Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 637 Xavius

Chapter 637 Xavius

To be honest, Kil'jaeden really didn't expect Hellscream to kill Cenarius, because Cenarius is still a wilderness demigod after all, and he is the most powerful of the lot. , he did not expect that the other party would go directly to the battlefield instead of waiting for information after seeing the cursed spring water.

But it doesn't matter, because the fact is that the extremely powerful Cenarius was killed by a guy who looked like a toy to him.

"What a stupid guy..."

He laughed disdainfully. It seemed that not only these night elves had been peaceful for too long, but even the ancient demigods had become dull.

For the night elves, Cenarius's death can be said to have destroyed their determination to resist.

Countless night elves know the power of druids, and the power of druids comes from the teachings of Cenarius. It can be said that Cenarius is the mentor of all druids in the world. Among all druids, The most powerful one.

And he is also a god, the son of Malorne, the stag god. He is extremely powerful and cannot be killed at all!

However, this is the fact. Under the attack of the orc who suddenly jumped out and looked more like a demon than an orc, Cenarius lost his life!
Shandris lost the ability to think for a moment. She stared blankly at Cenarius' fallen body and couldn't help but think of a terrible possibility.

"Can we really resist these orcs?!"

She waved her arms without hesitation.

"Retreat! Cover the retreat of others!"

The moment she gave the order, the moon god's light once again lit up her body. The terrifying power instantly condensed on her bow and arrow, and then, under the gaze of others, she shot it fiercely into the distance. Hellscream.


Hellscream had no ability to think at this moment. He rushed to where Shandis was without hesitation. He ignored everything that blocked him on the road, because he could feel that Shandis was The most threatening!

And when the arrow shining with the power of the Moon God arrived, he still sprinted subconsciously, and without any change, the shining arrow of the Moon God directly penetrated his chest and spine!

The power of the Moon Goddess and the evil energy reacted, and Hellscream exploded violently in his body, but Hellscream still did not react at all, and continued to rush towards Shandris resolutely.

But fortunately, at this moment, the Druid in their team finally woke up from the shock. He quickly cast a spell and wrapped a large number of vines on Hellscream's feet, allowing Hellscream to stand on this spot. The sentry general fell to the ground instantly, unable to catch up with them!
"I can't last long!"

The druid shouted out, because at this time, because of Cenarius's death, the vines summoned by him were quickly withering and dissipating, and would soon disappear!

The orcs trapped by Cenarius were struggling quickly to get out.

And once these monsters break free, no one like them can escape!

Shandris hesitated for a moment. She didn't know whether it was better to rescue Cenarius's body now or to kill the murderer of Hellscream.

But the druid's roar told her that she had lost this opportunity when she hesitated, so she gritted her teeth.

"Hurry up and retreat! We don't have much time!"

The Sentinels quickly withdrew, and because the orcs had already attacked here before, this time, the night elves here retreated quite quickly. When Hellscream got back up, the Sentinels quickly evacuated from their He retreated from his sight.

And when they wanted to catch up again, countless strong winds blew over, covering their eyes, making it impossible for them to chase these blue-purple skinned elves.

The elves retreated, but the bloodthirsty desire in Hellscream's heart could not be satisfied at all. He did not want to go back, and he did not intend to go back again. But just when he was about to lead his people in pursuit, he suddenly discovered, I have lost the ability to control my body!

An invisible force took control of his body, making him freeze in place.

This discovery made the originally furious Hellscream quickly wake up, because he knew very well that this was because the master in his blood had arrived.

"Well done, Hellscream, you are indeed qualified to join the Legion."

Mannoroth looked at Hellscream and nodded with satisfaction. His blood finally did not flow out in vain. This guy named Hellscream is indeed a qualified tool, and his strength is worthy of his blood.

However, just as he finished saying this, his posture suddenly became respectful. He looked behind him, and behind him, there was a guy named Keir who looked about as tall as an ordinary person. Gardan walked out, looked at Cenarius' body on the ground, and nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, Hellscream finally saw the demon that controlled their entire group, but he didn't know that it was this demon that chose their world that made Sargeras focus on their world.

Kil'jaeden looked at Cenarius's body on the ground, nodded with satisfaction, and couldn't help but sigh.

"It's incredible that Cenarius died like this."

He was still a little dissatisfied. He wanted to use Cenarius's life to make Malfurion walk out of his cave obediently, but now that Cenarius was dead, unless he could capture Cenarius's soul, he wanted to It would be very troublesome for Malfurion to appear.

"They have been at peace for too long. He probably thought it was just a Dreadlord causing trouble."

Mannoroth explained. In his opinion, Cenarius probably thought that the demon this time would not be too powerful. After all, they did not know that Kil'jaeden and Archimonde had been captured. Summoned.

In their lives, they just fight a dozen demons left in this world every day. Although those demons are also very powerful, if Cenarius is careful, nothing will happen to them.

"I mean, back then, they appeared in groups, but now, those wild boar people, as well as some of the races I saw back then, have not appeared here..."

Kil'jaeden waved his hand. This was what he was curious about, because at the beginning, they spent a lot of effort dealing with these demigods' descendants.

Whether it is furbolgs, wild boar people, bear people and other races, they are all very powerful and tenacious, but now, the night elves are not around them.

Moreover, he had just observed for a long time and found that there were very few men among the night elves' troops. Even if there were any, most of them were druids instead of mages, and there were very few warriors and the like. "What a weak and arrogant race."

Glancing at Cenarius on the ground, Kil'jaeden stretched out his hand, but his attempt to capture Cenarius' soul failed, but he didn't care much.

Cenarius's soul belongs to the natural world, so when he died, Malfurion should also be able to feel the other party's aura, so even if Hellscream killed Cenarius, he could still draw out Malfurion.

"I won't show up anymore. I will take away this guy's soul and use it to replenish my power."

When Kil'jaeden said this, he glanced at Cenarius's body again. He had to find a way to pull the other person's soul out of another world and bring it under his control. Only in this way could he let the other party's soul be brought under his control. Cenarius' soul became his own fel power.

But this difficulty is a bit high, but it doesn’t matter, he can still use Cenarius’ power for his own use

"Savis, I'll leave him to you, don't let me continue to be disappointed."

He spoke, and the next moment, a demon called a Satyr, a completely corrupted night elf, appeared next to Kil'jaeden.

Xavius ​​cautiously approached Cenarius' body and watched as the former demigod put his hand on his Lulu half of the body. Then the next moment, red auras entered in an instant. Entering Cenarius's body, the body of Cenarius, who was dead but still exuding a natural aura, suddenly turned red.

However, although he easily polluted the opponent's body, Cenarius' soul still maintained its original appearance, not changed in color by the power of his nightmare, and still protected by the power of the Emerald Dream.

"Sorry, Master, his soul is too stubborn. I can't pull his soul out of the Emerald Dream. I can only pollute him and transform him into a monster."

Xavius ​​spoke cautiously, and Kil'jaeden didn't care much about it. He just wanted to know how long Xavius ​​would need.

"This is not your fault, Xavius, you don't need to worry. I will still give you a chance to fight Malfurion and help you get revenge, but you'd better understand that your value to me is to Malfurion was lured out, so don't waste this opportunity."

Kil'jaeden looked at Xavius ​​in front of him and didn't blame anything. The special nature of Azeroth made many things, including failure, a matter of course. So he didn't care about Xavius's failure, as long as he didn't fail in the future. That's it.

"Yes, I will prepare it immediately, Master, but..."

Xavius ​​looked at Kil'jaeden carefully, Kil'jaeden frowned, and then spoke.

"Whatever you want to say, Xavius, just say it."

Xavius ​​spoke with fear.

"What I want to say is, Lord Kil'jaeden, the reason why the descendants of demigods did not appear is because many descendants of demigods have a very hard life without the blessing of gods. If you are willing, I Can help you find some people willing to join the Legion and take revenge on the night elf."


Kil'jaeden was still very concerned about what happened before, so he asked.

"Aren't the night elves very popular here?"

He now remembered what kind of power those animals unleashed. Are those night elves so stupid that they don't value their allies?

"It used to be."


"When the Legion came last, those demigods joined the battle because of Cenarius, but the power of the Legion was unmatched. Most of them died, and the race that lost their gods, in this dangerous world There is no way to live well in this world."

Xavius ​​lowered his head.

"And the night elves are unwilling to help them improve their living environment, so the friendship between them has long been gone. If you are willing, I can let some centaurs and quilboars join the Burning Legion." In strength.

Kil'jaeden's first thought was to refuse, they didn't need these cannon fodder who kept talking nonsense, but after thinking about Li Ke, he decided to be more cautious.

"Then do it, Xavius, I agreed. But don't delay too much time. We will solve the matter here soon, so don't make too much trouble."

Kil'jaeden did not intend to do it himself, because he did not think it would take long for Archimonde to come.

"Yes, my subordinates are very confident. After all, although it is impossible for them to fight the legion now, if the legion is willing to leave some forests to them, they will definitely not help those night elves."

Xavius ​​nodded, with a meaningful smile on his face. He had been trapped in the Emerald Dream all these years, and it was not like he had done nothing!
Malfurion originally planted the seeds of the Bloodthirsty Tree in his body to torture him forever, but this allowed him to master part of the power of the Emerald Dream, so when Kil'jaeden found him, He chose to return to the Legion without hesitation, and wanted to kill Malfurion so that he could suffer the same things he had suffered!
When he thought of the torture he had suffered, Xavius ​​wanted to tear Malfurion apart!
When he was working for the legion, after he was captured by Malfurion, Malfurion planted the seeds of the bloodthirsty tree in his body. This plant would continuously absorb human flesh and blood and burrow into the human body. , for me at that time, this was eternal torture!
If Malfurion had killed him directly, he would not have hated Malfurion so much. However, Malfurion tortured him for countless years, so he decisively stopped hiding himself and came out. Against Malfurion.

"Malfurion, you should regret not killing me!"

After Xavius ​​finished speaking, he smiled and entered the dreamland.

Because in the dream, he can rely on the power of the Emerald Dream to reach the dreams of countless useful people!
Most of these people are druids, but there are also some special beings. They may have been allies of the night elves, but they are definitely not now!
As a result, in the barren lands of Kalimdor, oracles appeared in the dreams of the Centaur Khans.

These oracles were naturally the work of Xavius, and when these khans cast spells according to the spells in their dreams, they did successfully use evil energy to enhance their own strength, and received some powers given by Xavius. .


They started heading here.

(End of this chapter)

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