Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 638 Jaina’s Reward

Chapter 638 Jaina’s Reward
Li Ke didn't know much about what happened on Kalimdor, but he also knew that things must be changing on Kalimdor, and the night elves there must have suffered all kinds of things from the Burning Legion. Stratagems and calculations.

And it's just these few days, and I can't delay here any longer.


"It's really uncomfortable..."

Li Ke, who was lying on the bed in Dalaran, couldn't help but complain. At this time, he was still feeling various physical discomforts. Sargeras' invasion and high-intensity use of the power of Azeroth, and The price of the resentment that destroyed the world was really high, and this feeling of weakness could not be restored through the body. He could only wait for his soul to be repaired.

So if he goes to Kalimdor in his current state and is invaded by Sargeras again, he will not have to do anything when he comes back. It would be more appropriate to lie in bed for a year and a half, and even say that if he is hit hard again If so, then whether he can still work normally this year is a difficult question.

For this reason, he stayed in Dalaran to recuperate. It now has the best environment and a variety of magic potions. The most important thing is that the people here urgently need Li Ke to take charge.

After all, they really know how powerful they are now.

After Li Ke personally said that the Burning Legion had intervened in this battle, the remaining archmages of Dalaran fell into panic and became more honest.

After all, knowing whether the Burning Legion intervened is really important to most people in this world.

Because of this, Li Ke was not harassed by these mages and could rest here quietly for two days.

As for the territory...

The territory really doesn't want to go back, because once he goes back, Li Ke feels that he can't recuperate. He will still get up and do it if he encounters something. There is no difference between recuperation and no recuperation.go.


Li Ke stood up, looked down at Dalaran from here, saw the scene of countless people holding a funeral, and then sighed.

"...My power cannot keep up with the progress of my strength."

He was a little speechless, but at this moment, the blond girl pushed the door in with a pot of water. The other party and some maids had been taking care of her these past few days, so Li Ke was not surprised by her entry.

"What's wrong, Li Ke?"

The blond girl approached Li Ke and looked at the sighing Li Ke curiously, wondering what happened to Li Ke.

"I just thought there was a lot more to do."

Li Ke covered his forehead, and then rubbed his temples. This feeling of fatigue was harder to eliminate than he thought, otherwise he would have been in Kalimdor now instead of continuing to stay in Dalaran.

"Things are important, but your body is equally important. No one knows what effect the evil energy that Sargeras poured into your body will have on you. The most important thing is to take a rest now and get checked."

The young blond girl pressed Li Ke's hand, her eyes full of affection, but when Li Ke looked at the other person's eyes that contained countless emotions, he felt a chill in his back.

What to say, although Kalecgos was not dead before he came to this world, Li Ke felt that it would be a matter of time. After all, the blond girl in front of him was real...

It cannot be said to be bad luck, so it can only be said to be unfortunate.

"No, it's not the same. I have to get to where I want to go quickly. And haven't all the mages in Dalaran checked? I don't have any problems. I can control this power."

Li Ke shook his head and rejected the kindness of the girl in front of him.

And showed evil power on his hands.

"And Jaina, I have an ominous premonition. I have a premonition that something terrible will happen to this world, so I have to go to that continent to have a look. I can contact your father and ask him to send a fleet to Medi The continent of Kalimdor mentioned in the article? I must find out where Arthas went and who the demons he summoned are, and prevent him from continuing to do evil. Don't worry, I can use the power of Sargeras Defeat those demons.”

Li Ke looked at the evil fire shining in his hands. He planned to rely on this experience of Sargeras to wash away his evil energy.

Of course, the ones he uses most easily are Holy Light and Shadow, and it doesn't matter if he is a genius, but there is no doubt that he still likes evil energy.

This thing doesn't ask for help.

"Evil energy is still too dangerous, Li Ke. Although you can perfectly control these powers, they are the evil power of Sargeras after all..."

Jaina held Li Ke's hand worriedly, her eyes full of worry.

Li Ke shook his head.

"If you want to save more people, sometimes you have to be more radical, and I can feel that I can master these powers perfectly... Jaina..."

Li Ke put away the evil energy in his hand and gently straightened Jaina's hair.

Yes, such intimacy, after all, whether he wants it or not, Jaina will still become his wife for various reasons.

This is inevitable. He doesn’t want it just because he says he doesn’t want it. If he wants to get the support of the Kul Tiran people, he must have a kinship relationship with the Kul Tiran people. Otherwise, the Kul Tiran people can Why are you working so hard for you?
This is an era where people can fight for a well of water.

It is very difficult to gain the trust of people in a place. No matter how rich Li Ke is, he will never be able to spend money again in the western wilderness.

To put it simply, marrying Jaina can significantly reduce the cost of governance, and it can be said to be a very cost-effective job.

"Then you have to take care of your own body...and you don't know enough about evil energy, Li Ke. If you do this, I will have to use my own methods to stop you."

Jaina looked at the man in front of her and couldn't help but recall what he had experienced. The man had grown from a little-known knight in the countryside to the current leader of one party, and had defeated a demon that might have been Sargeras, and In all this process, although it is definitely not purely for myself, there is no doubt that...

There is her reason.

No woman can refuse such a person unless she has true love before that.


Alsace, why are you like this...

Arthas flashed through Jaina's heart, but those sweet memories were immediately burned away by the other man's calm killing. What she liked was that although he had a heavy heart, he would still reveal himself to others. The sunny side then shines upon the Alsace of others.

Instead of the butcher now.

But Li Ke is undoubtedly such a person.

She reached out her hand, gently touched Li Ke's cheek, and then kissed Li Ke's lips.She did not regard Li Ke as a substitute for Alsace, but she had to deny that she was looking for a sense of security in Li Ke, a sense of security that Alsace could not give her.Alsace had some, but gave them up on his own, but Li Ke didn't have everything, but developed these on his own.

Their personalities are very similar, but their destinies are completely different, and their choices are also...

"what way?"

Li Ke asked curiously, and looking at Li Ke's face, a groan sounded in Jaina's heart.

"I shouldn't think about Alsace when I'm getting along with Li Ke."

Biting her lip, Gianna gave up other thoughts, but did not answer Li Ke's intention. Instead, she gently tapped her toes. She couldn't help but think of Li Ke's protection when he was still a little knight. The way I look.

The girl's soft lips collided with Li Ke's lips. For Li Ke, this kind of thing was already familiar, so when kissing Gianna, who was still a little green, Li Ke easily took the initiative.

When the two people were kissing, Gianna's plump body also leaned against Li Ke. A few days ago, because she was worried about Li Ke's body, she just took care of Li Ke and did not do anything strange. Things to stimulate Li Ke's body.

But now, Li Ke is even starting to think about doing something, so it's time to show his feelings.

In Li Ke's warm embrace, the girl who had been exhausted physically and mentally completely relaxed. Her body completely lost its strength and leaned on Li Ke's chest. Her palms did not make any resistance. Instead, he stroked Li Ke's chest muscles and kept trying to kiss Li Ke.

But sensing Li Ke's skillful movements, Jaina still had some inexplicable thoughts.

"He's so skilled."

Jaina also knew that her thoughts were a bit demanding. She knew very well that even Arthas had some incidents with other ladies and ladies. The maids around her did this kind of work and there was no need for it at all. Doubt this.

Therefore, she has no idea about Li Ke's other wives. She knows very well that Li Ke's status is often beyond her control.

So Gianna didn't say anything else, she just leaned on Li Ke silently, kissed Li Ke silently, and didn't think about those annoying things.

Don't think about whether those refugees can live a good life, don't think about whether the people of Lordaeron can be saved, and don't think about whether those terrible things will continue.

Because she knew that she had found someone who could completely rely on her and put her mind at ease.

This person is Li Ke.

And Li Ke...

"Will Arthas be mad? But it doesn't matter. For him, although he still loves Jaina, Jaina is not the most important thing to him, just like me."

The palms of his hands kept kneading Jaina's back and some plump places. I have to say that Jaina's conditions are really great. Although the average value of humans is not as good as that of elves and night elves, Jaina is not. Ordinary humans, but the best among humans, no matter in skin, figure, or appearance, they are not inferior to those elves.

Especially in this real world, free from the constraints of modeling, Li Ke feels that she is even more beautiful than Anne Hathaway, and she is also the type with an overly plump figure.

How should I put it, she has a classic American big girl figure!

It’s not even much worse than the biggest one Li Ke has ever seen!

They have racial and body type bonuses!
The two persisted for a long time before they separated. When they separated, Li Ke deliberately fell onto his bed, but Gianna still didn't resist at all. Even if she moved her hands, it only gave Li Ke better control. Just hold her hands.

The long golden hair spread around the beauty's ears, highlighting her snow-white cheeks and her peaks.

But Li Ke doesn't have that kind of worldly desire now. Although he is physically ready, the weakness of his soul makes him uninterested.

So looking at Gianna whose cheeks were flushed and who was looking at him with her beautiful eyes, her red lips slightly open and panting, Li Ke smiled and spoke.

"This really surprised me...did they say something?"

Jaina chuckled lightly. She knew that Li Ke was talking about the words that her maids said when he came into contact with her before, and those words that Li Ke should not have too many thoughts about, so she was funny. He stroked Li Ke's cheek and looked at the childish knight.

Those maids did say some strange things, but if she didn't want to, she wouldn't have come to take care of Li Ke, kissed Li Ke, and wouldn't have made any resistance when Li Ke pinned her down on the bed.

If it were anyone else, she wouldn't agree.

So she smiled softly and kissed Li Ke's cheek again.

"No, if so, just think of it as my reward for a brave man like you. As for my method..."

After saying that, she was a little shy, but this was also what she was thinking in her heart. Li Ke had experienced continuous battles and was quite exhausted, but he still came to the battlefield of Dalaran in an incredible way for her, and then met with Sargeras. fighting.

If such people are not worthy of devotion and love, there will be no reliable people in this world.

"…You already know that."

After she finished speaking, she closed her eyes and waited for Li Ke's next move.

Although the soul is still a little uncomfortable, at this point, Li Ke will not hesitate anymore. The maid who walked in also walked out consciously and closed the door, and Li Ke's body is getting closer and closer to Ji. Anna.

But at this time.

The Tears of Elune in his hand lit up, trying to open a portal, and a voice sounded in Li Ke's heart.

Elune's voice.

"Li Ke! Quick! Save Cenarius! He can't hear my voice now. He has fallen into the devil's trap and is about to be killed by the corrupted orcs! Quick!"

But Li Ke, who had taken off his shirt, immediately blocked the Tears of Elune in his hand, threw it out with his clothes, and pressed Jaina's hand on his abdominal muscles.

He would go to Kalimdor as soon as possible, but...

Let the night elves and high elves die in a wave first.

As for what Cenarius?
Li Ke shook his head and leaned down.

No care.

(End of this chapter)

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