Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 656 War Mobilization

In the eyes of others, this scene was quite shocking.

Because resurrection is two parts, the soul of the night elf turned into a stream of light and fell from the sky, and quickly obtained a body in the energy field arranged by Li Ke, and then landed on the earth.

So in the eyes of others, this is what it looks like:

In the light and shadow of magic and the twinkling brilliance of the World Tree, the eyes of each night elf flickered with soft white light. From the light and shadow, they continued to transform into meteors, falling from the sky to the earth, just like stars in the sky. One fell from the sky, and then turned into a human being on the earth.

Their bodies also shine with brilliance. These night elves who once died and returned from the sky seem to be the best proof that they are the children of the stars.

The stream of light entwining around them also gradually dissipated, quickly turning into pieces of white clothing that resembled Greek clothing, and the cold and sharp expressions on these people's faces also turned into confusion.

Because they couldn't help but look at themselves and the people around them, wanting to know what happened so that they could react.

For them, the only thing they remember is that they died before, and then they felt the warmth and happiness in the haze, as well as the longing for their past family members.

Yes, they have no memory of the afterlife.

There are many other shores in the universe of Azeroth. The Shadow Realm is not the destination of everyone after death. Many night elves did not go to the Shadow Realm after death, but some went to the realm of the Moon God, or It is a field that I have believed in.

But for the night elves after the War of the Ancients, whether they wanted to or not, their souls were forced to be connected to the World Tree. This is why Li Ke can use the power of the World Tree to forcibly escape from different realms. Which brings back their souls.

Tyrande didn't know how many times he would be shocked today.

I was first shocked by the degree of favor from the gods that Li Ke received, and then I was shocked by Li Ke's strength and the fact that he was not a mortal race. I was even more shocked that the other party became the chosen one of Azeroth and almost saved it. Azeroth.

After that, the other party used a not-so-gentle method to control the dragon army.

And now, he is ensuring the eternal existence of the night elves in a way that he cannot understand at all.

From Tyrande's heart, Li Ke felt an unimaginable joy. This was what Li Ke wanted.

He and Moon God must be equal, at least in the eyes of the night elves in this world, they must be equal to a certain extent, otherwise some things will be very troublesome.

So he must show more power.

The original plan to sweep across the wasteland was gone, so it could only be the power of creation.

"Thank u……"

Tyrande didn't know how to thank Li Ke. She took a quick look and found that many of the night elves had died recently, but now, they could return to their families.

She didn't know what to say.

However, at this moment, the breath of evil energy appeared.

"This may not be a good thing. When people lose their fear of death, their reverence for life will also disappear. I suggest that not everyone can be resurrected."

Illidan walked out of the shadows. After noticing Li Ke's burst of power, he rushed over non-stop. Then he saw that many family members of those who wanted to join him were resurrected because their families were killed by demons.

He wanted to curse, but it was not for this reason that he reminded Tyrande.

"Yes, and once the soul is captured or destroyed by something powerful, I will not be able to resurrect them."

Li Ke added to what Illidan said. The ability to resurrect without scruple will actually bring about many social problems.

But Li Ke can't control that much now.

"However, in the next battle, I think my ability can help us defeat the Burning Legion... Illidan, Tyrande, Malfurion, and Malorne, we must go to Quel'Thala immediately Hey, I'm afraid the Burning Legion has fully occupied that place now, and we must save the high elves there immediately!"

Li Ke still hasn't forgotten what happened to Kael'thas. Although he doesn't feel guilty, he still wants to save Quel'Thalas as soon as possible out of his friend's status and consideration for Azeroth.

Moreover, the way he just defeated the Dragon Legion was too villainous, and he needs to divert everyone's attention a little.

"Quel'Thalas... Damn it, Dath'Remar must have established a node there similar to the Well of Eternity... But this guy shouldn't be able to build a too powerful source of magic. His mastery of magic shouldn't be as good as mine. At the level of 1 years ago, Sargeras should not be able to appear in this world for the time being, but we still have a chance!"

Illidan thought for a moment that Sargeras was about to come to this world, but when he recalled who had taken away the water from the Well of Eternity that he had preserved, he instantly realized that it was Dath'Remar was almost a minion in front of him. Although his words were unpleasant to hear, Illidan was certain that in terms of spellcasting ability and his understanding and familiarity with the Well of Eternity, Dath'Remar was definitely not good enough!

Because this man was a nobleman born in the Sentinel, he had only acquired magic for a few generations. Those who had been mages for generations were surpassed by him, and Dath'Rema would never be able to reach his level.

And he is an absolute elite who is allowed to study the structure of the Well of Eternity. Although Dath'Rema may know a little bit, he is absolutely incapable of constructing such a powerful structure like himself with just a few bottles of water from the Well of Eternity. The source of magic, and unlike the magic nodes here in Mount Hyjal, there are not many magic nodes in the world that can compare with Mount Hyjal.

"Yes, there is also an endless amount of magic energy there, called the Sunwell. What I'm worried about is that the Sunwell is being used by the Burning Legion to constantly summon their demon army."

Li Ke nodded. He likes people like Illidan who are quick-thinking. He has a much stronger grasp of the key points of things than he does. He is also quite sharp and can find out what he wants to express in an instant.

So, in Tyrande, Malfurion had just understood what trouble the world was in, and Illidan quickly looked at Li Ke.

"So, can you help me open a portal? Use your ability."

He looked at Li Ke from a physical perspective and spoke very seriously.

Li Ke also instantly understood what Illidan meant. It was nothing more than relying on his special ability to easily open a portal.

But Li Ke didn't expect that Illidan would be able to guess the scope of his abilities.

"Yes, although I haven't done it yet, if you and I are connected, I can help you open a giant portal, but I don't dare to use the power of the Well of Eternity now, so I need your help for the specific arrangement."

"Ha...that's disgusting."

The corner of Illidan's mouth twitched, and he felt sick at the thought of being linked to Li Ke's will.

But it's okay for just a few people. Seeing Li Ke being held in Tyrande's arms like a son, with the attitude of being in charge, he felt itchy.

Teeth also itch.

But he glanced at Li Ke, felt the fear of the Well of Eternity in the other person's tone, and guessed that Li Ke's current state was directly related to the Well of Eternity.

But why? Illidan, who had just arrived, didn't know, but his intuition told him that this matter must be very critical.

"I see, I'm going to prepare now."

At this time, Malfurion, who finally figured out what the two men planned to do, spoke.

"I will immediately gather my followers and our natural allies, but Li Ke, you must be weak now, right?"

Malfurion looked at Li Ke. He could feel a strong sense of exhaustion in Li Ke's soul. It was obvious that Li Ke was in a very bad state now.

Tyrande, who was holding Li Ke, also gently stroked Li Ke's hair with his hands, but this action made Li Ke quite unhappy, so under Illidan's unhappy eyes, he walked away from Tyrande's arms. come out.

"Yes, I need a little rest to be able to fight against possible traps, and to be able to fight against Kil'jaeden and Archimonde... It will take about a day or two, and I also need to make some preparations."

Li Ke clenched his fists. He was indeed very tired now and wanted to sleep. To be honest, it was better than the last time he made light cast iron.

But now that the matter is urgent, he really has no right to sleep and rest.

After all, the attack on the Burning Legion must begin immediately! We must not let the Burning Legion wreak havoc too much!

"Then, please stay here and rest, and leave the expedition to us."

Malfurion spoke seriously. He looked at Li Ke worriedly. It was not because of power or anything, but because Li Ke was basically the bottom line for their night elves to continue to exist forever, and they could forget about fighting. As long as they could ensure Their souls will not be captured, so they can continue to launch general attacks on the Burning Legion.

Rather than letting the weak Li Ke enter dangerous areas, it is better to let Li Ke take care of the logistics here.

And, defend the World Tree and the Well of Eternity.

"I see……"

Li Ke hesitated, but finally nodded.

He really wants to help Kael'thas, but God knows if Sargeras' will is here. Before he is sure whether the Sunwell can connect to Azeroth's will, he doesn't really want to face Sargeras again. .

Because this time, there is no resentment of Azeroth in his body, and there is no time for him to absorb the remaining Azerite. The exhaustion and injuries of his soul have not recovered. Even if he barely fights, it is just right. Just being able to fight Kil'jaeden and the others.

It would be better to rest for two days before fighting Kil'jaeden and Archimonde again.

Now that I have the power of the Aspect Dragon by my side, I don't have to worry about being unable to defeat either of them without the power of Azeroth.

The night elves also have Malorne and other wilderness demigods here, so I believe it won't be a big problem.


Illidan snorted coldly, but did not object to his brother's proposal, but looked at Li Ke.

"I will wait for you there. Don't think that we can defeat Archimonde and Kil'jaeden just by relying on us and those wilderness demigods."

His words were quite rude. He knew very well that even if Malorne and Cenarius were strengthened, these wild demigods who did not understand magic or strategy would not be able to defeat Archimonde and Kil. The possibility of adding Dan is only possible with a fighting ability like Li Ke.

Although Li Ke's magic is not very good, with his help, he can still fight the two commanders of the Burning Legion!

"I know, I will rush there as soon as possible. But before that, I will protect Mount Hegil."

Li Ke took a deep breath and sat cross-legged next to the Well of Eternity. In this energy-rich place, he could restore his state as quickly as possible.

As for the human world, what is the current situation in Quel'Thalas, and things like resurrecting the wilderness demigods...

He really didn't have any good options. In fact, being able to resurrect part of the night elves was already his limit, and it was something he had to do before he could heal.

Because this is his war mobilization, and it is also something promised to the night elves, something that cannot be stated clearly.

Watching Li Ke start to rest, Tyrande ordered his men to prepare various things while watching over Li Ke.

After Malfurion watched for a while, he looked at his brother, and then the two of them walked outside without saying a word.

When they were far enough away that Tyrande couldn't hear their quarrel, Malfurion stopped and looked at his brother who had completely transformed into a demon.

"You...you have finally reached a point of no return."

He looked at his younger brother and couldn't help but show disgust because of the demonic aura on his body, and his tone became stern.

In his opinion, Illidan is depraved because evil energy is uncontrollable!
However, Illidan was also full of anger and wanted to vent his anger on Malfurion. He unceremoniously said what Malfurion could not bring up now, and what he least wanted to bring up!
"You are the same. My brother, you are obsessed with nature, causing Tyrande to fall in love with someone else. Are you proud of him?"

If Tyrande married Malfurion, he wouldn't say anything, but now that it's such an obviously political marriage, he really has to ask his brother!
"This... this has nothing to do with you. Moreover, Tyrande is also for our race, for this world... for... for the moon god..."

Malfurion said such words, but he couldn't even convince himself because he was really sad.

"Ha... it has nothing to do with me. That's very well said, Malfurion. It has nothing to do with us now."

Illidan turned his head away, he was equally sad.

But what can be done?

Li Ke can now even resurrect the dead in batches. Even if the two of them are dissatisfied, they will not be able to kill Li Ke or take away Li Ke's Tyrande.

Because except for ignorant children, everyone wants to be resurrected.

"Then let's go prepare ourselves."

The two of them didn't want to talk anymore, and coincidentally, Kael'thas in Quel'Thalas didn't want to talk either.

Because in front of him were Archimonde and Kil'jaeden.

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