The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 104 56. He still has to thank us for this--【3950】

Chapter 104 56. He still has to thank us for this--【3950】

Early the next morning, Mason, who was yawning and had dark circles under his eyes, was not discharged from the hospital. Instead, he washed up, put on a nurse's gown, and started his busy day at the clinic.

The situation was as he expected. After the Assassin League riot, the number of wounded in Gotham City surged, which made Dr. Leslie's clinic "boom" and Mason's proficiency in first aid skills soared.

Towards the end of the afternoon, Mason finally got the cue he craved:
Successfully complete a Perfect Craft · First Aid Trauma Bandaging, the proficiency of first aid skills will be increased by X20, and it is currently Lv4.Alchemy First Aid Bandage recipe unlocked.

[Self-inflicted First Aider] trait is replaced with [Skilled First Aider: First Aid craft degree completion will not be lower than 'excellent' craft]

"Yo, you can leave work early today."

After seeing this prompt, Mason's slightly anxious mood was immediately appeased.

He moved his somewhat numb hands, showed a sunny smile to the little nurse Wendy beside him, and told her to complete the next first aid dressing.

The cute little nurse Wendy who has been "studying" with Mason for the past few days was blushed by Mason's handsome smile.

But one thing to say, Mason is indeed a good teacher.

Under his precepts and deeds, the little nurse's first aid skills have also improved, and today she was praised by Dr. Leslie who made the rounds.

Ten minutes later, Mason, wearing a gray windbreaker and carrying a suitcase, walked out of the clinic. He planned to go back to his small shop to start today's skill practice, and take a look at the situation of the two sojourners in his shop.

But when he just walked out of the clinic, he felt a gust of wind blowing against his face, which made Mason feel slightly cold in the weather that had just rained.

As he tightened his clothes, he looked left and right, and soon saw a homeless man wrapped in tattered clothes waving slightly at him at the corner across the street.

Mason didn't go over immediately, but gestured vaguely.

He walked towards Crime Alley with a normal expression, because the explosion of the second barrel yesterday caused half of the alley to collapse, and it would take several months to repair it at the level of Gotham City.

But the area around here has been fenced off to prevent anyone from slipping in and getting hurt.

Mason climbed over the fence and waited for a few minutes by the ruins of Crime Lane, then saw the homeless man strolling towards him, pushing his cart and belongings.

"There is Batman monitoring near my shop, you shouldn't be there!"

Mason was also polite, and said directly:
"Because your unprofessionalism almost exposed both of us."

Facing his accusation, the homeless man in tattered clothes raised his head and revealed a downcast dark face.

There was still a terrible scar on that cheek.

He looked at the expressionless young man in front of him, thinking that two days ago in the Arkham Asylum, the status of the conversation between the two was not like this!
At that time, Mason had to carefully flatter him in front of him, but in just two days, the relationship between the two had changed drastically.

What a fucking reality!

The desolate Mr. Sandstorm complained fiercely in his heart.

But now he had to bow his head under the eaves, he could only pull his tattered clothes, and said in a hoarse voice:
"I can't help it, three-headed dog, Mason, I have nowhere to go. Damn Batman has eyeliners all over the city, you have no idea how I got here these two days.

It's a shame to be reduced to fighting a bunch of bums.

But you don't seem to be surprised by my appearance?
Your team members should have witnessed the scene where my body was crushed by the Flash, right? "

"You are a Class B personnel, Mr. Sandstorm."

Mason shook his head and said:
"Although I have been in the industry for a short time, I also know that every colleague who can grow to B-level cannot even have some life-saving skills. But you are so downcast now, I guess your team has already."

"It's gone, it's gone."

A trace of loneliness and pain flashed across Mr. Sandstorm's dark face, he clenched his fists and said:
"The biologist I spent countless hours and energy recruiting died, and the ancient titan that I spent almost all my money on bought also had its heart exploded.

My lieutenant, Storm, sacrificed himself to protect our secrets, and my best attacker, Hank, died at the hands of Superman.

In order to escape, I even exploded the Isu bow that I got in that goddamn world of assassins by desperately killing a difficult sage.

The Hydra squad is not a large battle group, we are pioneers who take the elite route, which means that I have lost everything in this world that I could gain a foothold in the Stars. "

"But you still have a reserve team."

Mason frowned and said:
"I remember you told me before that you are ready to include Damian Wayne in your reserve team. Considering you are such a senior member, the quality of the reserve team should not be bad, right?"

"The bastards in my hometown are indeed talented, but they need to grow up."

Mr. Sandstorm sighed, leaned against the wall and took out a pack of cigarettes and took two.

He offered one to Mason but was declined, and he didn't mind picking it up himself, and then saw Mason rubbing his fingers and making a ball of magic fire for himself to ignite.

Amidst the rising smoke, he explained to Mason, a newcomer, in the tone of someone who has experienced it:
"The difficulty of pioneering tasks is beyond your imagination, Mason, in such a situation, only the brothers and sisters who have walked with you are worth relying on.

You have to understand that our organization has very brutal competition laws.

There is no mandatory relationship between the team members and the captain. That is to say, once your team members have bad intentions, if you are not sharp enough, you are likely to be ruined by your own people.

This kind of story is updated three or four times a month in the tavern in Starsburg.

So for newcomers like you, don't be busy recruiting those good players in each world, but understand the limits of your abilities.

Those dangerous elements who cannot be controlled can be used, but they must not be trusted.

That's why I came here to ask you for help. "

He exhaled and said to Mason:
"I need to borrow your world gate to go back to my base world, where I can lick my wounds and prepare for a comeback."

"Of course, it's a piece of cake, we should help each other."

Mason grinned.

他 说:

"But the gate of my world does not have the coordinates of your base world, and the number of coordinates that the gate of the world can record is limited. Mine has recorded four worlds, and there are only two vacancies left.

Team K has another mandatory pioneering mission a month later. "

"I see what you mean, Mason."

Mr. Sandstorm shrugged and said:

"If you want a reward, just ask directly, don't be so hypocritical and beat around the bush. Don't worry, although my team is finished, I still have some treasures, and I won't let you help in vain.

You go the shooter route, right?
So this thing might satisfy you. "

He took out something from his trolley full of garbage and threw it to Mason. The young man took a look in his hand and found that it was a precise gun blueprint.

Super Realistic Gun Drawings Tech Pistol DR12 "Quasar"

Quality: Depends on the craftsmanship of the creator, the lowest quality is [Excellent], and the highest quality is [Legendary]

Traits: Charged weapons · Bullet adaptation · Super high rate of fire · Deadly precision · Additional technology chip slots
Item description: In a place called "Night City", these things are everywhere.

The configuration of this drawing caught Mason's eyes.

Although it is a pistol, the appearance of this firearm is obviously in the "fantasy" style. Its most unique feature is its drum design, which is coupled into the rear of the gun body to form a triangular handle.

The overall style is exactly the kind of industrial simplicity that Mason likes most, and most importantly, he has also been to "Night City", although he has been there in a different way.

It's a joy to be able to see familiar things again after being reborn.

"This stuff is good."

Mason exclaimed:
"Is it your trophy?"

"Well, it's the 'dividends' that I and the 'Afterlife' team got in a cooperative mission in a world. How about that world? It looks rosy but rotten. It's not a pleasant place."

Mr. Sandstorm observed Mason's expression, and he was relieved when he saw the young man smiling.

As the captain of a team that had just been destroyed, Mr. Sandstorm also encountered the same predicament as old K.

Even worse than old K.

When Old K was at his worst, at least he still had the incredible Assassin's Blade in his hand to defend himself.

He has nothing left.

If Lion Mason opens his mouth, Mr. Sandstorm will probably fall into a difficult predicament of borrowing money to survive.

"I am very interested in these super-tech products."

Mason put away the drawings and asked:
"Can you give me the coordinates of the world where this weapon can be designed?"

"I want to give it to you, Mason."

Mr. Sandstorm shook his head and said:
"But it's over. If you're interested, I can put you in touch with the captain of the 'Afterlife' squad when I get back, which used to be their base world.

Maybe they'll have something like that in their hands.

Oh, by the way, they are also the team directly under Mr. Hunter, maybe you will get to know each other soon. "


Mason was a little disappointed, but didn't say anything more.

He released his flying motorcycle, threw the invisibility cloak to Mr. Sandstorm and motioned him to get on the car.

The two quickly flew along the sky all the way to the top of the Iceberg Bar, which has not yet been re-accepted. Along the way, Mr. Sandstorm and Mason shared a lot of experience as captains.

To sum it up, there are one hundred and eight ways to fight wits and courage with the team members who have evil intentions.

Hearing this, Mason felt a pain in the gut, feeling in his heart that Mr. Sandstorm would definitely be a master of Gongdou if he was born in another country.

But when he landed on the top floor of the Iceberg Bar, he finally couldn't help but ask:
"About our tattoos"


As soon as this question was raised, Mr. Sandstorm gave him a hard look, and he scolded:

"This is a topic that cannot be discussed, Mason! You are a newcomer so you don't understand this taboo, but you must never discuss this issue with your peers no matter where you are.

Not everyone knows the truth about this tattoo like you and I do. "

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers, and a cloud of wind and sand surrounded his hands. He looked at Mason with a meaningful look, and said:

"I just saw your flame. It seems that you are also a person with 'talent'. Although everyone has that tattoo, those who can discover the deep power are considered senior members of the Stars Club.

Keep this in mind.

The Gathering of the Stars is not a good place to hold hands and sing hymns, but for the sake of our relationship, I remind you, Mason, that the use of this power does not come for free.

When it pays attention to you, you have to 'please' it. "

"Huh? Follow me? Do you have to please?"

Mason would have 1 question marks in his heart.

He didn't have the feeling of being noticed, and he never had a premonition that he would have to pay any price when using the magic fire, probably thanks to the help of the mysterious character card.

"Also, it's not a good choice to serve Mr. Hunter, that guy is notoriously insane."

Mr. Sandstorm saw that Mason opened the compartment to reveal the door to the K team's world, he was finally relieved, and in a relaxed tone, he said to Mason:
"Each of the five pioneer teams directly under the command of the Great Mentor, the team directly under the command of Mr. Hunter is changed frequently, and there will be losses in almost every action.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Mr. Hunter is always willing to explore those tough worlds.

But if you can, Mason, you'd better find another career. The 'Swordsman' I'm with is a good superior.

If you are interested, I can help you walk the relationship.

Of course, you will have to bear the cost of networking. "

"Let's talk about it again."

Mason waved his hand, disapproving of this suggestion.

Can the stars have any good superiors?

What are you kidding!

"Take out your captain card."

Mr. Sandstorm squeezed his fingers and produced a captain's card made of silver.

He said something to Mason, and the young man hesitated suddenly as he took out his bronze card, and said:

"I feel a bit at a loss. I just lost a world coordinate with infinite possibilities."


Mr. Sandstorm cursed in his heart.

What he feared most still happened.

Although the rookie in front of me is good, but as a development team leader, he has a lot of stink problems. He has learned how to pluck wild goose at a young age!

The worst thing is that I am so down and down now that I can only be slaughtered by him.

It's annoying!
"Hehe, how could it make you lose money? Look at what you said."

Mr. Sandstorm said with a smile on his face:
"When I go back to my vassal base world, I will definitely get you better things. I am your senior big brother, how can I disappoint the younger juniors?

do not worry.

If you have time to come to my vassal world, I will definitely entertain you.

Or I'll take you around the world of assassins, which is full of good things?I can get you a few Isu treasure armors for self-defense. "

"I'm busy with the first compulsory mission, how can I have time to play?"

Mason also said sadly:
"As you said, as Mr. Hunter's direct team, I don't think I can survive the first mission. Alas, it's really hard to be happy without something good for self-defense.

I don't know if there will be a kind person to help me? "

The two stood in front of the gate of the world and fell silent at the same time.

Mr. Sandstorm's dark face showed a dead mother's expression. Under Mason's expectant gaze, he gritted his teeth and took out another blueprint from his close-fitting pocket and handed it over.

"It's almost done, Mason. This time the four pioneering teams were wiped out in this world, and 27 of the B-level personnel died! You still don't understand the gold content of this matter.

But I think that instead of spending your time blackmailing me, you should hurry up and prepare for the questioning. "

"You are persuading!"

Mason took the drawing, and with a serious face, he swiped his captain card on the door of the world, and then Mr. Sandstorm also swiped his captain card on the door.

A fifth scale immediately appeared on the originally four-scale brass handle.

Mr. Sandstorm, who was blackmailed, didn't want to say anything.

Twisted the handle into the energy stone to open the door, threw Mason a mobile phone for contact, and jumped in. Mason watched him leave, and looked at the blueprint in his hand at the moment the gate of the world closed.

To be precise, it should be the formula:
Green Goblin's Super Serum

Quality: Depends on the creator's alchemy process.

Item utility: After injecting the serum according to the standard procedure, the injector will gain super strength, super speed, super endurance, super reaction and certain self-healing power blessing.

This serum requires long-term injection or it will lose its ability.

The serum has serious side effects that can lead to mental disorders in the user, and a second personality will be born after multiple injections.

Producer: Norman Osborn

Item description: If you are lonely, please take this serum, provided that you can accept that your second personality is likely to be smarter and more attractive than you.

"This is trying to fuck me."

Mason looked at the drawing and sneered, and said:
"What a Mr. Sandstorm, I was almost fooled by you. You are so insincere in making friends, you deserve to be wiped out."

(End of this chapter)

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