Chapter 651
At this moment, Li Ke only had anger in his mind.

Azeroth's eagerness caused this to happen. The soul of the world, half asleep and half awake, was eager to be saved and to obtain a safe environment.

But just like Sargeras could easily suppress Li Ke with the help of his emotions and soul, even the sleeping star soul was not something Li Ke's soul could resist.

This kind of link is basically equivalent to merging two people's souls together. Although it is not an eternal link, it has a great impact on Li Ke's spirit.

Although Li Ke gained the ability to synthesize Azerite and unlimited energy, his range of abilities skyrocketed to the entire planet, and he could make the tectonic plates of the planet move with a single thought.

But correspondingly, his spiritual will was in sync with Azeroth, and was profoundly affected.

Pain, suffering, torture, all of this made him understand Nessario, his father-in-law who is now missing!
At this moment.

Azeroth's pain became his pain. He treated Azeroth as if he was healing himself, and everyone who hindered him did it for one thing!
Kill him (Azeroth)!

He could no longer think about other things. Anger filled his brain. Coupled with the wound in his chest corroded by Nozdormu's dragon breath, he couldn't bear it anymore.

Although the power of the Well of Eternity was temporarily exhausted due to his use, his terrifying body still existed!
The red dragon queen's huge body slammed into the branches of the World Tree, letting out a miserable howl, and falling down together with the thick branches of the World Tree.

She also spit out countless blood from her mouth, but just as she folded her wings and fell towards the bottom of Mount Hyjal, a line of yellow quicksand suddenly enveloped the entire top of Mount Hyjal!

The next moment, the body of the Red Dragon Queen quickly returned to the sky like a DVD played backwards. The wounds on her body completely disappeared. Also placed upside down were the wounds on Malygos and Noz. Dom's own wounds.

Li Ke's figure was also controlled by countless golden time chains. Nozdormu tried hard to imprison Li Ke's time permanently, but the huge power of Li Ke ignored the effect of time, allowing He could only solidify the space and time around Li Ke, and imprison Li Ke with a huge time mold.

Countless chains shot out from the void at this moment.These chains tied Li Ke's body accurately, tying up Li Ke's limbs and neck, and even his wings were bound by golden chains!


But Nozdormu didn't look very good, because Li Ke's resistance was far beyond his imagination!
At the same time, Ysera's body also turned into a phantom, all the injuries on her body disappeared, and the entire dragon suddenly broke free from Li Ke's hands!

Yes, physically defeating these dragon kings has no effect at all, because as long as Nozdormu is around, they can still stand up even if they fall countless times.

As long as Ysera is here, there is no need to worry about irreversible mental damage. The power of the Emerald Dream can isolate all mental damage.

The existence of the Red Dragon Queen can keep their bodies alive forever.

As the guardian and manager of the Magic Network, Malygos is not only a mage who can continuously bombard deadly magic, but also a logistical support staff who ensures that everyone's magic power is sufficient.

If you add Neltharion and Deathwing, who are the most powerful in magic, physical strength, and body, and can control the power of the earth, then even if Archimonde and Kil'jaeden lead the Burning Legion to invade , the completely victorious Dragon Legion could also lead other races to repel them.


They don't have Deathwing.

"Wake up, Malygos! That's not Neltharion!"

Nozdormu looked pale and shook his head at Malygos, who wanted to clear his mind and yelled angrily.

And Malygos also knew that he had just been too impulsive. He had already woken up and looked at Li Ke in the distance who was not affected by Nozdormu's power at all, and spoke in a serious tone.

"I know! But there's nothing good about the black dragon! And! Nozdormu! Tell us what's going on!"

He looked at Li Ke, whose power far surpassed that of Deathwing, and his unabashed aggressiveness, and couldn't help but ask.

"He is not a person who should exist on our timeline, but before he developed to this point, the entire Bronze Dragon Legion did not find any clues, as if the world was protecting him! We must prevent him from causing any damage to the timeline Kill him before more impact occurs!"

Nozdormu's face was complicated. He didn't know whether to tell Li Ke's purpose, because treating the world was not wrong.

But the timeline set by Titan is supreme, and this is also his responsibility. Not discovering Li Ke in advance is already a major dereliction of duty, and if he violates Titan's order again...

"In other words, it must be eliminated?"

Malygos realized this instantly. Although he didn't know the real future, he also knew the responsibility that his brother shouldered.

Yes, he knew one thing very well, and that was the death of his spouse, which was known here in Nozdormu.

And the main reason why he went crazy was also because of this.

His duty required him to be loyal to the Titans, but his emotions and soul made him want to blame his brother for not helping him and saving his kin.

Therefore, his madness and destruction during this period, as well as his slackness in his responsibilities, all have related reasons.

Because in the eyes of the great Titan, these things are correct and beneficial to the world.

The death of his loved one is beneficial to the world, and his madness is also beneficial to the world!

So he refused to think about his future and allowed himself to go crazy, but when he encountered matters related to Deathwing and the safety of the world, he would still stand up.

Although he had vaguely realized that his future ending would be death.

Nozdormu nodded, and Malygos's fighting spirit instantly ignited. At this moment, he didn't need pain or thinking, he just needed to burn his talents and try his best. Just use all your wisdom to fight the enemy!
He just needs to enjoy the fight, no more pain!

However, seeing that Li Ke's body was not affected by the power of time, he couldn't help but ask again.

"Are you having an affair with Deathwing? Or, in a certain timeline, you and Deathwing were married?"

For powerful creatures like them, the gender of life is no longer an insurmountable gap. If he wants to, he can even use his own magic ritual to completely transform himself into a woman, but even so, the blue dragon cannot There are no more males left to give birth to dragon offspring.

Therefore, the decline of the Blue Dragon Legion is almost inevitable.

But seeing that Li Ke had both Deathwing's power of earth and Nozdormu's power of time, he couldn't help but have doubts in his mind.

After all, he has the power of arcane magic. If other people can't understand this because of their personality, he, as a master of arcane magic, can definitely see it. "Whether you believe it or not, the fact is that he took control of it himself. I only attacked him once..."

Nozdormu worked hard to control the time cage on Li Ke. Even though he appeared so relaxed, in fact he was constantly applying various locks, and all the chains stretched out in the void After that, there is always a Nozdormu.

Yes, Li Ke is not fighting against one Nozdormu, but hundreds or thousands of Nozdormu!
"What? How is this possible?"

Alexstrasza landed next to Nozdormu and couldn't help but exclaimed.Ysera on the other side also showed an incredible expression. In order to resist the enemy and protect the world, their dragon army had done relevant experiments.

And there are also many mixed dragons. In fact, dragons such as red, blue, green, and black will love each other and then combine.

But no one can obtain the power of the guardian dragon, so a lot of research has been done.

But the result is that it doesn’t work.

Nozdormu didn't want to believe it. Although he had seen similar monsters in other timelines, they were different. That monster only had the basic abilities of five dragons, and Li Ke...

"That's the truth, I...what happened?"

Just as he was about to explain, the next moment, Li Ke's breath disappeared.

Although the huge dragon was still in front of him, Li Ke's aura disappeared. He was shocked and wanted to see clearly what happened. The next moment, an even larger presence appeared in his time cage. .

The space they were in began to fragment layer by layer with Li Ke as the center, and the chains of time were constantly twisting and breaking in this fragmented space. The four dragon kings could clearly see that Li Ke The ground beneath our feet is sometimes full of devastation, sometimes full of life!
"Time... is broken?"

Nozdormu spoke in shock. He could not understand what was happening in front of him, because in the material world, time is almost invisible.

But the next moment-

"You are a bunch of insects, are you worthy enough to hinder me from healing this world?!"

Li Ke's roar resounded throughout the sky. As Li Ke's wings vibrated, countless spaces shattered, and the terrifying golden chains wrapped around his body completely disintegrated at this moment!

The fragments of space fell from Li Ke's side like snowflakes, and his roar tore everything apart. The four dragon kings clung to the ground under their feet to barely avoid being blown away by Li Ke's roar.

But the night elves did not have such ability. Malfurion, Cenarius, and Malorne worked together to block this crazy shock wave. Even Tyrande began to pray!

Under their gaze, Li Ke's dragon body rose with terrifying golden flames, which contained almost all the power of the dragon.

Earth, life, time, magic, dreams.

These powers are continuously integrated and sublimated under the influence of the Power of Azeroth, and finally form a power that far exceeds the power of the five-in-one Aspect Dragon!

Matter, counter-entropy, rules, energy, spirit.

Nozdormu immediately captured the fragments of time, but found that Li Ke would exit this form in a few seconds, so he looked at the fragments of time and roared out.

"He won't last long! Only a few seconds!"


Among the fragments of the timeline, Li Ke's dragon eye appeared.

With just one look at that cold and angry look, Nozdormu, who looked at Li Ke, felt tens of thousands of tons of pressure on his body. Before he could say the rest of the words, his whole body seemed to be exploding from within. The same thing happened, instantly disintegrating into countless pieces of yellow sand, and even his powerful dragon soul turned into the residue of time at this moment.

Nozdormu is dead.

The surrounding guardian dragons had not realized this yet. The next moment, Malygos, who was about to use all his strength, was grabbed by a thick arm on his head and body.

Li Ke's huge body showed incredible agility. Almost as soon as he saw him move, Malygos was caught in his hands.

Li Ke launched an attack, and the violent blue breath instantly flooded Li Ke's body, but he was unable to activate any spells because his spells did not respond at all to Li Ke's side!
The magic of him, the guardian of the magic network, has been banned!

But what made him despair was that his powerful breath was like water drops on Li Ke's body. Not only did it not burn Li Ke's body, it was absorbed by Li Ke's skin, and then -

Li Ke opened his mouth wide and pointed it at Malygos's mouth.

Golden breath spurted out from Li Ke's mouth in an instant, resisting Malygos' breath all the way, piercing his body directly within [-] seconds, and traversing the entire Mount Hyjal!

However, after doing all this, the flames on his body also completely dissipated, because the power of Azerite in him was completely consumed, leaving only the five-in-one power of the Aspect Dragon!
"Malygos! Nozdormu!"

Only then did Alexstrasza and her sister Ysera react. She wanted to rush towards Li Ke in anger, but just like before, Li Ke threw away the charcoal in his hand and waved his arms towards the two people. .

Alexstrasza tried her best to avoid it, but it was still useless. Her speed could not be compared with Li Ke. In just a moment, she was caught in Li Ke's hand.

Li Ke didn't even look at it. Alexstrasza's red figure made him hallucinate that he was Sargeras, so he stretched out his other hand and pulled out Alexstrasza's hand as if tearing open paper. The body is torn apart.

The sound of the head breaking and the body being torn to pieces was so clear and crisp, endless dragon blood was splashed in the sky, and after doing this, Alexstrasza's body was also thrown away casually by Li Ke To the side, falling towards the bottom of Mount Hyjal.

Ysera stared blankly at her sister's tragic corpse falling from the sky, her mind went blank because she had never thought of this moment, but just this moment of blankness allowed her to resist without any resistance. In this case, Li Ke caught him.

"Trash, you should die!"

Li Ke stretched out his hand and crushed Ysela's body while easily picking off her head like a flower.

Then crush it randomly.

From the moment he escaped from the prison of time, the four dragon kings died.

It only took half a minute.

(End of this chapter)

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