Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 702 Mograine’s Conflict

Chapter 702 Mograine’s Conflict

But Li Ke didn't expect Dai Lin to understand his thoughts. In this world, he had been disappointed before, so he would naturally not try to believe it at this moment.

After he finished speaking, he walked towards the throne where Terenas once sat. Looking at the throne where Terenas once ruled the six kingdoms, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"At the beginning, Terenas wanted to use the orcs to force you to surrender to him, but he got himself into chaos and made all humans weak. To be honest, it is difficult to say that such a leader is competent. Because of his own lack of ability, he wants to make everyone less capable... and he also wants to enslave new slaves instead of liberating the imprisoned productivity. No wonder the mages in Dalaran look down on him."

Li Ke now thinks about Terenas's policies and has a different view. After all, the person standing next to him now is Dai Lin, the loyal horse boy who is indispensable for all Terenas' plans.

Dai Lin's contribution to Terenas is really great. Terenas's alliance and the use of the Orc Sanctuary to oppress other countries, and also oppressed his own Seven Wound Fist, would have been useless without Dai Lin's cooperation. impossible.

After all, for Dalaran, the food crisis is more terrifying than the property crisis, because Dalaran is not short of money. High-level and mid-level mages can use the money they get from squeezing apprentices to hire a large number of mercenaries, and even It is the merchants who buy what they need. This is why cultivating a mage consumes so much money, but it can still produce a lot of mage continuously.

Because for Dalaran, the per capita salary in Dalaran is still very high, and although consumption is also high, there is absolutely no problem with the flow of funds.

Low-level mages can earn money by working for high-level mages, and high-level mages can use their own spell props to plunder merchants' money and recycle apprentices' money.

It is for this reason that while the threshold for mages is very high, it also allows those who can pass this threshold to complete their studies as mages.

It's hard to say whether this is the result of Dalaran's deliberate control, but the result is that with Terenas's set of seven-wound fists, Dalaran was actually the least damaged, even because of the containment of each orc. Therefore, it more or less requires some mages to monitor and research, but it has added a lot of jobs to Dalaran.

But as a result, it has even more seriously increased the burden on the entire human world.

Dai Lin really didn't want to discuss this issue, but when she thought about Terenas' death, and her new son-in-law seemed to be the type who liked to develop the so-called productivity so that everyone could have enough to eat. , after he saw Jia Liya leaving, he couldn't help but joked.

"It seems that his contribution in death was more than in his lifetime."

Dai Lin's words were quite harsh, and it could even be said that they should not have been said by someone like him who has a deep friendship with Terenas, but the fact is that he did say so, and there was no psychological pressure at all. .

"Isn't this a bit mean?"

Li Ke couldn't help asking, and Dai Lin glanced in the direction of Jia Liya again, and after confirming that Jia Liya was looking for a place to cry in the company of her daughter, she shook one of her arms and used an inexplicable expression. The tone spoke.

"Well, you should also know that for the king, personal preferences are often not important at all. How to do good to your country is the most important. As for me, I want to make the Proudmoore family successful. It took a lot of effort to occupy a place in the land of Lordaeron and obtain the right to live on the land, so Terenas often faced me in this regard, but after all, he is still a relatively moral guy, no Let my efforts be in vain, so I have always regarded him as a friend, but if you say there is any real friendship between me and him..."

Having said this, he looked at the throne room and couldn't help but laugh.

This smile was very complicated. It included the resentment that he had sacrificed his son and fleet, but could not get a dime in Alterac. It also contained the resentment that Terenas made him unable to pay to support his enemy. Resentment.

There is also a sense of helplessness that an old friend has ended up like this.

"So if his funeral was just for his friends, there wouldn't even be a way to fill all the chairs here."

Li Ke was silent, this is the fate of an emperor, a fate that no emperor can break, that is, he no longer has friends around him.

"Being an emperor is indeed not a good job. Power and status are always accompanied by blood, crying, and responsibility."

Sighing, Li Ke slowly walked up to the throne that was still stained with blood. Looking at the blood stains left behind, he turned around casually and sat on the throne that could be said to be ominous.

Then, the sigh was finally over. He looked at the soldiers, officers, and leaders of the survivors who followed him. Li Ke took a deep breath.

He really doesn't want to regain Lordaeron so early. What he wants is for all the nobles of Lordaeron to die. Besides, although this will cause many Lordaeron people to die, he can also take advantage of the situation. Collect a large number of undead with their own will, and then let these undead continue to work as laborers, and then resurrect them after they have accumulated enough merits.

After all, resurrecting them is not a difficult task. Resurrection spells are much easier for him than cleaning the Sunwell.

However, now, if you want to perfectly deal with the people of Dalaran, you must accept the surrender of the nobles, big and small, and for the sake of good reputation, you have to treat them well. The land reform work will be very troublesome.

But compared to these landowners, those bastards in Dalaran are the ones who should be guarded against the most.

After all, these landlords can use various policies and fists to make them give up their land. For example, if a law is introduced that people who own land cannot be officials and avoid corruption, these people can be killed directly.

Or first improve the treatment of the people outside these people's territories, and prohibit these lords from letting the people leave, and then send pickets to investigate whether these nobles are confining the people. There is always a way to get these people to hand over their territories.

As for the lord who treats his people better than Li Ke, Li Ke also recognizes him. After all, such a person must be a capable person. Let him be the prime minister in the future. By the way, before he leaves office, he can formulate a law that the prime minister cannot have territory or private property. .

Regarding land issues, as long as the power is strong enough, the rights will be strong enough.

Those bastards in Cordalaran will indeed slow down the entire system.

This is not possible, because the landlords will probably kill them all, but civil servants cannot kill them all.

"Use Lordaeron Castle as your base and start to recover other places. I hope that before next month, the problem of the Undead Scourge will become a security problem instead of a military problem."

Li Ke, who was sitting on the throne, issued his order, while Dai Lin below bowed and was ready to send his letter.

Terenas needs his help to force the kings, and Li Ke also needs his credibility to make the people of Lordaeron trust Li Ke.

And Jia Liya...

She is just a legal tool.

"Oh, by the way, order people to search for Tirion Fordring, and say that in my name, I pardon his crimes. The people of Lordaeron need his strength and wisdom. It's time to stand up again."

Li Ke said something to Dai Lin again, and when she thought that Li Ke would use Tirion, the guy who spoke to the orcs, Dai Lin's expression became quite unhappy.

But he nodded anyway. "Yes, Your Majesty."

Li Ke's golden-armored warriors, as well as Dai Lin's warriors who also wore light-cast iron armor, also began to expand towards the entire territory of Lordaeron, giving these people new hope.

Those natural disaster strongholds without high-level lichs are no match for Li Ke's steadfast warriors. It often only takes ten fully armed warriors to easily defeat the undead in a town and make those resisting forces endure. I couldn't help but feel shocked.

The Crusaders led by Alexandros Mograine naturally received Li Ke's letter.

"It seems that Lordaeron can be saved...but it won't be called Lordaeron in the future."

Mograine looked at the letter in his hand, feeling very happy, but he couldn't help but sigh.

Because too many people in Lordaeron died, many people's families were broken up. Although many people relied on Jaina's ship to leave here, more people in Lordaeron died in the undead natural disaster. He couldn't help but feel sad and helpless for these people.

After all, he can probably guess some of Li Ke's plans, so his senses about Li Ke are also quite complicated.

There is hatred, but there is also helplessness, and there is also helplessness that Li Ke thinks about things too far.

After all, he really has no idea of ​​becoming king himself.

But his son Renault Mograine couldn't help but frown. He thought his father was sighing for the throne, because if Li Ke hadn't intervened, after all the undead natural disasters were cleared, then the entire Lordan Lundu will become the property of his family, and his father can become the king.

By that time, as the eldest son, he was naturally the future king who was bound to do his duty, so he was quite hostile to Li Ke's envoy.

"Father, do we really want to take refuge in that guy who is not even an illegitimate child? A guy who established his own territory by using the name of an illegitimate child?"

His face was full of disdain, and he had a contemptuous attitude towards Li Ke.

"Li Ke is a knight, Renault. Even if he is not an illegitimate child, his rule still has a certain degree of legitimacy. And although there is no wedding, both Miss Jennifer and Her Royal Highness Caliya are his de facto wives. So for us, he does have the qualifications to be a king."

Alexandros Mograine glared at his son. Unlike other people, he was quite afraid of Li Ke, although because of the lack of information, they did not know the epic battle that Li Ke had experienced. , but Lordaeron is so difficult to recover, and he will never be mistaken about the light cast iron armor worn by these warriors who deliver the message.

Teams of hundreds of people can be equipped with polished iron, and there are even many paladins. They say that this gentleman is rich all over the world. It is really not nonsense.

"Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking, Renault, Li Ke's strength is beyond what we can fight against. He is very strong. You can tell just by looking at the armor of his warriors. And don't forget it." , where do we buy our weapons and armors from, maybe he doesn’t have better armor?”

Alexandros Mograine pointed to the full-body plate armor on Renault. This armor was modified using the plate armor produced in Li Ke's territory. It can be said that if there were no Li Ke, then Renault would I can only wear chain armor.

Because all the craftsmen, miners and the like were almost dead, it was impossible for the few remaining blacksmiths to build a full-body armor specifically for Renault.

It's not that the Mograine family is too poor to even be equipped with a full-body armor, but although there are many armors inherited from the family, once they are damaged in battle, there is no way to perfectly repair them under such circumstances, so Had to get new armor.

Although the full-body armor purchased from Li Ke at an unimaginably low price was rough, it could be turned into a good set of customized armor with a little polishing. Therefore, until the battle has reached this point, Renault still has a complete full-body armor.

"Just an upstart."

Renault curled his lips disdainfully, causing Alexandros Mograine to frown. However, looking at the letter, recalling the legend and reputation of Li Ke, and looking at the conditions Li Ke asked them to surrender, he reluctantly I couldn't help but think about it.

Because there was not much preferential treatment from above, although he retained his position, his army had to be dispersed and reorganized and trained. The purpose of defense was very obvious.

However, Li Ke also said in the letter that he would give him two thousand sets of armor similar to those worn by the golden-armored warriors outside, so that he could arm his own troops, and he would provide food, grass, and soldiers' wages.

The welfare benefits of soldiers will also be the same as those of his fellow soldiers, but the specific distribution depends on him.

Renault and his younger son Dallion can also join the military academy where he is the principal and retain their original military positions.

It can be said that if he is more shameless now, he can directly get a marshal and two generals for Li Ke.

However, what he cared about most was Li Ke's final condition.

His territory can be purchased with enough money.

"Does Li Ke want to take back everyone's land? Isn't this a bit...forget it..."

Alexandros Mograine thought for a while, and he struggled a bit in his heart, but in the end, his belief in the Holy Light made him choose to give up his selfish desires, and he also threw away his care for the land.

After all, when an emperor wants your land and you don't want to resist, the first one to give your land will get the best results.

“It’s better to preserve the ancestral home, manor, and ancestral cemetery.”

He made his own choice, but looking at Li Ke's treaty, thinking about his identity, his worries about Li Ke, and some of the things his son showed, he raised his head suddenly.

"Reno, let Sally prepare and ask her to go with the envoys to reply to His Majesty Li Ke. We agreed to all the requests and let her stay there as a female officer."

His words made Renault stunned. He didn't believe that his father didn't know that he liked Sally Whitemane, but he still said so. Doesn't this mean -

"Father! Do you know what you are doing?!"

At this time, Renault Mograine's heart was filled with anger.

 The computer is broken and my balls hurt.



(End of this chapter)

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