Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 627 Medivh’s training methods

Chapter 627 Medivh’s training methods
Looking at the book in front of him, Li Ke felt his head hurt.

He knew that reading these books would have countless benefits for him, but the problem was that although there were benefits, the time required was too long.

After flipping through it, he felt his scalp was numb. A book had at least 400 to [-] million words, and this pile was all the books he wanted to read.

And you have to learn it yourself and be able to apply it.

How much time is needed?
Ten years or 20 years?More than that?
Li Ke looked at the pile of catalogs and felt that it would take him 20 years just to read the catalog of one book. Although he knew that he could not rush, this look was like the situation that started hundreds of years ago. It is really……

Therefore, Li Ke looked at Medivh.

"It seems like you already have a way, so there should be more than one way, right?"

While talking, Li Ke felt the inside of the Azerite in his hand, and there was indeed an energy in it that he really wanted to absorb.

But what amazed him most was the power of Azerite.

Because this thing does not belong to any force, it is a separate force.

To be honest, this is the first time that Li Ke has truly received the power of Azerite. He feels that it is really magical, because it is not like he has never tried similar things, including merging the Forces, but every time The results are not very ideal.

Either it failed inexplicably, or it was inexplicably impossible for various reasons.

But when you see the real thing——

Li Ke found that he still couldn't do it, but the reason why he couldn't do it was simple.

Because I put less effort into it.

The elemental power of earth, fire, water, wind, and several other powers.

One of them is the power of the soul that he is lacking, and the other kind of power, Li Ke also sensed, is decay.

And it definitely can't be put together directly. It must have experienced various reactions that you don't know before such a magical power appears.

"Of course, since ordinary soul power is of no use to you because it has no similarity with your soul, only the power of the soul that has been tempered, that is, the power of the soul that is strong and pure enough, can deal with you. Your soul produces the effect, so directly absorbing the power of Azeroth is the simplest and fastest method... Of course, there are other methods."

Medivh chuckled.

"Why don't you choose to sharpen your soul and let your soul gain powerful strength on its own? It's just that it's difficult for your soul to absorb soul energy, but it doesn't mean it's impossible to absorb it. As long as you can actively and continuously provide high-concentration soul energy Where you have strength and the Six Forces, if you continue to let them pass through your soul, then your soul will naturally be able to obtain powerful soul power through continuous accumulation."

"It's just like Azeroth, it just takes a certain amount of time."

Medivh opened his hand and pointed at himself.

"And I am the one who gave you this time and place. Of course, it may take a little longer. When you grow up to be able to resist the pressure of Sargeras, you will almost be able to finish reading the books here."

Medivh smiled evilly.

"I'm not talking about the books in this catalog, but all the books in this tower of endless knowledge."


Li Ke finally understood. Medivh's meaning was very simple. Since he was unwilling to plunder the soul power of Azeroth, as long as he repeatedly absorbed and discharged the force and various soul-related powers, he would eventually It is the ability to strengthen one's soul through time.

Almost like a filter feeder.

But efficiency, once you hear it, you know it must be very touching.So from beginning to end, only the first method mentioned by Medivh is the most reliable.

Li Ke also guessed that he was probably letting himself use his own abilities to manually synthesize soul power that was comparable in quality to the Soul of Azeroth.

"So, you were ready for me to read from the beginning?"

"Well, you can also choose to take your time. In the multi-infinite parallel universe, you have more opportunities with time."

After rolling his eyes at Medivh, Li Ke reluctantly picked up the book in front of him. After taking another look, he felt that his head began to hurt again.

"Elementary Physics", "Elementary Mathematics", "Azeroth Advanced Physics", "Azeroth Advanced Mathematics", "On the way to explore mathematical logic when 1+1≠2".

Li Ke made a casual move, and invisible power instantly took out the elementary physics book weighing almost [-] kilograms, and then flipped through the catalog.

Then, he successfully saw the discussion of wave-particle duality in the table of contents on the second page, so he turned two more pages.

"Verification of String Theory and Grand Unified Theory in Different Universes".

"On the manifestation of time flow in different universes".

"On the interaction of gravity between dimensions and the way gravity manipulates time."

Elementary physics?

What the hell is advanced?
Li Ke closed the book, raised his head and thought for a moment, then looked at Medivh aside.

"Are you serious?"

"Well, mages are always like this. They learn something here and something there. This is normal."

Medivh laughed heartlessly.

"I've been looking for a way to kill you for a thousand years. Do you think it's easy to be a mage?"

"Did you just say something extraordinary?"

Li Ke was a little speechless. He said that he wanted to kill him so directly. It was really...

Really free and easy.

"You are willing to learn these things but are not willing to go back to plunder the power of Azeroth. What can't I say? Just study hard and you will be able to use it. Don't worry, this is just your self-study course. You There is still much to learn, and no matter how much you learn, I will let you go in 200 years and help you solve Sargeras' troubles."

After he finished speaking casually, he waved his hand, and a bracelet appeared in front of Li Ke.

"With this bracelet, you can freely enter and leave the Tower of Endless Knowledge, and you can get all the daily necessities you want just by thinking about it. You only need to think about it when you go to the toilet...Okay, today you Let’s read the books first, which are these basic series, and we will officially start class tomorrow.”

After Medivh finished speaking, he snapped his fingers. His original old image disappeared instantly, and his clothes turned into a flashy suit. He opened a door and walked in.

The moment the portal closed, what Li Ke saw was Medivh waving a large amount of money in his hands, then hugging the waists of the two bar girls, and the bartender skillfully poured him drinks.

"It's really fun..."

He couldn't help but murmured. Medivh's meaning was very simple. If he wanted to, he could stay here forever, or even completely abandon everything in Azeroth and enjoy the wonderful life of an astral mage with him.

"But since I have inherited and guided hope and shouldered responsibilities, how can I run away from the battlefield? In the future, when the world doesn't need me, I can be like Medivh and travel to the whole universe."

Li Ke shook his head, picked up the book weighing dozens of kilograms, and started reading.

Physics knowledge is obscure and difficult to understand, but fortunately he can use his own strength to build a three-dimensional model for simulation, but mathematics does make Li Ke feel bald for a while.

Although he had been studying very hard when he was in Azeroth, and in terms of mathematics alone, he was barely a qualified mage. After studying for a while, he would be able to start casting spells directly.

But after seeing the book Medivh gave him, Li Ke...

Li Ke feels that he is a primitive man.

"With this book alone, I can use my name to replace the Nobel Prize on Earth... But has Medivh really considered laymen reading this book?"

Each formula is quite complicated and blunt, and there is basically no foreshadowing or explanation. If Li Ke hadn't taken the time to study, and if high-end knowledge had not stopped him long ago, he would not even be able to get started with Medivh. I can’t even understand the course!
So after just watching it for half an hour, Li Ke felt like a stupid primitive man.

Picking up the bracelet and calling out some scratch paper, Li Ke began to check it. Then for a while, he rubbed his face, feeling that he couldn't understand it again.

Memorizing the formula is not difficult, but Medivh requires learning and applying it, so just memorizing the formula is not enough.

Time passed by Li Ke bit by bit. Finally, he finally learned a few formulas. Li Ke, who tried hard to calm down and study, couldn't help but feel irritable.

"Is everything really okay over there in the territory?"

Biting his penholder, Li Ke sighed.

There are too many things going on in the territory, and Arthas has already laid siege to Dalaran, Archimonde is about to arrive in this world, and Sargeras is going to cause trouble as well.

There are too many things that need to be prepared, but now I am doing math problems...

Although Medivh can believe that he does have enough time, to be honest, Li Ke still has a magical feeling.

“It feels so weird, and what’s the future?”

Li Ke, who was rarely alone, rubbed his face. He was actually a little confused about the future. He just felt that under his leadership, Azeroth could be strong enough to face any future.

But Medivh's appearance this time gave him a new sense of crisis.

Moreover, the emergence of the Blizzard universe and the multiverse mentioned by Medivh are also problems.The meshed timeline represents that there is not just one Azeroth, but countless Azeroths.

The setting of the parallel world is typically thrown out by the author when he has no new ideas. If used well, it will be very innovative, but if not used, it will be disgusting.

But in this case, how many Azeroths are there in the world?How many Sargeras?
Can every Azeroth survive this?The world where Sargeras triumphed also really existed, right?What if there is a Sargeras who wants to destroy more than just his own world?
The multiverse will bring many problems, and the more Li Ke thinks about it, the more headaches he gets.


But just when he was impatient because of irritability, Medivh's voice rang again.

"In the infinite multiverse, everything is meaningless. But this is not the case for people living in these worlds. You should have understood it a long time ago."

Medivh appeared next to Li Ke again, and then spoke to Li Ke with a chuckle.

"Okay, you have studied for 37 hours, it's time for practical lessons."

37 hours?

Li Ke was stunned for a moment, and then saw that the hourglass on one side had stopped flowing.

"Don't be surprised. Isn't this the ability that the leader in you should have? Concentrate on your studies and not be disturbed by the passage of time."

Medivh chuckled.

He had actually come back a long time ago, but Li Ke had been studying, so he didn't notice him. In fact, it was beyond his expectation that someone like Li Ke could become impatient so soon.

"Okay, the practical class has begun."

Medivh lightly tapped Li Ke's clothes. The next moment, Li Ke felt a strange surge of energy. The next moment, his clothes turned into a suit.

It's not an illusion or mimicry, but it has truly turned into a suit.


"Material reorganization is what you need to learn in the first stage. For most mages, this is the ultimate pursuit, but in my opinion, this is a power that you should be born to master."

"Your standards are really high."

"Your knowledge is too shallow."

Li Ke couldn't refute. After just reading the book for a while, Li Ke knew that he could never compare with the people in front of him in terms of knowledge. He just looked at Medivh in front of him, and he was very curious about something.

"Who is stronger between you and Sargeras now?"

He was really curious about this matter.

And Medivh spoke without hesitation.

"There is no doubt about Sargeras. Regardless of the intensity of energy, the upper limit of operating energy, or the strength of the soul, Sargeras is not something I can fight against. Under equal conditions, I appeared in front of Sargeras. , not even capable of confrontation.”

Li Ke frowned, feeling that Medivh was showing weakness.

"But if I want to seal Sargeras, I only need to release Illidan. After a few decades, Sargeras will naturally be sealed. And if I want to release Illidan, I only need to let Tyrande know that the demon has returned. It's back, and if you want to let Tyrande know that the devil is back, you only need to give some information, and I don't even need to do anything, Tyrande will know about it himself."

"Is this really the one you killed?"

"Conquer the enemy without fighting, boy. For a mage, you don't need to kill your enemy with your own hands. Mage who only know how to use evocation spells to hit people are just idiots. A real mage should know how to Take advantage of the situation and stop yourself from doing things you can do without doing them.”

"It's like you left Azeroth and expected the people of Azeroth to save themselves?"

"Yes, in my eyes, the people of Azeroth can already save themselves. As for me? I have no nostalgia for Azeroth. I can save my mother Aegwynn at any time, or even... My father Elan, but that is meaningless, my mother does not love my father, and my father wants to save my mother through me and build a happy family, but he knows that my mother does not love He still has futile thoughts, so for now, the situation for the two of them is the best."

As Medivh spoke, he opened a portal, and Li Ke walked into the world with him in suits and ties, and then...

Li Ke saw countless mechanical armies frantically attacking all the humans he saw.

"This world has developed countless intelligent machines, but they created these beings and gave them wisdom, but they were unwilling to give them the rights of intelligent beings, and were not even willing to live together as equals. That led to this war."

"Because they have been tools from the beginning, Medivh. Moreover, the birth of their own minds may just be an accident."

Li Ke looked at everything in the world. He probably knew that he had arrived in the Overwatch universe because he had already seen the Overwatch logo.

Seriously, it made him feel like a big show.

On the Warcraft side, he was still thinking about how to farm and feed more people, and then the wireless parallel universe came, and even the world of Overwatch.

let him……

There is an unreal feeling.

If his experience were a book, then the author of this book must not want subsequent subscriptions.

"But these people are so weak."

Li Ke frowned and looked at the rapid-fire machine guns over there. These machine guns looked very scary, but Li Ke estimated their strength. In Azeroth, he estimated that even a warrior who had only trained for two and a half years could hold up an iron shield. Can't penetrate.

To put it simply, any elite warrior under his command can use cold weapons to achieve unparalleled results here.

Even when fighting spirit rises, bullets may not be able to penetrate their skin.

Li Ke is not exaggerating, the elites under his command can indeed do it.But ordinary soldiers will not perform very well when faced with these missiles and machine gun bullets.

"The reason for the world is that not all worlds are as special as Azeroth."

Medivh glanced at Li Ke and twitched the corners of his mouth.

Anyone from Azeroth who comes here is a monster.

But Li Ke is also a monster to any Azerothian.

"Moreover, many things in this world are accidents... But I didn't expect that you could accept this. You are much more open-minded than I thought. It seems that we can speed up our courses."

After Medivh finished speaking, he pointed to Li Ke at the giant robot in the distance, then took out an iron sword and handed it to Li Ke.

"There is no force here in our world, and you can't borrow any power, so Li Ke, take this sword and kill that guy. Oh, you can't use arcane and extraordinary powers, you can only use your mathematics and Physics knowledge, and your own physical strength to deal with this monster, this is your lesson today."

Li Ke looked at the mechanical monster that was about 100 meters tall, then looked at the ordinary iron sword in his hand, which was just over one meter long, and looked at Medivh.

"Are you serious?"

Not using any energy, just using the mathematical formulas I just learned and the iron sword in my hand?
"Of course, your senior brother Khadgar came here like this. Believe me, you can do it. As long as you can skillfully use physics and mathematics, constantly calculate the attack mode and foothold of this robot, and judge it through its physical properties. Weaknesses and then attack them, it’s very simple!”

Li Ke nodded. This approach is theoretically feasible, but in fact...

This is pure fart, at least he can't do it now.

But he had to give it a try after all, so after flexing his wrist, he asked.

"Do you really think Khadgar can do it?"

"Of course, Khadgar is the best apprentice I have ever taught. He is much smarter and more talented than you, especially his learning ability. It can be said that he is the best among the people I have taught. I originally considered him He threw him on a dying planet and asked him to open the portal, and he successfully opened the portal and came back..."

Li Ke: "..."

Although he was speechless, Li Ke still planned to go.But when I was leaving, I couldn't help but ask.

"May I ask, how many students have you trained?"

"A few hundred, right? In order to kill me, Dalaran gave me many students to test my spells, and I taught them all."

"Where are those who survived?"

Medivh smiled.

"There is only one Khadgar."

Li Ke “…………”

So he is the best, right? !

 First of all, let me guarantee that this book will not be converted to unlimited streaming, and it will only be written for one Draenor at most.There will be no stories like DVA appearing in Azeroth. Li Ke and Medivh are just passers-by.

  In addition, Medivh is also a Blizzard setting. He is a slutty person in private, and he does hang out in the Blizzard universe, but he is usually a guest star.

(End of this chapter)

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