Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 607 Prophecy

Chapter 607 Prophecy
The six original powers all have prophecy methods. The moment he entered the high-intensity holy light power, Li Ke had already seen countless futures and fragments of the future, as well as other phantoms of beings who used holy light to observe the future.

Li Ke didn't know whether these futures were parallel worlds or something else, but he was certain that without him, more than [-]% to [-]% of the civilians in Silver Moon City would have been killed or injured, and all the high-level officials would have been destroyed!
Although he also planned to destroy the current high-level officials of Silver Moon City, he did not intend to let civilians die, so he only focused on watching the scenes of Silver Moon City being destroyed!

Then, use the power of the Holy Light to show these futures in front of Kael'thas.

"what are these?"

Kael'thas opened his eyes wide.

He saw Sylvanas killed by Arthas in different ways, and saw his father cut off by Alsace's Flame Strike while fighting bravely with Arthas, and then died miserably. picture.

I saw that I finally broke through the blockade and returned to Silver Moon City, but I could only see the ruins and the corpses of countless civilians.

In these pictures, he could clearly smell the stench of corpses, the smell of blood, see his father's corpse, and see the corpses of the people he loved.

When he saw the body of a mother holding her child, he finally couldn't help but open his eyes wide because he remembered that he had been conducting diplomacy outside, so he was unable to attack Alsace during the attack. They returned as soon as possible, and due to various reasons, the elf civilians did not retreat very quickly. Even if they evacuated, they would always evacuate to the place they thought was the safest, which was Silver Moon City.

so they...

They were all dead, and Kael'thas couldn't tell whether this was Li Ke's illusion or what, because what he felt now was very real, and he even felt that Li Ke, this incredible existence, could be with him in his heart. The human paladin that Alsace contends with is his own fantasy, an existence that he imagined because of his excessive sadness!

"Do not……"

He looked around. The golden home of the past was now full of ruins. The faces of the dead were filled with pain and fear, and the faces of the living were also sad and painful. In the past, the Sunwell could bring them warmth and happiness. , has now become a source full of death energy. Based on his experience and ability, he quickly made a judgment.

If the Sunwell they rely on for survival is not destroyed, the high elves, who are naturally more prone to absorbing energy, will die under the power of the polluted Sunwell!

"no no……"

This discovery made him kneel to the ground in horror. He could not do this because the body of the high elf had long adapted to the high-concentration energy environment of the Sunwell, and slowly adapted to being able to survive normally in other places. You won't feel too much discomfort.

But the sudden loss of energy is like a person who has been living on the ground and has directly arrived at an altitude of [-] meters without any adjustments!
Will die!Most of the elves will die!

They will go crazy due to lack of energy, and even crave energy even more than before!
One person dies immediately, the other dies a large part in pain, but in the midst of painful struggle, there is still a chance to find a glimmer of life.

The choice was not difficult to make.

Even if you choose the second option, most of the people who survived will die again!
Even, degenerate into a beast.

Tears kept rolling in Kael'thas's eyes. He loved his people, his kingdom, and his hometown.But when he raised his head again, what he saw was the body of his father, and the flame strike that represented the royal power and the glory of the high elves. What he saw were the dead bodies of his relatives!I saw those congressmen who were old-fashioned but were willing to die for Silvermoon City!
Looking at their unblinking eyes and his father's eyes, a voice suddenly came from his ears.

"Why didn't you come back to help me, son?"

Do not!
Do not!
Kael'thas opened his eyes wide in horror, but the next moment, in front of him were the corpses of countless elves, endless corpses of elves.

Old people, young people, children, loving couples, all professions, all walks of life, they all looked at him with sad and painful eyes.

"Why didn't you come to help us? Your Majesty the Prince?"

The voices of countless elves rang out.

resounded in his heart.

And I don't know when, these corpses all stood up, and every time Kael'thas saw one, he could see their smiling faces in the past, see the scene of their painful death, and then see their miserable corpses again!

Huge pain hit Kael'thas's heart. He breathed hard, but couldn't feel any oxygen. His heart was obviously beating violently, but he felt that the blood in his whole body had solidified.His mind was constantly roaring, but he couldn't think. His mouth opened wide, but he couldn't make any meaningful sounds.


He looked around, all he could think of was pain and madness.


Violent energy exploded on his body. The prince of the high elves could no longer control himself. The violent energy continued to escape from his body, and even his tears were contaminated with the violent arcane power.

But just when he couldn't control his energy and was about to die because of the energy runaway, a golden holy light suddenly appeared behind him, and a hand suddenly stretched out from it and put it on his shoulder.

"Wake up! Son of the Elf!"

Countless holy light poured into Kael'thas' body instantly, and the warm holy light instantly suppressed all the energy in his body. Not only that, the moment the hand was pulled back suddenly, he felt that his body Being dragged away from this terrible world, the previous painful feelings turned into a painful shadow of Kael'thas, leaving his body. Although there was still sadness in his heart and tears in the corners of his eyes, But he came to a strange space full of holy light.

After being separated from that world, the hand left his body. Kael'thas couldn't help but kneel to the ground. The heart-wrenching feeling still lingered in his heart, making him unable to help but gasp. He gasped.

And he finally woke up at this time, sensing the almost endless holy light around his body, Kael'thas couldn't help but look at Li Ke.

"It was just..."

Li Ke, who had put himself out of the pain and sorrow of Kael'thas, stretched out his hand and once again unfolded the prophecy.

Countless silhouettes and fragments of the future appeared in front of Kael'thas who was kneeling on the ground, like a corridor covered with photos, showing all the possible futures of the high elves in front of Kael'thas!

His affinity for the Holy Light is higher than he realized before. Even if Li Ke doesn't use his own ability to control the Holy Light, he can achieve the same effect as if he uses his own ability.

Li Ke can easily learn many moves even without being taught by someone on the Holy Light side.

For example, prophecies, and... pull people into the holy light space he built that only exists in consciousness, and read the prophecies with him.

He knew how to do this almost as soon as he thought of it, and Li Ke was quite surprised by this.This is something he just discovered.

After all, he doesn't think he is a good person.

But the most important thing now is to convince Kael'thas, so Li Ke summoned the future fragments he just showed Kael'thas and showed the prophecy to Kael'thas.

"That is a possible future." Li Ke spoke again, but to his own surprise, his voice carried an echo in this space filled with holy light, and even became somewhat mechanical and indifferent. .

I don't know if this is related to his Holy Light characteristics.

"Possible future?"

Kael'thas looked at the wall of prophecy in front of him, and his eyes widened instantly.

Because in almost all futures, Silvermoon City will be breached and the Sunwell will be destroyed. Even if Silvermoon City is lucky enough to be defended, it will be breached by humans, orcs, demons, and the like.

Among them, he even saw a scene of a crystal filled with evil energy stuck in his chest, summoning demons like a madman to fill Silvery Moon City, and then being defeated by a group of guys wearing strange clothes who looked nothing like humans.

Those guys in fancy clothes even stole his favorite white chocobo!
"Yes, this is the future I saw when I forged my weapon and created a high-concentration holy light area!"

Li Ke also sighed when looking at these scenes, because he saw the scene of Kael'thas being defeated in the Storm Fortress. He was desperate and kept selling the lives of his people in search of hope, but it was all in vain, so he was completely crazy and never had it again. The current gentle and calm Kael'thas.

Illidan was using him, Kil'jaeden was using him, and the Alliance was using him.

They are all taking advantage of his desire to find enough energy sources for his people to let him send his people to die, but they do not give him a complete solution, and he has to betray his own power again and again. People, in exchange for the hope of survival and the meager possibility.

It's not surprising that Kael'thas would eventually lose all his good qualities and become just like himself, crazy enough to make a deal with the devil.

"No, it's impossible..."

Kael'thas covered his chest and looked at Li Ke.

How many years had he lived? It would be unbelievable to believe Li Ke's words easily. However, when he thought of Alsace's power and the pictures that fit his own deduction and cognition, he remained silent.

He believed that if the elves did not make changes, they would be destroyed by humans.

Among Li Ke's prophecies, these are all real, and among these real prophecies, the methods they used to defend against Alsace's attack are also very consistent.

Abandoning all the land outside Silvermoon City, Kael'thas personally took care of the Silvermoon City barrier. He relied on the infinite power of the Sunwell to protect Silvermoon City and allow the high elves to survive.

But then, facing the polluted land and the humans who had established an alliance, the high elves were completely isolated. Then one day in the future, they would be surrounded by humans and their country would perish due to internal and external troubles.

Countless elves became slaves, and countless wives were separated.

These predictions are almost identical to his deductions and guesses about the future.

"You don't have to believe me, Prince Kael'thas. I'm just here to remind you after seeing these prophecies. Whether you believe it or not, it's the same to me. Even..."

Li Ke's voice was still steady.

"An elven kingdom destroyed by Arthas would be more beneficial to me, wouldn't it?"

Li Ke's words silenced Kael'thas. Kael'thas naturally knew that his teacher was doing "mischief" in Li Ke's land by relying on his close relationship with Li Ke.

Whether it's building a mana well without Li Ke's consent, expanding the elves' living area, building a city not according to Li Ke's standards, or even setting up private guards, Li Ke cares about her and his own face, as well as the technology and skills possessed by the elves. The workers pretended not to see it.

But if Silvermoon City is destroyed...

These are gone, and Li Ke can easily have countless elven mages joining him, because their addiction to magic will only be stronger than that of ordinary people.

It would be in Li Ke's greatest interest if Li Ke didn't tell him the prophecy after seeing it.

But the moment he reacted, Li Ke seemed to be irritated by his skeptical attitude and waved his arms directly. The light space began to disappear, and the painful scenes also disappeared.

Kael'thas was stunned for a moment, then returned to the real world, and even discovered that the conversation between the two of them, as well as his experience, did not even last more than two seconds in reality.

Li Ke, holding a spear in his hand, looked at Kael'thas in a daze and performed his last performance.

"I admire the glory of the elves, but please don't let my good intentions for this glory become nothing, Prince Kael'thas. My army has not been trained yet, but if you are willing, I will still lead the team to Silver Moon City, help you and fight Alsace yourself! Kill this beast with your own hands!"

After Li Ke finished speaking, he no longer looked at Kael'thas, but raised the golden spear in his hand.

This spear is more than three meters long, and the barrel is also very thick. It is made of pure metal. Just the blade of the spear is close to 270 centimeters. The total weight is also due to the addition of many special materials and special manufacturing methods. The reason is that it reached an exaggerated [-] kilograms.

It would be very difficult for ordinary people to move such a weapon on earth, let alone wield it.

But in this world...

Even a child can wield this spear at will under the power of the Holy Light!And in Li Ke's hands, this spear was as light as a feather!

Why does this gun look so much like the spear of the Archangel of Courage?

Looking at the gun in his hand, Li Ke realized that this gun was almost identical to Imperius's spear in the Dark World, so he paused and spoke immediately.

"This gun is called Solarion! Witness this gun! I will use this gun to bring hope and bring destruction to evil!"

He raised his spear high, and the holy light that penetrated the sky and the earth appeared again!
And looking at Li Ke who was like a god in the pillar of holy light, Kael'thas couldn't help but believe in the prophecy shown by Li Ke.

But he would never know.

Although the predictions Li Ke showed him were true.

But there is a choice.

(End of this chapter)

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