Chapter 606
"It seems that you want to truly see what real power is."

Kil'jaeden didn't care about Li Ke's plans. He had seen a lot of Li Ke's behavior.A talent like Li Ke won't give up if he doesn't see his true power.

"I will let you see, Li Ke, that the Lich King is just a toy to us. Although you can stop him, I don't think you have the ability to fight him."

Kil'jaeden looked at Li Ke. In his eyes, Li Ke was just a stronger warlock, not very powerful. Now Arthas had gathered reinforcements from the Lich King around him, even to ensure stability. , the Lich King even sent the bone dragon here in advance to cooperate with Arthas in the battle.

"What if I succeed?"

Li Ke looked at Kil'jaeden. He wanted to know this very much now. If he killed Arthas in Quel'Thalas, what would Kil'jaeden do.

Kil'jaeden looked at Li Ke who looked determined. Although he felt that Li Ke was bluffing, but thinking of the Sunwell in Silvermoon City and the relationship between Li Ke and Kael'thas, he hesitated and spoke. .

"You can try, Li Ke. You can protect your elf allies at will."

He didn't think that Li Ke could resist the natural disaster of the undead by himself. It was not something that human power could resist, because Alsace's army already numbered hundreds of thousands. Just the number of people could kill Li Ke!
Although these forces cannot be unified together, after all, there are too few necromancers, and Alsace's ability is not very sufficient, but it is enough to defeat Li Ke.

As for Li Ke's troops, although they have a good idea, they are incomparable to natural disasters.

"Really? Then..."

Li Ke looked at Kil'jaeden and revealed his true purpose.

"If I succeed in preventing Arthas from entering Quel'Thalas, Kil'jaeden will give me the contracts of all the demons in my territory! I will not allow them to betray!"

This is what Li Ke wants most. He cannot let these demons escape his control. Although the evil energy subsidies of these demons are his evil energy, he can let these demons die at any time if he wants, but his power It’s not yet to the point where you can expose your demons without being blamed!
Moreover, he was also hesitant about whether to show his abilities in front of Kil'jaeden and Archimonde.

Because so far, he had hidden his abilities from Kil'jaeden and other big guys, and he also discovered that unless these big guys saw him absorbing energy and casting spells, they would not be able to see his situation.

"Yes, but I have to remove some people, but be careful. Excessive greed will only bring bad consequences."

Kil'jaeden sneered. He thought Li Ke wanted to do something, but this was the result.

His evaluation of Li Ke dropped a bit, and then he hung up the communication with Li Ke decisively.

"Wow, Master Li Ke, you are really... tough."

Aurese looked at Li Ke with a teasing look, but she didn't dare to approach Li Ke because the holy light on Li Ke was so strong at this time that she felt like she was going to melt just by getting closer.

"I know you're mocking me for being a fool, Olaise."

Li Ke looked at Aurese, who also didn't recognize her abilities. Li Ke had nothing to say about this, but shook his head slightly.

"But you don't understand what kind of power I have."

"of course."

Olaise almost couldn't hold back her laughter. She had seen too many such idiots who thought so highly of themselves.

So she just looked at Li Ke with a smile and did not express any opinions.

Li Ke didn't say much, waved his hand for everyone else to get down, and began to think.

"Can I really hide it anymore? Or is it necessary to hide it?"

He is thinking about it.

Li Ke has always been on guard against Sargeras, because the opponent can really destroy stars with one strike, and his full output will not have time to offset it.Sargeras was the only one who could actually kill him.

Once he exposed his abilities, he was bound to confront Sargeras in person.


"If I want to protect the immortality of the night elves and prevent Azeroth from being hit hard again, I must show my power. Although I still have to release the Legion and let the world know that the Legion will come back, I want To make Azeroth strong, we must stand up to prevent the casualties from becoming greater. Only in this way can we avoid the fate that will follow."

History has been changed by him. God knows whether Argus will be able to successfully replace Sargeras in the future.

So Li Ke planned to prepare for the worst.

"The power of the night elves must be preserved, and I must have my own power among the night elves. Not only that, I also have to gain the trust of all high elves... but my territory cannot be separated from the support of demons for the time being."

Li Ke pursed his lips.

"It looks like it's time for a showdown."

He started too late, his foundation was too weak, and he wanted too much. He wouldn't have gotten to this point unless he cheated.

So now that the critical moment has come, it is also necessary to show that you are cheating.

After making the decision, Li Ke took action.

He stood up and pressed his summons, and Grayson appeared instantly.

"Go and call Prince Kael'thas. I have something important to discuss with him. He must come to me today and tell him that this is related to the future of the elves."

After saying that, he walked towards the direction of the furnace set up by Magni, and Grayson disappeared directly to find Prince Kael'thas.

His furnace was not suitable for making single weapons, so Magni placed the place where he made his spear in the Holy Light Church he built, which is also Li Ke's territory and where all Holy Light believers go to worship. .

But now it is completely under Magni's control. Not only is all the equipment complete, it has also been slightly modified by Magni and specially used to forge his weapons.

When Li Ke arrived here with the respectful reception of countless clergy, Magni was constantly swinging the hammer and tapping a long spear.

He was extremely focused. Even when Li Ke came here, he didn't react at all. Instead, he kept swinging his hammer and beating. Everything in the world seemed to have nothing to do with him.

Li Ke could feel that every time he swung the steel hammer, Magni's strong hatred, hope and anxiety for the future would be hammered into the spear in front of him, and the air and heart escaping in the air would Yes, it will also enter this spear along with the hammer.

What Magni was hammering was no longer just a mundane weapon, but more like shaping beliefs and anima. Although he didn't even know what anima was, Li Ke could feel that he was guiding the air. The escaping mental energy, or the faith and mental energy emanating from those who come here to pray in this church, from all over the world, constantly guides them into this spear.

Some of these beliefs and animas have already shown magical power, and some are still primitive animas. Naturally, ordinary metals cannot carry these things, but the Holy Light Crystal given by Li Ke was used by Magni. .

These Holy Light crystals were fused by Magni into mixed metal ingots reforged from Holy Light crystal powder and light cast iron, and after his processing, they turned into a substantial metal. Li Ke did not know the technology involved. But Magni did it.This new metal carries Magni's lava-like hatred, desire for revenge, but also hope for the future. However, after Magni continues to guide the surrounding beliefs and magic into it, the power of hope changes. Got to get stronger and stronger.The anger and hatred towards Alsace also turned into another kind of burning belief.

It can be said that there are two powers on this spear.

This is why Li Ke wants to recruit dwarves, because they can really forge armor and weapons with hammers that far exceed those forged by machine tools!

Even though this spear is not enchanted yet, it already has magical power!And even weapons made of the same material can be easily destroyed.

This is the beauty and helplessness of the magical world.

"Seering revenge and hope?"

Looking at this spear, Li Ke immediately understood that although this spear may not be as powerful as the Ashbringer, after all, it was forged from the fragments of Naaru, but the upper limit is very high. As long as the Holy Light is continuously poured into it, and the The practice of revenge constantly brings hope to people, so this spear will undoubtedly become an artifact.

The only difference between him and the Ashbringer is a high concentration of holy light.

"I seem to be able to pour my holy light into it?"

Watching Magni tirelessly forging the weapon, Li Ke couldn't help but think of this. If he could continuously inject holy light into it, it seemed that the power of this spear would further increase?

But just as he was looking at the spear, each will appeared in Li Ke's induction, making Li Ke frown subconsciously.

"Maybe we can help."

The voice of the Naaru sounded, but this time it was not the voice of one Naaru, but the voices of a group of Naaru.

Before Li Ke could reply, he heard the Naru's next words.

"I know what you are worried about, but kid, this is our gift, or in other words, it is our gratitude for your unwillingness to use the remains of our compatriots to make weapons. We have been ready since you started to make weapons, so there is no need I'm worried that some naaru will get hurt because of this."


Li Ke thought about the core of the Naaru that he got from Grayson. This Naaru was definitely dead, and the core only contained the essence of its past Holy Light.

If Magni is used to make weapons, he will definitely be able to make weapons more powerful than the Ashbringer. However, Li Ke hates that the Naaru monitored everything about him in advance and hates such selfless gifts, so he asked directly. come out.

"Then what's the price?"

"When you use this weapon, you will save more people and destroy more monsters that cause pain to people. This is our only request."

"That's not a price."

"That's the price."

"That's why I can't get along with you."

"No, on the contrary, it is precisely because of your thoughts that we care about you so much, Li Ke."

Naru's voice was as calm as ever and had a noble character.

Li Ke sighed a little about this, but had no intention of rejecting this kindness.

Because what he will face next is the most powerful entity in the universe.Even though he was sure, more power was better.

"Come on then."

Li Ke took a deep breath and opened his hand. In an instant, a holy light that could almost be called a tsunami suddenly burst out from his body. The ground where he was located began to crystallize the holy light in an instant, and The already gorgeous cathedral, in an instant, the entire top turned into the golden color of the holy light!Sincerity also began to transform towards the Holy Light Crystal!
This huge energy was restrained by Li Ke in an instant. He tried his best to restrain these holy lights and prevent their power from escaping, allowing other demons to observe it, and letting Kil'jaeden know his abilities in advance.

This was very difficult, but after communicating with the Naaru, he did it, and succeeded in continuously shrouding the holy light in his body towards the place where Magni was.

Magni, who was concentrating on forging, suddenly felt a change in the spear, but Magni did not waver or speak. He just hit his hammer harder while helping Li Ke knock the holy light into the spear. , while hammering things like faith into this spear.

Li Ke, who guided the Holy Light, also felt a wonderful feeling. The beliefs of countless Naaru were constantly flowing into his spear with the Holy Light. His spear gradually transformed from light cast iron to a more pure one. energy metal, a metal with more magical abilities.

And these beliefs were constantly transformed under Magni's hammer, and eventually turned into something even hotter!

At this time, Kael'thas arrived. He came here immediately after hearing Li Ke's call, but when he saw Li Ke's child, he subconsciously took a step back.

"Is this really the power of the Holy Light that humans can explode?"

When he looked at it from the outside, he already felt it was terrifying, but after seeing it with his own eyes, he felt the urge to transform into the Holy Light.

He really couldn't understand why a mortal could use such a majestic holy light.

Can a mortal really possess this power?
At this moment, the transformation of the spear had reached its limit. After Magni swung the last blow with all his strength, he fell to the ground exhausted, and the spear in front of him also erupted with a terrifying force at this moment. The power and strong impact even almost blew Kael'thas away. If Li Ke hadn't appeared instantly and used the holy light barrier to block the spear from exploding its power, then the entire cathedral would have been destroyed by the holy spear. Blown away by the fluctuations of transformation!

But even so, this shield also consumed a large amount of Li Ke's holy light, which ensured that it would not be publicized on a large scale.

The dwarves present did not know what an exaggerated thing Li Ke had done, but Kael'thas knew that this prince who was very sensitive to energy knew very well, because he could feel that if Li Ke did not control the spear, , the arcane energy in his body will even be expelled and assimilated by this holy light, and then the majestic arcane energy in his body will be purified, thus turning into the power of the holy light!

And his eyes will no longer have the blue magical light, so they will show a golden light!

In fact, all the dwarves, priests, and blacksmiths present had golden light in their eyes, even Magni!

No doubt they were forged in light in some way!
Li Ke looked at the spear in his hand, chuckled, picked it up casually, then looked at the somewhat flustered Kael'thas, and stretched out his hand to him.

"Come forward, Kael'thas, son of the elves."

His body automatically levitated due to the majestic holy light. Under the illumination of the holy light pillar, he looked like a god rather than an ordinary person.What was shining around him was not the soft golden holy light, but the pale, cold and hot holy light.

Under the radiation of the strong holy light, just looking into Li Ke's eyes, Kael'thas felt that a large phantom appeared in front of his eyes, a large phantom about Silver Moon City!

"Let me reveal your destiny!"

 Let me change the narrative method...

  Before, I was afraid that people wouldn’t understand...

(End of this chapter)

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