Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 594 Backstabbing 'ally'

The night elves' affairs need to be put aside for the time being, and what Li Ke wants to do now is to work on his own light cast iron.

However, another slim figure appeared in front of Li Ke. It was a woman that Li Ke was not very embarrassed to meet.


As the person who almost killed Vereesa, Li Ke was in an embarrassing situation for Vereesa. After all, for him, Vereesa was the type who was not very easy to do, and she was the kind of person who should be sacrificed. woman.

However, Veresa didn't mean to be embarrassed with Li Ke now. She grabbed Li Ke's clothes like crazy and shouted in a high-pitched voice.

"Li Ke! Did Alsace get that magic sword?! Where is Luo Ning? How is Luo Ning!"

Vereesa looked at Li Ke in disbelief. She remembered clearly that Luo Ning and Krasus left her to go to Northrend just to solve the problem of the sword.

But how did it become what it is now?

Arthas is back with the sword, but where is Ronin?Where is Ronin? !

Veresa was extremely anxious. During this period of time, she was not idle. Instead, she was constantly looking for people who were trustworthy and skilled in Li Ke's territory.

And used the money Li Ke gave her to recruit crew members and find ships, because Li Ke had already given her enough money, and she could not ask Li Ke to prepare another ship for her!

But now, now...

Vereesa didn't dare to imagine it, because she got the news from Teresta. The news she got was that everyone around Arthas had become undead, and even Alsace's friend Muradin died. And before dying, Muradin seemed to be guarding the corpses of a dragon and a man.

She didn't want to believe this. She believed that the people she could see some time ago were now dead.

Li Ke looked at Vereesa with some pity. There was no doubt that Luo Ning and Krasus had gone to the other side and were no longer in this world. But for Vereesa, the news was indeed a bit cruel.

She herself almost became a slave, and Luo Ning died for the world but did nothing. To be honest, Li Ke also felt that the world was too unworthy of them.

It is a pity that even in the original story, their ending is not much better than now. It is the same tragedy and the same thing that is difficult to accept.

This world will not treat these powerful and proud people favorably, but will instead continue to hurt them.

Li Ke gently pressed Vereesa's shoulders to calm down the frightened girl. Vereesa and Luo Ning were rare lovers in this world, so Li Ke felt a little sorry.

"There is no news about them yet, Miss Vereesa, you don't have to worry too much... maybe they missed it and didn't encounter them."

He didn't directly tell Vereesa that they were dead. Although this was more pleasant, it would definitely make Vereesa rush out to find trouble for Alsace. And now Alsace, if Li Ke Without the help of strength, although the opponent can be suppressed stably, it can still be done with the help of Ner's Ancestor's skills behind the opponent's back...

Instead of beating Alsace to death, beat him to a [-]-[-] target.

There is no way, a guy like Li Ke who can hoard energy to use at other times, and can control energy to convert into semi-matter and exist stably, it is too much to fight with a mortal.

It is equivalent to saying that everyone needs to upgrade and buy equipment when going out, and then when Li Ke goes out, he has an ultimate skill that has been upgraded to level three, and he has a magical outfit.

Mortals and beings like Arthas, who were only given power, could not fight Li Ke.

But he can't kill Alsace directly yet, he must keep him to promote the alliance to come under his control, so Li Ke doesn't really want to meet Alsace directly.

Because of the lack of reference, he always strikes lightly. If Alsace is really beaten to death with two slaps, and Ner'zhul doesn't even have time to pass on his skills, it will be really embarrassing.

"That's right... that's right... that's it, Mr. Li Ke, can you lend me a ship and soldiers... I am willing to pay for everything, as well as the commissions and pensions of these soldiers..."

Wen Leisha took Li Ke's hand and looked at Li Ke hopefully. If she were a ranger general, she might be able to lead everyone to save her lover Luo Ning.

But the problem is that she is not. The reputation of the Windrunner family cannot allow her compatriots to act for their own selfish desires, so she puts all her hopes on Li Ke, and she subconsciously takes out her own All the jewelry, but when I saw Li Ke's face full of pity, I remembered that Li Ke was not the kind of ordinary person who rared an elf handicraft and weapon. He could even make His Highness the Prince ask for an alliance.

Moreover, Li Ke just gave Jaina [-] soldiers and recruited farmers to start training. Her request can be said to be very excessive.

"It's okay, Miss Vereesa. I can lend you a ship and ask Proudmoore's navy to help bring some guides. However, do you know the addresses of Lord Ronin and Lord Muradin?"

Li Ke's answer made Vereesa's eyes suddenly light up, but then she became depressed again because she didn't know.

Muradin is not an idiot. He would tell where he went and where he established his camp. That would be causing trouble for himself.

So she doesn't know.

And if she takes away a large number of Li Ke's troops during this sensitive period, she also knows that it is impossible, both morally and practically.

There is only a boatload of people, searching for a needle in a haystack in Northrend, and facing possible dangers.

She doesn't even know what it's like there!

Realizing this, Vereesa felt herself dizzy for a while, and her tall body swayed and fell. She actually already had the answer in her heart, dragon, human male. This answer actually explained the fate of Ronin and Krasus. .

Li Ke quickly hugged the fallen Vereesa. He liked the scent of the elf lady very much, but the limp and fainted Vereesa gave people a pitiful feeling.


Vereesa covered her face. She still didn't want to believe that Luo Ning was dead.

"My condolences, Miss Vereesa. But if you need anything, you can always come to me."

Li Ke picked up Vereesa in a princess hug. At this time, Li Ke also saw the pimp whom he had released together, Emniel, who had once had a relationship with him, and the pimp around her. Valeera.

He walked over, handed Vereesa to the two men, and then looked at Eminiel's somewhat panicked face.

"I heard her say that you know her? Can you tell me her name?"

Li Ke really wanted to know the name of his little elf slave girl, but unfortunately, the other party never told him.

"This...Mr. Li Ke, I don't know either..."

Eminele tried her best to avoid Li Ke's eyes. Although she knew it, she didn't dare to say it because before Li Ke released her, Li Ke's elf slave girl taught her a hard lesson.


Li Ke narrowed his eyes. It seemed that his little maid was either from a distinguished background or was still playing with him.

But since Emineel knows, he also has many ways to know.

That is to say, it is not convenient to ask Kael'thas about this matter, as it will involve his dark history, but to be honest, Kael'thas probably knows everything he needs to know.

And since that's the case...

"I hope she or you can give me an explanation. Of course, I am not forcing it."

Li Ke handed Vereesa to the lady, then turned and left. He also knew that if he cared about and cared for the little moon Vereesa at this time, he could easily capture her. Yes, but alas, he has a lot of important things to do.

When he walked to the gate of the manor, Grayson had quickly come to his side and led two horses. The two people quickly went to the place Grayson had prepared, a small canyon that had not yet been developed.

No way, the game map is not the whole map after all. There are actually many ravines and canyons above the Western Wilderness, but in the Western Wilderness in the game, these are not displayed.

Li Ke also saw the employees who were carrying steel. The steel was neatly stacked into a sunken rectangle and placed there waiting for his use.

Li Ke chose the canyon because of this, because even if it explodes, these things will not hurt other people.In these places, there is a safe house made of reinforced concrete, which is Li Ke's operating room.

"Very well, let the workers leave. You'd better leave too, Grayson. You'll die if you're not careful."

Li Ke moved his wrist, and the shield formed by various energies began to flicker on his body. "Yes, Lord Li Ke, but please forgive me, this matter is still very risky. After all..."

Grayson glanced at the workers. Among them were demons, cultists, dragons, and even some strange forces that he couldn't name. There were too many people with bad intentions.

"I am prepared."

Li Ke didn't care. It was absolutely impossible to say there was no risk, but he would have to face it eventually.

He must have an extraordinary army!
To be exact, six extraordinary armies!
But for now, let’s get an extraordinary army of Holy Light first.

There is no way, who makes the image of Holy Light good?

Grayson sighed and began to call the workers to retreat.

And Li Ke also came to the safe house and waited quietly.

In fact, Li Ke has been thinking about what happened to the things he made that day in his free time recently, but he can't understand it no matter how much he thinks about it. His knowledge level is simply not enough to describe and understand.

After all, he is just a stupid college student on earth. The biggest relationship between advanced physics and preface physics is that he can understand the boasting of his friends.

Learning is a long process, and although he has worked hard enough, because he has so many things to manage, learn and know, he has not even learned the flash technique, which makes him quite annoyed.

He didn't even have time to play with that innocent succubus!
Although he could learn to cast a spell after just one look, he had no intention of casting a spell like Blink without making any calculations, which was related to space.

There are too many bad luck cases in Dalaran.

"Sure enough, after everything is on track, I have to transfer most of my rights, otherwise I will never be able to study with peace of mind."

Li Ke looked at the workers who were evacuating one by one, waiting for them to finish counting, making sure that there was no one alive here, and thinking about this matter.

Finally, after waiting for half an hour, Li Ke waited for Grayson's return.

"Master Li Ke, everyone has come out and has reached a safe distance and entered the safe house."

"it is good."

Li Ke stood up, opened his hand, and countless energy threads quickly swept through the area under his control to ensure that there were no living creatures before he started what he wanted to do.

Raising his hand, the pale holy light spread out quickly with Li Ke as the center, and with Li Ke's will, the entire room was dyed white.

Li Ke's other hand quickly controlled the arcane energy and dragged up a palm-sized piece of iron.

As the iron block flew up, energy-rich shields quickly appeared on Li Ke's body. These shields tightly wrapped Li Ke until the iron block carried by the arcane energy flew outside the safe house. , after Li Ke controlled the limit of distance, Li Ke raised his hand.

The holy light released by him rushed towards the piece of iron crazily, and Li Ke's will also acted on it at this time.

"Get into it!"

Under his command, a large amount of holy light crazily impacted the palm-sized piece of iron, and a strong sense of dizziness swept through Li Ke's brain again, and he almost fainted to the ground again.

Grayson, who was three kilometers away, looked in the direction of Li Ke and subconsciously felt a burst of heart palpitations. Then, his eyes saw a burst of white light.

This was the last thing his eyes saw.

The dazzling holy light directly burned his eyes, his human disguise was torn to pieces almost in an instant, and the endless holy light almost evaporated him!

He couldn't help but let out a scream and wanted to open the portal, but as soon as he constructed the structure of the portal, the portal was torn apart by the violent holy light. If it weren't for the sudden appearance of a layer of red on his body, If the mist protects him, Grayson will be eliminated in an instant!

The workers hiding in the safe house felt heart palpitations as they looked at the doors and windows that were constantly glowing with golden light. But before they could feel more, the ground began to shake violently, and the beams on the safe house began to shake continuously. Falling dust.

At this time, some citizens also discovered that something was wrong here, but what they saw was a golden mushroom cloud slowly rising from the ground, and a ball of golden light was constantly scattering towards the sky!

"Is this... a miracle?"

They couldn't help but have this idea, and the clergy of the Holy Light Church knelt down on one knee devoutly, praying and praising the place where Li Ke was.

As for Li Ke at the center...

He is no longer at the center point, but one kilometer away from the explosion point.

He miscalculated the power of the explosion, and the safe house was vaporized in an instant. If the energy shield on his body was not thick enough, he would also be vaporized in an instant.

But even so, all the energy in his body was consumed to defend against the explosion. It would take at least a month to restore Deathwing's combat power without the help of external forces.


"Damn...it's really good!"

Li Ke, who fell among the layers of golden iron, looked at his almost crystallized hands and spit out a mouthful of golden blood.

His body was half-energyized in the explosion just now!

The energy manipulation quickly took effect. Li Ke's body began to return to normal flesh and blood. He wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth that was still shining with powerful holy light. Li Ke just wanted to curse.

He didn't use much energy to create this explosion, but the energy he used to resist the explosion drained all his energy in one breath.

"What the hell is the difference between this and an individual nuclear bomb with an explosion radius of 500 meters and a range of 250 meters? And I only released a small amount of energy. Is such an exaggerated holy light energy converted from matter?!"

Li Ke vomited blood again and continued to absorb the holy light escaping from the surroundings to repair his body.

In his current situation, he can really write his last words on Earth.

Because what happened just now was that except for his brain, which was protected with all his strength, the body underneath him was not only half-energy, but the material part was directly shaken into pulp, and even that thing turned into a ball of mud!
If his body hadn't been partially energized by the explosion, he would probably have left a psychological shadow.


After his body was almost repaired by the power of the Holy Light, Li Ke tried to take two steps, but his groggy brain almost made him want to fall asleep immediately.

But he still climbed tenaciously to a high slope and looked at the iron blocks scattered everywhere in the canyon, even flying a kilometer or two away, shining with golden light, and the canyon that was constantly shining with golden light. , couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Finally there are enough extraordinary materials."

But just as he finished speaking these words and relaxed for a moment, masses of black energy quickly appeared out of thin air, and countless huge tentacles of flesh and blood rushed towards him, trying to capture him.

But Li Ke didn't panic at all, because——

A golden door also appeared here, and countless spears of holy light pierced out!

Yes, the existence of darkness took action without any moral ethics.


"Do you think I am incapable of resistance? N'Zoth?"

Li Ke had a hideous smile on his face.

"You have to give me a good explanation and compensation!"

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