Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 809: Battlefields of Different Times

Chapter 809: Battlefields of Different Times

Following Varian's order, the raging torrent of steel began its charge. Countless fanatical soldiers, accompanied by the charge horn, quickly launched a charge towards the remaining Burning Legion.

Those demons who survived the bombing had no way to put up any resistance and were crushed in an instant.

Some of them have blue armor, some have gold, some have red, purple, and even green and pink. Armor of all colors exists.

Because these legions are classified according to different needs, and color is the best way to classify them.

But the majority are still those soldiers in blue power armor.

The torrent of blue ocean instantly launched a charge towards the Burning Legion. In their hands, they were either wielding high-heat axes or chainswords, weapons that Li Ke thought were unscientific but were extremely useful in this world.

They also have machine guns on their shoulders, allowing them to attack any life they see while swinging their weapons.

It can also switch forms, switching to a form that will not attack friendly forces, and a form that has no shooting restrictions.

Of course, there are also some soldiers who prefer shooting, so they don’t hold cold weapons in their hands, but various firearms.

However, the soldiers charging in the front were holding spears in their hands. These spears were carefully crafted by dwarf craftsmen and were imbued with deadly power of thunder. They were the most effective weapons for the warriors at the front of the formation!

"You bastards! For the glory of the Burning Legion!"

A demon lord with half of his body dissolved roared and rushed towards the imperial soldiers in front of him.

He is not afraid of death. Most demons are not afraid of death because it doesn't matter if they die in the real world. Their souls will return to the twisting void and begin the countdown to their rebirth.

So they just need to enjoy the joy of fighting!

Therefore, he charged towards the soldiers with a big laugh.

However, before he could make contact with these soldiers, countless bullets with powerful kinetic energy hit him directly. Almost every bullet fired by the shoulder cannons of these power armored soldiers was ten centimeters in size and had armor-piercing and burning properties enchanted by an assembly line enchanting machine.

Therefore, the armor of this demon that dissolved into his body did not provide any protection at all. As soon as he roared, his tall body was beaten into flesh and blood powder and dissipated directly between heaven and earth.

"For the Emperor!"

Varian, who was charging ahead, chopped off a demon's head with one sword, then he stepped on the fallen body of the demon and shouted to the front.

Because in front of them, the demon reinforcements were arriving quickly, and with Li Ke intentionally giving up most of the strategic locations, these demons could easily reach the world of Draenor, and could constantly launch their own raids and invasions on Draenor.

As a result, a series of portals appeared urgently in front of the Imperial Alliance, and tall demons also appeared in front of them.

The soldiers of Azeroth need all kinds of potions and professional training to be able to maintain the posture of gods for a long time, bear the consumption and drag of these power armors on the human body, and keep their bodies at a height of three or four meters.

However, these demons are naturally five or six meters tall, or even more than ten meters tall, which is a huge test for these warriors.

Therefore, after the roar, the two shoulder cannons behind Varian began to fire continuously.

Following his shout, the next moment, countless Azeroth soldiers shouted out.

"For the Emperor!"

Countless barrages of bullets rushed towards the charging demons of the Burning Legion, and they were not without any defense and preparation.

"Prepare your defenses! Deploy the gravity field!"

Following the roar of a demon, tall demons held up rough-looking shields and stood at the front. The hellfires were summoned again, trying to hit the heads of the imperial soldiers.

"Free Fire!!"

Countless barrages appeared again, but this time, because the Burning Legion was well prepared, pure physical shooting did not achieve very good results. The bullets were disturbed by an invisible force field, and their speed slowed down visibly, and then they were blocked by the shields shining with the light of evil energy.

"Switch the spell bullets! Give them some thunder and lightning surprises!"

Without Varian saying anything, the captain of each team issued an order. The next moment, the barrel of the shoulder cannon behind the back of each power armored soldier was instantly switched and replaced with something similar to a barrel.

Although there doesn't seem to be any difference between the two things.

The next moment, things like cannonballs were thrown out at an accelerated speed. The moment these cannonballs were fired, they expanded due to their high speed. Even those that had not expanded would expand the moment their heads hit the shields of the demons.

There was nothing inside these unfolded 'shells', only extremely simplified versions of spell scrolls.

The spells sealed in these spell scrolls are the natural spell Lightning Chain!
The thunder has come.

The violent thunder kept jumping among the groups of demons. The standard lightning chain spell did not produce very good results. These high-level demons all had powerful magic-resistant skin, but it was different when thousands of lightning chains jumped on their bodies.

A huge network of lightning chains suddenly appeared in front of Varian and others, and the shamans supporting them in the rear immediately launched support after feeling this powerful chain of lightning.

Without much guidance, in this battlefield where various energies were intertwined, several apprentices successfully used the constantly flashing electric grid on the side of the demons to summon a small lightning storm!

The first wave of demons that came to support were quickly turned into charcoal, and the next demons that rushed out of the portal quickly put up one anti-magic shield after another, but -

Varian quickly launched a charge. His power armor instantly helped him to reach a speed that ordinary people could never achieve. He slammed into the demons at almost three times the speed of sound. The two high-heat swords in his hands cut through the heads of several demons with their anti-magic shields like cutting butter. Then behind him, the soldiers holding lightning spears in their hands roared and stabbed the lightning spears into the bodies of these demons, nailing them to the ground.

However, unlike the Empire's portal, although the Demon's portal is very convenient, this portal that uses fel energy cannot allow the user to see the scene on the other side of the portal.

Therefore, after the reinforcements of the demons were quickly wiped out, the remaining demons of the Burning Legion continued to rush out of the portal.

When they rushed out of the portal, they were attacked by several spears shining with lightning, as well as the slashing of hot melt knives and hot melt axes. The demons were killed one by one before they could put up any resistance, but the charge of the empire did not stop.

Because the demons in other places finally reacted and quickly launched their own charge.

The Empire's army instantly entered into close combat, with the warriors in power armor continuously launching their attacks, chopping those terrible demons into pieces.

In the sky, drones began to hover continuously, delivering supplies and medicines to the soldiers who called for support, or marking the numbers of soldiers who had lost their combat capabilities for the mages so that they could teleport these soldiers to the rear.

However, the demons of the Burning Legion also demonstrated extremely high quality, because after several invisible succubi discovered this mechanism, they quickly disguised and possessed several imperial soldiers and were teleported back to the imperial camp.

Then, these succubi were seen clearly by the insight arrays spread throughout the camp. They had no time to put up any resistance and their skulls were smashed by the medics wielding hammers.

After all, the healer in World of Warcraft is not a powerless person.

And this information was quickly summarized in front of the empire's military staff and various high-level officials.

"It looks like the Legion is still fighting the same old way."

Illidan looked at the real-time video of the battlefield and couldn't help but sneer.

The Empire's war strategy has changed, and countless traditional soldiers have withdrawn from the Empire's battlefields.

For example, troops like archers have basically disappeared from the empire.

It’s not that those archers are not powerful. Tyrande and Sylvanas can still shoot through the armor plates of almost all models of power armor of the Empire with one arrow.

But it is not universal.

Those empires that are suitable for archery will naturally continue to cultivate them, but when it comes to medium and long-range strikes, the most suitable ones are undoubtedly various firearms.

Moreover, these firearms have very low requirements for the shooter himself, unlike archers.

Unlike the fragile bodies of archers in the game, even in Azeroth and the world, archers are high-level troops like paladins and mages, and are the elite among the elite.

But now, a good gun and a few months of training can quickly make the difference between a human and an elite archer.

Although it is not as good as the top archers, when you use the top in the industry to fight against a standard product, it speaks for itself.

The reason why archers have not been completely eliminated is that the archers of Azeroth can really create miracles. Some people can really use a bow to achieve the effect of a Gatling gun, and can shoot like this for a whole day.

The most typical one is the group of elves.

However, these elite troops are basically used as scout troops and elite squads, and will never appear on such a large battlefield.

Besides, who says archers can't use firearms?
Many archers, including Sylvanas, are obsessed with various sniper rifles. For them, adding power to bullets is about as difficult as adding power to arrows.

However, the Burning Legion still follows the standard classical style, with the same fighting style and battlefield layout logic of sending out cold weapon troops and then waiting for mages and assassins to establish merits.

At most, they added magic mechas and artillery, but they were still advancing in groups. This battle was either to demonstrate the power of the empire or to let the people see that the military spending was worthwhile and the bravery of their soldiers.

Otherwise they wouldn't have carried out such a stupid legion charge, and after clearing the ground with artillery fire, they would have gone straight to tanks and Titans.

Those mechas called Titan Beasts used some of the Titan's technology. Although they were still a bit crude and large in size, the firepower they carried made Illidan suspect that as long as there were more than ten of these things, they would be able to fight Kil'jaeden head-on for a while.

Of course, Kil'jaeden did not cast spells to destroy the control systems of these machines. After all, Kil'jaeden is a mage, and direct bombardment with magic is actually the time when his combat effectiveness is the weakest.

Although they will lose in the end, their combat effectiveness is self-evident. Ordinary Abyss Demon Kings are no match for these mechas.

Unless those abyss demon kings also put on various kinds of armor and further demonize and transform their bodies.

However, the one who dealt the greatest blow to the Burning Legion officers was that——

"Isn't it time for our other method to come into play?"

He looked at Garrod on the side. Garrod glanced at the map and nodded.

"It's time too."

Garrod nodded, took a look at the map, and then a beacon was dropped from the satellite in the sky.

The next moment, a brief space rift quickly appeared in the sky above the Burning Legion's headquarters under the calculation and spellcasting of the mages, avoiding the anti-teleportation arrays built above their camp.

The officers of the Burning Legion immediately realized this, but the tiny space crack did not make them feel any threat.

Then the next moment——

The solar storm was projected over and rushed towards the astonished demons from the sky.

Yes, Li Ke’s mages opened an unstable crack leading to the surface of the sun!
The duration of this rift is not very long, and it is not stable at all. It will fail in any teleportation spell.

But what these mages want is this instability, a portal that cannot be stable for a long time, to prevent the sun's fire from completely destroying the world.

Almost in an instant, the violent sun fire annihilated the entire Burning Legion's headquarters, causing the demons to lose all command in an instant!

This move is called solar bombing!

(End of this chapter)

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