Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 636 Death of Cenarius

Strictly speaking, Kil'jaeden didn't know much about the night elves' society, so he didn't know how to lure the demigods out of this world, instead of letting these people take out all the natural demigods in one fell swoop. All drawn out.

He still remembered very clearly that at that time, the natural gods and their powerful descendants were all over the mountains and plains of Azeroth. In front of them, these demigods were nothing, but to the demons below, they were very important. A terrible enemy.

Therefore, they do not want to alarm the night elves and their natural allies too much. Although they have actually won, it would be better to have fewer twists and turns.

So it doesn't matter if you just use the orcs casually. It's best if you can draw them out. If you can't draw them out, there are other options.

But there is no doubt that for the night elves, the pollution of the forest is quite serious.

The elven world, which has been at peace for a long time, has not faced a relatively huge threat for a long time, so most of the druids have entered the Emerald Dream to heal the entire world, and only a small number of druids are helping other soldiers. To maintain the life of the night elves.

However, the night elves are not without powerful allies.

Cenarius is their most powerful ally in the real world.

This powerful demigod is undoubtedly very worried about everything in this world, and takes great care of the night elves who have fully accepted the way of nature, even to the point where he and the night elves are regarded as one.

Many times, when the night elves encounter enemies that they don't know how to face, they usually come to ask for the wisdom of this ancient demigod.

Therefore, when the night elves became aware of the threat of demons and the attacks of those strange, green-skinned orcs, they wanted to gain Cenarius' wisdom.

Therefore, in a jungle full of flowers, a druid bowed down respectfully and asked their god of druidry for information about the orcs.

"Lord Cenarius, some mortal races have come to Kalim from the outside world. They are cutting down trees and killing civilians and our natural allies. We want to know whether we should accept them."

This night elf druid did not think the invading orcs were a major threat. If the night elves were serious, they could easily kill these orcs with just the strength of Feather Moon Fortress.

If it was the era of the previous Night Elf Empire, then the local lords might have been doing this and were considering which zoo they should send these brutal races to.

But the night elves no longer know that. They follow the path of the druids and regard themselves as the mediators of all things in the world, which is actually what they do.

Healing the earth, calming the ecological disorder of a place, and making the world more harmonious are what they do every day, so when facing these mortals, their attitude is also the same.

I wanted to know whether these vicious mortals could become a stable part of the local ecology, so I didn't attack rashly, but just expelled them.
"Vicious mortal?"


Cenarius opened his eyes, waved his hand, and the earth, plants, and small animals became his eyes and ears, telling him everything.

His eyes came to the direction of the orc camp through the sight of the eagles, and then the demigod quickly opened his eyes.

He saw the corpses of night elves around the kitchen, saw traces of evil energy, and saw the orcs roaring like the most ferocious beasts. The green bodies were full of muscles, but they were unusually ferocious and ferocious. unexpected.

And they are taking a sip of spring water that has been seriously polluted by powerful evil energy. Moreover, every orc who drinks the water from the spring will have their muscles become more deformed and their body will turn red. And there were countless spikes, which made Cenarius feel sick.

Moreover, Cenarius also saw that these people were heading to Ashenvale, where the night elves and his descendants lived, which made this powerful demigod even more angry.

Looking at the spring water emitting powerful evil energy, Cenarius opened his eyes angrily. If this spring water is left in Ashenvale for one day, Ashenvale will be polluted, and all life in this area will be polluted. They will all suffer from distortion and deformation, and then become violent, not to mention once again distorting the ecological balance here. If we only rely on the treatment of these druids, it will take at least two to three hundred years to recover.

The brutal behavior, actively polluting the forest, and sipping the fel spring water made Cenarius, who originally planned to make suggestions to the night elves, let these ferocious mortals and quilboars take root in their sphere of influence, gave up his idea.

He had previously felt that if these mortals could curb the barbaric expansion of the wild boars and centaurs, it would not be impossible to persuade the night elves to keep them and achieve a balance in this area, but it was a pity that they should not pollute the forest.

"They are not worthy of being included in our world map. Morar, you go and inform your troops to prepare for an attack. They are about to invade Ashenvale. I will lead my descendants into the battlefield at the right time to end the evil of these beasts. Life, but be careful, they are contaminated with terrible evil energy."

The druid named Morar nodded, then turned his body and turned into an eagle, quickly rushing towards the direction of the Ashen Valley.

But he is not worried about his compatriots, because they will only notice the danger of the orcs earlier than the demigods.

And in fact it is.

"These monsters..."

Shandis Yuyue squatted on the tree, frowning and looking at the orcs whose bodies were covered with red skin, holding various weapons in their hands, and quickly moving towards their previous stronghold. The aura of these orcs was very strong. Powerful is a completely different concept than before.

In the past, although these orcs looked exactly like violent beasts when fighting, they could still vaguely feel the existence of reason and emotion. But now, just looking at their open mouths, the quarrels caused by their too large muscles From the salivation, the ferocious aura, and the eyes that glowed red without fighting, she knew that these orcs were definitely not something ordinary soldiers could deal with.

She quickly made a few gestures, but she felt that her mother was not in a good mood recently, so Shandris, who wanted to find something in Ashenvale that could make her mother Tyrande happy, quickly ordered her subordinates to quickly Passed on his orders.

"No close combat?"

The sentries behind her were very puzzled, because in their previous contact, although the strength and speed of these beasts were very powerful and could compete with them, their skills were like naughty boys. Usually only two or three beasts could do it. Against one of them, if it was Yu Dou, one person could wipe out one of their teams, but since Shandis said this, they silently took out their bows and arrows.

Shandis looked at the orcs. She quickly left the team. When the orcs were about to advance to a limit, she quickly appeared and shot an arrow at the feet of the red-skinned orcs.

This arrow accurately penetrated the opponent's shoe, but did not hurt the opponent. The meaning was already very obvious.

If you go further, it will not be so simple.



The moment the orc saw the purple-skinned Shandris, the taste of purple rabbit flesh flashed in his violent mind. He rushed over quickly with the joy of being about to kill and the desire to taste flesh and blood. , the red light emitted from the eyes even drew a long trace in the air.Shandis was stunned for a moment. This speed was at least twice as fast as before!
She bent her bow again and nocked an arrow, and the arrow accurately shot through the monster's thigh, but the arrow got stuck in the bone and did not shoot through him directly as she thought!
Seeing how deeply the arrow penetrated the flesh, she couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Devil's skin?!"

But before she could shoot the third arrow, the orcs had already rushed to her feet. Even the night elves had to hug each other in front of the big tree to surround her.

She had an unknown premonition, and the next moment, the premonition came true.

The red-skinned orc swung the ax violently, and the next moment, the tree under her feet shook violently, and then she felt she lost her balance.

The incredible thing forced Shandris to jump, but 1 years of training still allowed her to shoot her own arrow the moment she jumped, and this time she fully drew her bow.

The white trail penetrated the orc's eyes like light and flew out from the back of his head.

But just when Shandis thought this monster was dead, she was shocked to see that the red monster continued to roar in her direction!
It was too late to draw out the long sword, but fortunately at this time, other orcs crossed the cordon they had set, and one by one they bent their bows and arrows from hiding. Countless arrows rushed towards these accurately. The exposed flesh of the orcs.

The two female hunters even dropped from the sky, and the moon blades in their hands swiped across, directly cutting off the orc's head.

However, something incredible happened next. Just when the two female hunters thought that the orc was finally dead, the headless orc's body still swung its ax with that terrifying power, hitting one hard. Huntress' chest.

The sound of shattering armor was heard directly, and the huntress' body flew backwards, breaking into two pieces in the air.

Blood was splashed on Shandris and the other huntress, and Shandris even felt fear at this moment!
"What monster is this!"

The druid in the team instantly fell from the falcon state and collected the internal organs of the still wailing huntress's upper body. Then Shandris quickly followed behind, carrying the lower body of the huntress.

Green light flickered, and the muscles and nerves began to connect, but the druid's face was not very good-looking. Looking at the howling orcs rushing here, he felt some ominous premonition.

"Her internal organs are not too damaged and can be saved, but these monsters..."

Shandris nodded quickly to the druid.

"I'll take care of these monsters!"

Shandris looked at the orcs. None of the red-skinned orcs died from the bow and arrow attack just now. She even saw a man who had more than a dozen arrows shot into his eyes and the back of his head was blown away by the bow and arrow. Half of the orcs were still roaring and swinging their axes, continuously cutting down the surrounding trees, and silently raising their bows and arrows into the sky.

Because this is definitely not the power of mortals, but there is a more evil power behind it!
She is not only the general of the Sentinel Force, but also a priest.

The faint shadow of the moon flickered above her head, and a white light lit up on the bow and arrow. The enraged Sentinel General began to use the gift of the gods.

"May the Moon God forgive your souls!"

Finally, at the moment when a sentry was knocked out of his hand by an orc, Shandris shouted loudly and shot the arrow in his hand into the sky.

The orc, who was about to attack the ranger who was casting spells at first glance, had just thought of this idea in his brain that had no sense at all, and countless ripples appeared in the sky.

The next moment, beams of light containing terrifying power appeared above every orc's head and penetrated violently.

Within the range, a large hole was penetrated into all the orcs from the top of their heads to their buttocks, their upper bodies disappeared, and even traces of penetration appeared on the ground.

But... Shandis was not relaxed, because just in the distance of the jungle, a pair of eyes shining with red light lit up again.

Shandris gritted his teeth, because this was simply not something that they could handle. At the very least, they had to wake up some ancient tree guards and bring blade-throwing vehicles to deal with so many orcs.

"Damn... you hurry up and evacuate the villagers, leave this place to us."

She motioned for the druids to go first, but at this moment, the druid who had just finished splicing the body of the huntress who had been chopped in half saw a flower blooming on the ground, and quickly smiled.

"No need, General Shandis, our reinforcements are here."

The moment he finished speaking, the red-skinned orc army rushed out like a tide, and their hands and feet were controlled by the countless vines and roots that broke out of the ground. This was true for hundreds of orcs, who were all controlled by him. Controlled easily.

"People of the forest! The crisis has been resolved!"

The tall Cenarius also rushed out at this time, and flowers grew everywhere he passed. Just when he breathed a sigh of relief and was secretly happy that he once again arrived with support before the messenger arrived, A sound that did not sound like a human being could utter echoed through the forest.


Cenarius, who was immersed in his victory, turned around in shock, but when he turned around, what he saw was a figure leaping high. He subconsciously made a defense. This defense was enough to face the mountain. The giant's collision allowed him to take the next step.

However, no one thought that this indestructible shield seemed to be the same in the face of that man's attack. The power brought by pure violence was not blocked by this shield. As the figure fell to the ground, Cenarius' His eyes instantly raised, and he saw his body gradually becoming limp and the blood spurting out from his neck.

The whole place was silent, and Kil'jaeden behind the scenes couldn't help but touch his chin when he saw Cenarius lying on the ground like this.

"So dead?"

He originally planned to capture him alive!
The setting of the old version of the trilogy and the current one are completely two different things.

But even in the old version, Cenarius still died very casually...

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