Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 703 The Tragedy of Mograine

"For the family and for Sally!"

Alexandros answered his son categorically. For the Ashbringer, he knew very well what his son was thinking, but he was very disappointed with it.

Because in this world, if a ruler only fights for his own selfish desires, not for what glory represents, but simply for glory, then he cannot become a qualified leader no matter what.

Although Terenas has become old and dim, he also knows exactly what he wants to do, and he has given a future that everyone agrees with.

In other words, the Seven Kingdoms were unified, so it was okay to suffer a little in a short period of time. Alsace's patricide was purely an accident.

He could indeed rely on the reputation of the Crusaders to force himself to become a larger lord, or even a king.

But will his sons really be worthy successors?

The consequences and disasters that can be brought about by a duke's incompetence are completely different from the consequences and disasters that can be brought about by becoming a king.

"What you want to say is, why should we give up the seemingly easy-to-get throne so that you can become the future king? But Renault, my son, have you ever thought about what kind of king you want to be? Have you ever thought about it? How do you want to unite the lords in the territory?"

Alexandros photographed the letter Li Ke gave him in front of Renault.

"Let's see! Renault, if you can have one-tenth of the foresight of Lord Li Ke, I will be willing to strive for the status of emperor, and the most important thing is-"

The tall Ashbringer stared at his son and spoke word by word.

"Are you willing to give up marrying Sally, marry Her Highness Caliya, and sever ties with Sally forever? Renault, Sally Whitemane is my adopted daughter and your sister. From an ethical and moral point of view, you are absolutely You cannot marry her, and her joining Mr. Li Ke is the only way to ensure the continuation of the Whitemane family!"

Alexandros' words silenced Renault. If he married Sally Whitemane, then although their children would have the inheritance rights of Whitemane, they would not be named Whitemane.

Moreover, the Whitemane family is not a big noble, and their territory is very small, so they will not seal one of their children there.

In other words, if he marries himself, then Whiteman A will basically be extinct.

Unless he is willing to let one of his and Sally's sons leave the Mograine family and inherit the Whitemane family's territory.

Although this is not impossible, if Sally is his sister, then it will be a big problem.

If it was just an adoption and not an adopted daughter, Alexandros wouldn't object too much, but Sally's father was Alexandros' old comrade-in-arms, and he had vowed to treat Sally as his own daughter. of.

And this was a scandal, one that would saddle the Mograine family with annexing other people's lands.

"Besides, I don't think you can be happy between you. You are too reckless, and Sally is very radical. The two of you together will only make all kinds of things irreparable."

Alexandros knew his son's temper very well. He was a soft-spoken guy. He could easily agree with what others said according to his ideas, and then he would do it as soon as his mind got excited.

It is most appropriate for such a guy to be a little lord and find a wife who is gentle and humble, and can take care of him, instead of Sally, a wife who is more fanatical and radical than himself.

Sally is more suitable for a man who can give her a platform to express her ambitions but can control her, while Reno will only become her puppet.

In the end, no matter what happens, the house will be in a state of unrest.

As for driving away the eldest son and letting the second son inherit the family business, it is impossible, because he has never taught the second son anything similar, and he has always let the second son rush on the battlefield to gain merit. His path is also paved.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for him to let Renault ruin the good reputation and glory accumulated by the Mograine family for generations!

He would never agree to this marriage under any circumstances.

"Do you know love! Father! Sally and I truly love each other!"

Renault grabbed his father's shoulders regardless, looked angrily into his father's eyes, and then spoke angrily.

"If you let her go, you will take my life away!"

And Alexandros couldn't help but speak out in anger. He knew his son too well. The reason why his son didn't answer his questions about Caliya was because he himself was not sure. Are you willing to give up your kingdom for love?

"You are just because she is beautiful! Renault! Know yourself clearly! Your talent is not enough to make you a king!"

Alexandros sighed in disappointment. How could he be so willing to give up his land and military power in exchange for Li Ke's preferential treatment if his son could act like a master?

His son is not a person who can achieve anything at all. Only a moderate position can prevent him from ruining his family. Giving him any important responsibility may lead to the collapse of everything.

"Father! You always look down on me like this!"

Renault was going crazy, but Alexandros was already feeling tired.

"It's not that I look down on you, my son."

Alexandros gently swept away his son's hand.

"But you really don't deserve to be a king."

And Renault recalled everything about Li Ke. The nobles of Lordaeron did not think much better of Li Ke than the mice. Even though Li Ke made them make a lot of money at the beginning, this did not prevent these nobles from privately Li looked down upon Li Ke.

Renault is one of them.

When Alexandros said that he was not worthy, he subconsciously compared himself with Li Ke and found that he was still better, but his father, who only knew how to belittle himself, said that he was not as good as that bitch!

"Is that Li Ke worthy? That despicable guy in the mud!! He was just lucky enough to receive the blessing of the Holy Light. If he can do it, so can I!"

His words made Alexandros, who was already full of anger, completely explode. He slapped his son in the face unceremoniously, and directly slapped the tall Renault to the ground.

"He is your king! And how dare you insult the Light?"

Alexandros put his hand on the hilt of his sword. He felt that after so many years of careful teaching, his son understood the conditions Li Ke gave and the goods he was willing to give. The strength is definitely not something they can fight against. The person who can raise an army that can sweep the entire undead of Lordaeron within a few months, and can regain the Castle of Lordaeron within a few days is definitely not something they can fight against.

They have to be careful when fighting a town dominated by natural disasters, but dozens of soldiers under Li Ke can sweep across the battlefield.

Although there are many reasons why the armor is made of light cast iron, it also illustrates Li Ke's strength!

Moreover, the other party also has the support of Dai Lin. Food has been a huge problem on our side until now. The other party has Dai Lin's fleet and caravan to ensure the transportation of supplies. Li Ke is definitely not short of money. Their big The rear area has not been directly attacked by the undead natural disasters and can continuously supply supplies. What about them? They almost don't even have a blacksmith anymore, how can they fight against Li Ke?

With courage?

So when he saw that his son was still daydreaming about becoming a king after seeing the conditions given by Li Ke and the battle report, Alexandros felt that it would be better to kill his eldest son and let his younger son take the throne. . Although his youngest son doesn't know how to scheme, he is straightforward and firmly believes in justice and the Holy Light. Even if he is deceived, he will not make any big mistakes and can still protect the Mograine family.

"He is not my king! Father! Your cowardice and cowardice are really disgusting!"

Renault's eyes were filled with hatred. He looked at his father and couldn't help roaring.

"So why do you think I can't do it?"

This question stimulated Alexandros's blood pressure even more. He felt more and more that he had failed too much in educating his son, but he also taught everything by words and deeds.

He felt that his heart and brain were about to explode. He really didn't understand why his son was so stupid. Even though he had explained it to himself, he still didn't understand the pros and cons of the matter.

"Have you forgotten everything I taught you?"

Alexandros asked tremblingly, but Renault just snorted coldly.

"Both Sally and I are interested in boring stuff."

Sally, Sally, Sally!

Alexandros sighed as he kept saying the name in his mind. But he was more disappointed with his son. He didn't think Sally made any mistakes, it was just his incompetent son who was at fault.

But Sally can never stay with her children anymore!

Alexandros made his final decision.

"I went to see Master Li Ke in person and escorted Sally to Master Li Ke to learn the teachings of the Holy Light. I believe that this way, you can feel at ease. Renault, it's time for me to teach you the last important thing."

He took a deep breath as he turned around, facing away from his son.


Looking at his father's decisive figure, Renault's hands were trembling with anger. He looked at the back that showed no defense against him. The king's throne and the body of his childhood sweetheart all flashed before his eyes.

And all this, this father who always looks down on him, has to give it up to a despicable guy!

"old man!!"

Renault roared in his heart.

His personality, career, abilities, and love were all denied by his father. So, what's the point of his life? !

Renault drew out his sword angrily. In anger, he wanted to destroy something, even if it was himself. But when he saw the undefended back of his father Alexandros, a A bold idea appeared in his mind.

"I can disguise myself as the father those messengers killed!"

The moment this idea appeared, it was entangled in his heart like maggots on his tarsus. All the images of his father's denial of him and his denial of his efforts from childhood came to mind.

Especially for Dallion's doting, scolding, and unceremonious decision to the things he loved, his anger finally found a way to vent, and the dark will continued to spread in his heart. Finally, Renault made his decision.

"Old guy! You've lived too long!"

All the anger and grievances turned into something on this sword, and Renault's expression became crazy.

In fact, if he hadn't seen his father's undefended back and recalled the things he had been denied since childhood, he wouldn't have done such an irrational thing.

But there is no if.

He thought about that and made his choice impulsively.

The moment Renault pulled out his sword, Alexandros turned around and wanted to stop his son from committing suicide. He never thought that his son would take action against him, so the moment he opened his mouth, he was stabbed by his son. Pierced the chest.

"Don't kill yourself...my..."

The severe pain allowed Alexandros to see what had happened. He saw his son's distorted face that did not look like a human face, and his crazy smile, as if he had done something wonderful.

When Renault heard these words, he instantly understood what his father meant by turning around. He loved himself and was afraid of hurting himself.

But now, what's the point?

Looking at the sharp sword that he stabbed into his father's chest, Renault had a question in a daze.

Did I really do this?

Yes, I did this.

No, this was Dallion's doing...

No, my brother doesn't have the courage. He listens to his brother and father the most.

So who did it?

Renault glanced at the sword in his hand and suddenly realized that it was his own sword.

"Oh, so I killed my great father!"

Renault's brain was very chaotic. He didn't know what his expression was now. He knew that he had already done this, so he quickly grabbed the Ashbringer in his father's hand to prevent his father from being hit by this sword. Powerful Holy Light heals himself.

This was completely a subconscious act, and Alexandros was completely disappointed in his son as he watched his son take away his symbol of glory.

"A little bit..."

Alexandros fell to the ground tremblingly, and gave his last admonishment to his son who was still smiling crazily.

"...It doesn't look like me."

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