Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 672 Li Ke’s realization

Chapter 672 Li Ke’s realization

Although I have a lot of 'fantastic ideas' in my mind, and even a bunch of problems that will have to be solved by the wisdom of future generations.

But Li Ke just shook his head and threw these thoughts aside.

Just kidding, this kind of thing is essentially created to maintain stability and squeeze the labor force. If he optimizes the social structure here, he can create a magic empire that lasts for thousands of years. As long as he does not deliberately develop the population, he can even maintain the status quo of 10,000. Given the productivity situation and social structure over the years, there is no room for these types of gameplay to survive.

Apart from anything else, in modern society, it is extremely difficult to find a piece of unowned land to farm, and there is no way to guarantee your own harvest.

But in this world, say this to these vibrant Azerothians...

A great mage who doesn't like you opens a portal and takes people away. What else can you do?

Apart from anything else, if he did this, Tyrande would have to break up with him first, and there really is no competition between males and females among night elves and humans:

This ghost place has been in war for years, and there are a lot of women who have become warriors. The night elves are even more short of men as a whole race. The shortage of men is unbelievable. If you do this again, those night elves' girls who are crazy about wanting to get married can collectively Sacrifice to fuck you...

As for preventing people from escaping, how many resources do you have to spend to prevent a great mage?

So Li Ke himself knew that he was completely out of his mind. He just saw the phone, so he subconsciously thought of those operations.

Even because of this, he couldn't help but think about whether to promote the birth of mobile phones and computers in Azeroth.

"With the current capabilities, it is not a big problem to create a magical version of mobile computers. Although it is difficult to make a big breakthrough in the accuracy of the chip before we can solve the Titan ruins, there is magic, and many people are designing it. Things that require concessions actually don’t exist in this world. And if it doesn’t work, just use the magic core.”

Li Ke knows some chip technology to some extent, and the thing that makes him not want to complain is——

In this world, there are quite advanced differential engines, punch computers, and chips.

These three damn computer structures existed at the same time at this time, and they were developing very well.

Just like steam engines, diesel engines, and magic energy engines exist at the same time, they are the path forward together because of the existence of magic.

Not to mention the magic core of pure magic. This kind of thing has various functions, such as intelligent AI, battery, even the energy itself, control software, a lot of things are on it. It is nothing to integrate into a computer and a mobile phone. Too big a problem.

Except expensive.

When he thought of the cost of the magic core, a mask of pain appeared on Li Ke's face.

This thing is really expensive!

Even he can't afford to play with one person!

Moreover, among these numerous technological routes, even Li Ke himself is not sure which one will be better developed.

After all, to put it bluntly, the earth is just a sad world without romantic magic elements, which is different from this world where one can theoretically fly with huge force.

After passing the early stage, naturally it can only be used as a reference.

"The question is, do mobile phones and computers have more negative factors or more positive factors for this era?"

Looking at the young people working in the fields, and those walking in the fields with their grandchildren, carrying a basket in their arms containing bread and some wild vegetables, as well as some small animals caught by the children, I laughed. Li Ke fell into thinking for a while as he looked at the old men and ladies who were his children.

These people are in the Middle Ages. Is it really a good thing to just give them computers and mobile phones?

He really felt hesitant. Unlike food and clothes, mobile phones, computers, or the Internet are easily hacked.

Li Ke himself can use his magic ability to manipulate the information on electromagnetic waves in the neighborhood.

What's more, those beings with powerful power?

"No, this is a good thing..."

Li Ke continued to move forward, but in front of him, there was another group of people.

He was stunned for a moment, then raised his arm, and a burst of spells instantly enveloped the group.

"Mom, I plan to work in the town, go to night school, and go to the fraternity to meet people who understand technology and have connections... I don't want to live my whole life without knowing a word, or even spelling my own name. I don't want to My brothers and sisters are living their old lives again.”

Luke looked at his mother who was chasing her from the house. He was only fifteen years old and the elder brother of five children. Before he came here, he and his mother had dragged their younger brothers and sisters to grow up, hungry every day. Those who had a good meal also lived like that.

Although it was difficult to return to Stormwind City, and her mother who left Lordaeron missed the strong uncle who was in the mill in Lordaeron all day long, she was still able to survive.

Unfortunately, the Defias thieves later destroyed everything.

He knew very well that the Defias thief who robbed his home and broke into his mother's bedroom was the son of the mayor, but he could not say anything except that the blacksmith who spoke uprightly was a Defias thief.

Because their family still wants to live.

But a few months ago, a famine broke the tranquility of their lives. After receiving Sir Li Ke, their family decided to come here to live even though they did not know what title this knight had.

Before coming here, he actually had two younger brothers, two younger brothers who didn't know who their father was.

But these days, as long as you can be sure that your brothers are born to your mother, why should you care who their father is? After all, it’s not like his mother just did it because she liked it.

If not forced by life, who would like to sell their body?

He also doesn't care that other children in the town call him the son of a broken shoe and a bitch, because if his mother sells her body to support herself and the children who support her are accused of being a bitch and a broken shoe, then he is a broken shoe and a bitch. Son-in-law, what happened?

What he didn't want to see was that his younger brothers and sisters would follow the same path as his mother.

My mother is very beautiful, which is both lucky and unfortunate.

Unfortunately, because of his beauty, his father was killed early.

Fortunately, because she is beautiful, she can get more food and supplies by selling her body. Even with a few children, she is still worthy of survival.

Therefore, after defecting to Li Ke, when they faced the cold-blooded immigration officials, like most people, they wanted the right to rent Mr. Li Ke's land.

Then, he knew that the cold people in this world were not necessarily bad people, they could also be good people.

Those cold-blooded people didn't ask for the silver coins they had managed to save, nor did they ask for his mother's company. They just registered their names and asked if they could write, and then started to register them.

When he said on behalf of his mother that neither of them could write, he could never forget what the cold-looking clerk said.

"Then you can actually choose to be a worker in the towns. There is a shortage of people everywhere now. The workers' income is very high, and they can also bring their wives and children, and they have free schools, medical care, and food. You can Work while learning writing, mathematics, art, and other things to improve yourself.”

He refused at that time because he had heard about Li Ke's land rent exemption. The cold clerk naturally arranged the village and land for them, and sent all the people who came with them to the village.

Then he was shocked.

If it is said that the ground rent is exempted, then the ground rent will be exempted.

If you say give seeds, give them seeds.

Someone was robbing something and was caught by Li Ke's guards from the forest in the afternoon. When they came back, they immediately apologized and worked for their family for three days.

Food was given when he was told, and even the house was free. Priests and doctors came to treat his younger brothers and sisters. Even when he went out to see a doctor, several dogs were sent to his home. Pigs and chickens, and a big bag of vegetable seeds.

During those few days, he even thought that he had died and came to the Kingdom of Holy Light. The first thing he did when he woke up every day was to look at the yard and the village, just to see if his brothers and sisters were there. Disappeared, did his dead brothers and sisters find a home?

Then, he got used to everything here.

The mechanical team helped them open up wasteland and farm the land. Water flowed to their homes with the water pipes. From time to time, cold or strange-looking agricultural experts came to their villages to teach them about agriculture and then led them to farm. .

These were Li Ke's policies, and they were things he had no time to look at at that time.

But these things can no longer be said to be fantasy to farmers in this world.

Therefore, the words of the former clerk haunted the young man like a nightmare, making him want to go to the town to see if what the clerk said was true.

Because everything he is facing now is the message he heard at the beginning, and the message is not only true, but even better!

So he felt that Li Ke's town must have everything that the cold clerk said!

He wants to be literate! I want to learn to draw! He wanted to draw his former brothers and sisters, the beautiful and happy mother in his memory, and the smiling father!

He wants to repay Li Ke! I want to tell Li Ke that I am useful to him!

However, although countless time has been saved due to the public agricultural machinery brigade, agriculture still requires a lot of manpower. He cannot do without his family, his brothers and sisters, and his mother.

So he chose to stay and help his mother raise his brothers and sisters.

He planned to wait until he was thirty years old to go to Li Ke's town, study, and struggle, and then become Li Ke's soldier, Li Ke's officer, or a new, cold clerk!

Let more people be happy with a cold and fair attitude!


The miller has come.

The miller of Lordaeron came, bringing his children and his own pain.

His pregnant wife was eaten by ghouls in order to protect their child. He protected countless townspeople and was seriously injured and even died without taking a step back. However, he only failed to protect his wife, his youngest child and a No child was born.

He is also a person who chooses to live in the village. They met during a mechanical maintenance.

He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the miller.

In my memory, the tall, hostile, and even arrogant man who had an affair with his mother even though he had a family, and yet supported himself and his mother who had just lost his father, has now become kind and gentle. , eyes full of sadness and fear.

When he was a child, he felt that even if he grew up, he would not be able to avenge his mother's hatred for the man who abandoned his mother and deceived his mother. Now he is like a walking dead, as if he has lost everything. He knew that this man didn't care much about money, because when his mother left, he gave him a large amount of money and sent it far away in person, sighing constantly along the way, but because he had been married a long time ago, he was unwilling to give his mother Mother takes it back.

Because he was ready to run away alone.

He was in a trance because of his childhood memories. He went to see his mother again, only to find that his mother was no longer the beautiful woman she used to be.

He could have prevented the two people from meeting each other, but he remained silent. After seeing the two people recognize each other the moment they faced each other, and then hugged each other and cried bitterly, he sighed.

He had never liked this man, never had.

He knew that the other person was just for his mother's beauty at the beginning. He was a married man from the beginning, but what could he say now?

Both have lost everything, and if it was not destined by God, how could the two people meet in such a place?

So, this month, he watched the two people get married and move in together, and then, visible to the naked eye, the complexions and looks of the two people began to return to their original appearance.

He didn't know what to say, and he didn't know how to evaluate it, because this man really loved his wife, but he also really loved his mother. He didn't know how to evaluate it, but the result was that the life at home had a new beginning. The bull who has gained hope is doing it, and he is no longer so important.

And his mother also gained new hope. Although the man still cried in the middle of the night, seeing his child being taken care of by his mother, the frequency of his drinking began to decrease significantly.

Luke even felt that in a few months, his mother's belly would swell again.

After all, in this day and age, no one cares about people who have died for too long.

Care will kill people.

However, watching the man finish the work at home quickly, he thought of things that he had not dared to think of before.

I worked part-time and learned crafts, as well as learning calligraphy and painting.

Looking at the younger brothers and sisters surrounding the man who called him daddy, and the few children who timidly called their mother mommy, this idea was wrapped in his heart like a flame.

Therefore, when he stands here today, he does not dare to look at his mother, because he knows how long it took his mother to raise him, so he knows that he should not leave his mother now, and he still leaves without saying goodbye. ,But……

There is no place for him in this family.

He couldn't blame his siblings because they were still young and longed for their father.

There is no way to blame his mother because she did nothing wrong.

He couldn't blame the man because there was nothing wrong with him.

The only thing that can be blamed is that his father died long ago. As a result, I was extremely resistant to this man at that time, which led to the current situation.

But why did his father die early?

Because Stormwind City was captured by the orcs, they had to abandon everything and escape.

He could only blame the orcs.

But his mother didn't say anything reproachful. Instead, she thrust a package into his arms.

"Here are the snacks and dried meat I made, and some money. Don't go hungry on the way, save your money and spend it."

His mother was calm, but he knew that this was the face his mother used to disguise herself, and it would happen every time she wanted to cry.

The man hesitated and took out a box from his pocket. He opened it and showed him the cigars in it. He also took a bag from his shoulder, which contained several items. Wine bottle wrapped in dress.

"No one can produce the cigars produced in Lordaeron for the time being, and the Malone family's wine. The one Malone was bitten to death in front of me is also out of print. The clothes inside are my old ones. You may be able to use the dress... I know you don't smoke or drink, but there are always people who like it. There is also a letter in it. You can give this letter to the Iron Horse Brotherhood and say that you are my son. Also, don’t forget to go home during the holidays.”

He handed these to him and patted Luke on the shoulder.

"When something happens, just go home and we will figure it out as a family."

Luke wanted to cry, but he just nodded.

"...I know, I will be back soon."

But halfway through, he finally couldn't hold it back, and what came out together with the tears was a burst of laughter at his parents.

"...In addition to the other ten miles, I can always come back!"

After saying that, he watched the man hug his mother who couldn't hold it back tightly in his arms. Knowing that his mother had a new support, he quickly turned his head to prevent his mother from seeing his tears. , striding towards the town.

Move towards your own tomorrow.

After the couple left with the other children, Li Ke silently unlocked his own spell and broadcast the mind-reading live broadcast to others. Fandral, who was trying hard not to cry, turned his head and shocked Gray. Sen couldn't help but look at Fandral, and was surprised that there was someone with a conscience in this team.

To be honest, he thought this was quite rare. So he couldn't help but take out his handkerchief and wanted to hand it to Fandral.

But Fandral just took one look at it and refused directly, even scolded him.

"Go away, devil! I don't need your hypocritical concern!"

Grayson shrugged. His new colleague was really not polite, but he had no other ideas. He just silently put his mustard-stained handkerchief back.

There was no way, there were always idiots who couldn't cry or even laughed when Li Ke was talking, so he was used to wiping those people's eyes. And he also likes to see those people embarrassed, so he is always ready.

It's just that he handled it very carefully. The smell of mustard and everything else was gone, and even the first time he rubbed it into his eyes, he didn't feel it.

But I never expected that this great druid would see through it at a glance!

"It should be due to natural substances... If purified capsaicin or a simple chemical product is used, it will be fine."

He silently summarized his failure. This was not because the Archdruid scolded him and rejected his kindness, so he wanted to find an opportunity to take revenge and prove his skills.

After all, from Revendreth to the Burning Legion and all over the universe, everyone who knows Grayson knows that Grayson is generous and aloof.

How could he calculate the lives and souls of other people's families just because of such a trivial matter, and even have to torture them for two thousand years before being thrown into the furnace of evil energy?

Really, I don’t know who is spreading some strange rumors.

Better not to let him find him and his whole family.

And Li Ke also sighed a little. Although some people lamented the family affection, he found that he had forgotten an important thing within a short period of time.

In this era, a journey of more than ten miles may very well take a person's life. The journey of more than ten miles is like a natural chasm, it’s really not a joke.

He was previously worried that mobile phones would lead to some negative social phenomena, but it was just out of his mind.

Compared with the benefits brought by convenient communication, these undesirable phenomena only slightly increase the cost of social security. And add some audit departments and security departments formed by people who have been trusted by Thaksin, and it is best that he can control this communication terminal.

"We'd better get out our cell phones and computers, and we should seize the time for cars and other things. In addition, we must quickly heal the injuries to our souls... After I can't control my emotions, I always feel like my brain is not as bright as before."

Li Ke took a look and still felt that his child would be a mother who was forever isolated from him when he was more than ten miles away. He couldn't help but think of the bb machine - wired phone - PHS - smart phone he had experienced on earth. The age of machines. I couldn’t help but recall some tragic stories that occurred due to inconvenient transportation and communication.

But to be honest, he would still worry about losing his temper if he got it right in one step.

But what to say after thinking about it.

"If your steps are too big, just pull the ball. I'll take care of it. At worst, I'll cut it off and grow it again. I have the ability."

Li Ke touched his chin.

"By the way, it consumes a wave of industrial productivity...but what should we do with the excess productivity..."

After all, Azeroth's problem has never been low productivity, but the proliferation and prosperity of all things caused by excessive productivity.

His wave of industrialization made everyone stupid, but what to do with the excess industrial output?

Although Uncle Black Dragon is a cornucopia, and among his father-in-laws, only Dai Lin is the only one who has not exploded gold coins, but he, Li Ke, is a bottomless pit!

So Li Ke found that the smarter he was, the more problems he saw.

"What on earth are we going to do?"

He couldn't help but refer to the case on Earth, and then he couldn't help but think of a key existence.

"If I have a few who fight all day long and do nothing to produce, and need all kinds of industrial weapons and products, they will have the magic, technology, and resources I need, and they can even send me high-quality people, and they won't be stabbed in the back. Any heartbroken ally would be nice.”

He couldn't help but complain.

 Don't worry about me doing that...

  Which one is just to complain, mainly because I am too tired these days, otherwise for the sake of reading experience, this week's chapter was finished last week...

  (End of this chapter)

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