Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 709: Changes in Lordaeron

Chapter 709: Changes in Lordaeron

The situation at the scene suddenly became extremely scary. Everyone could see that it would be very irrational to rashly start such an internal fight when they knew that Li Ke was divided about them. But the problem is that Li Ke split them up later, and it is not an imminent thing.

Although in theory they should stay here in order to defend the glory of their ancestors and territory, the problem lies in this. At this time, Lordaeron is no longer the fertile land it once was. This land is already devastated, and evil magic has And all kinds of weird creations have spread all over the land. The undead plague has even contaminated various animals. Now even going to the toilet is a very challenging thing, because you definitely don’t know if there are some with you. Wherever the pestilent insects and flies hide, they will attack you when you are not paying attention and turn you into a mindless undead.

Therefore, the idea of ​​most small and medium-sized lords is to sell their territory for a good price and then leave here.

Under such circumstances, no matter how much Li Ke gives, these people will not be satisfied. They will want more to make up for their uneasiness and heartache of losing their territory.

After all, in Lordaeron now, even corpses will stand up and start moving again in many places. God knows if there are any undead that have been awakened under the ground in Lordaeron but have not emerged yet.

In fact, many of them think that Li Ke is doing charity here.

Territory only has actual value if it can be developed, while barren and poisonous land can only make people feel fearful and has no value at all.

"Mr. Fairbanks, did His Majesty really not say what rules these things should be distributed according to?"

Dathrohan wanted to make a last-ditch effort to stop their own divisions and fighting, but Fairbanks shook his head because their new majesty had not stated any terms.

If the Ashbringers were still around, it wouldn't be a problem for them to have a leader. The Ashbringers would just set a rule.

But now...

Abidis thought so, but Dassohan looked at General Abidis and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

But everyone fell silent. In fact, everyone knew very well what the aristocratic council could do. The aristocratic council could not do anything. The real exchange of interests was never achieved at the meeting, but outside the meeting. The meeting It is used for quarreling, swearing, and fighting.

She didn't know what position she held at this time, but there was no doubt that her power at this time must surpass them.

But he was helpless, this was a confusing account, and there was a high probability...

"Then let's go to the Council of Nobles."

The opinions of Dassohan and Abidis are no longer important. Although their prestige is higher than that of these small and medium-sized nobles, it is not absolute.

During this process, let your daughter ask Li Ke for his opinion. The arms can't twist the thighs. No matter how they try, it will be useless if Li Ke doesn't want to.

Dathrohan therefore looked at Abidis with some resentment. No matter how he looked at it, Abidis, who had given away his daughter, was already in an invincible position.

Dathrohan sighed, knowing that he might really have to part ways with his old friend.

"Then let's go to the Council of Nobles."

Fairbanks also sighed helplessly, and at this moment, a melodious horn sounded outside the military camp. They knew that this was the gathering of Crusaders. It was obvious that Whitemane was back.

The one who loses is himself.

He doesn't want them to split, but the problem is that Abidis's idea of ​​asking Li Ke for help is itself splitting.

"Open the noble council..."

If this matter is handled by him and Dathrohan, no matter how things develop in the future, the two old friends will eventually turn against each other.

People who originally supported General Abidis naturally hoped that General Abidis could win more things for them, and the same was true for those who supported General Dathrohan.

So just bring out the previous noble council and let everyone discuss it together.

Finally, Abidis sighed and spoke helplessly.

Li Ke made it clear that he wanted to divide them and even send some people who didn't like him to die, but they had no choice.

And those who don't like Li Ke will naturally gather under his subordinates. His old friend sold his daughter without telling him, and also framed himself. Dasohan is really unhappy about this kind of thing.

The group of people quickly walked out of the room, and then saw that outside the fortress, groups of warriors wearing the same armor as the Emperor's Golden Guards were lining up, escorting carts of supplies and various supplies. Armor comes here.

Those golden armors shone with holy light under the sun, and next to their team, there were groups of tall, purple-skinned elves wearing violet armor moving forward.

Of course, there are also the familiar high elves mages in the team, who seem to be maintaining some kind of magic circle.

In this team, on top of a horse-drawn carriage, stood Whitemane wearing a blood-colored priest's robe. But compared to the ordinary feeling when he went to Li Ke's place, Whitemane had a domineering aura at this time, which made many knights and nobles frown when they saw this scene.

"What on earth is Li Ke thinking about letting this woman take charge of this army?"

Dathrohan couldn't help but speak. Whitemane's thoughts were so extreme, and he really didn't want to see him take power.

But Abedis and Fairbanks on the side were silent because they saw the carts of food and the sets of golden armors placed on the carts.

They have been very concerned about these armors before, because these armors can not only be worn by one person, but also completely protect the person. It can be said that as long as a normal adult can quickly put himself in such an iron can among.

And it is said that this is not the complete version of the armor. The soldiers told them that it is said that the complete armor not only has rocket jets that can allow them to fly for a short time, but also breathing filters to make them immune to poisonous gases. equipment.

The most important thing is that Fairbanks came back here in a hurry, but Whitemane came here so much later than him, but he was able to bring so many people, so much food and armor back and forth. feet arrived.

What kind of strength and national power is this?

The breathing of all the nobles was about to stop, but for the soldiers and civilians here, they couldn't help but cheer, because after suffering for so long, they finally saw hope!

"Long live!!"

"Long live Li Ke!!"

"Long live your Majesty!!"

Countless civilians cheered and put down everything in their hands and came to the front of the fortress to welcome the supplies and troops brought back by Whitemane. Looking at them, Fairbanks knew that his side actually had no victory. possible.

People who can see hope are different people from people who cannot see hope.

Whitemane stood on the carriage and looked at the surging residents. In her eyes, there was no scene of these residents living and working in peace, but only soldiers one by one. So, when almost everyone came to her, Whitemane raised his staff and roared loudly.

"I bring the blessings of the Emperor! The people of Lordaeron! The people of the Crusaders!"

The holy light continued to bloom from her hands, illuminating the golden armor of the surrounding soldiers even more sacredly, and she herself became the focus of everyone.

"A greater war is waiting for us! Brothers of the Crusaders! We cannot live up to the Emperor's expectations! Let us kill all the undead and let us take back our homeland!!"

Whitemane's voice received countless responses. Looking at the food, those soldiers, those armors, and the legendary high elf mages, the fortress residents couldn't bear their joy at all.

They don't know who the emperor is, they don't care who Li Ke is, and they don't care what the greater war Whitemane calls is.

But they know.

The food has arrived and they can eat enough.


"Long live the Emperor!!"

Whitemane spoke almost in a roaring voice, and then, under Fairbanks' shocked gaze, the entire fortress began to shake.

"Long live the Emperor!!!"

Three hours later, Dalaran——

Looking at the information passed by their spies, the mages had different reactions.

"Long live the Emperor, what an arrogant guy, calling himself the Emperor."

Kale spoke with a disdainful expression on his face, while Ansrem Ruinvivor, who was on the side, frowned and then spoke.

"Whether you like it or not, Karai, Li Ke is indeed an emperor now. After the night elves are all under his rule, he is undoubtedly the emperor."

Ansrem Ruinvivor is still very kind to Li Ke, because Li Ke has unified mankind, and Li Ke's basic base is mankind.

Although there are some non-humanoid creatures in Li Ke's harem, for this archmage, he can clearly see that many of Li Ke's policies are actually the most friendly to humans.


Kalai spoke again disdainfully. He was a little irritated because many of his portals could not be opened and he could not leave Dalaran when necessary. Such a thing was absolutely unacceptable to him.

And now, he is absolutely unwilling to leave Dalaran like an ordinary person in despair and give up everything he manages here.

"I don't even know why Li Ke is so malicious to us!"

Vargas on the other side also spoke. He is a great mage who is very good at using projection spells and teleportation spells. He is also quite rich and patient. He has his own mage towers all over the world, which are the largest in Dalaran. An elusive guy.

"Isn't it because you used the same method you used to deal with Lordaeron to deal with His Majesty? It's not like you don't know that although His Majesty Li Ke's magic ability is indeed not very powerful, he does understand the power of magic. .”

Modera expressed her opinion. She only had one word for Li Ke, surrender.

Their mages have no time to fight with soldiers all day long. Wouldn't it be wrong for them to do more research during this time? Why do you want to fight Li Ke?

What kind of crazy person would do this?

Fighting a true god of land, a god and a favored one of Azeroth?

"The little magic he knows is basically..."

Kalai wanted to use an insulting term to describe Li Ke's spellcasting ability, but although this matter is very common in Dalaran, it is still undoubtedly taboo on the surface, so he swallowed twice and then considered it. He took a moment to speak before speaking.

"His spellcasting ability is simply incapable of understanding truly high-end spells, and his mathematical ability is not even comparable to that of an intermediate mage."

But to Modera, this sentence was like a joke.

"But he can easily level Dalaran. Don't tell me that the magic circle has been there for so long and you didn't even notice it at all."

When it came to the magic circle surrounding Dalaran at the door, all the mages present fell silent.

That magic circle was very powerful and could destroy the entire Dalaran in an instant, but Li Ke left it there without moving. When they wanted to dismantle the magic circle, they found that Li Ke was everywhere. Ke's soldiers and blue dragon guards wanted to see Jaina, but were told that Jaina had been sent to Lordaeron to accompany Li Ke and that Lordaeron had been recovered.

Although with their abilities, the soldiers Li Ke left behind were unable to protect the magic circle from being destroyed, but if they killed those soldiers and guards, what did Dalaran want to do?

Defect? !

The most important thing is that Li Ke stopped all trade with them and blocked their large-scale transmission methods.

Everyone here knows what to do next.

So after some silence, Karai spoke again.

"What are we going to do now? He didn't even say a word. Although we have blocked the information now, if there is no trade for a long time, then we will see that the long-distance portal cannot be opened and the soldiers guarding the surrounding areas will if……"

When he said this, he was silent for a moment.

"Could he really kill us all?"

But when he said this, his expression was quite unnatural, because he had probably guessed the possibility.

And Modera chose to crush his last chance.

"But killing us is not a problem for him, after all..."

The oldest and longest-serving Archmage smiled.

"He actually doesn't need a high-end mage."

(End of this chapter)

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