Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 683 Mountains and gravel

Chapter 683 Mountains and gravel

Li Ke never expected that Alexstrasza, who was solemn and generous in front of others, would be in such a situation behind others.

Although in theory it was still in front of people, the image of the solemn, steady, and even melancholy Red Dragon Queen in the game CG and missions collapsed in front of him.

You can't say that they are stalking each other in bed. You can also say that they have nothing to do with the queen at all. They are just one and the same...

Li Ke didn't know how to describe it.

Ysera doesn't experience fatigue or pain, so she can keep playing.

It can be said that Alexstrasza will not get tired, and the damage on her body will be restored instantly after being washed with the power of the red dragon.

These two people's debauchery can really kill people.

"It seems that not only female dragons will be given maternity leave in the future, but male dragons will also need maternity leave. But will this not reflect well on the male dragons?"

Li Ke was sitting at his desk writing a memo. He finally understood why the female dragon had such a special status in the primitive dragon society.

Because not only in the normal state, the male dragon's power is not as good as that of the female dragon, but he is also crushed by the female dragon on the bed. Even because of this reason, his lifespan and physical condition will be greatly reduced...

"That's it."

Li Ke felt that it was nonsense to give holidays to dragon workers and civil servants for such reasons, but the matter was such nonsense.

This is the case, and objective problems also exist, so it is natural that such regulation is needed.

"If this is the case, do we need to provide other subsidies to other races?"

Li Ke knocked on the table and started thinking.

The joint rule between multiple ethnic groups is a big problem in any world. On the earth where the racial gap is not particularly obvious and large, it is a fool's errand.

Although they are essentially class issues and economic issues, the contradictions between nations also have conflicts in themselves.

Moreover, preferential treatment means that there will be economic problems. When a certain ethnic group is relatively poor at the beginning, it is not obvious. Once the overall economy rises and the social status and assets of other poor and disadvantaged ethnic groups reach the status of the dominant ethnic group, then these Problems arise with preferential treatment.

But this kind of preferential treatment cannot be canceled by people without courage, and in politics, courage is almost suicide.

Being courageous in politics means having no brains, caring for one's companions means covering up criminal scandals, having courage means being used as a weapon, and having perseverance means having no backing.

However, objective problems also exist. If maternity leave is not given to male dragons during their childbearing period, Li Ke feels that these male dragons will most likely have problems at work...

Touching his waist, Li Ke glanced at Alexstrasza who was kneeling between his legs, eating with relish, and couldn't help but cover his forehead.

He is lustful, but he can't stand it when facing Alexstrasza at full strength, because in the heart of this dragon mother, the most important thing is to reproduce the offspring of the dragon with all her strength!

There are many children with Li Ke's power and life essence. When the time comes, Li Ke will have to recognize them even if they don't want to, not to mention that these are really Li Ke's children.

Moreover, the dragon army has become stronger. No matter how many conspiracies the demons have and how many benefits they offer, Li Ke can defeat those demons without relying on the demons or relying on the power of the dragons and night elves.

So Alexstrasza didn't really think that she would rarely be satisfied for ten thousand years, so she started to indulge herself.

After all, Ysera is still lying on the bed. She is also the mother of dragons, so she is not as fanatical as Alexstrasza.

Although she likes to be dreamed by...

But it can also explain some situations. Alexstrasza is really working hard to help and save Li Ke in her own way.

Although the womb weapon looks disgusting and despicable, this weapon is really useful.

Alexstrasza can't resist Li Ke, nor can she convince Li Ke, so she can only use her own natural weapons, and she really hopes that her children will be strong and smart enough, and have enough power. many.

This is the wish of all dragon mothers.

"I always feel that I think too much and do too little... But the feudal system in this world has just begun to be perfected..."

Li Ke rubbed his face, held Alexstrasza's dragon horn, and sighed.

"Now, the workers should be organized, right?"

He stroked the red hair of the tireless Alexstrasza, and Li Ke remembered what he had ordered before.

Other things like the civil service system can actually wait until a long time later, but organizing teachers and workers to start learning can be done now.

Moreover, the ship to Lordaeron also needs to be prepared. Other people have done this. Li Ke just needs to give instructions.

After all, now he had the help of the night elves.

Although the night elves are actually outside his system now, they are still able to use their power.

Li Ke thought of this, looked at Grayson's report, and then saw a specific number.

This is the preparation time to prepare the ferry to save more people of Lordaeron and recover more people of Lordaeron. Some basic things still have to be prepared. After all, this time is about recovery, not simply expelling the undead.

"It will take another week for supplies, but as for personnel... we still need to recruit some local nobles in Lordaeron. After all, those commoners may not like me."

Li Ke looked at the list of personnel provided to him by Grayson and felt something interesting.

Because there was no Commander Gatherris on it, and there was a piece of information written on it. The Commander died together with Uther.

"I think I've seen this information...but there's no big problem, um..."

Li Ke continued to read his report, then thought for a moment and began to write on the special parchment.

"Let the people from the Armed Forces use light cast iron to make the armor, and it will be fully installed in a week. Let Magni and the great craftsmen do it. It is best not to affect the use now, but not to affect the modification in the future."

Although his original intention was to use light cast iron as the raw material for the Holy Light Powered Armor, the plan could not keep up with the changes. Now he has installed the light cast iron armor. At most, he will make some more, or remelt or forge these armors. In short Just give Magni and others a headache.

Originally, he should have done this work. He, Li Ke, is also an excellent handicraft blogger!


"Whoever has subordinates will do it themselves."

Li Ke gave the order, a little arcane light appeared on his hand, and the message on this parchment appeared on another parchment.

Grayson, who was busy with the Ministry of Agriculture with Fandal outside, almost stopped his heart when he saw Li Ke's order, but he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that it was not something that was troubling him. Then, with a gloating attitude, he passed Li Ke's order to Magni and the great craftsman who were already very busy.

After all, he wasn't the one doing the work.

And this time...

"Okay, boys! The salary is very generous. Is there anyone willing to go to Ironforge with us to carry out city construction? This is the approval document from the lord. Are any of the boys interested?"

Magni stood on a temporary podium set up in the factory and kept shouting. In front of him were countless workers who came here to take classes.

Now it's just for him to recruit workers here temporarily.

"Locall, are you interested?"

A person who could tell he was from the Shovel Brotherhood looked at the person next to him. Although the other person was not from the Shovel Brotherhood, in Li Ke's territory, the significance of the Brotherhood was not as great as it was in other places. , because whether it is work or other aspects, Li Ke's guards and officials are incredibly fair, and there are almost no neighborhood conflicts, so the fraternity has almost become a mutual complaint about the canteen and the food cooked by his wife, plus the academic performance of his own children, and A place for some gossip.

It is better to say that it is an alliance of poor craftsmen who helped each other than it was an entertainment salon for nobles.

Anyway, they are doing pretty well now.

Because of this, he can also become close to people who are not members of the fraternity.

"I advise against going."

Locall shrugged.

"Although the salary and benefits are higher, there are not enough schools there. Haven't you heard? The Lord has to pinch his nose to accommodate those addicts because of the magic crafts of the so-called 'higher' elves, and even has to Sacrifice yourself and marry that cripple. I think that with the temper of our lord, we will probably be able to teach enough mages in the future. And you should also know that what is used in factories now is a combination of magic and machinery. What is called engineering? Study, so we must study more to get ahead.”

As he spoke, as if to make himself more convincing, he pointed to a person in the distance who was wearing a coat, but the skin on his body was quite rough. In the eyes of these people, he was not worthy of the coat and shiny leather boots. of men.

There were obvious calluses and scars on this man's hands, and he could tell at a glance that he was either a miner or a former blacksmith apprentice.

But here Li Ke is the director of a factory, and he is still stuffing chocolate into his mouth.

"Look at him, he just found a formula for the iron alloy used in cans, and he successfully became an official. He even had income from patents. He used to die without anyone even looking at him, but now he is a master. .”

He paused, but his friend interrupted.

"Where is the master here? We only have one master, the lord! The lord has stipulated that no one can call others a master. Regardless of status, there is no need to kneel or bow. Shaking hands and saluting are enough."

His friend seemed to enjoy this with a cheerful smile on his face.

"It's only here with our lord that we can hold our heads high, but what about outside?"

Lokall didn't care about his friend's interruption, but asked his own question.

His friend froze, then fell silent.

But thinking of his own child and the child in his wife's belly, he still spoke.

"But the treatment they gave was really good..."

It's not that Li Ke's salary is not enough to feed these children. Although the taste of Li Ke's workers' canteen is just average, workers' families are not prohibited from entering to eat. Feeding the children is not a problem at all, but buying good-looking clothes and buying them for the children is not a problem. Li Ke's wages are not enough for his own books, or even for a small smuggling operation.

After all, Li Ke is no longer so strict about the sale of books. Li Ke probably didn't even notice this. He helped create a magic version of the modern printing press, encouraged innovation, and really gave a real After gaining gold, silver and status, a large number of workers and farmers came up with the good things they summarized and produced.

Therefore, it also inspired countless people to study hard.

Li Ke is usually busy with major affairs in Azeroth and thinking about the survival of this planet. This directly leads to him not having time to look at these things one by one. This directly leads to the ordinary paper in his territory starting to be replaced. He also not found.

But this is normal, because the paper and things Li Ke uses are always the best, so he cannot find them in his daily life.

However, now that there won't be any big crisis in Azeroth, he can slowly look at these little things.

"But improving yourself is the most important thing."

Locall uttered his interrupted words, and his friend fell silent again.

But just when Lokall thought he had convinced his friend, he could let go of the idea of ​​going to Ironforge with Magni to earn more wages.

After all, Li Ke's learning opportunities here are too precious, and Lokauer's intuition told him that during the period of Li Ke's training, especially when Li Ke suddenly ordered those workers who had nothing to do for the time being to learn various knowledge. , instead of building a palace for him, Lokauer believed that as long as he continued to learn engineering and the knowledge that Li Ke wanted them to learn, he would have a lot of chances to get ahead!

Because Li Ke can't possibly make those high elves disgust him for the rest of his life!

Everyone can see that Li Ke is very kind. Lokauer alone knows very well that in this world where people cannibalize people, how kind a person is, then he will have several times the thunderous means!

Because simple good people cannot survive in this world!

when suddenly his companion spoke again.

"I have twelve children."

Lokauer was stunned for a moment, and instantly realized that his persuasion was in vain.

But of the twelve children, only six were his companions’ own, the others were adopted or picked up!

This fool wants to sacrifice himself for the future of these children!

"That place is in Ironforge, Lawn! Do you think the nobles in Stormwind City will like us? We are protected by Lord Li Ke in the West Wilds, but if we are there, do you think Lord Li Ke can protect us in time? ?! Moreover, Mr. Li Ke’s education is free! Your twelve children can all receive free education! Just like us!”

Lokall couldn't help but grabbed his friend's collar.

But his friend just smiled.

The education provided by Mr. Li Ke is indeed free, and the teachers are also full of enthusiasm, but what about the cram school? What about private tutors?

"The possibility of twelve people becoming successful is always higher than the possibility of one person becoming successful, Lokall."

He laughed.

"As for me, that's it for the rest of my life. I do some physical work, drink, get together with friends and chat, and that's it."

His smile was very relieved, but Lokall felt weak for a while.

He couldn't find any reason to persuade.

(End of this chapter)

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