Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 593 Arrogance and Arrogance

Chapter 593 Arrogance and Arrogance

The arrogance of the night elves is that they believe that the Burning Legion will never come again, or that they will not come back with the help of other intelligent life forms.

Because in their concept, the Burning Legion has not come for 1 years and will never come again. And even if it comes, they should directly contact the powerful demons remaining in Azeroth and then open the portal. To fight them, as long as they protect their Well of Eternity and be on guard internally, the Burning Legion will not be able to reproduce the situation of the past.

But here is the problem.

The night elves ignored the possibilities of other races.

It is true that the current Alliance and the newly established Horde are indeed extremely weak, but once they continue to advance due to fighting and the night elves are continuously hit hard, the strength of the Alliance and the Horde will only increase.

Humans are not weak, it's just that the night elves are too powerful.

After all, humans are a race that completely dominates a continent. No matter how proud the high elves are, they will not say that they can eliminate humans from this continent.

Dwarves and gnomes are even more willing to be subordinate races. Even if there are some conspiracies and tricks, they are all hidden, but in essence they are still mainly integrated with humans.

All humans lack is an opportunity to unleash their power and potential.

But the night elves ignored all possibilities, feeling that the Burning Legion looked down upon these people, and did not even take any precautions against traitors appearing in the human world.

Because humans and orcs are too fragile compared to them.

But the truth is, they were wrong.

The humans they ignored once again brought the Burning Legion, and the Burning Legion directly knocked the night elves off the altar, turned them back into mortals, and wiped out most of the elite night elves.

Although in Warcraft or World of Warcraft, Jaina and Thrall helped to stop it, but if you think about it, you will know that the two armies have no ability to fight against the Burning Legion, and what they face is not overwhelming. Hellfire, the regular army of demons, but the Scourge as a servant army.

The main force of the devil's resistance is the night elves.

"But this kind of arrogance is normal."

Seeing Omulon's obvious expression, Li Ke shook his head.

Just like now, when the gentlemen have received [-]% of their taxes, human beings are taking the lead in developing their own potential. Only the class changes and the spread of knowledge brought about by war can stimulate the potential of a race.

Of course, like him, it is also possible to lead this group of people to kill the feudal nobles and their entire families.

It is nothing more than the redistribution of interests so that people with talent and potential can emerge. Li Ke really knows this question.

After all, for the Chinese people, as long as they can calm down and read the historical text, that is, the real history that is obscured by romances and novels, even if it is just the history of the Three Kingdoms, combined with political books, they can understand many things.

History and politics are things that can never be separated.

But for now, in the eyes of night elves, humans are not much different from uncivilized monkeys. As for orcs, they are complete beasts with no value at all and belong to the ranks of animals.

But this is really normal. The night elves' society has evolved to the point where they don't need money, and the orcs are still a nomadic people. The human side is slightly better, it is a feudal system.

It's too normal to be treated like an uncivilized monkey.

Just like Chinese people look at India and Africa with unconscious pride and the arrogance of a big country.

No matter how China looks at these bulk countries, they should be proud...

"So you don't need to worry. When the Burning Legion arrives, we will discover it immediately. After all, we druids have the most sensitive senses against evil energy and demons."

Omulon smiled. He felt that Li Ke was worried about the Burning Legion entirely because of the legends Hisari told him. Therefore, he did not pay attention to Li Ke's worries and hints at all.

After all, the Burning Legion hasn't been here for 1 years. It's not like this kind of abnormal demonic activity has never happened recently. They were nervous before. In the end, they found out that they were killing each other, so they kidnapped their people. This will induce them to attack their own kind.

This kind of thing is not worth worrying about.

"Okay... now that you say so."

Li Ke sighed and no longer insisted on reminding the other party at this time, but looked at Hisari.

"So, Hisari, are you planning to leave, or..."

Xisali didn't wait for him to finish speaking, but grabbed Li Ke's hand.

"I have to go, Li Ke, but I will come back. When I kill those demons, I will come back. They killed my blood relatives, and I must avenge them!"

Her face was very serious. Those who were killed were all people who had lived with her for a long time. She must take revenge.

When she thought of this, Hisari's hand began to change, and sharp claws began to spread on her hand, almost stinging Li Ke's palm.

It was obvious that her emotions were slightly out of control.

Li Ke opened his mouth, but still couldn't say anything to save him. To be fair, if it were him, if his relatives were killed, he would never stay with the person he likes, but would directly hold the sword. Coming to kill someone.

He does like Hisari, and he very much hopes that she will stay by his side and be his inner air purifier, but Hisari also has her own persistence and likes.

As a prerequisite for long-term companionship, he must respect what the other party must do, otherwise it will only create a gap.

The more you love it, the more you have to respect it.

"I understand, but this is for you..."

Li Ke sighed. He was indeed a little melancholy this time. The holy light flashed in his palms and continued to gather. The next moment, the high-intensity holy light core appeared in his hands. When this core was activated, , can instantly open a holy shield to protect Hisari. Not only that, if Hisari is seriously injured, this holy light crystal can also heal Hisari.

And he even set up a magic circle to capture the soul to ensure that no one would take away Hisali's soul after her death.

Of course, if you directly encountered a big demon like Archimonde or Kil'jaeden, this method would not be enough, so he also attached his own breath to it to ensure that those fear demons would see Hisa when they saw it. When it comes to Li, he won't directly kill the other party.

"If you need anything, just tell me. You know, I don't lack weapons and equipment here."

Li Ke turned this crystal into a necklace and put it on Hisari's neck. However, Hisari didn't ask what the necklace was for. She just smiled and hugged Li Ke's body, and Li Ke...

Stuffed into his chest, this is Li Ke's favorite place.

"Oh, really..."

Omulon smiled and shook his head. He looked at Hisari with the eyes of an old father. After all, for the night elves, the number of newborns in the past 1 years has been pitiful, so Hisari is really Very much loved.

"Take care, I will be back soon and bring you many druids who want to come to the human world."

After feeling Li Ke's reluctance, Hisari was both happy and helpless. She kissed Li Ke's cheek gently, and then let go of Li Ke.

She also doesn't want to leave Li Ke. Although Li Ke is very carefree, she really likes Li Ke.

"Well, come back as soon as possible."

Li Ke watched her return to Ou Mulon's side and sighed, but found that the watcher's eyes were not very kind to him, which made him a little confused.

Omulon came over, took out a book from his arms that looked like wood, and even had flowers on it, and handed it to Li Ke. "So, goodbye, Mr. Li Ke... But please be careful not to damage nature too much. I will come back next time. I hope you can understand this book."

After saying that, the tall night elf patted Li Ke on the shoulder. With a shake of his arm, he turned into a huge raven. The other druids also transformed into various birds. Fly into the sky with him.

And Hisali smiled and waved to Li Ke, turned into a cute little raven, flew into the sky, and circled twice on Li Ke's head.

When Li Ke lowered his head, he found that the watchmen had somehow sneaked into the shadows and disappeared into the garden.


They left themselves a gift.

Li Ke touched his clothes and took out a silver-white, night elf-style dagger that was placed on his chest at some point. He couldn't help but shake his head.

"Really competitive."

Druids hardly know how to use sharp weapons, and this dagger is made of several magic alloys. Its main structure is even a rare metal like mithril. It is obvious that the watchers are here to find a place. , just because he used the Holy Light Trap to control them before.

Li Ke didn't pay attention to this episode at all. After all, the world he saw was different from what they saw.

In the eyes of the watcher, he is just a human lord who thinks highly of himself, or at most a monkey leader, but in his eyes, these watchers are nothing more than pawns.

The only person who really plays chess with him is the moon god Elune, and even Tyrande is just a valuable bargaining chip.

As for actually getting together with Tyrande...

Although he really likes Tyrande's modeling, and it definitely doesn't look bad in reality, the problem is that for a person of this status, appearance is just an add-on. If it is Illidan and Malfurion's In his eyes, appearance and Tyrande's own character and personality were the most important.

But when it comes to him and Tyrande, there are more political factors.

Even though Tyrande is unparalleled in beauty, both Li Ke and Tyrande are representatives of two races, and they have the political task of ruling a race, leaders.

How can we be together so easily?

That's right, Li Ke already considers himself a representative of the human world.

"I'm actually really looking forward to it, but unfortunately Tyrande doesn't think so."

Li Ke chuckled lightly. With Tyrande's temper, if the Moon God could really convince Tyrande, he would immediately rape Mother Earth, a guy who looked about the same as a fat woman weighing [-] pounds.

"Tylande has a bad temper, so this is probably impossible."

He felt that Luna was really a guy who liked to flirt with people, and the suggestion he made was just to disgust him, Li Ke.

Although Tyrande is a hot-tempered person who will do anything if he is not obeyed, he has actually been a leader for 1 years. Although he has not expanded much, he can be regarded as a leader who has been established for [-] years. He is not the kind of person who achieves nothing. Guy.

Moreover, the employment can be considered relaxed and the treatment of people is not harsh.

Such a person certainly knows how important her marriage and choice are. Once she separates from Malfurion, although the druids will not split, the night elves will have two mountains. Not a good thing.

Even if Malfurion accepted his fate and chose to continue devoting himself to repairing the world, there were countless hidden dangers.

Therefore, it was impossible to do this, and he should not change his plan because of Luna's unreasonable suggestion.

After thinking about this, Li Ke didn't take it to heart, but he was very interested in the Tears of Elune, which contained powerful power.

This thing has great power, and it is also a powerful magic weapon in itself. Just holding this thing, Li Ke can feel the power as surging as the sea, even more powerful than him and his energy reserves combined. many!

"These people from the righteous camp really don't know how to recruit people. If you say give me more Tears of Elune and allow me to go to the Well of Eternity to get more energy, the matter of the immortality of the night elves, I Maybe you don’t care?”

Li Ke chuckled disdainfully, once again feeling that Elune would not be able to recruit people.

Like Holy Light, it is a shame in the headhunting world.

But looking at the sky where Hisari was retreating, he squeezed the Tears of Elune that had been shrunk by himself in his hand, and the melancholy in his heart surged up again.

But in just a few minutes, Li Ke recovered and contacted his subordinates.

"Grayson, are the steel and venue I asked you to prepare for me ready?"

Telepathically, Grayson quickly responded to Li Ke.

"Ten thousand tons of steel have been prepared near the Death Mine, but Mr. Li Ke, this matter is still a bit dangerous, right?"

Grayson probably knew what Li Ke was going to do. After all, Li Ke had been talking about light cast iron for a long time. But the problem was that although dragons could wear it, demons and twilight cultists couldn't wear it.

Moreover, the weakness after Li Ke releases that kind of attack is indeed very fatal. It is really not suitable to do this when there are other demons.

That's right, at least Grayson has no problem with being loyal to Li Ke.

"As long as you're ready, you don't need to worry too much, Grayson, I'm sure of it."

Li Ke hung up the conversation with Grayson. To be honest, he had no idea whether his new army could show its powerful capabilities in Azeroth.

Therefore, in order to prevent those who are willing to follow him from dying meaninglessly, Li Ke will do some things even if they are risky.

Even if he knew that as long as he showed a little bit of weakness, those representatives of the Force would tear down the veil of friendship without hesitation, it was still something that had to be done.

"It's a joke to want hegemony but not to take risks. I'm not a joke!"

Li Ke's eyes flashed with the madness that he knew very well.

After all, he is not qualified to be a chess player yet!

 Well, I wrote this mainly to reflect the belief of the Moon God, and how disgusting religion is... Of course, the religion of Azeroth really has gods, so it must be different.

  However, in the plot of Warcraft, Tyrande's later portrayal is obviously different from the previous one, becoming a person who can abandon everything for his faith.

  Including my husband Malfurion, who was especially shaped in 7.0...

  I don’t know if it’s because the night elves are basically a matriarchal society.

  But this can be rounded off. After all, she has actually ruled the night elves for 1 years, and Malfurion has also slept for 1 years. Tyrande is only a little over 1 years old. They get along well. There really wasn't as much time as she had as a ruler.

  During the Eternal War, they were all standard young people. Even Malfurion and Tyrande had to wait until the Cataclysm to get married...

  As for getting together with Tyran, I admit that I do have bad intentions for Illidan, but the main thing is to get involved in the eternal war.

  Because judging from what happens next...

  In the eternal war, Thrall and Jaina are really just adding to the problem...

(End of this chapter)

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