Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 682 Li Ke’s choice

"Well, is it over yet?"

Ysera looked at Li Ke and Alexstrasza who was satisfied with a hazy look on her face, and couldn't help but ask.

This sentence made Li Ke, who had just instilled the power of the dragon into these two people, stunned for a moment, while Alexstrasza covered her forehead speechlessly.

"Well, Ysela has always been like this...she has a very low perception of the world when she is half asleep and half awake."

Alexstrasza, who had not been so satisfied for a long time, immediately explained to Li Ke. She knew Li Ke's ability. It didn't mean that she couldn't satisfy herself and Ysera, but simply because——

Ysera is almost immune to physical damage.

When she was half asleep and half awake, the material world did almost no harm to her.

This is also a problem when transforming into a human form. If the power of the dragon is mobilized in a fragile human form, it can be easily affected.

Because transformation is a true physiological change, many magic schools strictly prohibit the transformation of sheep, cats and dogs into humans.

It is really easy to cause all kinds of chaos and create countless new races with advanced intelligence.

"Ah, I know, but..."

Li Ke patted Ysera's butt and then made a decision.

"You can practice extra tonight."


Alexstrasza was stunned for a moment. After seeing that Li Ke was serious, she stroked her belly, feeling Li Ke's power and life essence, as well as the abundant power of the red dragon that could be shared with her children. She couldn't bear it. Zhidao got in front of Li Ke and gave his own provocation.

"Doesn't it seem like you haven't realized that you should respect your dragon mother?"

Her fingers gently lifted Li Ke's chin. Although the stock in her belly was enough to turn the dragon egg born this time into a giant dragon, no matter as the mother of dragons or as the binder of life, she was more Other dragon mothers love children even more and want to create life.

This is instinct, her character, and the reason for her strength.

She looked at Li Ke's strong body, as well as the powerful strength and vitality hidden under this body. She had just been satisfied, but in the face of the desire for more children, this satisfaction changed again and became thousands of years later. of hunger.

Therefore, she even subconsciously licked her lips and couldn't help but put her breasts against Li Ke's body again.

The dragon's transformation allows her to enjoy the happiness of different races. For example, this piece of meat is full of fat. The dragon has no related functions and genes, but when she changes into this, she But there are more related functions, as well as the instinct of breastfeeding, as well as the compensation mechanism hidden in the genes specifically for breastfeeding.

That is, the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction of raising a child with a part of yourself, and some nerve-stimulating joy.

Li Ke: “…………”

He was really hesitant. The two female dragons were not easy to deal with in every sense of the word, especially Ysera, who was immune to physical damage, plus had 80% mental damage reduction, and even recovered very quickly. , ensuring that she can both enjoy and avoid the mental exhaustion and physical exhaustion of mortals.

Alexstrasza has a different feeling. The feeling of burning in your body like a raging fire, greedily burning everything about you, is also very noticeable...

Bottomless pit.


Not only the consumption of physical strength and nutrients in the body, but also the consumption of energy.

The exercise he just performed consumed enough energy to drain an adult dragon of its life force and dragon power from its body. If you don't have the strength to sleep with these two, you will really die!

"I finally understand why their spouses don't live long, and Krasus has been hiding outside. I remember that when I was laying eggs for the orcs, one of Alexstrasza's husbands was because he kept wanting to be with Alexstrass. Lexstrasza cooperated, so I was exhausted..."

Feeling the burning desire of the Life-Binder again, Li Ke finally understood why Alexstrasza's spouses were all very strong, but each one of them performed like a soft-footed shrimp, and the only one who showed strength Not bad Crassus, but a guy who hangs out all day.

He was still wondering at the time. It was not that the dragon had a baby dragon with Alexstrasza alone, but that everyone except Krasus's spouse had a baby dragon with Alexstrasza, but why were all of them useless? One even died.

It turns out that the dragon is really capable of killing!

But Li Ke doesn't feel that he really has any actual relationship with Alexstrasza. The dragon egg in her belly can have self-awareness even without his power and life breath.

To be honest, Li Ke still can't accept that such a child is his own child...

After all, he had really tried it, and his earthly genetic seeds were of no use to women in this world.

Although they look exactly the same, and even have the same microstructure, the underlying logic is different, which directly results in their bodies being unable to decode their own genetic information.

and so……

"Perhaps in the hearts of the people of Azeroth, the child in Alexstrasza's belly will be my child, right?"

Li Ke sighed slightly, pushed Alexstrasza aside, took out the memo he had written before, and began to look for the way to deal with the dragons that he had thought about when he was thinking before. He was going to take it out and revise it before starting. use.

But before that—

"Since we already have this kind of relationship."

Li Ke sat in front of Alexstrasza and pointed at Alexstrasza's lower abdomen. He could feel that his power was integrating into Alexstrasza's body and then entering those dragon eggs.

"Then I need to tell you that I am connected with the Burning Legion. The backbone of my territory and a large number of grassroots civil servants are also demons. Moreover, I have also made a deal with Kil'jaeden. If not If Sargeras intervenes, I will most likely defeat Archimonde and Kil'jaeden at Mount Hyjal, sign a non-aggression treaty with the Burning Legion, and then go to other worlds with the Burning Legion. Loot wealth and resources to increase Azeroth’s heritage.”

Li Ke said the words in an understatement that made Alexstrasza and Ysera open their mouths at the same time. They had thought that Li Ke had used the power of evil energy.

But I didn't expect that Li Ke would be so deeply involved with the Burning Legion!


Alexstrasza stood up suddenly. The long life made her want to catch Li Ke immediately and start interrogating him, asking why he betrayed Azeroth, and how could a person who made a deal with the devil have the right to accuse him? them!

However, she touched her belly and finally sat down.


She asked feebly.

Nothing is more despairing than that the savior of Azeroth, the man who defeated Sargeras, is a partner with the Burning Legion.

"Because I was weak and needed strength. Evil energy and demons were the fastest way to gain strength. But unfortunately, Sargeras seemed determined to destroy our world, so my cooperation with the Burning Legion was shattered. Able to cooperate with the Eredar of the Burning Legion."

Li Ke felt a little regretful, but he also knew that Sargeras's behavior was not a wrong move. He almost succeeded.

"You will understand the difference later. In short, the Eredar seem to be of the same mind as the Legion, but in fact they are just chasing a higher civilization and were deceived by Sargeras, so for me..."

Li Ke chuckled.

"They are just like you, they are a race with demands, not an enemy that you can't get along with."

Alexstrasza can't understand it. In her eyes, Li Ke is an absolutely good person, a person who can provide most of the benefits to the people, so that the people can live happily and learn various skills.

He was even willing to bear all the sins in the process, and even almost sacrificed himself to protect Azeroth.

Even if such a person is a saint, there is absolutely no problem.

But, but...

Even if you just cooperated with the devil in the beginning, why do you still want to cooperate with the devil now?

Alexstrasza couldn't understand and couldn't understand Li Ke's thoughts.     “What do you want?”

Beauty is something that is quite easy to obtain for Li Ke. Although their looks are beautiful, to put it bluntly, for people like Li Ke, they are just a little special in terms of status.

It’s not like there aren’t those who are more beautiful than them.

"What do I want? I want to have a group of beautiful wives, rich clothes and fine food, plus I can enjoy it forever. When I get up every day, I either play games or travel with a group of women who can let me play with them as I please. No matter what I do, It can get applause from countless people.”

Li Ke chuckled, all his desires were so vulgar.

"But as a king, you can get all these, right?"

Alexstrasza was even more confused. Is it difficult for a human king to do this?

"Ah, the things I want to enjoy are things you can't think of, things that don't exist in this world for the time being, but it's not your fault. After all, people are troubled by their own perceptions, but I also hate that some people fail to appreciate their talents. After working hard all their lives, they died of cold and hunger. Some people suffered injustice and had nowhere to complain. Some people clearly had many important things to do. Many family members did not have time to cherish them and died because of illness and longevity."

Li Ke snapped his fingers, and the next moment, his elf maid quickly walked in and poured him a glass of red wine.

"I can't enjoy a world where these things exist."

Li Ke took a deep breath and then spoke.

"To tell you the truth, Alexstrasza, I still can't accept that the child in your belly is my child, because I have always considered myself a human, but even so, I don't mind. Let me tell you something."

Li Ke pointed to the stool under his butt.

"I will remove myself from all positions in ten years. The second leader of the Republic of Azeroth will be Sylvanas, but you, Tyrande and Alexstrasza will be her permanent secretaries and Prime Minister."

Alexstrasza opened her mouth in shock.

"You're giving up your rights?!"

"Yes, ten years is enough to make this world the way I like it, but for people like me, I am not qualified to let the entire society continue to advance."

Li Ke is very clear about how much he weighs. He knows some political things, but Azeroth is different from the earth. He can at most give a direction. How to go next depends on the people of Azeroth. my own.


Look at Azeroth.

His vision is limited, and his way of thinking is completely different from that of people in this world. When he is at the top, taking charge of the overall situation, he cannot see anything.

And it's ridiculous for an Earthling to rule the people of Azeroth forever.

"I only told you about this, Ysera and Tyrande. Moreover, I think you should also know the reason why I chose Sylvanas."

Alexstrasza nodded.

She had learned about the political system that Li Ke had briefly introduced. The permanent secretary was in charge of all official affairs of the leader. Basically, documents had to go through the permanent secretary.

The permanent secretary is mainly responsible for the promotion of civil servants, the assessment of various functional departments, and various files and secret documents.

The Prime Minister is mainly responsible for coordinating the administrative plans of various departments and the implementation and changes of various plans.

The leader is responsible for the direction of the entire Azeroth. The person who theoretically holds all the power is voted in by the entire government apparatus.

Yes, Li Ke complied with some things, but he didn't know whether his suture monster system could operate normally in Azeroth.

"I don't care who the third and fourth term is, but the sixth term must be a human, and preferably a civilian, and the seventh term is best a dwarf or dwarf. But no matter how we treat them in the future, the goblins will Goblins are not allowed to participate in political activities.”

Li Ke tapped the armrest to express what he meant.

Alexstrasza nodded, even she knew what would happen if a country was handed over to the goblins.

And Li Ke's meaning is also very simple. The third and fourth leaders belong to their dragon clan and night elves. The reason why Sylvanas is allowed to occupy one of the leaders is a series of plans to let Li Ke stay. Able to implement stably and verify whether errors occur.

"Also, a plan finalized through the national parliament must be persisted for more than five years no matter what difficulties there are. This is the unspoken rule of this country. I will not announce it for the time being. You dragons can feel free to do it here. Profit from above.”

Li Ke doesn't care at all about the leader he promised to be. By the time he becomes the fourth leader, he will probably be wandering around other universes like Medivh. He may even become an e-sports player in DVA. Azeroth is none of his business. .

He made a promise, where are the documents? What about the video? Where's the proof?

However, Alexstrasza looked at Li Ke and still didn't understand one thing.

"But why did you give up all this?"

Although Alexstrasza knows that Li Ke will never give up his influence and wealth, if Li Ke doesn't want to, no one can make him step down from that position.

There would be no problem if he directly proclaimed himself emperor.


Li Ke spread his hands.

"I am self-aware."

The fate of Azeroth always needs to be controlled by the people of Azeroth themselves.

Social progress can never be achieved through one person's efforts. And there are some things that a person cannot see at the top of the mountain.

Moreover, who can be sure that Li Ke will not be corrupted by power?

Who can guarantee that?

"I'm not sure I'm going to be corrupted because I'm a horny bastard, so I have to make sure."

Li Ke put down the wine glass in his hand.

"The branches will not break in the hands of the chameleon."

The same is true for hope and development, which should not be broken by the creator.

And the reason why he told Alexstrasza and Tyrande this was also very simple.

They are people who have truly persisted for ten thousand years and have not been corrupted by power.

But Li Ke’s words are still in Alexstrasza’s heart...

"This child..."

Looking at Li Ke with a determined look on his face, Alexstrasza felt distressed. She felt distressed because Li Ke was clearly a dragon but felt that he was a human.

"...I have suffered so much. I am too concerned about this world!"

So, when Li Ke looked serious, Alexstrasza, whose motherly nature had been stimulated, hugged Li Ke passionately, and then, with Li Ke's expression of "you're kidding me", she pressed Li Ke on the ground.

Li Ke was really confused. He said this just to let the Dragon Clan work for him with peace of mind!

He didn't let these two female dragons rape him!

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