Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 655 Surrender and Resurrection

After venting his anger, Li Ke also calmed down and did not insult the Red Dragon Queen too much, but looked at them quietly.

Alexstrasza didn't know what Li Ke wanted to do, but what she wanted to do most now was to check on her sister. When she saw that her sister almost died due to suffocation, she couldn't help crying. He shed tears, quickly hugged his sister, and then transferred the power of life to his sister, so that her life could continue.

Ysera's face gradually improved, but Alexstrasza was not in a good mood, because Malygos on the side was also seriously injured. She raised her hand and used healing on her brother. Magic, and then looked at Li Ke.

"The dragon clan has paid too much for this world. I can make all the dragon clan with the power of the guardian dragon obey your orders because they have endured the favor of the titan, but I hope you can make those who do not have the power of the dragon Dragons, live peacefully in this world."

She looked at Li Ke resolutely, not because she wanted to go back on her word, but because the dragon race without the power of the dragon was still the top race in Azeroth, but it was not invincible.

Only those dragons that can skillfully and freely use the power of the guardian dragon can be regarded as guardian dragons.

And there are not many in the entire dragon clan who can be called giant dragons.

Malygos's dragons were like this, Ysera's dragons were like this, and her own dragons were exhausted because of Deathwing's schemes.

As for the bronze dragon, although she didn't know the specific situation, the death and inactivity of the bronze dragon were normal.

For Alexstrasza, although they are the guardians of this world, they are the Titans who exchanged the prosperity of their clan.

If working for Li Ke means that even the young dragon and the inheritance cannot survive, then dying with dignity may not be a bad thing.

"Are you making conditions with me? Or are you simply not sincere in rebelling against the Titans?"

But although Li Ke knew this at this time, he was too lazy to listen. How could Azeroth's influence be dissipated so easily? The shadow left by her negative emotions would not be eliminated for a long time.

Therefore, Li Ke grabbed Alexstrasza's neck without saying a word, lifted the plump and attractive Alexstrasza, and looked at Alexstrasza who was trying hard not to show a struggling expression. , asked.

"I'm just fighting for the right to survive for my tribe..."

Alexstrasza, whose throat was tightly locked, still said her words as much as possible, but then her white and tender neck was pinched by Li Ke and made a crackling sound. If it weren't for her body's divine power, If it were extremely strong, her neck would definitely be broken now.

And she also tasted the pain her sisters had felt before, and her legs couldn't help but struggle.

"Really? In my opinion, you are just relying on me that I can't find anyone to replace you for the time being. But you don't know that I have another way."

Li Ke stretched out his hand, and the power in his body quickly gathered in his hand under Alexstrasza's horrified gaze, and then synthesized into the power of the red dragon.

It is true that he doesn't have much strength left, but with the power of the guardian dragon he gained when he went on a rampage, he can still do a lot of things.

Li Ke's figure changed rapidly. Dragon horns that were the same as Alexstrasza grew on his head, and the power on his body became the same red dragon power as Alexstrasza.

"You guys came in too much of a hurry. If I change into your appearance, what will happen to your subordinates?"

Li Ke didn't look like Alexstrasza because he felt weird, but Alexstrasza knew very well that appearance was not something that Li Ke and them couldn't change, it was the only constant. It's power.

When the hair on his head turned red due to the power of the red dragon, Li Ke looked into Alexstrasza's eyes and smiled contemptuously.

"Besides, I can still do this."

Li Ke punched Alexstrasza hard on the abdomen. Alexstrasza couldn't help but curl up in pain, but the next moment, her face suddenly changed, because Li Ke The power of the red dragon entered her belly!

The dragon can give birth to children in other forms. A long time ago, when she was forced to mate with her mate, the eggs were laid in this way.

So just like Onyxia, Alexstrasza accurately felt that Li Ke's power quickly entered the seeds in her body that were eager to be born, and then merged into it!
That seed sprouted! It’s starting to grow!

In terms of the values ​​​​of the Dragon Clan, Li Ke's punch directly made her pregnant with Li Ke's child!
She is pregnant with Li Ke's child!
"The Dragon King has absolute rights over his children. This control comes from blood and strength. As long as I capture you and other female dragons who are qualified to give birth to dragons, and then let them lay eggs, I can still Get my own dragon army.”

After speaking, Li Ke let go of his hand. While Alexstrasza was covering his lower abdomen and trying to restore his breathing, the power on his body instantly switched to the power of the green dragon, and then he punched On top of Ysera's belly, who had not yet recovered.

Ysera couldn't help but let out a scream, and the rhythm of life was accurately sensed by Alexstrasza. She looked at this scene in horror and wanted to crawl to her sister to replace her sister. Take it all.

But Li Ke stretched out his hand, and Solarion, who had been blown away for a long time, instantly flew from a distance and fell into Li Ke's hand. Then, under Alexstrasza's disbelieving gaze, he did not hesitate. Without hesitation, he stabbed Ysera in the abdomen!

"Do not!!"

Alexstrasza's life-loving character activated, and she immediately rushed over and stood in front of her sister, using her shoulders to block Li Ke's spear.

The spear instantly penetrated Alexstrasza's shoulder, but Alexstrasza didn't care at all. Instead, he used his other hand to firmly grasp the spear emerging from his body and let it stop on his side. On her sister Ysera's belly, she looked at Li Ke while crying.

"You actually killed your own children!"

Li Ke looked at Alexstrasza coldly, seeing that she still didn't understand why he was targeting them to protect the dragon clan, so he started to explain.

"First, I am a human being. No matter how you look at it, I am just a human being, not anything else. Therefore, in my perception, it is just a guy with my power, not my descendant, just someone I created. tool."

But to be honest, no one present or absent believed what he said.

In their understanding, the way Li Ke just transformed into a dragon shows that Li Ke is definitely not a species called human. If something like Li Ke is a human, then the human race has not yet unified the universe, then the human race is simply a human being. All are moral gentlemen.

Moreover, Li Ke seems to be a little obsessed with the dragon clan, and he seems to be unclear about the black dragon. Li Ke also forgot one thing because of his anger.

The more he denies something, the more likely it is to his enemies.

Almost everyone thought of a possibility.

Li Ke is a red dragon and a black dragon, or even a hybrid of multiple dragon clans. He may even be the child of some other dragon clans captured by the black dragon. He just grew up among humans, so he does not recognize himself as a dragon clan.

As for why they have such an idea, the reason is still due to cognitive reasons, because in their cognition, humans cannot be as powerful as them.

Because there is no doubt that Li Ke looked like a real dragon before, it is impossible for humans to adapt to the power of the guardian dragon in such a short period of time, and master these powers instantly as soon as they encounter them!
Only dragons that originally possessed these power seeds would be like Li Ke, who quickly awakened the power of the guardian dragon just when they were attacked by the same attributes.

Therefore, the way Alexstrasza looks at Li Ke now is like looking at a poor child, because she feels that Li Ke is a test subject of Deathwing, but Deathwing did not expect that, Li Ke's power is so powerful that it even surpasses him.

And, don’t think of yourself as a dragon.

How pathetic.


Alexstrasza bit her lips, feeling helpless and hating her former brother again.

Li Ke didn't care so much, but looked at her and spoke slowly.

"Moreover, there are irreconcilable conflicts between us." Looking at the two pitiful female dragons, Li Ke said word by word a conclusion that he and he in the past agreed with.

"Between you and me, are we in the same camp? Are you following the orders of Titan or the orders of Azeroth? Have you ever thought about this?"

Li Ke's question made Alexstrasza and others still look confused. Seeing this confused face, Li Ke couldn't help but wanted to curse, but he held back, because even if he wanted to kill, he had to let someone go. These idiots know why they died.

"The interests of Azeroth may not be consistent with the interests of Titan. You'd better think about this clearly and gather your men... I hope that the next time I see you, you can satisfy me."

Li Ke waved his arm, and his power instantly released the control of the dragon kings' internal power, allowing these dragon kings to regain their freedom.

But they all knew that if the dragons gathered to fight against Li Ke, they would undoubtedly be killed.

They have no ability to resist Li Ke.

Alexstrasza looked at Li Ke. Li Ke's words made her unable to help but think of some terrible things, so she opened her red lips, touched her belly, and couldn't help but want to ask questions.

But there was only one faint word from Li Ke in response to her.


Alexstrasza didn't say anything else, but Malygos stood up and glanced at Li Ke, and couldn't help but ask a question.

"Can you really let ordinary people have the power of the guardian dragon?"

This question was very crucial to him, but Li Ke was too lazy to answer, because Alexstrasza had already grabbed his brother's hand and let him feel the power of the guardian dragon in his body. A new life that gradually develops through force.

Malygos fell silent, and both Alexstrasza and Ysera knew that he would no longer resist Li Ke.

Because Li Ke has mastered the lifeblood of the dragons, he can make the gradually declining group of guardian dragons prosper again. This is an irresistible temptation for the dragon army.

Death, temptation, and the future.

"Let's go, obey..."

Alexstrasza paused, and finally chose to obey. Li Ke had the recognition of Azeroth, and they had lost a brother forever because of their wrong actions, and they could not make any more mistakes.

"...the master's wishes."

Malygos did not speak, but silently followed her eldest sister, the dragon mother who always led the dragons.

But halfway through the flight, when they were about to meet their respective heirs, Malygos suddenly spoke.

"I will contact the Bronze Dragon."

Alexstrasza didn't say anything, just nodded quietly. She had already guessed what Malygos was thinking, that is, no matter whether Li Ke was a good person or not, he would find a way to pray to Li Ke to help him. The ethnic group continues.

Watching the dragons leave, Tyrande barely woke up from the shocking news that the moon god was going to marry her man, but she did not feel disgusted, but felt honored.

The fact that she was able to share her god's husband with her god was glorious enough in itself.

Just looking at the water in the Well of Eternity, which had obviously dropped a lot, and Li Ke, who was staring at the water and wondering what to think, she was still a little worried.

Worry about Li Ke, worry about the night elves.

Sensing Tyrande's worry from the Tears of Elune, Li Ke, who calmed down because he couldn't see the Dragon Kings, spoke in a sharp voice.

"Don't worry. Although you can't use this power to save Azeroth, you can still do other things. Including maintaining the immortality and youth of your night elves."

Li Ke looked at the water in the Well of Eternity. The feeling of emptiness in his body made him very uncomfortable, but he did not dare to use the power of the Well of Eternity now, because once he did, he would be connected to Azeroth again.

Luna may not be able to help him by then.

Therefore, he could only carefully absorb the magical energy around him and fill his body with it.

"So, what's bothering you, dear?"

Tyrande came over and gently hugged Li Ke from behind, but due to his height, Li Ke's head went directly into her chest, making Li Ke surrounded by violet warmth and beauty.

so big? !

Li Ke was stunned for a moment, and then quickly restored his indifferent expression.

But how could Tyrande not notice the change in Li Ke, so she hugged Li Ke harder and asked Li Ke to express his feelings.

"I'm worried about the high elves, and I'm afraid I need your help on something."

Li Ke looked at the Well of Eternity and sighed. If Azeroth didn't have to be so impatient and caused him to run away, he could have used the power of the Well of Eternity and the Dragon Legion to clean out the demons in Azeroth in one fell swoop. , but now...

He had to show the trump card he originally planned to show later.

Li Ke put his hand on the root of the World Tree. This World Tree is not only the source of immortality for the night elves, but also one of the residences of their souls after death.

So the moment Li Ke's hand contacted the World Tree, Li Ke sensed the souls of countless night elves.

"What is it, dear?"

Tyrande asked with some confusion.

"Place the extra night elves and guide them to fight for Azeroth!"

Li Ke raised his hand, carefully guiding the magic power escaping from the Well of Eternity, not the power of the Well of Eternity itself, and constantly summoning the power of Holy Light and Shadow in his heart, while also constantly absorbing it. The power of nature surrounding this tree.

So, just when Tyrande was confused.

Souls appeared one by one from the world tree Nordrassil, and the moment these souls appeared, they——

There is more body.

Yes, Li Ke decided to use the human sea tactic.

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