Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 708 New Split

Chapter 708 New Split

"Things in Kul Tiras shouldn't be that difficult, but if that's what you want, so be it."

Li Ke looked at Dai Lin's face and understood that Dai Lin wanted both. Not only did he want to be able to rely on him, but he also didn't want to be burdened with the infamy of giving up his territory.

Therefore, it is natural to ask everyone in Lordaeron to voluntarily give up their territory, so that he can become a White Lotus and say in the country, "You see, I am not willing to do it, and I am not willing to do so. Li Ke's policy is followed by Luodan Luntian Huang Guizhou, and I can't do anything about it. '.

Li Ke doesn't have much objection to this, because this is a normal thing. As a king, he naturally has to bear these things, and if he feels that his reputation has been damaged because of this, it will be detrimental to his own strength. I am too unsure of my status and position.

It can even be said that if the leader of a country cares too much about his personal reputation, then the country must not be able to grasp the context of the times well.

So Li Ke doesn't care. Dai Lin obviously wants to retire, so he cares, but Li Ke doesn't care about this.

His throne comes from himself, how could he care about such a small thing.

"Thank you for your concern. After all, as a school leader, reputation is a very important thing."

Dai Lin smiled. The responsibility of a good son-in-law is to be able to help the family with things.

Li Ke has done a very good job.

But he has never had time to focus on this matter, and now...

And because this matter cannot be known by non-demon, he found a few dragon friends and friends from the shadow side, and updated the incubator.

There is no way around this. No matter what era it is, places close to ports and major transportation routes are the most suitable for industry. That is to say, some confidential units need to be located in deep mountains and old forests.

At that time, the great plains of Lordaeron can be directly defined as an agricultural province, and then large farms and universities will be directly established, and then Stormwind City and its surroundings will form a large industrial park.

Because the policies he had prepared for Lordaeron were no longer needed, he originally planned to wait two years before coming here again. By that time, most of the immigrants in Lordaeron would be able to start families and start businesses in the Western Wilds and their own new industrial city. No more running back to Lordaeron.

He didn't know exactly what the process was, but it seemed that after the rationing system, many people wanted to buy more meat, so they went through the back door. In the end, he was so annoyed that he wanted to kill people, and then he went to study how to increase the growth rate of chickens. Naturally, I thought of vitality ripening.

Because this new incubator uses dragon fire to hatch chicks, it has high resistance to evil energy, vitality, meat yield, and taste. It then attracted the attention of the new night elves from the agricultural department, and naturally Exposed in front of Li Ke.

The number of workers is not enough.

Thinking of this, Li Ke's mind couldn't help but go astray. Although he got a lot of things from Kil'jaeden with nothing, and forcibly turned the fraudster into an honest person, there is no doubt that , he really wants to build an evil chicken farm.

But when it comes to the chicken farm, Li Ke thinks of those jackals again. The jackal soul balls in his hand have been spent almost as wages. Now they are the souls of various pigs, ducks, cattle and sheep dissolved in the evil furnace. To give evil energy.

Li Ke covered his forehead. To his relief, his evil chicken farm came out, but unfortunately, it was not done by himself, but by a devil supervisor.

Li Ke woke up in a daze, and then looked at Whitemane and Bridget who had been sitting in his hall.

And at the beginning, he planned to recruit the undead to build some heavy industries that would cause death, but now that Alsace has created a new natural disaster, the undead filling machinery cannot be made casually.

Li Ke didn't pay much attention to this matter, but quickly got into work and began to think about Lordaeron.

"It looks like I have to find a way to find him and beat him up... No, I'm thinking about Lordaeron!"

When he was exposed, he thought he would be punished, but he was promoted.

How were they exposed?

However, the Jackal Mage who originally said he would recruit Jackals to serve him has disappeared.

And without reading Li Ke's plan, he figured out how to extract the vitality of chickens that were about to be slaughtered, and then pour them into the chicks to ripen them.

But now, Lordaeron still has a large area of ​​land that can be inhabited, so the people of Lordaeron are still very willing to come back. If they are completely restored in one go, many problems will arise.

"Speaking of which, my evil chicken farm seems to have appeared."

Although Li Ke doesn't like the Whiteman woman very much, because she is a twisted lunatic. Although she has a good appearance, Dian Po is really a bit too much.

On the contrary, Abidis, if the other party is willing, Li Ke doesn't mind exchanging Holy Light with the other party at night.

After all, this person is too innocent. Supporting her can better control Lordaeron.

But it's a pity that it's not suitable now because she is too innocent.

It can only be Whitemane who doesn't care about right or wrong in doing things, but only cares about position. Bridget would have to wait until Lordaeron became the food pasture for his empire before he could take power.

So, Li Ke looked at Whitemane.

"Well, the next step is to purify the land... But Miss Whitemane, it may take a long time to purify this land. Our first priority now is to ensure that the undead disaster will not invade again, isn't it? ? I hope you can be a little understanding, after all, we are different from those dirty undead, we have to eat."

Whitemane immediately responded to Li Ke's request.

"Of course! Of course I will cooperate with you!"

Whitemane had no intention of refuting Li Ke. Although she could guess some things, she didn't care because Li Ke supported her in fighting natural disasters.

Therefore, even though her lover gave up everything for her, she still looked at Li Ke with eyes filled with awe.

But this is not enough.

Li Ke still doesn't want to support him more. He doesn't want too many Lordaeron people to come back.

The smart Whitemane immediately saw what Li Ke was thinking, so she immediately thought of something.

If Lordaeron doesn't recognize her, how can she get more soldiers?

The only way to solve this matter is to make Li Ke trust himself more.

But how to make Li Ke trust himself more?

Whitemane thought quickly, and then thought of Li Ke's reputation.

Looking at Li Ke, who was shining with the holy light, Whitemane pulled Bridget, who was a little nervous and still thinking about the previous topic beside him, and looked at this place with eyes that were shining with fanatical light.

"Master Li Ke, Bridget and I both have some questions about the Holy Light that we would like to ask you. I wonder if there are any beds available in your current room. Can we talk about the mysteries of the Holy Light as much as we want?"

Bridget was still able to understand such a straightforward request to stay in bed. Her beautiful little mouth immediately opened wide and she looked at Whitemane beside her in disbelief.

Although she was ready to become Li Ke's lover when she came, she really couldn't say such a thing like Whitemane so straightforwardly and decisively in the hall of the King of Lordaeron. Accept it and feel ridiculous.

"Whitemane, what are you talking about! How can we do such a thing!"

She immediately wanted to undo the matter, but she didn't even understand what happened! But Whitemane didn't care what Bridget thought.

"Shut up, Bridget, this is our best chance. Could it be that you want us to lose the care of our incarnation of the Holy Light, make our army's food and supplies unstable, or are you afraid of Alsace? No Are you willing to follow the teachings of the Holy Light and defeat her?"

Whitemane, who was actually a lunatic, looked coldly at Bridget, who had grown up with him. Although he had feelings for her, Whitemane would never show mercy at a time like this!

Then, something happened that shocked even Li Ke.

"Sorry! But I have to!"

Whitemane waved his staff violently, and this woman, who was actually a madman, directly activated a wide range of mind control magic.

Although Li Ke could easily block it, he was still shocked by Whitemane's arrogant approach, so he did not resist and wanted to see what Whitemane was going to do.

Then, Dai Lin and the others left quickly, even Grayson, who was also not attacked, left.

Whitemane looked suspiciously at Li Ke, who had not been freed from his holy light spell, but when he saw Li Ke's clear expression, he immediately realized something.

After she showed a charming smile to Li Ke, she turned to look at Bridget.

So she flipped up her white hair, and then spoke in the ear of Bridget, who had a frightened expression.

"Even Mr. Li Ke can't break free from my control in a short time, so you don't have to think about it. Now, kneel down with me in front of Mr. Li Ke..."

Whitemane held Bridget's hand and walked step by step towards Li Ke, who was also controlled. Then, under Li Ke's surprised gaze, he kissed Bridget's wife, and then pressed his hand on the face. The expression of embarrassment and anger could no longer be increased. The head of the heroic girl, who was about to cry, was placed between Li Ke's legs.

And she herself was wrapped around Li Ke's body like a snake, clamped Li Ke's hand with a pair of white legs, and then spoke in Li Ke's ear.

"I have a lot of punishment games to play, and in front of us, there is a person who does not have firm faith. Are you interested in joining me in torturing this female knight who is not religious enough? I am very good at this kind of thing."

Because of this, Li Ke was greatly shocked by Whitemane's torture skills.

————The dividing line of about 30,000 words————

Everyone knows how Whitemane took the initiative to alienate the people around him and became a mad dog and loyal minister to Li Ke. Even Miss Bridget was still with Li Ke. After the third day in bed, I finally figured out that Li Ke was definitely not under control that day, so I angrily slapped Li Ke and went home in a carriage.

At this time, Fairbanks also quickly returned to the Crusaders' camp with the help of the two girls and saw his colleagues.

"How is the situation? What did Mr. Li Ke say about dealing with Renault?"

Dathrohan was most concerned about this matter, but Fairbanks' face froze because he really forgot to ask, and His Majesty Li Ke didn't talk about it anymore.

"Your Majesty has no objection to this matter."

Fairbanks' words made Dasohan look a little strange. They used to call Li Ke by his name, or the fake illegitimate son. They used to call him "sir" for various reasons, but now Fairbanks goes After one trip, why did he become 'Your Majesty'?

"His Majesty?"

Abedis also had the same doubts, while Fairbanks took out various documents from his arms and spoke.

"You will know after reading it, and Master Li Ke plans to let Whitemane control the Crusade...so we must start a meeting again."

Abidis, Dathrohan, and other nobles who were qualified to participate in the meeting frowned, because although the Crusaders are a joint organization, the most powerful among them are their private soldiers, and Falbank What Si means is that Li Ke intends to ask them to hand over their private soldiers!

This is too much.

But they don’t have the ability to refuse!

Seeing that the faces of the nobles around him were not good-looking, Fairbanks quickly took out the things Dai Lin gave them, and then distributed them to the nobles.

"Your Majesty means that we should decide who takes these things. This is an obvious conspiracy, but I cannot refuse."

Fairbanks is not an idiot. Three days is enough for him to figure it out, but he doesn't care about it, so he plans to give up his share and only take the things worth the value of his territory.

And Li Ke did underestimate this man's character and consciousness, so his strategy did not have the best effect.

Because in his expectation, Fairbanks would steal some things, which would allow these Lordaeron nobles to fight each other.

But Fairbanks instead contributed his share.

So after telling her story, Fairbanks spoke candidly.

"He planned to let us compete with each other, but His Majesty Li Ke underestimated our friendship, so I decided to give up my share, and the rest will be divided equally according to the merits during this period and the size of the territory. We cannot let Your Majesty’s conspiracy succeeded, we are knights of the Silver Hand, how can we be divided over something like this?”

Fairbanks felt that he could be the notary public. After all, he didn't want anything else, so why couldn't he be the notary public.

Moreover, what Li Ke gave was something that was not fulfilled. Who knew whether Li Ke could fulfill it? There was no need for them to fight for it.

But just as he was thinking this, a silent little nobleman spoke.

Fairbanks knew that he was the person who was most opposed to handing over the territory, but at this time, he clutched a few documents tightly and had no intention of showing them to anyone else.

And what he said also sent chills down Fairbanks' back.

"So, what I want to know is, where are General Abedis's daughter and Whitemane?"

Fairbanks was silent for a moment, then spoke with some difficulty.

"I'm discussing the mystery of the Holy Light with Mr. Li Ke... But this matter has nothing to do with this matter. Lester, don't mix things up!"

Fairbanks spoke sternly, but his words were not enough to convince everyone.

Then, another noble spoke.

"I think they were discussed in bed, right? So General Abidis is the main person responsible for dividing these things, right?"

But before he finished speaking, another noble spoke.

"No, I think it should be General Dathrohan. General Abidis is not the person the Ashbringer trusts most, so it should be General Dathrohan."

General Abidis and General Dathrohan looked at each other. The two of them had no intention of fighting, but——

Things are no longer up to them to decide.

Moreover, Dathrohan was very dissatisfied with Abidis' behavior of giving away his daughter!

(End of this chapter)

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