Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 730 The full intervention of the night elves

Chapter 730 The full intervention of the night elves

For what Li Ke did, she naturally knew why.

Whether it was not recruiting his subordinates or wooing Azshara, Li Ke had only one purpose from the beginning.

Undermining Tyrande's authority among the night elves.

This is not something too difficult to see clearly.

Maybe the night elves 10,000 years ago hated Queen Azshara, but 10,000 years later, there are still many new night elves who don't know the truth and think Azshara is a pretty good person.

In addition, Azshara has obtained some of Li Ke's rights, so those who want to gain rights and Li Ke's trust will naturally move closer to Azshara.

In essence, whether she is wooing Naga or doing something else, she is dividing Tyrande's ability to control the night elves.

But what can she do? As a believer, it is a great honor to be able to share a husband with her god. She can no longer hold the power and not let her husband interfere at all.

"I don't have any objections, Li Ke...it's just that you don't need to test me with this gesture."


As long as the night elves still believe in the moon god, Tyrande actually doesn't matter.

It can only be said that if he does it now, Tyrande will appear to be inferior to Azshara, so he must do that kind of thing with Tyrande at a memorable time, otherwise it will cause misunderstandings.

The six original powers couldn't deceive him, but it was too easy to deceive an ignorant child.

If she and Li Ke hadn't become husband and wife...

"I have no interest in power."

As for things like eating Tyrande...

Her words made Li Ke feel helpless. Tyrande had a calm attitude. As long as Tyrande could care a little about his own power, Li Ke would not be so helpless.

As for having only one child, then the problem will be even bigger. Various factions will throw women at him like crazy. Even if he gives Tyrande a child but doesn't give one to anyone else, then various assassinations from within will happen. There won’t be any less at all.

Li Ke's attitude on this point is very firm.

He wanted to know what Tyrande thought of Azshara, but Tyrande was still like this, and even began to worry about his offspring. To be honest, he was speechless.

So Tyrande just touched Li Ke's face and said what he wanted to do most.

However, these are all political factors, and Li Ke can suppress them.

That is, the empire will naturally split into several factions.

Tyrande pursed her lips and wanted to say something else, but Li Ke's hand was already on her thigh.

Stroking the smooth violet skin covered by the white gauze, feeling this wonderful touch, since Li Ke had determined Tyrande's attitude, all that was left was to tease the leader of the night elves. .

But neither Malfurion nor Li Ke meant to be anxious in this regard.

There was no way, he knew his power very well. If his child also had such power, he would not have time to stop him when he was abducted.

But the problem is, if Li Ke’s child also has this terrifying power beyond reality...

"Besides, other women should also have children, otherwise they will not be at ease in their hearts."

Although she has an adopted daughter, Shandris Feather Moon, and has a very good relationship with her as mother and daughter for ten thousand years, she also wants to experience the experience of pregnancy.

This is inevitable. Children born with night elves are naturally liked by night elves. Li Ke can be sure that if he really has a child with Tyrande, then both Malfurion and Illidan will Give face to attend the banquet.

And the other one must be a bastard with antlers on his head.

Just like him, he can break the barriers of reality at any time and go to any six-force world with incredible ease.

"I can't have children now, because no matter who has my children, it will be a catastrophe. In fact, it is best for us to have children only when Azeroth no longer needs our efforts. Something.”

I can only say that Yueshen is a person who sees Li Ke quite clearly and knows that if he usually says he wants to kill your whole family, he will really kill your whole family.

But Li Ke only felt a headache.

Especially Li Ke.

He reached out his hand and helped Li Ke tuck his hair.

Because Tyrande showed a fearless attitude.

"So instead of annoying me with these things, why don't you give me a child so that I can truly be a mother."

Although Tyrande did not tell lies, if the moon god had not appointed her to be the high priest, she would not have cared about this position at all. She just wanted to pray and live in peace of mind.

However, Li Ke was still able to respond to Tyrande's question.

But what she thinks doesn't mean much, because Luna is the one who makes the decision, and Tyrande will be the leader of the night elves as long as she lives. Her reputation and past resume are so perfect that anyone who wants to truly Any changes to night elf society cannot be made without her consent.

Her desire for children is actually very serious. For Tyrande, she wants to have a child.

Even if it is a daughter, a certain blind bastard will still be arrogant and deferential, and will act cool in front of his daughter from time to time, and naturally become a queen, that is, the daughter of Li Ke and Tyrande will become One of the leaders of the Queen's faction.

After telling what he had observed, Tyrande looked at Li Ke who fell silent and tried his best to persuade him.

His child has many problems. If the child did not inherit his terrible ability and was only slightly stronger, then the problem would become very simple, but still very big.

There must be no problem with Li Ke's body, but so many women still don't have a child. It can only be said that Li Ke did it deliberately.

In order to preserve the child's freedom and life, Li Ke felt that he would most likely choose to temporarily become a repeater for Azeroth and help Azeroth awaken in exchange for Azeroth's protection of his child.

"And more than having children, I want to be able to taste the feeling of being with you... Children are too much in the way."

It's true that he recruited Azshara to check Tyrande, but that doesn't mean he will rely on Azshara.

For night elves, Tyrande will always have the final say.

Next, Li Ke continued to explore the 10,000-year-old hill. It has to be said that the shelf life of the night elves is really long. Even now, Tyrande's face still looks like a girl, but But her figure is already perfect and it couldn't be more perfect.

And just when Li Ke was feeling the beauty of women in Tyrande's arms, Hisari Black Crow also came to them under the guidance of the moon god.


Tyrande's anger grew even more intense. ————The dividing line for the next day————

Looking at Li Ke who was yawning in the office, Aegwin wanted to complain about something, but thinking of Azshara who had not come out of the office so far, she decided not to say anything.

At least her science department doesn't need her to build a system by herself, because the manpower in this area is the most sufficient, and it can be said that Li Ke's position has the most complete manpower and system.

Because this is where Li Ke used to take care of himself.

"Your Majesty, these are the various technologies we currently have, and I have calculated all the data for the evil energy farm you want. However, I still have to remind you that evil energy will spontaneously attract demons. In addition, I have also looked at the evil energy power plant. There is no problem in meeting the general civilian electricity demand, but once it is used on a large scale, it will spontaneously form a portal and beacon. There are also problems with these. Demon Technology has a serious backdoor problem.”

As Aegwin said, he placed a lot of documents in front of Li Ke, all of which were problematic or had backdoor technologies that Li Ke was currently using.

Li Ke opened the book while yawning. Last night, in order to satisfy his long-lonely wives, especially the elf maid who had been jealous for a long time, there was no such thing as sleeping.

Moreover, Sisali, a woman with a simple mind, told her about Tyrande asking her to have a child, which directly caused Sylvanas to rush into the room with her sister still covered in mud. After finishing the work and reporting on the progress of the work, he put on his clothes and continued to direct the dusting. Vereesa, who was left here to take charge of the pregnancy, rolled her eyes.

He even took something from Vereesa and stuffed it into his body before leaving.

This operation made Vereesa say that it would be better for her not to have this sister, and then she turned around and looked for him who was listening to Azshara's report on work, so that he could be said to have never been idle.

I didn't even know when Ysera came. I only realized it when I touched the unfamiliar mountain peak.

So it's normal for him to be sleepy today.

After all, the injury hasn't healed yet.

Just looking at the information on the file, Li Ke was still a little numb.

A large-scale evil energy generator has been added to his territory, which has a serious backdoor. Although the evil energy in it will not be leaked, this is not the case in the spatial coordinates. High-quality evil energy can easily become a magic power. As long as a few operating evil energy generators are shut down at the nodes of the formation when necessary, the demons can easily use the evil energy generators to form a super large legion portal.

"Is there any solution?"

Li Ke rubbed his temples. This was the sequelae of using the power of the devil, but he had no choice at the time, right?

"Yes, similar things can be done using the local magic network energy. And if it is just generating electricity, it will be more convenient to rely on the power of natural elements."

Aegwynn answered casually.

After she became Li Ke's leader in science and technology, there was only one thing on her mind right away.

That is to get rid of all Li Ke’s demons in the technology department!
Although she couldn't kill them, what she wanted to do was prevent them from using the opportunity to continue to pry into more magical mysteries.

So she didn't make any inventions or other things at first. Instead, after finding out the situation in this department, she immediately started her own investigation.

As for the evil energy breeding farm, it was purely Li Ke's request.

"How long will it take to build it, or how long will it take to completely prevent the evil generator from summoning demons?"

But Aegwynn had a troubled look on his face.

"It will take more than three years to completely get rid of the evil energy generator, because you have too many projects. It must not only meet the replacement requirements, but also continue to maintain the growth rate of the industry. This is an inevitable time. And if it is to isolate the summoning array If it is formed, it won’t take long, I only need to change the location of a few power stations... But Your Majesty, some things should be done."

Aegwin vaguely reminded Li Ke that she could indeed solve the current problem, but the most important thing was to get rid of the sand that Li Ke had crammed in during his development. These people did not say that they would just do it casually. Can be let go.

There are many demons working conscientiously, but don't forget that their real boss is the Burning Legion.

It's Sargeras.

"I understand, this matter..."

Li Ke knocked on the table.

"You and Maiev, Aegwynn and Grayson can do this together. For other vacant positions, ask Tyrande to fill them... Let Maiev do it more cleanly."

Now that Tyrande's bottom line has been figured out, it's time to let her forces enter.

But I don’t know when I will be able to carry out my own big cleaning.

Aegwin nodded, looked at Li Ke and hesitated for a moment, but still didn't say anything.

After all, night elves are always much better than demons.

"Yes, in addition, Your Majesty, please pay attention to your health... To be honest, the most important thing you should do now is actually go to Karazhan with me, and then let me help you recover."

Li Ke's injury is very troublesome, so for Aegwin, it is best for Li Ke to go with her to recuperate his body now.

"talk later……"

Li Ke himself knows this, but now the empire cannot do without him, at least wait until everything is on track.


Aegwynn did not persuade him any more, but quickly turned around and left.

Li Ke looked at the thick pile of demon's evidence on his desk and didn't pay much attention to it. This was something that any warlock had already prepared for. It would be too stupid to get angry because of this.

He just took out the essence of the Sunwell and played with it while thinking about whether he could use this thing to do more things.

"It would be too wasteful to simply use it to open the Door of Darkness. Why not take the opportunity to build Naga's transformation center with this thing..."

Li Ke started to think.

As for arresting people, he didn't care.

However, for a person, it is still very important.

While Li Ke was thinking about what to do next in the office and whether the empire's finances could still sustain it, a team of Nagas emerged from the sea and quickly came to Gus Town. Arrive at Li Ke's office building.

The leader was none other than Vashchi.

They came for the missing queen, and as soon as she was let in, she saw the guard who had just let her in be beheaded by a night elf watcher.

"He was killed for letting us in?!"

This was her first reaction.

(End of this chapter)

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