Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 707 The Complete Collapse of Lordaeron

Chapter 707 The Complete Collapse of Lordaeron

Unlike Whitemane who was so excited that he didn't know how to express his excitement, Fairbanks on the side was completely stunned because this was completely different from what he originally thought!

And he opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he didn't know how.

Obviously it is their mission to kill Alsace, and they do need such a force, but why does this situation become so weird in Rico's mouth?

Why is there a feeling that the Crusaders and they are going to be doomed right now?

His mind became trance-like. He was thinking hard, but he didn't know what to say, and he didn't even have the courage to express his thoughts. Moreover, Fairbanks also knew very well that even if he opened his mouth, There are no words in my empty brain that can stop this scene from happening.

Although Dathrohan is a highly respected person, he has not been responsible for the policies of the Knights of the Silver Hand in the past, but as a vanguard.

Even oneself is more qualified than the other party in terms of political ability!

And will General Abedis choose to go against himself?

And the most important thing is——

They are also willing to hand over most of their territory in exchange for their status with Li Ke.

But, why is it so strange?

Seeing Fairbanks's lonely and at a loss, Dai Lin, who was on the side, knew his thoughts very well. He sighed helplessly, and then walked to Fairbanks' side.

Then he motioned to the pious priest to follow him out.

Fairbanks was a little confused, but even in the past, when Lordaeron still existed, he couldn't resist Dailin's call, so he followed directly.

After walking out of the palace of Lordaeron in the past and coming to a garden, Dai Lin took out a cigarette, but Fairbanks subconsciously wanted to refuse, because as a person who serves the Holy Light, he should quit these cigarettes. Something.

But thinking about the things before, he just wanted to find something to soothe his spirit so that he would not have a mental breakdown or lose his composure in front of Li Ke.

"Well, just put it in your mouth, light it up and suck it at the same time."

And Dai Lin didn't have any airs, and taught Fairbanks kindly.

But Fairbanks just grimaced and spoke.

"I know that the soldiers from Kul Tiras and Li Ke's soldiers smoked this kind of cigarette. Even their lighters were passed here, which is very convenient. But those soldiers don't care much about lighters. On the contrary, I care more about this kind of cigarette...to be honest, I don’t know what to say.”

As Fairbanks said this, he took out his lighter, lit a cigarette for Dai Lin, and then lit a cigarette for himself.

Dai Lin chuckled lightly.

"As a monk of the Holy Light, you naturally don't like this, but those soldiers don't have the Holy Light to rely on, and they don't have anything else to find hope for themselves. Naturally, they like tobacco even more... After all, I can see that you The people of Lordaeron are uneasy."

As Dai Lin spoke, she took out a flat iron kettle from her arms, opened it, and handed it to Fairbanks.

Fairbanks could smell it immediately. It was an extremely strong drink, and the smell was immediately good.


Fairbanks hesitated for a moment, then took it. The alcohol quickly entered his body, making him feel that he could relax for a while and be able to resist the cold of Lordaeron.

And just when he was about to pass the jug of wine to Dai Lin, Dai Lin shook her head, took out another jug ​​from her arms, and explained.

"My daughter is not very smart, but she is very strict with me as a father, so I don't have any wine around me, so I can only carry some with me...Drink, I bought it from Li Ke's territory Yes, it tastes very good and is very cheap. You can buy a large bucket for one or two silver coins, and even ordinary people can buy it at will."

His words made Fairbanks open his eyes wide, and he looked at Dai Lin in disbelief.

"One or two silver coins in a bucket?! How is this possible?"

It's not like he hasn't drunk such wine before. The wine is clear and refreshing. He hasn't drunk such wine for a long time. Even in Lordaeron back then, such wine could easily be sold for more than a dozen coins per barrel. The high price of gold coins.

But Dai Lin said one or two silver coins? !

Isn't this cheaper than food? But how is this possible? !

Fairbanks knew how to make wine, so he knew very well how much grain and grapes were needed to make wine, so he was very surprised and couldn't believe it.

Is the western wilderness so fertile?

"This is actually the case. At present, the food supply in the Western Wilderness is absolutely sufficient, so a lot of corn is even sent to feed cattle and sheep to ensure the supply of meat. It is said that there will be those druids in the future. With the help of others, the already abundant food production in the Western Wilderness can even be increased fivefold."

Dai Lin spoke casually. If Li Ke's territory hadn't surpassed his territory in all aspects and surpassed all the kings at that time, showing a terrible war potential, he would have been crazy to do this to Li Ke. convoy!

The fleet is gone and can be rebuilt, but without food and people, there is nothing.

"From now on, the Western Wilderness may no longer be called the Western Wilderness, but should be called the Fertile Land of the West."

Having said this, Dai Lin patted Fairbanks on the shoulder, looked at the once glorious Lordaeron man, and spoke word by word.

"It's a bit unacceptable, isn't it? In an instant, the things that I relied on in the past completely disappeared, and the things that I could rely on also disappeared, and in fact left the stage of history. Relax, Fa Urbans, this is the time, a time that none of us understand, even fear."

Fairbanks was silent. He took a big sip of wine. He didn't know how to express such a gap, because if what Dai Lin said was true, then Li Ke could pull off a conservative start just by thinking about it. An army of millions!

Under the attack of such a large army, there is no possibility for Lordaeron to talk to Li Ke peacefully!

"So I hope you will cooperate with Li Ke and Fairbanks. You should be very clear. If you treat the wound and don't clean all the stains on the wound at once, what a big problem it will cause. A small wound , and even kill a knight, Your Majesty will not leave such a wound."

Fairbanks nodded, and then fell silent. Spirits can not only be used as a condiment, but can also be used in various places, starting fires, disinfecting, everything can use this wonderful thing, plus Li Ke's terrifying ability to make armor and weapons...

"So, who else in this world can resist him?"

Fairbanks asked with some difficulty. He didn't know if Li Ke wanted to do bad things, who else in the world could stop Li Ke.

Especially how do they face the threat of Li Ke?

Their glory and responsibility lie in their own territory, but who can stop Li Ke like this?

Who can be sure that Li Ke will not casually make up some lies to kill them in order to get rid of them.

It's not that Fairbanks looks down on Whitemane and Bridget, but the methods of these two girls are definitely not as good as Li Ke's! The strength, skills, and reputation of these two women are not enough to compete with Li Ke.

"So we can only obey, Fairbanks, if I were you, I would take those officers to join Li Ke, the young officers would go to the military academy, the old officers would become local police chiefs, and You landed people, take my word for it, Fairbanks.”

Dai Lin's tone became deeper.

"It is best to give up your territory. Our Majesty is very important to the integrity of the territory... You may not understand how efficient his administrative system is, but I have seen it with my own eyes. He is not We need help from nobles to rule.”


Fairbanks opened his mouth. He wanted to say that it was not impossible if he could stay in his own territory and serve as an official, but Dai Lin immediately interrupted him.

"Don't think about staying on your own territory, Fairbanks."

Dai Lin's face became unusually calm.

"Do you think Mr. Li Ke would not think of this? He has enough manpower and management talents. If Mr. Li Ke's decree does not work in your place, what do you think will happen? Moreover, do you think , will my Kul Tiras be spared?" His words made Fairbanks unable to help but remain silent. It seemed that this was indeed the case.

Whether Li Ke is polite or not, it's all the same to them...

It's just that even Kul Tiras, which is alone and invincible overseas, has to hand over its territory. The admiral is forced to voluntarily hand over his country. If you think about it...

Fairbanks looked at Dai Lin, whose face was as sinking as water. For some reason, he felt much better.

After all, Lordaeron had already perished, but Dai Lin took the initiative to do so. But, has Li Ke mastered Kurtioras as quietly as he mastered Lordaeron?

"This is really..."

It's terrible.

Fairbanks took a long puff of cigarette and then spoke helplessly.

"It's really frustrating."

It's not despair, because Li Ke will fulfill his promise, but it's not joy, because Li Ke unabashedly covets and possesses their territory.

There is no hope. They were willing to hand over their territory before because the Ashbringer united them. They could still maintain their status through various methods, but now...

"Yes, after all, we have no choice. Fortunately, I have sufficient experience in facing the collapse of the earth and the new world."

Fairbanks laughed at himself when he said this. When he was young, he watched the rise of Lordaeron, and then watched the orcs crush the nations, destroying his concept of the world's number one human being, and then Let him see the absolute rise of Lordaeron.

Originally, the alliance was the prototype of the next human empire. After all, everyone had realized what kind of power they could unleash under a unified country.

But then, Arthas destroyed everything, turning the world he finally knew upside down again.

Throughout his life, he was lucky enough to see the script of a possible civil war in the Seven Kingdoms, the script of mankind uniting to fight against foreign enemies, the script of a prince destroying a great empire, and the emergence of a macho man who wiped out everything and separated the people of the old era from the old ones. The script that has been sent away with the times can be considered satisfying.

He has no heirs and no relatives. He clings to the territory only because of his friends, as well as the honor and responsibility of the family.

But if Li Ke can really build a world with so much food that wine can be sold for two silver coins, then so be it.

Fairbanks felt tired and relieved. But I was still a little unwilling, feeling that I couldn't explain it to my brothers.

But at this moment, Dai Lin spoke slowly.

"However, it is not good to always make loyal people like you sacrifice. Therefore, Mr. Li Ke gave me a list in private. This list is used to praise those who are willing to cooperate with him, although it will still happen. Lost something, but..."

Dai Lin said as she took out a document, but it did not contain any promises. It only had the right to trade goods in each region, and the property rights were for about twenty years.

The other documents include the positions of some instructors and consultants at the military academy.

Of course, there is also the right of military advisor to Li Ke's army.

Moreover, there are several medals that can provide a certain amount of money and privileges for soldiers.

All procedures are complete, and all that is left is a blank name.

Fairbanks watched the cigarettes fall from his hands. If Dai Lin and Li Ke had taken out these earlier, how could he be so helpless.

But Dai Lin just smiled, but Fairbanks couldn't imagine how many princes and positions were hidden in Dai Lin's somewhat bloated navy coat in the cold wind, as well as some that were obvious at first sight. Knowing that it was a document of a trough, they, the nobles of the olden times, could put their heads on it and eat in it with both hands.

"Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared, right? Moreover, true loyalty and reliability must be guaranteed. We all think so, right?"

Dai Lin looked at Fairbanks who was angry but not angry, wanted to scold but knew he couldn't, and couldn't help laughing.

But Fairbanks just nodded and took the document from Dai Lin.

But looking at the post above, Fairbanks asked hesitantly.

"So, has His Majesty said how it will be distributed?"

He asked curiously.

But Dai Lin just patted him on the shoulder.

"Your Majesty will not care about these minutiae, but, Fairbanks, I think everyone will believe you, right?"

After saying this, Dai Lin returned to the throne room without looking back, leaving Fairbanks who wanted to stop him to stay where he was. Then he was hit by the cold wind and shivered all over.

To him, the wind in Lordaeron became even colder.

After returning to the throne room, Dai Lin leaned over Li Ke.

"It has been arranged, and the remaining remnants don't have to worry anymore."

Li Ke nodded, but he originally planned to do this by himself or Grayson, but Dai Lin took the initiative to ask for it, so he was a little curious as to why Dai Lin wanted to do it.

"Thank you, but...why would you do such a disgraceful thing?"

Dai Lin showed a sly smile, because he actually tricked his son-in-law.

"I have to tell everyone in Kul Tiras that I have to follow the general trend and give up my territory, right?"

 Sorry for being late... I didn't get up until 11 o'clock.

  This is the gameplay of two peaches killing three soldiers. Everyone should be able to see it...



(End of this chapter)

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