Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 650: Interrupted Treatment

If this kind of words were said by other people, Li Ke would only listen to them as a joke, but if it was the Soul of Azeroth, then there is no doubt that it is the same thing.

That's really possible.

This is not a joke, because for this world, Azeroth can do a lot of things, especially those things that are closely related to it.

Although the relationship between the elements on Azeroth and Azeroth has always been very subtle, even in a state of being both obedient and in conflict, Li Ke absolutely does not believe that these elements cannot be connected to the Soul of Azeroth. .

After all, the things that make up the shell of Azeroth are elements. Although the inner core is absolutely inaccessible, it is impossible to say that they know nothing.

For this reason, Li Ke has always felt that these things are useless, especially after seeing the power of the Well of Eternity. Can these elements be said to be a first-come-first-serve model? But before he got the power of Azeroth, , these elemental lords are no longer his opponents, that is to say, he will most likely not be able to catch these elemental lords when they try to escape.

But if Azeroth intends to use its own power to influence them, then they will inevitably be affected, such as becoming irritable, becoming peaceful, or falling in love with something.

That is to say...

If Azeroth is serious, then just based on this idea, the fat stone mother who weighs 800 million tons at a glance may fall in love with him! !

"Don't take it seriously that I want to go to the Stone Mother!!"

Li Ke collapsed and shouted at the Well of Eternity, but because the Azerite in him was completely exhausted, there was no response at all. The Well of Eternity just quietly exuded its own energy. Nothing new emerged because of his words.

Looking at the Well of Eternity that quietly exuded strange energy, Li Ke sighed, feeling a little helpless.

"Forget it, as long as I don't do anything, it's fine, and..."

Li Ke thought about Alexstrasza, the Red Dragon Queen, and Onyxia. In their natural state, these women are also a challenge to the human sexual preference system, but some people with dragon sexual preferences are also acceptable.

And the most important thing is that Alexstrasza often appears in front of people in the same style as wearing sexy underwear. Although she later changed to a more solemn one, she still gives people a more sexy feeling. of.

If Shi Mu's body in human form is beautiful enough, maybe Li Ke can do it if he can endure it?
"So does the element have a so-called gender system?"

He wanted to know about this, but after thinking about it, he decided it was better not to think too much.

At this time, the magical effect that seemed to stop time also disappeared. People around him also broke away from that feeling and looked at each other in astonishment.

"How is this going?"

They looked in the direction of the Well of Eternity with some disbelief, especially Cenarius and Malfurion. They understood the power of nature better than Malorne, and they clearly sensed the power just now, but Malfurion Lorne, however, had a blank look on the entire deer's face.

"That seems to be the power of this world."

Malfurion spoke out and couldn't help but look at Li Ke.

In his long time, it was not that he had never seen the Well of Eternity in the Emerald Dream, but he had never felt anything like this at any time.

It seemed that the real user of this planet's power had appeared in front of them.

"It's the will of Azeroth, but I didn't understand what she said. I plan to perform a ritual later to explore this result."

Li Ke explained casually, then walked to the lake and put his hand into the Well of Eternity.

Malfurion on one side wanted to warn Li Ke, but Cenarius on the other side held down his arm.

"No, he's different."

This seems to be the case. Although she no longer feels the will of Azeroth, it seems that this star soul is still obsessed with the dream that the Titan spun for her, but something has still changed.

The Well of Eternity called to him.

Li Ke's hand touched the mirror-like lake surface, and the next moment, he felt that the whole world was turned upside down.

No, literally, everyone in the world disappeared.

He stood in an empty world, and what he stepped on was no longer the earth, but the lake of the Well of Eternity. This lake was boundless, and even the sky was the lake of the Well of Eternity.

"here it is……"

Looking at the empty surroundings, Li Ke had a bad premonition, and the next moment, his premonition came true.


Endless pain, the pain of the body being torn apart!

What kind of pain is that?It was as if a bomb suddenly appeared in his body. This bomb exploded in his body. His body was almost torn apart, but his blood and flesh were still entangled together, constantly stirring. He uses his other healthy flesh and blood to let himself bleed continuously, and shoots his blood randomly to other places.

This wound has never been healed. Although the cells in his body have treated injuries elsewhere, they are powerless to deal with this injury.

Not only that, because of that explosion, countless small holes appeared on his body, and countless leeches and bugs got into these holes. They crazily ate his flesh, his strength, and spread terrible toxins. To turn yourself into something you hate very much.

Li Ke was so tortured by the pain that he couldn't control his body. This familiar feeling and familiar power made him unable to help but kneel to the ground and put his hands on the water.

And at this moment, he finally understood why Azeroth showed up forcefully in front of him!
She wanted to use the power of the Well of Eternity to heal her biggest wound.

The wound that Malfurion had to blow up with the original Well of Eternity in order to prevent Sargeras from coming!

The wound that nearly killed Azeroth for real.

Therefore, she prayed to herself and was even willing to meet all her requirements.

"This is...the pain of Azeroth..."

Because he has experienced this kind of pain before, Li Ke can barely bear it rationally. If he hadn't endured the pain to absorb Azerite, he would probably lose his consciousness now. .

He reluctantly opened his eyes, sweat and tears dripping from his face, but this was not because he was crying because of sadness, but because he was in too much pain, so all the systems in his body were close to collapse.

But he could feel that he and Azeroth had established a subtle, very fragile connection through the Well of Eternity!

"This is completely different from contacting Azerite. Azerite only needs to be endured for a while, and this one will keep feeling the pain as long as I am connected to it. But this time is completely different. I I feel like my sanity is disappearing too quickly, and I also desperately want to heal the world..."

Li Ke took a deep breath, and endless power continued to gather in his hands. This was not the power of the Well of Eternity outside, but a deeper power.But his will is constantly being washed away by the pain of Azeroth, making him wonder when he will be forced to exit this state!
But he must try to heal the world before he quits!Avoid experiencing such pain next time!
The power of the Well of Eternity quickly differentiated into various energies under his will, and then quickly gathered into the power of the Black Dragon.


"This is too slow!"

Li Ke crossed his hands suddenly and concentrated his will like never before.Because the pain was too intense, he was unable to think about other things now that he was connected to Azeroth. From the moment he was connected, he was thinking about one thing!
Treat this wound!
Now!immediately!That's it!


The power of the Well of Eternity quickly gathered around Li Ke, and then quickly turned into a huge power of gold, blue and purple!

Or in other words, the power of Azeroth!
Li Ke didn't know how he did it, but while connected to the Well of Eternity, his will was synchronized with Azeroth to a certain extent, and they shared part of their power with each other!
Azeroth shared some of his abilities, and he also gained the power of Azeroth to synthesize Azerite.

Golden arrogance burned on Li Ke's body, and the previously lost power of Azerite was completely restored at this moment. Not only that, his ability also suddenly became stronger through this connection. , Li Ke could clearly sense the situation in the center of Azeroth, as well as the huge wound that could not be closed!

Malfurion's behavior cannot be said to be wrong, but this wound is something that Azeroth is extremely eager to solve!

And this wound must require another kind of force to be better repaired.

The power of the black dragon held by the fallen!The power of the Earth Guardian!

The water in the Well of Eternity boiled at this moment. People outside could only see that the water in the Well of Eternity turned into a powerful force. The endless lake water rose up and began to transform into two kinds of power. The power of gold, blue and purple, and the other kind, is a power that they are extremely familiar with, but also hate extremely.

"How is this going?"

Malfurion looked at the rising power in Li Ke and subconsciously took a step back, because he had only seen this kind of power in Deathwing!But it is different from Deathwing, purer and more——


But before he could think about it, the next moment, he felt a terrible coercion about to erupt from Li Ke's body. He immediately stretched out his hand and spawned countless vines, and violently took away everyone present. Everyone!His idea was correct, because at the next moment, Li Ke's human body split open. Under the infusion of the endless power of the guardian of the earth, Li Ke's body began to transform!

The human body slowly disappeared from everyone's sight. Terrifying power continued to emerge. A pair of huge dragon wings suddenly stretched out from Li Ke's back. The next moment, Li Ke's body also exploded, destroying countless worlds. The roots of the tree were directly smashed, revealing his terrifying body.

What kind of giant beast was that? It was nearly 500 meters long and was only half his body. When his wings spread out, the sky above Malfurion, who had already retreated a thousand meters away, was still obscured by those wings. Live on top of your head!

However, they were very sure that this was definitely not Deathwing!

Because the horns and carapace on this dragon species are not the color of obsidian, nor are they flowing with blood like magma, but a strange substance!

This substance shines with colorful light, which is the new power that appeared after Li Ke's hand touched the Well of Eternity!

The crystals composed of these materials became Li Ke's carapace and dragon horns, and the entire dragon's body was closer to the human body. The front claws were extremely strong and slender, and it was clear at a glance that they could move like arms.

All of this is different from Deathwing.

"Is Li Ke...isn't he a human being?"

Malfurion opened his mouth wide, looked at this being that was bigger than Deathwing, and couldn't help but ask.

Although he felt that there was no need to worry about Li Ke's lifespan, he still had some expectations, but now...

"It seems that he still has many secrets."

Tyrande was calm. Although she was still surprised, it did not prevent her from accepting this.

However, before they could think about anything, Li Ke stood up suddenly and raised his arms. The huge power of the Well of Eternity was quickly mobilized by him.

The earth began to tremble, and the entire land of Azeroth began to tremble. Li Ke's spirit could not maintain the connection with Azeroth for too long, so he had to complete what Azeroth asked him to do as soon as possible!
The wounds on the earth began to close under the power of the endless earth elements, and the disordered 'blood' began to be continuously dissipated by the power of the movement of the planet's plates, but before they dissipated, their power became more violent and would The direction of the entire world's ocean currents was forced to change.

At the same time, the magic network on the entire planet began to go berserk. For a while, no mage in the entire Azeroth could use any magic. The violent fluctuations of the magic network made all living beings feel the waves. Palpitations and fear.

The first person to sense it was naturally the Blue Dragon who was specifically responsible for matters related to the Magic Network!


In the blue dragon's lair, a roar resounded throughout the entire blue dragon's lair. The next moment, a huge blue dragon rose into the air amid the shocked eyes of other blue dragons, and forcibly opened a portal with incredible power. Then he crashed in regardless!

This is undoubtedly seeking death!Because before it entered the portal, its body was torn open with countless bloody holes due to the chaotic internal space structure of the portal!
In the red dragon's lair, looking at the sparse dragon eggs and the almost dead young red dragons, the red dragon queen, who was still sentimental just now, also had a shocked expression on her face.

"This power, Neltharion? No, this is not it!"

She felt the pain and tremors of the earth, and couldn't help but frown, because this suspected Neltharion's aura was in the direction of the Well of Eternity!
After realizing this, she originally planned to go alone, took a deep breath, and then roared decisively.

"Gather all the adult red dragons! Except for those who stay in the lair, everyone else will follow me to the Well of Eternity! Kill Deathwing at all costs and save the world!"

The nearest Green Dragon Legion arrived quickly. Ysera woke up from her dream almost immediately, and then quickly flew towards the Well of Eternity.

The guardian dragons used their own power at all costs, causing their wings to break through the constraints of space and quickly arrived here.

But the one who came fastest was the bronze dragon.

The moment Li Ke struck the earth, countless quicksands appeared out of thin air. The golden quicksands wanted to stop time, but the power of time had no effect under the power of Azerite, the power that the bronze dragon relied on to survive. Nothing counts in front of this giant dragon.

Nozdormu's figure also appeared, with a confused expression on his face.

He was going crazy because of the crazy changes in Azeroth's timeline recently, but he didn't find any trace of Li Ke. It wasn't until Li Ke was about to completely change the fate of Azeroth that he discovered this unknown person. Someone who should show up!

He hesitated not knowing whether to take action or not. He probably knew what Li Ke was doing. Although the earth was groaning in pain, he could feel that this was the will of his own world. Li Ke's actions were in accordance with the will of Azeroth. ongoing!
But the mission given to him by the Titans is to protect the correct timeline from any changes.

Although Li Ke's actions at this time are beneficial to the world, they are significantly changing history.

Should he listen to the will of his own world or that of the Titans?

He hesitated for a moment, then decisively stretched out his hand.

He has always done the Titan's will, and he is still a delirious child in his own world!
Countless golden quicksands rushed towards Li Ke, but the moment these quicksands touched Li Ke, Li Ke's movements did pause, and then golden quicksands emerged from around Li Ke's body. Resisting the power of time released by himself!
And if he saw this power correctly——

His own? !

Is it the power of the bronze dragon? !
He opened his mouth in astonishment, unable to understand this matter!
Because in his opinion, Li Ke is just a black dragon with the bloodline of Deathwing. What on earth is this?
But for Li Ke, he now really wants to punch Nozdormu.

But it doesn't work, because his will can hardly bear the pain of Azeroth, and he behaves like this because the pain constantly urges him to close the wound and make it disappear forever.

But operating on Azeroth was simpler than he thought, but it was still difficult. Although Azeroth subconsciously used the power of the Well of Eternity to support him unconditionally, this was not the same as Azeroth after all. The will is connected together!The power of Azerite he generated with Azeroth was simply not enough!
However, the pain of Azeroth that continued to flow and intensify in his soul made his will continue to approach the limit, and Nozdormu was still causing trouble for him at this time.

Although he mastered the power of the bronze dragon, he was also distracted.

After feeling the huge wound, Li Ke immediately used the power of the Earth Guardian to activate the power of Azeroth and forcefully closed it.


"What do you want to do!? You want to weaken the power of the sea?!"

The voice of the water element lord Neptulon rang out, and the power of the maelstrom that was about to disperse quickly gathered together, impacting the earth that was about to close!
"You can never change the earth!"

The stone mother's roar resounded throughout the land, and the next moment, Li Ke felt that the earth and the crust began to resist him, constantly tearing open the wounds that were about to close!Not only that, at the same moment, countless dark clouds gathered in the sky, huge power continued to gather, and countless thunderbolts struck Li Ke hard under Nozdormu's stunned eyes!
"This is for Ragnaros!"

Li Ke, who was already at the end of his strength, was almost knocked down by the direct bombardment, but his operations continued. Although these three losers were resisting him, they were nothing, but——


A space door opened, and a giant blue dragon with half of its body covered in bloody flesh slammed into Li Ke. At the same time, a giant green dragon suddenly flew out of the dreamland, biting tightly. Li Ke's arm.

"Now! Hurry!"

Ysera roared at Nozdormu, and at this moment, Li Ke finally reached his limit. Sensing that Nozdormu was about to take action, he made his final effort!

Four 'steel nails' suddenly condensed out of the ground, firmly fixing the wounds pulled by him, forcing Azeroth's wounds to close together and avoiding greater damage.

This action consumed all his strength. At this moment, Azeroth, who was hit by four steel nails, felt greater pain. This torrent of pain instantly connected Li Ke to the Well of Eternity. Cut off!
And at this moment, Nozdormu's breath has arrived!

Li Ke, who had lost all his strength, was instantly pierced through the chest by Nozdormu's full breath, and his body became completely unstable.

Ysera quickly released her mouth and breathed out to Li Ke.

The craziest blue dragon was tearing at Li Ke's flesh and blood while breathing out.

But just when everyone thought that this giant dragon was destined to be defeated, a dragon claw caught the blue dragon that was tearing him apart crazily, and the domineering power brought this crazy giant dragon to a heavy bombardment. As Nozdormu kept breathing, the two dragons vomited blood at the same time, and most of the bones on his body were broken.

Ysera didn't even have time to react to what happened. Another dragon claw pushed it to the ground, and a ferocious dragon head appeared in front of Ysera's eyes.

"Reptile! Now it's my turn to attack!"

When Li Ke was about to launch his second attack, another giant red dragon appeared in the air. She rushed towards Li Ke's head, trying to stop Li Ke and attract Li Ke's attention. .

But Li Ke had already expected her arrival, and the arm that was about to attack directly slapped her, hitting the red dragon's face hard, causing the huge dragon to spin in the air. Get out!
But this can't calm Li Ke's anger at all. Now he just wants to destroy everything in this world!
So, he opened his mouth, aimed at the wind element lord in the sky who had no time to escape, and launched his attack desperately. The golden light beam instantly penetrated the wind element lord's chest and shattered its core, completely Killed the lord of the wind element.

Then, Li Ke's blood-red eyes looked at the four giant dragons that fell to the ground, and he couldn't help but want to tear them all into pieces.


Because she shared the pain of Azeroth and her eager desire to be healed that had accumulated over 1 years, Li Ke to a certain extent...


(End of this chapter)

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