Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 673 The possibility of orcs

Chapter 673 The possibility of orcs

Li Ke thought of the Burning Legion almost immediately.

Because this is the perfect fit!

Moreover, he successfully signed a trade agreement with Kil'jaeden once again. Although this agreement has not started yet, this is not a problem. He has a long time now, and the current Burning Legion at least needs It would take about ten years before I could come here again to do things. I could definitely provide the Burning Legion with some supplies and let them invade other worlds.

"But this thing really corrupts the character, and the trade of such bulk commodities cannot be hidden from other people, and it can easily be considered as a commotion. So I still have to choose other races. Although I am not like It is Prince Minato and Emperor Yongle who are as worried about political changes, but the style and personality still have to be abided by."

Li Ke scratched his head. He used to think that the best he could do was to conquer the human world, annex the high elves, and then reach a friendly situation with the night elves, tribes and other forces, and then jointly develop the world of Azeroth.

But with the growth of his personal strength and the explosion of gadgets he created due to his knowledge and cognition, the original idea of ​​dividing the world into three parts was no longer possible.

If nothing else, let’s just say that the young man named Luke would pick up a sword and kick the orcs’ butts whenever he had the chance.

Plus the mechanical armor I plan to install...

Although the orcs are said to be created by the official orcs of World of Warcraft who hold the Warhammer, and even the entire World of Warcraft is full of complaints about not granting copyrights to Warhammer and DND, leaving them to do it themselves, but the orcs in World of Warcraft really do not have a warhammer. Orc mitosis…

They are more like a mixture of DND's orcs and barbarians, or an unlucky race without a racial god behind them.

I really encountered a mixed force of humans and elves equipped with power armor. Without my ability to think, they would really become extinct.

Although it is not unacceptable for Li Ke to let these blood-dead guys be killed by their enemies. Li Ke even promised that if someone among the human forces shouted to exterminate the orcs and started General mobilization, then no one among the human forces will stand up to oppose it.

Except for his true Virgin wife Gianna and other representatives of racial forces, no one would hate this.

Jaina simply felt that the orcs in her heart were innocent, and many of the orcs before had been deceived, so just a few grievance meetings could quickly wake up Jaina.

This girl has the world in mind and is a bit stupid, but she is neither bad nor stupid.


Li Ke tapped his arm casually, and a bold idea began to form in his mind.

If he finds Thrall and lets him go home as a bait, letting him go out to guard the Outlands and cooperate with Illidan in fighting, will it be a good thing for him?

That is to say, in the form of mercenaries, the orcs replaced the Azerothians to resist and attract the attention of the demons in this short period of time.

As a reward for protecting the survival of their race, one day in the future, he will help repair the ecological environment of Draenor, and can find them a planet without intelligent life in the future, or a parallel world of Draenor. No, send them back to live their original lives.

With the power of the bronze dragon in hand, it is not impossible for him to do such a thing.

Moreover, they can also plunder minerals from other planets and protect Azeroth's minerals and products as much as possible. Some highly polluting factories can also be relocated to Draenor, so that they do not need to be carried out in Azeroth, causing him to have to Spend great efforts to solve the problem of pollution...

Li Ke subconsciously touched his chin, feeling that this was something feasible.

As for whether it will fatten the orcs? Li Ke can be sure that it will not lead to incidents involving people of color.

Because he will not absorb the orcs into the Azeroth system. And although the industrial system in the outer domain is powerful, one thing is very critical.

Outland is finished.

Although Outland has persisted for a long time and has not been completely finished, it is a torn planet, and the gravity system has been completely disordered. Nagrand can see that there are stones floating in the air there, which is completely I don’t know when the remaining world will be completely destroyed.

The only useful minerals and rare plants left in this world are used to settle down. If you don’t die quickly enough and don’t have the ability to live there, it’s easy for your continent to fly into the sky in the middle of the night, and you won’t be able to live there at all. A helpless situation arises.

And how was Draenor destroyed?

The leyline connected to the Dark Portal, and then under the operation of Khadgar and others, the leyline went berserk, which directly caused the energy disorder of the planet, or a short-circuit runaway. Then Draenor cracked, forming the Outland we see now. .

In fact, the size of the Outland is constantly shrinking, and the earth is constantly flying into the endless void. In such a world, Li Ke can find a great mage to give suggestions on the magic circle, and then he can throw the Outland towards Draenor. The sun goes.

Or simply crush the continental shelf that is almost finished in one go and use the power of the black dragon. This is really not something that cannot be done.

It's just a matter of guiding the fission of the earth. What Deathwing can do, Li Ke can't do it?

"It is indeed possible, but..."

Li Ke put down his hand.

"Why am I doing this? What are the personal benefits to me of doing this?"

What Li Ke was thinking about was not the financial benefits. Only the orcs had a lot of money. What he was thinking about was whether the benefits brought by this matter were worth it, rather than letting other people take revenge.

And whether the people of Azeroth want to.

"Forget it...my mind is a little confused now, let's talk about it later when we get back."

Rubbing his temples, Li Ke felt that his soul was aching again, so he waved his hand and said that he didn't need to read anymore. He already had a general understanding of the current situation.

There was no trouble in the agricultural area. Although many young people left the countryside, the people from Lordaeron and Stormwind City who came in batches filled the gaps very well.

And the pioneering work was indeed quite good.

It's just that transportation and communications need to be improved, which he can take care of when he returns.

At worst, some diesel tricycles can solve most of the problems. If we build another factory, we already have grinding tools, lathes and the like, so that's the next task.

It’s time to visit the port area and industrial area.

Several people returned to the city, changed their horses, and Li Ke headed towards the industrial area.

However, when walking on the road, Li Ke and others changed their clothes slightly so that they were not easily recognized. After all, Li Ke came out to investigate the situation. He could cast spells at will outside, but in the industrial area, But there are quite a few mages.

He didn't want people to discover that he was secretly wandering around the industrial area with a large group of men.

There will be many rumors that leave people speechless.

And after changing their clothes, they can sit in the tavern and have a little something to eat.

Li Ke chose a pub that looked very lively. There were many people eating and chatting inside. Li Ke even saw two big men drinking with just a piece of bread and a piece of butter, and they looked quite comfortable. .

The reason why Li Ke chose this place is also very simple. Even though there is a free canteen, the pub is still so lively, which means that the food here is indeed very good, or the wine is very good. In short, there must be something good.

So he walked in casually and put on a hood to prevent other people from recognizing his face.

But when he sat down, he found that Grayson next to him looked a little nervous.

He was a little confused and couldn't help but ask.

"Grayson, what's wrong with you?"

Grayson was stunned for a moment. This was very rare in Li Ke's memory.

"It's nothing, it's just that I come here often... Your Majesty... No, Master, I just think that if we want to investigate something, we might be able to hear more by going to the public cafeteria."

He looked very serious, and you could tell at a glance that he was speaking from the bottom of his heart. Li Ke, who was thinking about the orcs, didn't think much and just nodded.

"Yes, but there are more people drinking here. They should all be on vacation or deserting their posts, so what they say often comes from their hearts."

Hearing Li Ke's words, Fandral, who was also wearing a hood, chuckled and gave a stiff compliment.

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

Li Ke shrugged and took the menu from the hotel owner who came over. He quickly scanned the price and found that although it was a bit more expensive, it only increased by a few copper coins compared to when he lived in the village. The same goes for food. Based on the salary in his own territory, this increase is nothing.

But it also made Li Ke couldn't help but start thinking about where he should look for financial experts.

Help yourself to calculate the impact of inflation and so on.

But he lived up to Fandral's kindness.

"As long as people drink some alcohol, they will forget who they are and what taboos they have. As long as they can brag about things, they will brag about them."

Fandral chuckled.

"It's like an owl beast that ate aged moon plum fruit."

Fandral showed a smile, but found that everyone in the group looked at him speechlessly.

"None of us know what the aged moon plum fruit is, and most people don't even know what the owl beast is. Don't worry, Fandral, they will know it later. But we are probably going to the cafeteria for dinner tonight, 伱There’s nothing taboo about it, right?”

Fandral shrugged.

"No, I've actually even eaten dragon meat."

"The black dragon's?" "The green dragon's."

Li Ke chuckled and spoke to the bartender casually.

"A treat for those around me, two glasses of mead for myself, and then a portion of your signature dish, and two portions of bread."

He didn't bring any money when he went out this time. In his pocket were candies for children, gold bars and other things, but there were really no gold or silver coins.

But Grayson obviously does.


The shop owner nodded and looked at Grayson subconsciously, but Grayson, who was wearing a hood, just raised his hand lightly and then spoke.

"He's right. Give me two bottles...two bottles of Victory wine, and then a three-mature steak. I don't want the rest."

The shop owner didn't think much about it, he just thought he would be unhappy if he lost the bet and asked for a treat or something. He had seen this kind of thing too many times, so he recorded it while watching other people first.

"Okay, where are you guys?"

Because it was not Li Ke's treat, the people Li Ke brought were not restrained and ordered quickly. However, to Li Ke's surprise, Fandal ordered all the meat and no bread or vegetables at all. interest of.

He even asked if there were any crabs, spider legs or anything.

Of course there is one here, and crispy spider legs have always been an indispensable delicacy on Azeroth’s tables.

Then Li Ke heard him speak in a firm tone.

"Give me four."

His tone was very calm, revealing an aura of death, and his eyes were extremely firm, as if he was facing a battle. Li Ke raised his wine glass unnaturally.

"Why does Fandral seem to have a grudge against the bug...oh, he really does have a grudge..."

The order was placed quickly. Although the store owner was curious about why Li Ke and his group were all wearing hoods, he didn't say anything.

However, just as Grayson handed him the gold coins and turned to go to the kitchen, he suddenly turned around and watched Grayson cross his arms.

Li Ke subconsciously thought that Grayson had accidentally miscalculated the money, and then he saw the tavern owner smiling and taking off Grayson's turban, and then when Grayson smiled at him in embarrassment, Li Ke spoke with a smile.

"Oh, I said who is this? Isn't this my Mr. Johnson? Why don't you chat with me today? Did your idiot boss who even needs you to change the sheets give you any strange tasks? "

Everyone on the table instantly looked in the direction of Grayson, while Li Ke silently drank his own mead. When everyone else looked at Grayson, he also looked at Grayson while revealing his A smile and a slight toast.

Although I immediately thought that Grayson probably came here to drink and complain when he had nothing to do because he gave him too many tasks. As a result, all the tavern owners knew him, and then such an embarrassing scene occurred.

But Li Ke was really not too angry, because he did give Grayson enough work and was tiring enough.

The first thing he thought of was that if his boss asked him to do the job he assigned to Grayson, he would most likely pull out his boss's intestines and strangle him to death with his own intestines, so Grayson just drank in the tavern. He really didn't care if he complained too much.

But he didn't expect that the Dread Lord would also be drunk...

Maybe it's time to find some help for Grayson.

But Grayson felt that he was going to be doomed, so he quickly pushed the store owner away.

"You have made a mistake. I am not Johnson. I am from Lordaeron. My name is Tom. You have made a mistake."

But the tavern owner was not happy.

"Hey! You can't even think of deceiving me! You even gave me two gold coins worth of wine!"

This scene made Li Kele couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and then he smiled and raised his glass to drink the mead.

I don’t know about it on Earth, but in this world, this thing tastes similar to pineapple beer, but the taste is much mellower. It is an alcoholic beverage that can be drunk by women and children. Li Ke was even laughed at because he liked to drink it.

But the Coke in this store comes in small cups, not the one-liter large cups, and it's not iced. He might go back and drink Coke.

He had no choice but to leave Coke to Varian, but Varian's efficiency was really...

A headache.

So far, the production of Coke has not increased.

Just when he was thinking about whether to get Varian in shape, because Coke was related to his and his son's future living expenses, Grayson came back wiping a cold sweat.

"Sorry, Master, but I can explain, I want to collect intelligence, so..."

Grayson was really panicking. Sometimes the tasks assigned by Li Ke were too anti-human. He, a devil, had to work around the clock, more than ten times busier than in the Burning Legion. In addition, Alsace's tasks, Sasha Glass's mission, Denathrius's mission, Kil'jaeden's mission, his whole body was almost numb.

So when Li Ke started hanging out with those women, he would pretend to be a chamber of commerce guy and come here to drink and complain.

Over time, I got to know the tavern owner. As for the credit, it was intentional, because a chamber of commerce guy obviously didn't have that much money.

"So the boss you are cursing is not me, I know that."

After saying that, Li Ke chuckled.

"What's more, I also know how tiring the tasks I give you are sometimes. But you still have to collect for me the acquisition and transportation of goods by these bosses, as well as what they need and what worries they have. Give it to me, I want it tomorrow morning.”

Grayson was stunned for a moment when he looked at Li Ke. He didn't expect that Li Ke really didn't care about this matter. This task was completely punishment in the eyes of others, but if it was the previous Li Ke.

He'll want the report within the hour!

Asking means trusting the Burning Legion’s intelligence network! The devil's ability to do things!

"Yes! Master."

Everyone burst into laughter, and the hotel owner also noticed something was wrong. He immediately came over with two large cups of Coke, placed them next to Li Ke, and then bent down to apologize while speaking.

"I'm sorry, sir, I really didn't know that you were his boss. I said those words myself. He just said that you gave him a lot of work."

But Li Ke just smiled.

"I just punished him to make a report. Don't worry about him. He is my friend."

Grayson, who was completely relieved, subconsciously became worried when he heard Li Ke call him a friend.

Because so far.

The situation of Li Ke’s friends is not very good!

But at this moment, Li Ke smiled and patted Grayson on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, Grayson, I regard you as a friend, why would I care about this?"

Li Ke showed a sincere smile. He was serious. Grayson could be said to be his beloved relative and friend!

He meant it, because Grayson helped him so much.

Much more than Kael'thas's.

Grayson: "…………"

So, Denathius, who was dealing with government affairs in his room at night, saw the letter sent by Grayson.

"... I have served you so far. If I think about it carefully, I dare not say that I am sincere and sincere and share weal and woe, but I have done my duty and worked diligently. Now I am facing the dangerous predicament of parting ways. It is really sad and sad... In short... we have reached the sad and irreversible end. Every time I think of the time I spent serving you, I feel deeply honored and happy..."

Denathrius frowned in confusion and nodded.

"What did you write about?"

The Dread Lord is his spy, so he only writes very few letters to him, so he should act very cautiously. When Grayson wrote the letter, he thought Li Ke was dead, but what kind of bullshit did he write?

So he quickly flipped through two pages and then looked at the last sentence.

"... In short, I can describe it in one sentence. I may not be able to see you again. My life and Azeroth, my soul and your dear friend, my lord, have no choice but to devote themselves to the land of lush water and grass, and devote themselves to the beginning. The supreme authority of the birther.

——Grayson’s last words. "

Denathrius: "??"

Li Ke wants to kill Grayson? !

What happened? !

 I don’t know if the last one will be criticized.



(End of this chapter)

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