The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 103 55. Honor Robin?New Title Get! --【3850】

Chapter 103 55. Honor Robin?New Title Get! --【3850】

Not surprisingly, the master once again extended an invitation to Mason. Including the "temptation" outside the Black Gate Prison, this should be the second invitation from the Bat Family.

But Mason immediately refused, not surprisingly.

There are more and more things on him now, and he is really afraid to work with the best detective in the world, the master. Most importantly, Mason strongly believes that Batman should not completely let go of his doubts about himself.

It's not that the master doesn't trust himself.

It was determined by the master's suspicious nature.

He and Dachao have such a good relationship both at work and in private, wouldn't they also update their "anti-Superman tactical plan" from time to time?

In fact, in Mason's understanding, being able to have a folder with his name written in Batman's private database is the way to truly gain the trust of the master.

"Sorry, Bruce, I repeat, I'm flattered to be invited from the Bat-Family, but I really don't think I'm fit to be a part of you."

Mason, who was sitting on the hospital bed, sighed, and said half-truthfully:

"First of all, my behavior style does not match your 'no killing' principle, of course, I am not dissatisfied with your code.

It is always better to be a human being with a bottom line and principles than to live like a beast without restraint.

But I'm just used to being spontaneous. "

He raised his head and looked at Batman seriously, and said the second reason:

"Secondly, after what happened with Jason and Barbara, frankly speaking, the Bat-Family gave me a little...fear. The way we get along with each other seems very 'weird' to an outsider like me.

Always hurt each other as a way to deepen each other's feelings and bonds.

Perhaps all of you are walking 'psychological trauma aggregates', but as far as I am concerned, I still hope that I can live more easily.

After all, the first 17 years of my life were dark enough.

Knowing that the father who abused me for so long is not my father is both relaxing and sad. "

Having said that, Mason murmured in a low voice:

"When it comes to 'father', you really should take a moment to think about what you did to Robin and Batgirl, Bruce.

Maybe you think it's about your own family, but in my outsider's opinion, you're doing too badly at these two things.

You know what they need, but you're just stingy and don't want to give.

Always reward the occasional tenderness
This is not the right way to raise a child. "

Facing Mason's complaints, Batman standing in the shadows was silent.

No one could see the master's state of mind and thoughts at this time from his expressionless posture. He was like a cold iron cast in the night, sealing all his psychological activities in the eyes of others.

He is used to facing the changeable and cruel world with this attitude.

Even Mason feels that no matter how happy and relaxed the place is, once Batman appears, it will immediately make it serious and cold.

"To sum up, I think it's good for us to maintain the current relationship."

Mason took a long breath, spread his hands and said to Batman:
"We can cooperate and help each other occasionally. I have your contact information, and you have mine. For now, the 'official' relationship is enough for this step.

Of course, if Gotham billionaire Bruce Wayne would invite me to a party at Wayne Manor, I promise I'll be there in my best attire. "

"If this is your choice, then I will keep this invitation."

The master nodded and said something without sadness or joy.

Seeing him turn to leave, Mason rolled his eyes and said:

"Actually, your invitation was given to the wrong person, Bruce. There is a boy beside you who needs it more than me."

Batman stopped, and he looked back at Mason.

The young man shrugged his shoulders and said:

"I know that you, Afu and even Selena are feeling anxious about Damian Wayne's mental state, and I will prepare him as soon as possible something that can soothe his spirit and drain the remaining water from the pool of Lazarus in his body." drug.

But it takes time.

After all, that kind of pool water is a very mysterious and evil dark force. As an alchemist, I need various experiments to comprehend its mysteries.

But for a while, you can do much more for him than I can. "

Mason paused, organized his language, and said:

"Damian will become the current 'little lunatic' not only because he grew up in the place where murderers gather in Nandalbat, but also because he seriously lacks the guidance of correct thinking and action methods.

No matter how powerful he is, he is only 12 years old, no, 11 years old.

This is an age that needs idols to lead and is restless. Who else in this world is better than a father to be a role model for adolescent sons?
You should have a Robin IV, Batman.

But that shouldn't be me.

Your son Damian Wayne clearly needs your help more than anything else.

Do it as both 'Father' and 'Batman'. "

Mason's words, especially the one about "Father and Son" hit Batman, the part of him that belongs to Bruce Wayne is always easily attracted to such topics.

Mason had already confirmed this himself the night he said goodbye to the Penguins.

It can be seen that the master is hesitating and thinking.

After ten seconds of silence, he said hoarsely:
"But he doesn't look like he needs my help, and when I was eating with him early this morning, he picked up the knife and gave me a knife."

"No, Damian just didn't know he needed help."

Mason corrected:
"His mad grandfather instilled in him the cruel wisdom of the survival of the fittest, which made him used to hiding his helplessness under a tyrannical and cold-blooded appearance.

But he's just a kid, Bruce.

Just like when I was 12 years old, I treated my drunk and beating father with indifference. Does my being cold to him mean that I don't need help from other people?

when you were a child.
Don't you need the help of loved ones right after that night in Crime Alley?It was Alfred and Gordon who helped you through that difficult time.

Maybe now is the time for you to help your son.

He is a piece of ice.

You have to become a fire.

Bruce, it's not me, you're really too slow and too stubborn on this. "

"Yeah, who made me lose my parents when I was eight years old? I've always been at a loss for family issues."

For the first time, the master actually said a faint and cold joke, and Mason, who was crazily pouring chicken soup for the master's soul, was so choked that he couldn't speak.

Thinking about it, how could he ask someone who has never enjoyed a normal family since he was a child, and who likes to dress up like a bat and walk around in dark alleys at night, and his biggest hobby is to beat criminals to pieces with his bare hands? How do men understand what "warm family life" is?

The atmosphere in the ward became awkward.

Mason laughed twice and said:
"Anyway, here's what I'm trying to say, Damian needs a right guide, and you need a Robin to help you.

This is a two-way rush.

And I think Alfred will also support such a 'parent-child activity' that seems strange, but actually fits the status quo of the Wayne family.

Also, I will try to help Barbara when I get out of the hospital.

You'd better stay out of your way these days, okay? "


The master nodded.

He jumped to the window with a whoosh, and as he turned into a bat and flew into the night, the master looked back at Mason and said:

"Things you took from the Batcave."

"I didn't take anything."

Mason immediately denied:
"Even if you are the person I admire the most, you can't slander me out of thin air. When I rushed to the collection room, a group of ninjas from the League of Assassins were searching there."

"I just want to tell you, Mason, that Fenrir armor prototype is bound to my DNA."

The old man said quietly:

"You can keep it for a while, but I want it back where it belongs when the Batcave is rebuilt. Smart young men like you can understand why I put them in the storage room instead of the weapons room. "

After speaking, Batman jumped from the window on the fourth floor.

He turned into a black shadow and soared in the night sky of Gotham, and in a precise flip, he landed in the hovering Bat fighter while maintaining optical camouflage.

As for Mason.

He walked to the window, listened to the torrential rain outside the window and closed the window again.

The young man's expression was quite strange at this moment.

"So, what the master means is that the Fenrir armor he specially prepared for other members of the Justice League must be returned, but can he treat other stolen things as never happened?
he is hinting
No, he's encouraging me to study Wonder Woman's suit and Super's blood?
So my ability as an alchemist has also been incorporated into Batman's "anti-Superman tactics" and "anti-Wonder Woman tactics"?

It's you, my lord. "

Mason quickly figured out the reason for this incident, and immediately felt powerless to complain about Batman's bottomless scheming.

Although he didn't join the Bat family, but judging from this posture, the master seems to have regarded himself as a "non-staff member" like Selena.

He shrugged and went back to the hospital bed, only to find a black and gold bat badge on his bedside. He didn't even notice when the master put it there?
Mason picked it up and checked it in his hand.

honor robin pin

Quality: Sophisticated Engineering Creation·Excellent Craftsmanship
Item effect:

It contains the access code of the Batcave security defense system. The holder can enter the Batcave and obtain some permissions of the Batnetwork. It can be used as the start key of the Batmobile and unlock all the functions of the Batmobile when the authority is delegated.

Note: This item contains ultra-precise positioning and information gathering devices.

Producer: Bruce Wayne

Item description: Congratulations on unlocking the hidden profession "Robin". You can change professions at any time by holding this object.

"This fucking gift contains bugs and positioning devices!"

Mason looked at this thing and wished he could throw it into the toilet and flush it away, and the little affection he had just raised for the master disappeared in an instant.

He could only look up to the sky holding the emblem and sigh, it is really too difficult to be Batman's friend.

But the troubled night wasn't over yet.

Mason lay on the hospital bed full of complaints and was about to take a rest. He had been drinking vitality potions to keep himself energetic to improve various production skills, and he hadn't slept for a long time.

Tonight I plan to indulge and experience the feeling of dreaming.

But when he counted bats and sheep to 107, he felt a little sleepy when the window was opened again. Mason was so angry that he grabbed the fruit knife and threw it away with a whoosh.

The Lv4 archery blessing made the throwing knife fast and fast. It flew towards the eyes of the guy who jumped into Mason's ward, and was slapped in front of him by the latter's hands.

The trembling blade was less than two centimeters away from the latter's eyes.

"It's not necessary, is it?"

Dick Grayson, who had changed back into Nightwing uniform and wore a domino blindfold, sighed, put down the fruit knife in his hand, and said to Mason who glared at him:
"I just wanted to say goodbye to you, Mason, I have no other intentions."

"Okay, the farewell has been said, you can get out."

Mason pointed at the door of the ward very bluntly and said:
"Please go through the door this time!"


The butt is very raised, and the young master with a great figure is embarrassed.

He put the fruit knife back on the bedside table, glanced at Mason, and whispered:
"Actually, it's not just to say goodbye. Don't be angry, listen to me, I'm going back to Bludhaven. What happened in Gotham touched me a lot, and I need some time to convince myself to accept this drastic change.

Jason wasn't dead, he was trying to kill us.

Barbara has done something wrong and is now shutting herself in her room with no one to see.

Bruce has an extra biological son, and that little bastard has a lot of opinions on me. I went to chat with him at noon today, but he stabbed him three times with a hidden samurai sword. "

The young and old, who have always been gentle and cheerful, will not be happy at this meeting.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he sighed and said:

"It's like everything turned upside down overnight, maybe I should go away for a few days, but before I go I want to ask you one thing.

I know you can do it. "

"To shut up!"

The expressionless Mason was really in no mood to enlighten the elder and younger.

He picked up Mr. Potter's magic notebook and wrote down a lot of materials, tore it off and threw it to the young master, then closed his eyes and lay down on the bed.

"Go to the 'Seven Hells' tavern near Miller's Harbor and get all this stuff delivered to my little shop, then go back to your Brudhaven.

At some point in the future, you may be able to meet a healthy girlfriend who can accompany you to hug and hold high.

You can go now, Grayson.

Excuse my rudeness, but I really want to sleep right now, it's three hours before dawn, please allow me to have a sweet dream, okay? "

Mason didn't say what the materials were for, but Grayson's eyes lit up.

He put the piece of paper in his pocket as if he had found a treasure, and said goodnight to Mason softly, then opened the door and walked out.

Mason, who was lying on the bed, yawned.

he can finally sleep
"toot toot"

The damn flip phone rang, and the young man grabbed it angrily and took a look, then connected to the communication and shouted over there:
"Your son will learn from Batman, I've done what I promised you, I gave up my Robin spot to Damian! Hell, but if you keep disturbing me at this evil hour, I'll Guaranteed he won't live until his next birthday! Don't think the water in Lazarus' Pool is omnipotent!"

The other side was silent for a few seconds, and then a very magnetic female voice sounded.

Damian's biological mother, Ms. Talia, the League of Assassins' master and temporary leader, is standing on the docks of Miller's Harbor in Gotham City.

Under the protection of an umbrella to keep out the rain in the rainstorm night, she walked slowly on a yacht in high heels.

In the respectful salute of the warriors in black, she walked into the cabin and said to the phone:

"Well, I want to thank you, Mason Cooper."

"As a personal thank you to the League of Assassins and myself, I want to tell you one more piece of news. Mr. Sandstorm is not dead, he is still hiding in Gotham City.

I guess he'll be looking for you, Lord Mason of the Stellaris. "

There was silence on the phone for a few seconds, and then Mason's voice rang.

He said helplessly:
"Tell me, what do you want? A woman as cunning as a fox."

"The future of my son and my organization."

Talia said without hesitation:
"But we can talk about this matter later, wait for our next meeting, Your Excellency Mason, please take care of Damian for me during this time."

(End of this chapter)

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