Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 628 Vision of Order

Li Ke quickly wandered between the tall buildings. Although his physical fitness was not among the top in Azeroth, he was still outstanding. Although he could not be compared with the Ax Superman orc, but In ordinary hand-to-hand combat, Li Ke only loses in skill.

"It is said that geometry and physics are used to solve problems...but this big robot is completely inconsistent with the physics and various materials science that I know."

Li Ke was running while observing the big robot that was wreaking havoc in the city.

And when he saw Li Ke starting to move forward here, the machine gun tower on the big robot also locked onto Li Ke's body at this time, and began to spit out bullets as thick as an arm. '.

Li Ke instantly felt the danger coming. Although his eyes could not detect the trajectory of these bullets without the assistance of energy, he could feel it.

Quickly turning around, dodging, and then flicking the long sword in his hand, Li Ke easily changed the trajectory of the bullets that passed him, deflecting them to other places.

The next moment, Li Ke's speed also increased, even surpassing the speed of motorcycles and cars, and quickly approaching the big robot.

"Angle wind direction..."

He was constantly calculating in his mind, but Li Ke soon discovered that this fighting method was seriously unsuitable for him, because he was easily distracted when calculating, and his calculation ability could not keep up with the speed of the robot's body changes.

However, at the next moment -

"You can calculate all the parameters, my friend, and you should look at the world from a mathematical perspective."

Medivh's voice rang out, and the next moment, spells he didn't understand surged through Li Ke's body, and then his perception of the world in front of him changed.

What kind of formulas and theorems does the robot use when it acts? How much power does it use? In the formula of this action, who gave the number that promotes the change of the formula.

The entire robot completely lost its realistic appearance and was replaced by a huge three-dimensional digital model!
No, or rather it’s an extremely complicated mathematical formula!

Li Ke can easily see that his reaction and the reaction caused by his actions will be different from this one.

Therefore, as long as the robot lifts its feet,
The moment he just got used to this perspective.

And his eyes suddenly raised to the top of the entire city, and he saw the formulas of the entire city. Countless formulas make up this world, countless things can be explained by mathematics, and the results of countless actions can be used. Use mathematics to deduce.

The things he saw in his eyes were no longer accidental, but inevitable results. As long as his formula gave its own variables, and he walked and calculated according to the specific formula, he could easily get all the future.


He looked in all directions. At this moment, the bodies of those who were escaping or fighting were also forming formulas in his eyes.

The operating logic of skeletal muscles, blood, and brain has become a formula, and the thinking process has also been deduced into a formula. What determines the operation of all this is the DNA hidden in every cell...

It is something completely different from the DNA in one's own body, but all traces of their activities also rely on DNA to advance.

Their pain, their thinking, and their injuries can be easily changed by just slightly changing a formula, but before that, he has to solve the formula that is constantly causing damage to the surrounding formulas!
Then, he acted subconsciously. He waved the mathematical formula in his hand, used the formula in his body to push his body, moved quickly through the planned formula, and consumed the numbers in his body, and then... …

"Can't you do this?"

Medivh gently patted Li Ke's body. Li Ke was stunned for a moment. The next moment, the world of formulas disappeared from his eyes, and the real world returned to his eyes, and everything became disordered again. And it became complicated.


But there is a feeling of vitality?

Li Ke looked at his hand, then turned back to look at the formula that you had killed before. He was shocked to find that in his senses, the monster that he had defeated after only doing a few math problems was already seventy-eight. It fell to the ground and turned into a pile of parts.

"what did I do?"

Li Ke's mind was a little dazed. He tried hard to recall, and then he recalled what he had done——

He just tapped the machine's shell lightly.

Subsequently, countless shocks, countershocks, and various reactions caused the robot to disintegrate on its own!
"Don't think this is easy. In order to get you into this state, I was almost exhausted, and the arcane energy I consumed was enough to explode a planet."

Medivh curled his lips. If it weren't for teaching Li Ke, he wouldn't use such an inefficient method.

He would find the blueprint of the machine, and then use a small arcane spell to dismantle some key parts, or use a teleportation spell to pour a basin of water on the core chip of the robot.

Which of these methods is not easier than dragging Li Ke into the realm of order?

"Is the consumption so huge?"

"Do you think it's easy to ensure that your mind is not affected and not captured by the Force, and to simulate a state in which you have been upgraded in the arcane field?"

Medivh looked at Li Ke and wanted to punch him.

But after thinking about the simulated ending of how many times he and Li Ke were beaten to death, I gave up.

"Well, thank you, Medivh."

Li Ke looked at his hand. The feeling just now was very strange. How should I put it...

Beggar’s version of omniscience and omnipotence.

As long as there is data, as long as he can understand the operating principles, as long as this world has this possibility, then he can interpret everything in the world through mathematics.

Whether it is human thoughts, scientific research results, or unknown knowledge, it can all be calculated through mathematics!

If this state of affairs could last forever...

Li Ke was silent for a moment, and he realized something terrible.

That is, there is a high probability that I will give up on feelings, because in calculation, these things are meaningless.

Desires, things he wants to do, things he wants, he will give up everything, because to an omniscient and omnipotent person, these are meaningless.

"Well, it's good to know. Now we can enjoy the treatment of heroes. Come on, have a smile."

Medivh put his arm around Li Ke's shoulders and smiled at the survivors in the distance. On the other side, a reporter picked up his camera and photographed Li Ke with a cold face and a face full of tears. Smiling Medivh.

Then there was the celebration party, but Li Ke discovered something was wrong.

Obviously the smart machines here can rebel, but the lives of ordinary people have not changed at all. Office workers still have to go to work, and the liberation of labor brought by those robots has not spread to these poor areas. Most of the local People in the world still use wooden and stone things to work. High-rise buildings only exist in cities. In the wild, there are still houses with a roof made of iron sheets. They all require more than ten years of hard work.

Yes, Li Ke discovered that they were in Africa.

"It's interesting, isn't it? The technology here has developed to this point, and the intelligent machines are fighting for their own rights, but the people here still live as if they are in our world. And if we don't come, that heavy machinery will Flatten everything here, and when the Overwatch people come, they will only be able to find the bodies of these lovely people." Medivh, holding two black girls in his arms, burped, and the two black men in his arms The women are not ugly, nor are they prostitutes. They even have calluses on their hands from working, and one of them was even breastfeeding her baby just now.

But out of gratitude they came to serve the two men who had saved their tribe, for they had no money but some food.

However, their appearance was very good-looking, even by Li Ke's standards. But Li Ke only felt sad, so he declined the woman who wanted to serve him.

Just listening to Medivh's words, Li Ke felt that he meant something.

"You seem to be trying to persuade me not to do anything to the orcs, but Medivh, even if I am willing to accept the orcs, what about the people of Azeroth? For me, there is no hatred between the orcs, but Azeroth The Rath people are different. They have really had their whole families killed by orcs, the souls of their relatives were taken away by orcs, and their relatives and friends were even eaten by orcs' allies. Is it possible for you to prevent these people from hating orcs?"

Li Ke really has no prejudice against the orcs. Although this tribe burned, killed, looted, and destroyed their own world before going to grab other people's territory and planning to use the local people as slaves, Li Ke only planned to use those who did these things. The orcs were killed without any discrimination against the orcs.

Because this is what human history keeps repeating. The orcs who did these things do deserve to die, but for second-generation orcs like Thrall...

It seems like they should be guilty, but it doesn't seem like they should be.

Li Ke didn't intend to comment. He was not qualified, but most qualified Azerothians believed that they should bear the responsibility.

"I am a leader, and to me, if all the people think they are guilty and should be punished, then I should punish them."

Medivh put down his wine glass. He had always felt indebted to the orcs.

“But leaders also have to have a mind of their own.”

"No, leaders serve the people, Medivh. You can have your own ideas, but after all, you have to listen to the people below, even if it is just to prevent your own butt and interests from being harmed."

"...So, you are different."

Medivh looked at Li Ke with complicated eyes. Everyone knows this truth. If the leader is not good to the people below, the organization will definitely collapse, no matter what ideology or doctrine it is.

But there are very few people in the history of Azeroth and in countless worlds who can firmly believe in this and plan to implement it like Li Ke.

"Your perspective is too high. Like me, you regard yourself as the savior of Azeroth, but you have never thought of walking to the people of Azeroth in person. Instead, you want to be a guide behind the scenes. I know you want the world to teach me a few lessons, Medivh, but you underestimate me."

Li Ke shook his head. Medivh's purpose in bringing him to this world was actually very simple.

The first one is to let him personally experience the disadvantages of order, which is that he is always stuck in formulas and routines, and there is never any change.

The second one is to let him see that even if technology improves, there will still be people at the bottom who cannot enjoy anything, and I want to remind him to always pay attention to the bottom class.

The third one is to intercede for the orcs.

Li Ke thinks there should be a fourth level, which is to let him see the world where extraordinary people exist, how to develop technology, and to balance ordinary people with these extraordinary people, and to see clearly the strength of Azeroth, and to improve welfare benefits. Adjust to prevent the economic system of his future power from self-destructing due to high welfare.

Generally speaking, as a teacher, Medivh is indeed very capable, and he is not a super cheat as he thought before.

Looking at Li Ke who felt that he had thought a lot, Medivh broke out in a cold sweat. He just wanted to let Li Ke see the disadvantages of complete order and reliance on order.


"Yes, it's really comforting that you can see that."

He nodded solemnly in appreciation.

"So, what's the next class?"

Li Ke looked at Medivh curiously, wanting to know what his next world would be.

He just checked on his mobile phone. Although Overwatch has appeared, D.va, the movie he has watched the most, has not yet appeared, so he has lost interest in this world.

After all, he has never played Overwatch.

"Well, could you please wait a moment?"

Medivh tightened the two women in his arms.

"I want to talk to my black pearl about how to drink bubble milk tea."

Li Ke: "..."

He stood up speechlessly. He was anxious to finish studying and go back to deal with Archimonde, but Medivh wanted to make him calm down. To be honest, he was a little irritated.

"I'm going back to the library first."

After using the bracelet to return to the library, Li Ke chose to continue reading. He did not intend to directly develop into the ultimate level and then slap Sargeras to death, because by that time, he would have lost a lot of fun.

This time he read a lot of chemistry books and flipped through technological information about the Overwatch world, and then threw them aside soon after.

The generation difference is too big, and the physical parameters are different. The difficulty of re-engraving is about the same as self-research. You can just write it down for reference.

And Medivh came back after he read some more books. He still had a lot of lip marks on his body, and he also had a high-heeled shoe and a pair of high-end-looking lace panties in his arms. It was obviously not those of African women. .

But Li Ke didn't want to pay too much attention to these things. He was in a hurry to finish class and go home to fight Amon... where was Archimonde.

"So we can start the next class?"

He stretched out. He didn't know why, but he didn't seem to need to rest in this tower.

"Of course...hiccup..."

Medivh burped, nodded to Li Ke with satisfaction, then raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and a door of light bloomed.

Then, Li Ke watched as the drunkard failed to stand still and fell into the light door.

Li Ke shook his head and walked into the light door, and then saw a trace of holy light.

There was endless light, and Medivh slowly climbed up from the ground.

"This is a world ruled by light...its name is..."

He took Li Ke's arm, and the next moment, brilliant lights and shadows flashed on the two people's bodies, and their faces were shrouded in darkness, as if they had no facial features.

"——Supreme Heaven."

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