Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 729 Azshara’s Work

Chapter 729 Azshara’s Work
Azshara was stunned. She subconsciously thought that Grayson was making things difficult for her. This was not an uncommon thing. After all, this was handing over power, not giving any burden. It was normal for such a situation to happen.

Just looking at the paper documents that seemed to reach the ceiling, she was a little confused because Grayson was in this office, or in other words, several of Grayson's magic clones were here.

Of course Azshara knows what this means, in fact any mage knows it.

The spell Mirror Image is actually a dangerous spell, because if you don't use your own thinking to coordinate the mana clones you create, then these things will only imitate your movements in a useless way.

But if this spell is combined with the transformation spell, then it will truly create another you.

Of course, it is you who has your thinking ability and knowledge, but it will dissipate when the mana is used up.

This kind of clone is dangerous, because theoretically, you have created a new existence, because this mana clone can also search for magical energy, and then absorb magical energy to maintain its own existence.

Even if you, or your mana clone, are smart enough, or are a master of making magic items, proficient in life-type spells, etc., then it will be more interesting.

Your clone can get its own body in various ways, such as destroying your soul and then taking over your body.

And once this kind of clone is captured, because its essence is a magical creation, your memory, your knowledge, and all your information will be known. Therefore, ordinary battle mages will only create some simple clones and then control them. They just do simple things, which doesn't really give them intelligence.

But Grayson's usage is very dangerous, because essentially the thinking ability of these clones still relies on Grayson's own brain and soul, which is also a kind of oppression on his body. The more clones he makes, the more he does. The more work he did, the more he drained Grayson's brain power and soul health, and thus his body's energy.

But the areas that can be optimized are all aimed at archmages like her and Aegwynn. If there is no optimized version, it is a small spell that anyone with some arcane talent can use.

"Don't be surprised. This was done by a human employee under me who was almost driven crazy by the documents. He is also one of the insiders and knows that there are many demons, dragons and the like in our empire... but he doesn't Just understand why they want to hide their identity."

When this clone saw Azshara arriving, he hurried over with a document in his hand.

Someone even took the devil to an underground brothel run by a succubus, saying that he was an acquaintance there and could give the devil a friendly price.

After speaking, Grayson handed a document to Azshara. Azshara did not answer Grayson's question, but quickly looked through the document handed over by the other party, and then discovered that it was a quite detailed document. Personnel file, above is a person who is very popular in Li Ke's empire recently. It seems that it was his will that formed the Emperor's Golden Guard or something.

This document detailed the current situation of each of his family members, as well as his interpersonal relationships, which made Azshara couldn't help but frown.

Therefore, he clearly remembers the promotion experience of every civil servant in this empire, including the person's family situation, and whether he will have nothing to do to trouble his unknown colleagues who are working.

Generally speaking, the clone released by Grayson is not dangerous, because it relies on its own brain and consciousness to control its clone. In essence, it is still a brain and soul, but the will temporarily handles different things.

Yes, just the spell of mirroring is enough to create a lot of eggs. Therefore, in the magic academy, some knowledge will not be taught not because some people want to monopolize advanced spells, but because these spells It is really dangerous, and some curious mages will really kill themselves.

"You are here, don't worry that I will make things difficult for you, Queen Azshara, I am not that stingy, these are necessary files, you will know after taking a look."

Sometimes he didn't understand what it meant for these humans to have nothing to do but find demons to drink and compete with each other to see who could take the piss further.

But when she looked at Grayson, Grayson spoke.

There are still many places that can be optimized.

Azshara just glanced at Grayson and knew that this man had at least ten clones.

Similar to half-heartedness.

Grayson took a deep breath. It's not that he doesn't have secretaries and helpers. On the contrary, there are really many. It's just that Li Ke, the bastard, is too inappropriate. Although the structure of this empire was built according to Li Ke's idea, the process of building it But it was his efforts.

Grayson fiddled with a small spell at will. Azshara was a little surprised by the simplicity and efficiency of this spell. And most importantly, this was not a spell created by a great mage like Aegwynn, because this spell...

And when she looked through the other documents and found that they were all the same, her brows furrowed even more.

When Azshara was an apprentice, she saw a mage who was curious about what the spell on a scroll engraved with the Forgotten Curse meant, so he kept reciting the Forgetting Curse engraved on the scroll, and kept trying to know the Forgetting Curse scroll. What kind of spell was engraved on it, and he almost starved to death?

"Don't ask me why these files are so detailed, because when His Majesty needs the information of these people, if you make any omissions, problems will arise. If I were you, I would use arcane wisdom to record it. Download these things, oh, this is a newly developed spell we have developed, which can efficiently convert information on paper documents into arcane information, and then transmit it to the brain."

Of course, the brothel was raided by Grayson's men the next day. After all, the succubus' hobby was a bit weird.

She likes old ones.

The older the better.

It is said that you can feel the excitement of death and passion in parallel.

So in order to prevent all the male elderly people in Li Ke's nursing home from dying suddenly, he sealed it up.

"So, you ask me to know everyone's experience and what kind of work they can do? But why don't you let an assistant come here?"

Azshara frowned a little. She felt that she only needed to know one or two people. There was no need for her to write them all down. Li Ke only had to wait a few hours to see the candidates. There was no need for her to know everything.

In this case, wouldn't the department chief be equal to Li Ke's slave?
"In fact, you need it, Queen Azshara, because Lord Li Ke will ask you to find someone who meets his needs at any time, and if you think of waiting until a few hours to find him, then you can get out... ...Where do you think you are sitting now? Do you think you can quietly deploy your own people? Of course, Mr. Li Ke was indeed very generous when he gave you the power. You can naturally do this, but Aisa La, you better be clearer."

Grayson's face became serious.

"Master Li Ke will not feel sad if he kills you. Even Ms. Jennifer will not show mercy if she threatens His Majesty's career. Maybe you don't know who Ms. Jennifer is, but as long as you know who Li Ke Just treat Miss Jennifer’s room as your own bedroom.”

That may not be the case in the future. This thought came to Azshara's mind.

"I advise you not to have any more ideas. Although Lord Li Ke would be the ultimate devastating blow to the world if he took power personally, you have to admit one thing. Lord Li Ke has decided to establish this power since then. Since then, every formal decision he has made has been politically charged. And every thought he has is actually good for the world, but he doesn’t know exactly how to do it and what kind of problems he will encounter. It’s just difficult.”

The change in title illustrates the change in Grayson's identity. He is now talking to Azshara as the Burning Legion.

"As the Queen of Ten Thousand Years, you should clearly understand that the reason why Mr. Li Ke is willing to talk about rules with you and me is because he is willing to make rules, and you and I are just sharing the rights of the power structure in the rules he is willing to make. If You and I do not take the initiative to uphold this rule, but trample on it for our own purposes. Azshara, do you really think that Mr. Li Ke cannot and is unwilling to kill the entire Naga clan? Don't you see clearly? What’s your position?”

Grayson's tone became more and more sincere. Li Ke asked the night elves to work on the intelligence system, and asked Azshara to take Naga to work on personnel matters.

The opposition here is simply obvious.

"It is really our honor and luck that Li Ke is willing to share power with us, and it is also the luck of everyone in this world. And if you don't want to think that this is an honor, but want to trample on this rule, do you think , how many people will want to kill you?"

When Grayson said this, he paused.

"Yes, I am just knocking and reminding you how important this job is to you. Queen Azshara, you are no longer Your Majesty. Even though you now have His Majesty's authority, I really suggest that you don't Look down on Li Ke, even though he looks a little silly, he is willing to be fair and principled, and he really has the strength and will to enforce fairness. In this case, your life will be easier."

However, Grayson's words naturally cannot scare Azshara. Of course she understands this, but the body can easily kneel down, but how can the mind easily kneel down?
"Look at what you said, it scared me. I am His Majesty's trophy, so I will naturally be His Majesty's most loyal servant. Isn't that to remember every civil servant in the empire? I will naturally do such a thing. And , I will abide by the series of rules you have set... Of course, I will make changes based on actual work needs."

Azshara casually avoided Grayson's words, but she didn't quite understand why such a demon had to work so hard for Li Ke.

Because this work intensity is not normal at all, normal people would have complained to Li Ke a long time ago.

If Grayson knew Azshara's question, he would definitely couldn't help but sneer.

Because he really thought about this problem.

Grayson asked himself this question when he fainted from exhaustion for the first time when he took on a job that he couldn't afford alone, but still gritted his teeth and persisted.

Do you really need to do this? Although he is loyal to Denathius and Li Ke, does he need to fight so hard?

Then he got his answer.

"Rights and jobs are just a tool for self-pursuit, not the result... Azshara, I hope you can see this clearly. In addition, I dare not let other people interfere with the personnel department, because they will only destroy the order of this empire. , since you can also agree that maintaining the order and existence of the empire is the most important, then it is up to you to truly fill this department. As for why the number of people is sparse... you have to ask how many tasks His Majesty Li Ke has given me. .Also, you still have two tons of new transfer documents to read. At least until our Majesty plans to announce the true image of the empire, these documents need to be your personal responsibility, otherwise you will divide the demons and Holy Light users. A dormitory, or if the shadow believers and the holy light believers are assigned to the same dormitory, it will be a lot of fun, and many things cannot withstand investigation."

After saying that, Grayson handed another list to Azshara and walked away.

After all, he still has a lot of work to do.

At this time, Azshara looked at the list in her hand and the essence of the personnel department work left by Grayson.

Then he couldn't help but cursed loudly.

Because there are only eight people on this list.

Including Grayson, who works in Li Ke's personnel department, there are only nine people in total who know the truth about this empire!
And these nine people have to manage nearly 8,000 subordinate employees! When Grayson was here, he was basically the only one in charge! The remaining eight people are just his assistants, responsible for following his instructions.

So after reading the essence of this job, Azshara couldn't help but have these two questions in her mind.

First, how did Grayson not die from exhaustion? Although Li Ke will make some personnel transfers, Grayson will be responsible for the aftermath. In the case of Li Ke's empire, every time Li Ke "helps", Grayson will have to do at least ten times more work.

Second, how the hell does Li Ke’s empire work? ! Why are there all kinds of monsters and monsters? !

How come even kobolds and jackals have spies in Li Ke's empire!
They even joined the police dog staff!
She really wants to rush in front of Li Ke and slap Li Ke twice, then transform back into Naga, use her tentacles to open Li Ke's back door, and then return to her own ocean and be her own queen. .

At least in the sea, she didn't need to personally consider the allocation of a construction site dormitory because she didn't dare to let other people know the identity of this imperial official!

Because she finally reacted, Li Ke asked her to come to the Human Resources Department, basically asking her to re-build a promotion and review system according to his idea that was truly usable and could operate without her.

In this process, she has almost no manpower she can trust, and she also needs to ensure that the empire does not go into trouble, can satisfy his whims and personnel changes at any time, and maintain the original projects and systems without any changes in personnel. And the shutdown!
And this kind of job really leaves Grayson, a man who knows everything about the empire——

"I'm really the only one who can do it."

Azshara had a sullen face. With ten thousand years of management experience, she began to become familiar with her job, and began to curse Li Ke in her heart.

What is Li Ke doing at this time?

He was holding Tyrande's hand and talking lovingly.

Li Ke looked at Tyrande affectionately, grabbed Tyrande's soft hand, and then asked.

"My love, although I used Azshara, accepted Naga, and even slept with her... you won't be angry with me, right? Right?"

Tyrande: "…………"

She wanted to kill this bastard with one arrow.

(End of this chapter)

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