Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 639 Falling off the altar

Chapter 639 Falling off the altar
Li Ke was very happy to see the death of Cenarius.

So they ignored Luna at all. Although the two of them had agreed to make trouble at the Battle of Mount Hyjal, they still gave Luna a shut-in.

Because although Luna gave him a deposit, Li Ke wanted the power of the night elves. Luna never did this, which really made him very irritated.

He doesn't lack strength, and he can even draw the power of the generator on his territory when pressed, but he lacks people.

Also, there are really many benefits to Cenarius' death.

The first is that this guy was going to be killed directly by the orcs in Kalimdor, which was one of the important reasons why the night elves later chose the Alliance.

After all, they really had a grudge against the orcs, and it was a major benefit to Cenarius that he was actually killed by the orcs.

This is true politically and profitably.

Second, it is because for him, the battle of Mount Hyjal is the same with or without Cenarius. The battle will be smoother with him and more difficult without him, but the honor will ultimately belong to him, Li Ke. , his plan to recruit night elves can also be implemented better.

But if Cenarius was still alive, the presence of the other party would be an eyesore to him.

First, he is the righteous founder of the Druid Way. In this night elf society that fully embraces Druid culture, it goes without saying that his words are effective.

That is to say, the disciple of Cenarius is Malfurion, the lover of Tyrande, the actual leader of the night elves. If he had not died, the night elves would actually have three leaders, and many things would be difficult to unfold, which would make some Malfurion Things that could have been justified by opening one eye or closing one eye became irreversible.

And something will definitely happen between him and Cenarius in the future.

After all, no matter how much he respects the environment, the early stage of industrialization under capital will have an impact on environmental safety, and the opposition between them cannot be ignored.

So saving Cenarius meant nothing to him.

As for the reward from the Moon God, the gratitude and allegiance of the night elves...

He can gain even more without saving Cenarius. In every sense, it is better if Cenarius is dead. It is better to die with a lot of night elves and wild demigods. That is the best. ending.

Although it will make many people sad, Li Ke has long been aware of it.

Therefore, when Li Ke tormented Jaina to sleep, and he lay contentedly on the sofa made of silk and velvet, drinking Dalaran's delicious moon plum juice, he had time to reply. Elune, who was shielded by herself.

"Cenarius is not impossible to resurrect, is he? I will resurrect him in the days to come."

This was his first sentence, and Elune responded quickly, but Li Ke felt tired and helpless no matter how he listened.

"Yes, but he will feel sad. Kil'jaeden, who came to this world, tried to transform him with the power of Xavius, causing him to destroy the nature he loved and kill his disciple Malfurion. ...This will make him very sad."

Kill Malfurion?
Li Ke raised his eyebrows. He thought this was very interesting, and this time he summoned not only Archimonde, but also Kil'jaeden.

Not only that, but for his own reasons, Kil'jaeden also took the lead and went to cause trouble on the night elves' territory.

Killing Malfurion was never mentioned in the original novel.

"Then have you told Tyrande and the others? I remember that you can directly give the night elves oracles."

Li Ke toasted a glass of plum juice to the Moon God from afar.

One thing he still doesn't understand is why Elune, who knows everything, doesn't tell her followers.

Especially Tyrande, Elune has a preference for Tyrande at all. During the War of the Ancients, Tyrande was defeated by Archimonde, Kil'jaeden and others with a single invincible hand. Aside from being saved, Elune was also used to Tyrande's extremely reckless character when facing enemies.

Simply put.

When other priests pray for Elune's power and revelation, they may not receive power, and it is basically impossible to obtain revelation.If you can feel Elune's attention while praying a thousand times, you can call yourself a charisma and serve in the church.

But Tyrande is [-]% able to receive power and enlightenment, and even if she doesn't pray, the moon god will protect her.

Basically, the treatment is that of Tyrande and others. Even if the night elves are destroyed, Tyrande will probably not die.

It's just that this woman is too pious, so she won't pray to Elune unless necessary. Otherwise, the enemies of the priestess will probably not be able to see each other most of the time, and can only see endless, from Beams falling from the sky.

"There are many things that cannot be told to believers. They cannot see the future, and their judgment will be affected by many small things. Just like you and Jaina revealed Arthas's fate in advance, but he knew his own destiny in advance. Fate has instead taken the path of the Lich King, and sometimes things will only get worse."

Elune's explanation was very reasonable, but Li Ke still felt that it was nonsense.

It was not him who spread the prophecy at all, but those who were dissatisfied with Terenas. Those who were dissatisfied with the various terms of Lordaeron were not him and Jaina at all.

The reason why Arthas became the Lich King in advance was definitely not because he believed in the prophecy... There may be a part of it, but more of it was because the other party saw the limitations of his kingdom and the time of its demise through the efficient and clean organization he formed. As well as being caused by one's own excessive power and excessive demands, the direct cause has nothing to do with the prophecy.

In fact, apart from making Alsace sick, the prophecy did not affect anything, and there was no one heavyweight enough to guarantee it.

But Elune was different. With just one order from her, it wasn't a problem for the night elves to self-destruct. Not to mention saving Cenarius, there were plenty of people there even for blood sacrifices.

"So, you still haven't told Tyrande everything? Even if you just find a random night elf believer to tell Cenarius...and I'm curious, isn't Cenarius rumored to be your and Malorne's son? Why would you listen? Can’t hear your voice?”

Li Ke is really curious about these questions. He has never understood Elune's logic.

Although she knew that the other party should not have any extra thoughts about Azeroth, what she did was not like that.

Judging from the Six Forces, under the influence of Elune, the druid profession occupies a dominant position among the most powerful races in Azeroth, and has been integrated into the culture of the night elves.

But Elune obviously didn't plan to tell Li Ke.

"Many reasons, but you must get over it quickly, the night elves are in danger."

"I know, but if I leave now, my career will be in jeopardy."

Li Ke once again suppressed the Tears of Elune in his hand that wanted to open the portal. He knew very well that Elune wanted him to reduce the losses of the night elves, but for him, this was not necessary at all.

With his current energy manipulation skills, as long as he keeps the Well of Eternity, as long as the souls of the dead night elves are still there, he can rely on the power of the Well of Eternity to resurrect people!
To put it simply, it is to guide the soul's memory of its own body, give it a sufficient amount of energy, and then naturally reshape the body.

So he didn't care at all how many night elves died, nor how many people under his command would die there.

Then, Li Ke heard Elune's sigh.

"You seem to want to know more information, and are very much looking forward to me having more direct influence on Azeroth, but isn't this something you have always tried to avoid?"

"Because your actions are not logical, I cannot understand your thoughts, so naturally I will not act according to your thoughts. Lord Elune, I respect you, but it does not mean that I believe in you. I am not your believer. "

Li Ke told him the biggest reason why he didn't follow Elune's orders and put down the moon plum juice in his hand.

"I know I sound arrogant, Lady Elune, but I hate being a pawn, no matter whose pawn."

The relationship between Elune and him was not good. When he longed for the power of the life system, Elune did not give it to him, and she hated some of his actions and thoughts.

But then he wanted him to marry Tyrande, completely ignoring the thoughts of his followers.

But now, he has shown caution about ordering believers. To be honest, it is completely contradictory.

Elune's bottom line seems flexible, yet high.

So he wanted to know Elune's rules for doing things and why she acted like a psycho.

After all, in the future world, in order to save her sister's kingdom, Elune fought with Tyrande without any discussion. She simply did not answer the prayers of most priests or the desperate night elves in the fire. Pray, let them be killed by the burning fire of the Horde and Teldrassil, and then send the souls of these dead night elves to Azureweald, and then for various reasons, these souls enter the afterlife. Everyone talks about it. A discolored, hopeless abyss.

In the world after death, the power of the soul is the only power. What maintains the blue fairyland is the anima in the soul, and only the soul can produce anima.

This is basically treating the night elves as their own cattle and sheep.

Although Elune has always paid unilaterally to the night elves, it is understandable that the night elves pay a price.But these actions are completely inconsistent with the image Elune displays now.

And it shows that Elune does not want nothing from the night elves - at least when her sisters' savings are not enough, they can use it to recharge their phone bills. Although she accidentally charged the wrong one, she did regard the soul of the night elves as hers. Treated as belongings.So Li Ke boldly asked.

"You need faith, right? And it is an extremely devout faith. Let me guess, devout believers can reduce the difficulty of your power to come to Azeroth, right?"

Li Ke did not guess out of thin air. Tyrande had no doubt that between her husband and the alliance that had lasted for thousands of years, she would always choose faith.

Even if the whole family is exterminated, the first thing she thinks of is why the moon god abandoned her, not other things.

This is a woman whose faith is engraved in her bones.

And Luna responded to her the most.And there are other examples, such as the ancient gods, such as Naaru, they will use the power of faith to summon themselves.

Even people like Sargeras deliberately cultivated many demons who believed in him, and then let them summon him.

Although this is because summoning spells are dangerous and must be done by one's own people, there may not be other reasons.

After Elune was silent for a while, she did not choose to defend, but admitted.


"Then I understand. I will add countless mythological colors to the resurrection of Cenarius. I will even become your believer in front of the night elves and exchange for the miraculous demigod. I will leave tomorrow and will bring it with me. My army, let your name shine with the Holy Light in my kingdom. But correspondingly, I need a miracle worthy of this epic action."

Elune did not reply immediately as before, but Li Ke knew that she would agree.

"...As long as you are willing to save him, no matter what you think, as long as you are willing to do good."

Li Ke closed his eyes, quickly connected everything, and then came up with a reasonable, but very unqualified answer.

Elune did not tell Tyrande about the prophecy, preventing the night elves from escaping the disaster.

The first is because the night elves may not be able to survive on their own, and may even get worse. The second is...

She needs the night elves' faith to make it easier for her to reach Azeroth.

So some things that seemed unreasonable will suddenly become understandable.

Why do night elves still encounter hardships under the protection of the Moon God? It’s because the Moon God needs to show his power.

Why are new beliefs such as the Druid Way not rejected by the Moon God Faith? Because to them and to the gods, this is a family. The path summed up by the Moon God’s son Cenarius is naturally one of the Moon God’s paths. Malfurion is just another form of priest of the moon god.

Suffering brings faith, peace questions the gods.

Only when their own efforts are completely useless will people seek the power of gods.

The flower of faith will always be more splendid above suffering.

No matter what kind of flower it is.

Moon Goddess can tell the night elves everything, but in that case she is not a god, but a slave of the night elves, which will lead to the reversal of master and slave, and the efforts to become a slave are the same as what he has always done.

He, Li Ke, cultivates his power in order to make his life better and more pleasing to the eye.

And Moon God probably has the same idea.

"No wonder the night elves have so many things, but the social structure is not as good as that of the high elves. It is as loose as the tribal era."

Everything is clear.

This is not only the reason why the night elves feel that they are guilty of the world, so they give in, but also the reason why the moon gods are the reason why the leaders of the night elves have completely become two de facto priests.

Tyrande is the high priest, and Malfurion is the minor priest. The divine power actually controls everything, and it has the beauty of a primitive tribe.

"It's another case where civilization acquired something far beyond the limit of its capabilities in the early stages of civilization, and then social development came to a standstill."

Li Ke didn't say anything, and he didn't communicate with Elune anymore. Both parties had clearly understood each other's bottom line, thoughts, and even behavioral logic.

Luna knew that he was a bastard who could watch countless people suffer for his own benefit, and he also saw clearly that Luna was not superior, but just a powerful being with his own demands.

is God.

But for him...

What he just thought about has already pulled Moon Goddess off the altar, and he will help her up on the altar when necessary.

Referred to as the mobile altar of the Moon God.

This may be the random thoughts and speculations of a despicable person like him. After all, there are always people with true beliefs in this world.

However, this does not prevent him from guessing the moon god in this way.

Because she did do such a thing, no matter what the reason, no matter what the reason.

But she just did it.

No matter how legitimate his reasons are, what he does is what he does.

Those who do not admit their own evil will never realize why they failed when they fail.

"Raise a glass to me."

Li Ke raised the plum juice that looked like blood, or the plum juice that was closer to the purple skin of the night elves, and slightly insisted on himself. He wanted to make some evil speech, but found that he was not even the one who could give the speech. None, he could only chuckle and toast himself.

At this moment, Gianna woke up. She opened her eyes in confusion. When she saw Li Ke on the sofa beside the bed, she smiled happily, and then she fell asleep. Bed, climbed into Li Ke's arms, and then gently touched the plum juice with his fingers. The breath of ice instantly appeared on the plum juice, making the normal temperature plum juice cool and refreshing, and then in Li Ke smiled slyly as he felt her soft body, bit the cup with his own mouth, and sipped the plum juice in Li Ke's cup.

After taking a few sips, she looked at Li Ke with a chuckle, her eyes full of happiness.

Because she was once again full of hope for life.

But although this girl was still a girl, she was no longer a girl. She also curiously asked the person she loved.

"Well, Li Ke...why do you want to raise your own glass?"

She was curious because Li Ke seemed to be talking to someone just now and looked mysterious.

"Toast to our future happiness, my dear."

Li Ke smiled and greeted.

A nod to selfishness.

But what he didn't know was——

"Illidan, long time no see."

Under some will of the moon god, Illidan's moon came to him.

In Illidan's eyes that could no longer see specific things, he saw a bright moonlight. He stood up excitedly and looked at the figure that haunted him.

"Tylande? It's really your voice. After spending 1 years in the darkness, your voice still shines into my heart like the bright moonlight!"

He was very excited and wanted to move closer and touch the moonlight in his heart, but the next moment, Tyrande's words almost made him go crazy.

"No, I'm getting married, Illidan, it's better to say less about this."

Tyrande looked at this friend whom he had not seen for 1 years. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Ma Wei, who wanted to kill someone. He felt that it would be better not to reminisce in front of Ma Wei. After all, for Ma Wei, Eli Dan is unforgivable. If she hadn't found Jarod, she would never have agreed to let Illidan go.

But for Illidan...

"Do not!!"

He felt that he might as well have died when he just heard Tyrande's voice.

 Elune's biggest black spot right now is that she gave away the night elves' souls without even saying hello to Tyrande, and she didn't protect those night elves...

  But to be honest, Elune really doesn't owe the night elves. On the contrary, the night elves owe Elune. Elune is simply a giver, so I have to make personal guesses.

  After all, the current plot is that Elune also has her own ideas, but they are much better than the Ancient Gods. This is the tone of these versions, and it is almost said that the Titans are not good things.

  But everyone in China knows that good and bad are relative.

  The fight starts in the next chapter, no more drama.

(End of this chapter)

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