the old man's heart.

Alsace is his only son, the continuation of his life, the continuation of his will, and his only son.

And now, his son is coming to kill him.

He held his scepter tightly. It was a scepter shining with the holy light and a gift from Li Ke.

Li Ke once gave him many holy objects and treasures related to the Holy Light, and he also got many similar things from the church in Lordaeron. "What on earth are you going to do!"

He stood up and looked at himself walking towards his son. He didn't want to admit it until the last moment.

"Inherit you, father!"

Arthas looked at Terenas, raised the sword in his hand, and rushed towards his father.

"it's time."

The Lich King's voice sounded again.

The Frostmourne in Arthas' hand stabbed his father's chest without hesitation, wanting to end his father's life.

Terenas looked at Arthas who was rushing towards him, looked at his excited face, looked at his movements without any sign of struggle, and closed his eyes.

If possible, he really hoped that he could lose the power of the Holy Light and be easily killed by Arthas like an old man.

But unfortunately-

Powerful holy light surged out from Terenas' body. Although the followers brought by Arthas instantly killed all the guards, the powerful holy light still pushed Arthas back a step in an instant. .

Terenas also held the scepter in his hand tightly and stood in front of his son.

"My son, you disappoint me so much!"

Terenas looked at his son Arthas, and now that things had come to an end, it was too late.

If you want to keep the bloodline of Lordaeron alive, Arthas cannot succeed no matter what.If he can't bear to kill his son, then his son will destroy everything about him!
Arthas, oppressed by the majestic Holy Light, could not get close to Terenas, but Arthas was not a person at all!The holy light in Terenas' body is not as powerful as Li Ke.

"You have no idea of ​​my and my master's power!"

Breaking through the siege of the Holy Light, Arthas raised Frostmourne in his hand towards Terenas. The power of darkness turned into an invisible hand and grabbed Terenas. Terenas was just about to try again. After unfolding a shield of holy light, his body was involuntarily pulled towards Alsace, and the power of resistance was forcibly stripped away by the powerful force of darkness.

Blood splattered everywhere, and Terenas' body was stabbed in the heart by Arthas' Frostmourne in mid-air. The power of Frostmourne was about to annihilate his life in an instant.

But at this moment, the Holy Light on his body once again burst out with powerful power, forcing Arthas to roar and throw Terenas out!
Terenas' old and broken body was streaked with blood and fell outside the door of the meeting hall. The people standing outside looked at him in shock as he fell to the ground, still struggling to stand up. They all screamed in terror.

And Terenas was also curious about why he didn't die, but feeling the power of the Holy Light that was constantly fading rapidly under the power of the magic sword in his body, he understood how powerful Li Ke was as a user of the Holy Light. Such an incredible situation.

He picked up the scepter that was cut into two pieces by Frostmourne and took out a crystal from his arms. As the king of mankind, he naturally has the means of magical communication. Even if he does not understand magic, there will still be people who will. Serve him.

The moment he crushed the crystal, the magic took effect.

As he stood tremblingly leaning on the scepter, countless horns began to sound from all directions in Lordaeron.

He is a father, so he will agree to Alsace's request for a private meeting, but besides being a father, he is also a king, a king who rules the alliance and protects mankind!

With incredible strength, Terenas stood up. He had never been more hungry for power and more life than now.When he shouted, he felt the blood rushing out of his body, and his voice almost deteriorated.

But his voice was transmitted throughout Lordaeron. The unknown magic was working in Lordaeron, allowing his orders to be transmitted to the hearts of every citizen of Lordaeron.

And when he was about to shout, he felt that his life, like the holy light in his body, was irreversibly fading.

In fact, he could refuse to meet Alsace alone. He realized that his child might be harmful to him when he asked for a private meeting.

Having regained his energy and ambition, he understood what Arthas wanted to do.


Alsace was his child, his son, his favorite.

Even now, he felt disappointed, angry, helpless and desperate towards Alsace.

But there is still no hatred.

His son wanted to be a qualified king because of his teachings, so he wanted to be a qualified king.

What he should hate most is himself.

It was he who failed to teach his son well.

Even if there was a one in [-] chance, he would gamble.

This is not something a sane king should do, but it is something a father who dotes on his children would do.

Therefore, he will not hate Alsace, but will do other things.

He wants to take responsibility for his doting, he wants to take responsibility for his children who have done wrong things, he wants to continue the Menethil family, he wants to continue Lordaeron, and he wants to make the people who support him do their best. possible to survive.

He raised his broken scepter high, his thin body shaking constantly. He held high the light of the holy light and issued his final order.

"You are no longer the Crown Prince! In the name of Terenas Menethil, the King of Lordaeron, I strip you of your status as the Crown Prince! Anyone! Anyone who can save the people of Lordaeron from your harm Those who are rescued will become the true masters of this kingdom!"

And Arthas looked at his father holding the scepter, he sneered, in full view of everyone, he clenched the Frostmourne in his hand with both hands, and rushed towards his father again.

Frostmourne undoubtedly pierced his father's chest again, and this time the powerful magic sword instantly extinguished Terenas's fire of life.

Terenas looked at his son with only guilt and helplessness in his eyes, and as Alsace kicked him in the chest, he slowly fell to the ground.

The crown fell to the ground, stained with Terenas' blood, and continued to tumble.

When the crown was completely settled, Arthas saw that it was completely damaged.

Frostmourne's desire was satisfied—for now.

"Just like this kingdom, this kingdom will be destroyed, and from these ruins a new order will be born, which will shake the whole world!"

He slowly raised his sword, and the fleet outside the city also began to fire. Countless undead soldiers began to rush towards Lordaeron. His guards also drew their swords and killed those who screamed. of nobles.

Countless nobles screamed. They fled in panic, or wanted to resist, but every time they seemed to succeed, Arthas would come to them and attack their bodies with Frostmourne.

The carnival completely turned into an escape, and the festival turned into a funeral.

The blood of the people waiting in line, whether they were men, women, old or young, nobles or commoners, began to be spilled on this land. Will these people become food for crows or his new people? Alsace was not very sure. Cares because his partner is coming.

At his call, Invincible stepped forward amidst death and blood. They could finally be together forever, fight side by side, and conquer the world together.

Alsace was pleased with this.

The Lich King was even more confused, because when he killed his father, the mental fluctuations caused by Alsace were not as intense as the mental fluctuations related to being able to be together with this horse, and even the mental fluctuations related to Li Ke. None of it was as intense as this horse.

However, Farric, who came with Invincible, brought bad news.

"Your Majesty, the resistance capability of Lordaeron's defenders is far beyond our imagination."

Arthas was stunned for a moment. He gently stroked Invincible's face, then got on his horse and raised his Frostmourne.

Under the power of Frostmourne, countless dead people stood up. They slowly picked up the swords on the ground and formed a neat queue around Arthas.

These people who were running away like crazy before have now become warriors who can risk their lives.

"It doesn't matter, it just saves us the time to find them."

Arthas raised his sword.

"Go! Go and fulfill the master's wishes!"

The war horses neighed, leaving only boundless killing.

Before encountering the defenders of Lordaeron, there was nothing to say about the entire battle process. Killing, pure killing, everything was just like the killing in Stratholme.

Even the defenders of Lordaeron couldn't stop Arthas. Their morale itself was not very high, and when they saw their beloved prince appearing in front of them, they didn't need to charge. Time will collapse and become Alsace's new soldiers.

Under such an impact, the backup plan prepared by Terenas only had time to evacuate some civilians.

And Alsace did not stop or pursue. He just kept killing and letting the dead join his army until he saw a person among the evacuating civilians protected by these guards.


He shouted out the man's name and kept releasing fireballs. Under the protection of the soldiers supported by Li Ke, Jaina, who was constantly evacuating the people, also saw Arthas at this time.

Her expression was quite complicated, and her mood was the same.

When she opened the portal and arrived here, she happened to hear King Terenas' declaration. Because of this, she got the authority to open a large portal to transport the soldiers supported by Li Ke and help evacuate civilians. .

Even opening the portal would consume a lot of her energy and mana, but the severe situation still forced the young mage to take on more responsibilities to attack the advancing undead.

So the moment she saw Arthas, Jaina almost collapsed.

The nightmare became a reality, and the nightmare turned into reality. She didn't know what she should say, so she could only bite her lips tightly and look at Alsace sadly.

Arthas looked at Jaina, who was pale, with ash on her face, and biting her lips. For a moment, he felt that she should not have to suffer this, but soon, his loyalty to the Lich King outweighed other thoughts.

Jaina's excellent spellcasting talent can give her master a great advantage in battle.

"You will be a good tool for the master. Come on, Jaina, my master will not treat you badly."

Seeing Arthas covered in blood and with countless mindless undead behind him, Jaina finally couldn't bear it any longer.

"Master? Arthas! Are you serious? Arthas! Why do you have to make the prophecy come true!"

She doesn't understand this and can't understand it!

Arthas could not answer her question, because Jaina would never be able to understand him until her innocence completely faded away.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he kills her and makes her his master's slave, one day, she will be able to understand her painstaking efforts.

"You are still so naive."

Arthas raised his own Frostmourne, and the shield built by the mage Jaina brought from Dalaran was instantly torn apart by the power of Frostmourne, including those who stood at the top. The bodies of the warriors and mages in front also turned into ice sculptures at the same time.

Jaina opened her eyes wide, but at this moment, Frostmourne's sword pointed at her. Almost instantly, the power of darkness once again attacked the living life, and Jaina also felt something He is catching himself, trying to catch himself towards Alsace!

Exhausted, he could not resist this force, and she could only watch as her body was taken away and rushed towards Alsace!
But at this critical moment, a group of Dalaran mages rushed out of the portal. The leader not only had an exquisite appearance and pointed ears, but also had three constant stars floating on his head. Burning orb!
"That's enough! You monster!"

This person raised his hand and set off a storm of energy, and quickly calculated Jaina's position. The shield spell instantly enveloped Jaina, isolating her from the terrifying power, allowing her to release the flash of energy on her own. Magic, return to the position.

The person who came was none other than the Elf Prince Kael'thas, but there were no elves around him, and even the emblem on his body was replaced by the emblem of Dalaran.

Kael'thas looked at everything around him and couldn't help but frown. Those ferocious undead made him extremely dissatisfied, so he immediately questioned them.

"Alsace! What have you done?!"

Arthas looked at Kael'thas coldly. He was just a little short of being able to reunite with Jaina under the leadership of the Lich King, but the elf in front of him had been constantly obstructing him and Jaina since he was a child. , and now, he is here again.

"Nosy elf! Are you coveting human land again?!"

Arthas grasped his Frostmourne tightly, and countless undead rushed towards this final position. He could not stay here for too long. He needed to get rid of everyone else as soon as possible, otherwise he would wait until those people gathered together. Together, he would not be able to successfully complete his master's orders.

Therefore, rather than entangled with Kael'thas here, he prefers to quickly deal with these people, and then deal with other forces in Lordaeron.

His current strength is still too weak.

"Damn! We elves are not despicable guys like you!"

Kael'thas cursed angrily. His way of thinking had not changed yet. He still regarded this incident as an internal matter among humans, because what Arthas said was too tempting.

Kael'thas cannot bear this responsibility. He has already taken great risks by coming here as Dalaran. If he is labeled as coveting human land, the situation of the elves will be even worse. not good.

"let's go!"

Kael'thas stretched out his hand, and under his guidance, the violent magic power continued to bombard the undead that attacked the barrier opened by the new mage, and admonished Jaina.

"Let's go, Jaina! We can't resist Arthas for long!"

Their mana is limited, and Dalaran cannot form a large army in a hurry. If they resist Arthas here, they have no chance of winning!

Jaina took one last look at Arthas and the few remaining civilians, and couldn't help but shed tears.

But she also knew that what Kael'thas said was right.

Just when she hesitated, a Lordaeron guard captain stood up. He looked at his wife among the corpses and his son among the refugees, and took a deep breath.

"Leave this place to us, Your Highness Jaina, please leave quickly."

His men also stood up silently. Their families were here, and their relatives were also here. Jaina had no obligation to stay and die for them.

But they have the responsibility to protect their families and their loved ones.

"I can not……"

Just when Jaina was about to say something, the huge consumption and sadness made her eyes darken, and she could hardly stand, while the maid beside her quickly supported her.

But the guard captain directly grabbed her arm and pushed her towards the portal that Kael'thas silently opened, leaving only one sentence for her.

"Take others to survive."

After saying that, Kael'thas closed the portal. He looked at the soldier and spoke.

"Your name, soldier, and your deeds deserve to be sung."

Those who stay to cover the portal will surely die. This is inevitable.

"No need, leave the honor to the living, the prince of the elves."

The guard captain took a deep breath, and Kael'thas glanced at the soldier with respect. He wanted to fight with these people until the last refugee left, but the power of Frostmourne was constantly impacting his wall of fire. Let him understand how huge the gap between the two is.

"I promise you, those who survive will not forget you."

After Kael'thas finished speaking, he began to lead Li Ke's soldiers and Dalaran soldiers and civilians to evacuate together, while he himself tried his best to maintain the fire wall there.

As the magic power of the mages was exhausted, the barrier finally collapsed. Looking at the refugees who were about to be completely evacuated and the other troops that were evacuating, the guard captain raised his sword and took the other remaining Luo people he had gathered. The Danlon troops and warriors gave their last roar to Alsace, who was walking slowly.

"For Lordaeron!!"

Well, Alsace has embarked on its original destiny.

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