Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 810 Post-War Meeting

Chapter 810 Post-War Meeting
The violent solar storm destroyed all the demons. The bombardment of the solar storm stopped only when the violent energy destroyed the rift.

Amid the demon's howling, some mages were cheering.

"I know it! I know it! The law of the world is mathematics! Mathematics can calculate everything!"

A wizard jumped up and cheered. He was the wizard responsible for calculating how long the rift could last in the solar storm. To be more precise, he was a great mathematician.

In this world, many mathematical theorems will actually be manifested in the form of spells. At the very least, when your arcane spells are undergoing mathematical and array calculations, the spell model will immediately generate feedback based on your data!
Take geometry for example. When you calculate, your spell model will change. This is why mages are good at drawing, and any spell master is a master of mathematics.

When mathematical tools are applied to industry and all aspects of life, a great change occurs.

These mages successfully worked out a formula, a formula that could easily calculate how much energy to output and how big a rift to build in order to get the duration of the solar storm they wanted.

By applying this formula to the environmental data of the sun and the environmental formula that needs to be released, it is easy to guide the power of the sun to destroy everything.

But all of this is verified by a supercomputer named Heart of Azeroth.

However, if a wizard is powerful enough, this method will be child's play for him. As long as he gets the formula, he can easily learn this spell.


"Very clever spell."

Kil'jaeden and Archimonde looked at the images sent back from the front and couldn't help but praise them.

Although the two of them can tear the planet apart, there is really no similar use for it.

It’s not that they can’t do it, but that they don’t need to, and their needs are different.

The Burning Legion seeks destruction, killing, and power.

There is absolutely no gain from attacking in this way. Apart from some poisonous gases that are burned and vaporized, nothing else can be obtained. Even the soul cannot be restrained.

Moreover, if the two of them wanted to use such a spell, they would not need to go through such laborious calculations. Even with the help of large computers, their spellcasting ability was enough to allow them to place the portal directly inside the sun and release a part of the sun to impact everyone.

They really don't have the idea of ​​engraving this thing on the machine like Li Ke's people do, to create a super weapon that only requires coordinates, data, and a button to use.

They realized one thing at the same time.

The arms race has begun.

As Li Ke's armament, way of warfare, and war ideas changed, the armament, war ideas, and equipment manufacturing methods of the demons of the Burning Legion must also change.

Apart from anything else, mindless hand-to-hand combat like before is no longer possible. The real battlefield in the future will probably become a battle between warships and fortresses equipped with super weapons, where super spells collide in outer space and each side continuously destroys the other's assets.

The span of the battlefield reached the scale of the universe in the true sense in one breath, which made the two people couldn't help but have a feeling.

"Were we just playing house before?"

The emergence of the super weapon solar storm has completely changed the views of everyone who is paying attention to this war.

"The Legion must change."

Kil'jaeden and Archimonde thought of this at the same time, but when they thought of the situation of the Burning Legion, they fell silent.

Burning Legion, there is really no way unless Sargeras comes in person.

They both sighed at the same time.

However, there are many people who share the same idea as them.

"I'm afraid future wars will no longer be settled by the death of thousands or tens of thousands of people."

Alexstrasza sat next to Li Ke, holding Li Ke's hand, watching the effects of the two super weapons, her heart aching constantly.

She was even more grateful that her two children did not care about rights or the glory of the empire. Like their father, they were keen on enjoying the beauty of the world and helping those who deserved help.

Although they seem to have no ambitions compared to other brothers, there is no doubt that their lives will be very happy, because they are always full of curiosity and good feelings about everything in the world, and they are not lacking in wisdom.

However, when she thought about the future wars where almost everyone would throw such weapons at each other's heads, she couldn't help but remain silent.

Tyrande on the other side was silent for a while before speaking.

"Before, you wanted to leave after the Empire completely mastered these weapons, right?"

Tyrande once again thought of what Li Ke had wanted to do.


Li Ke’s eldest son Ryan raised his head in shock. It was the first time he heard his father admit this matter directly!

He knew that his father had thought about leaving the empire, letting the people of the empire understand the suffering of losing unity and truly learn to adapt to a unified empire. However, he never expected that his father would be so determined to leave after encountering such weapons being thrown at each other.

“People who don’t know pain will never understand the meaning of happiness. People who have never experienced war will find it difficult to understand the meaning of a general becoming famous and dying forever. They will have unrealistic fantasies about war and will not understand the value of peace. Similarly, if the empire is not lost once, then no one will understand its value.”

Li Ke still had the same idea, he had seen it many times.

"But as long as you are here, the people of the empire will gradually understand the importance of peace and the empire, right, father?"

Sanguinius looked at his father expectantly. He knew his father's pain, and therefore, he knew that this was the future his father wanted.

"It is so, Sanguinius... I believe in the possibility of all intelligent life..."

Li Ke did not deny his expectations, but Horus on the side thought that Sanguinius was a fool.

"How can a lesson without scars be unforgettable..."

He thought of the children he saw in school. They had no idea what it meant to cherish something. The things that their parents cherished but could never get in their lifetime were just things that were easily obtained in their eyes.

He felt that what Li Ke said was right, but he couldn't bear to destroy the empire that Li Ke had worked so hard to maintain.

His father chose to maintain the empire for love and for them, so he would never destroy the empire for his own unhappiness! Tyrande pursed her lips, sighed, and leaned her head on Li Ke's arms. She was carrying Li Ke's new child in her belly, but this time it was a girl.

Perhaps it was because of the maternal instinct brought about by pregnancy, or maybe it was because Li Ke was so lenient with Ryan that made Ryan tend to lean towards Li Ke. She found that she had indeed gone a little too far in educating Ryan.

But this is what Ryan has to do.

Looking at his son's long ears and the softer and more symmetrical body lines, there is no doubt that he is a rare and handsome son in the eyes of both humans and night elves, and they have even higher expectations for their son.

My son will definitely be the new patron of the Moon God, representing the power of life and nature, and the guardian of everything!
However, Li Ke didn't think about other things for the time being because Aegwynn spoke.

Aegwynn was a little worried. She looked at the destructive power and was worried about one thing in her heart.

"But Li Ke, what should we do if the war continues to escalate?"

She stroked her child's head. Although she had a child again with Li Ke and there was no irreparable mistake made by Medivh, what made her uneasy was that her child did not learn well at all. He imitated Medivh to use crutches to read prophecies all day long. Recently, he also showed a strong interest in Li Ke's isolation network, which made her feel a little uneasy.

Her child is the fifteenth child, named Magnus, and is in addition to the children mentioned by Li Ke.

But like other children, he had the same powerful strength and talent. Aegwynn even vaguely felt that this child's talent for spiritual power was stronger than herself and Medivh combined!
However, at this time, Aegwynn was more worried that future wars would continue to escalate and evolve into more terrifying wars.

"Don't worry about this, Aegwynn. My mother... my father's power will stop everything."

Magnus spoke. At such a young age, he learned from some great wizards to close his eyes. Even in his mother's arms, he held the staff given by Li Ke tightly in his hand.


Aegwynn looked at her child lovingly, then twisted his ear hard!

"How many times have I told you! Don't close your eyes when talking to mom, and don't call me when you are in the state of prophecy! It's so rude to call my name!"

Magnus' tears flowed in pain, but he still opened his eyes and nodded to his mother who liked to throw fireballs and disintegration rays at people's faces at the slightest disagreement.

"Yes, Mom."

It was indeed his fault, but there was nothing he could do. In the state of prophecy, his mind was basically filled with nothing but curiosity, and it was normal for him to forget to call his mother because he was not paying attention.

This has happened many times, and every time Magnus falls into the state of prophecy, he calls out to his mother in a very impolite tone.

but it does not matter.

Every time his prophecy ended, Aegwynn would use her love to make Magnus pay her back for calling her mother!

"Magnus is right..."

Li Ke spoke, and his words made Magnus raise his head in surprise for a moment, but Li Ke's words immediately made him lower his head again.

"...But it was wrong for Magnus not to address his mother properly. Magnus, you absolutely cannot address your mother like that. It's too rude!"

Li Ke's tone was a little harsh, and Magnus lowered his head.

"Yes, father."

He felt a little aggrieved, but it was indeed his fault, so he decided to correct it.

After criticizing the child, Li Ke continued speaking.

"But he is right. I will indeed take action. As long as it is under the coverage of the isolation network and within my sight, such an attack will not fall on the territory of the empire."

Horus frowned immediately, but he saw the longing eyes of his brothers and the happy expressions of most people.

Although he was also happy that his father was so powerful and great.

But he always felt that putting the burden of an empire on one person was really...


But he didn't show it here, because his mother collapsed towards her father.

Looking at his mother's useless appearance, Horus couldn't help but sigh.

His mother never understood the difference between wisdom and cleverness, and honestly, he really didn't understand why his father had to marry an idiot like his mother.

Although he really wanted to respect his mother, he really couldn't stand his mother's "genius" plans.

However, this also made him more curious about his grandfather and uncle. After all, in the eyes of his father and mother, his uncle did not have a very good reputation, but his father's reputation was still very good.

"I don't know what kind of person my grandfather is... But no matter how I think about it, the person who taught my mother and my uncle can't be a good person, right?"

Horus immediately thought of this, but at this moment he saw Alexstrasza's concerned look towards him.

His mother's shameful appearance made most people look down on him, but only Alexstrasza and his brothers did not look down on him. Because Alexstrasza knew that his mother did love him, but the way she loved him was unacceptable to Horus.

Nodding to Alexstrasza, Horus sighed a little. During this period of time, he basically took over all the work of his mother's department. To be honest... he was helpless with his mother's ability.

But just as he sighed, Li Ke's voice appeared again.


Horus looked up suddenly. He thought Li Ke would scold him for sighing about his mother's actions, but he saw his father holding his mother in his arms and looking at him with concern.

"Don't get too tired, remember to take more rest and do something you like."

Horus suddenly felt that it was all worth it.

Well, normal updates will resume tomorrow.

There should be more in the evening...

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