The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 105 57. The new signboard girl in Cooper's shop is actually the assistant of the evil a

Chapter 105 57. The new signboard girl in Cooper's shop is actually the assistant of the evil alchemist-【4050】

Mason returned to his small shop with a full harvest.

He is going to show his strengths tonight and try to make a quasar gun, which will be used as his melee self-defense weapon to replace the engineering gun that can't keep up with the "version".

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

Mason, who came back with a good mood, opened the door and smelled a terrible smell coming from the alchemy room in the basement of the shop. It smelled like some kind of soup that had been boiled.

They are all boiled with herbs so that they don't smell too bad, but after they are combined together and inhaled, there is a feeling of dizziness.

The young man sighed, probably understanding what happened.

He dragged his weary steps to the basement door, first reached out and knocked, and then heard a clanging noise inside, and then the ashen-faced Doctor Halle opened the door for him with a sneer.

Dr. Halle changed into her home clothes, and the white vest was bulging out of her well-developed chest, which made Mason look away immediately.

Then he saw the alchemy cauldron that was burning with black smoke and Ivy, the poison ivy woman, who was standing by the pot and trying to cover up the "evidence".

"Let me guess."

Mason rolled up his sleeves and said:

"You added calla lily and aconite to the alchemy solution at a ratio of three to five, but did not pre-process it, resulting in a wonderful 'alchemy reaction' between the calla lily seeds and the already poisonous aconite.

According to my experience, the time left for you to react will not exceed two seconds.

It's a pity that you didn't catch this critical time and this pot of medicine was completely wasted. "

"Completely correct!"

Dr. Halle, who was following Mason, stuck out his tongue and whispered:
"I just said, Ivy should take off those weird lotus seeds first, but she won't listen to me."

"It doesn't matter, this is a common mistake of novice alchemists, and I have also come from that stage."

Instead of blaming Ivy with a disappointed face, Mason picked up the pot for disposing of waste medicine and quickly cleaned the alchemy crucible, and brought old K's alchemy notes.

Say to Ivy:

"Look, there's a red line drawn here.

This is to tell you that this step is very important, and you must follow the steps.Although alchemy is incompatible with modern science, it is also a skill that emphasizes precision.

In addition, the processing of materials is also very important, which I will teach later.

Now, Ivy, try again. "

Mason pointed to the various materials on the table and said to Poison Ivy:

"You may be able to start with the simplest alchemy solution. This material is the foundation of the foundation in subsequent studies."

"I'll take the liberty to ask."

While handling the raw materials honestly, Ivy whispered:

"How long will it take me to learn to independently make those three potions that can adjust my mood and thinking?"

"Well, it depends on talent."

Mason thought for a while rubbing his chin, and gave an optimistic answer:
"Based on your perfect compatibility with plants, I estimate that you can try to make a sedative in three months at most. The more difficult euphoria and the pacifier with extremely complicated steps may take half a year or longer."

"how about you?"

Dr. Harley, who was staring at the side, asked curiously:

"Mason, how long did it take you to learn this?"

"Fifteen days."

Mason replied truthfully:
"This is a special case for me. After all, people's talents cannot be generalized."

This seemingly modest but actually very Versailles answer made Harley and Ivy the Poison Ivy look at each other in dismay.

But as far as the two people's experience of secretly trying alchemy in Mason's absence for the past two days, they didn't feel that Mason was bragging or exaggerating the difficulty of this skill.

It is really hard.

Especially in the absence of scientific measurement of time, and everything is advancing the production process according to one's inclinations and free experience, it is just like a child playing house.

But there is ancient wisdom in this nonsense.

With the same material, Mason can make two bottles of good blood tonic, but Ivy can only get a pot of toxic black smoke residue.

In the next half an hour, Mason personally demonstrated the standard steps of alchemy for Ivy and taught her how to use four hourglasses of different sizes to keep time.

This is not mandatory.

Of course, clocks and timers can also be used instead, but Mason feels that using an hourglass is more ritualistic and more in line with the mysterious atmosphere of alchemy.

He told Ivy not to practice too late and left the basement, and was about to enter the suitcase space to check the situation. Before entering, Dr. Harley, who was temporarily serving as the Kanban lady of Cooper's shop, suddenly told him:

"In the early morning, a handsome guy delivered this box of medicine. Ivy checked all the strange materials."

She pointed to the box behind the counter and said to Mason:
"That guy also asked me to convey my thanks to you."

"Don't worry about that infatuated guy."

Mason picked up the box and glanced at Harley who was sitting behind the counter playing with her mobile phone. He asked:

"What about you? How are you doing? Is Harley Quinn talking to you in your head?"

"Not so exaggerated, Mason!"

Dr. Halle snorted, pushed his glasses and said academically:

"And the psychological description is not like that, I'm not a split personality, Mason, it's just a psychological suggestion that only works under certain circumstances.

Ivy accompanied me to Dr. Leslie's office this morning, and that's what the cool doctor told me.

I need to go to her twice a week for counseling, which I feel I can do myself since Dr. Leslie is a surgery major.

And I am a serious psychologist. "

"Anything related to Zhou Ke'er should not be treated so lightly."

Mason shook his head and said:
"Drink the medicine immediately if you feel uncomfortable. I will store three bottles of medicine in the counter for you at all times. Please help me look after the store tonight. I can rest until twelve o'clock.

Oh, by the way, don't mess with the box after I go in, I'll know when I encounter something by knocking on the lid. "

"Huh? What are you talking about!"

Dr. Halle was a little confused.

She couldn't understand Mason's words at all until she saw Mason open the suitcase and jump in with the medicine box.

The psychologist rubbed his eyes.

She watched the retro suitcase "swallow" Mason like a monster, and she immediately felt that her no longer so stable three views were impacted.

She felt her stress rising.

So she decisively opened the secret compartment of the counter, took out a bottle of palliative, and poured it into her mouth.

"Well, Harry, there's nothing surprising about that, it's just magical magic."

She patted her cheek and said to herself:

"Have you never seen people use magic before? Uh, it seems that you have never seen it before. Hey, this young man who is ten years younger than me is really mysterious!
How many other interesting things does he have hidden?

This Mr. K is much more mysterious than Mr. J. "
"Boss, you are finally here!"

The kiteman, who had been waiting in the box for a day and a night, immediately perked up when he saw Mason enter this space.He put down the wrench and screwdriver in his hand, put the half-modified jetpack there, got up and said to Mason:

"You have to look at Jason Todd's situation. The Kryptonian treatment cabin doesn't seem to be able to handle such injuries."

"No way? Is it so serious?"

Mason put down the medicine box in his hand, and followed the kite man to the location where the treatment cabin was stored.

It didn't seem that big when there was old K's magic apartment in this space before, but now that the magic apartment has been thrown to Zhakang as a mage's tower, it has completely emptied the space.

The things from Batman's laboratory and Batcave were thrown around in a mess, and the three-headed dog Mao Mao, Zombie Fang Fang and Miss McGonagall who were fostered here by Selena were also chained to the edge.

The nicest Miss McGonagall no longer has to live in a cage.

When Mason saw it, he was dozing off on the head of the Fenrir armor prototype.

In addition, there are also a lot of various materials from the Caribbean world piled up here, and the devil's box is thrown on top of a pile of jewelry.

For Mason, who likes everything to be orderly, such chaos makes him a little uncomfortable, and maybe he should spend some time planning the structure of this space later.

At least ten floors can be created at a height of 50 meters, so that this space will not be wasted.

"Well, isn't it healed yet?"

Mason stood in front of the Kryptonian technology treatment cabin brought out of the Batcave, looking at Jason Todd lying in it like a corpse.

After a day and a night, the second barrel that was almost torn into pieces has "beginning to take shape", but unfortunately, the essence of the pool of Lazarus remaining in his body seems to have been exhausted.

He could no longer sustain self-healing.

"Shall we save him with unicorn blood?"

Charles aside said:
"It's a bit too wasteful, unless you plan to bring Jason into the K team.

This guy's fighting power is very strong, he can confront Batman head-on, and if we add special equipment, we can completely make up for our shortcomings.

But it is not easy to control.

This guy looks like a violent and stubborn prodigal son, oh, yes, boss, this thing!I found it in Lei Xiaogu's ashes! "

The kiteman picked up the broken cloak of the Assassin King from the table next to it. This thing is also a magic item, but it has been damaged and requires Lv3 tailoring skills to repair.

But Mason was more concerned about the few items wrapped in the broken cloak.

Three crystal bottles filled with green liquid and a simple black blade were the weapons that Lei Xiaogu used to fight against Batman that night.

Mason reached out to touch the crystal bottle, and the information label popped up:

Essence of Lazarus' Pool
Quality: Legend Crafting Material

Item utility: The pool of Lazarus of unknown origin has the power to resurrect the dead and heal everything that is close to immortality, but the water in this pool is cursed.

When drinking it, it will stimulate the shadow of the mind, and long-term use will change thinking, will and character.

Producer: Sangongmo

Item description: If you regard the diluted blood of a Dimensional Demon God as a blessing, then you are absolutely crazy.

Tip: When alchemy reaches Lv7, you can try to purify the evil power of the pool water. The purified pool water can be used as one of the important materials for the "elixir of life".

The young man glanced at the half-dead Ertong in the treatment cabin, curled his lips, took out a bottle of pool water, put it in his luggage, and reached out to touch the black slender straight-edged sword.

The entry for this sword caught Mason's eyes:
demon head
Quality: Legendary Forging/Enchanting/Inscription Creation · Perfect Craftsmanship
Traits: Melee Blade · Curse Penetration · Light as a Feather · Cutting Iron Like Mud · High-level Dark Inscription [Life Absorption] High-level Combat Enchantment [Evil Spirit Slash]

Producer: Lars Al Ghul

Item description: "Devil's head" not only describes this sword, but also the man who can scare the whole world when he holds this sword.

Tip: This weapon can be further forged to improve its quality and craftsmanship.But Lars al Ghul is not dead, he will come to take back his sword.

The young man's fingers brushed across the dark and slender blade.

He swung his hand a few times and felt its perfect balance and cutting power when chopping. Especially the blade of this sword was only two fingers wide, so Mason immediately realized its best use.

He took out the modified penguin umbrella and compared the width of the sword with the width of Maxi Zeus' lightning scepter. He was pleasantly surprised to find that the sword can become the last accessory of the penguin umbrella with only a slight modification.

And the hilt of this sword carved into the head of a black devil is also very suitable as the handle of Mason's portable umbrella, which is much cooler than a curved umbrella handle.

Although I don't like melee combat and I'm not very good at melee combat, but if the enemy encounters an embarrassing situation of running out of ammunition after the enemy approaches, I will not go up and punch with bare hands, right?
I am not a skilled boxer!

"Then tonight's plan is to finish the two barrels of life-saving medicine first, then polish my precious umbrella, and then take the time to make a skeleton spirit."

Mason modified his plan a bit.

High-tech quasars are nice to have with guns.

But unfortunately, I really don't have time to make it tonight, and things always have a priority.

As he walked towards his alchemy platform, he said to the kite man following him:
"Charles, you go back tomorrow to clean up and accompany the children by the way, and then bring the vaccines and we will go back to the Caribbean world tomorrow night.

It’s fine if Selena isn’t free, it’s the same for the two of us. "

"Okay, boss."

The kiteman had no objection to this arrangement.

He enthusiastically showed Mason his blueprint for modifying the flying backpack. This guy really turned Mason's previous suggestion into reality.

He modified the shape of his kite.

Using two complete Thestral wings as the main body and using special steel to complete the internal reinforcement constitutes a variable movable flying wing.

In terms of Charles's basic ability as an aerodynamicist, this thing can definitely fly, but the effect needs further practice and repeated revisions.

Mason made a few comments and suggested that the kiteman equip the jetpack with an emergency thruster, and then the two "craftsmen" started their respective productions without disturbing each other.

But soon, Mason held the slightly trembling witcher pendant on his chest, and he frowned and thought:

"My badge is vibrating! Is there a sorceress nearby?"

Meanwhile, in Cooper's shop beyond the suitcase space, Dr. Harley, yawning and about to close the shop and go to bed without anyone coming all night, was about to pull down the shutter door when he saw a man in a magician's suit. Pretty girls in uniforms, bold fishnet stockings, and tall black straight hats suddenly appeared like magic.

She walked straight towards Cooper's shop with a look of anger on her pretty face.

"Where's John?"

Zatana Zatara stood outside Cooper's shop, looking at Dr. Halle who stared wide-eyed in front of her. The good-tempered lady magician held back her anger and said:

"Let that bastard come out and meet me!"

"Huh? Who's John?"

Dr. Halle said in surprise:

"This is Mr. Mason's shop, and I'm his employee. Does this lady want to come in and see our magic potion? Today's special price."

"What's so good about these low-level potions? There are no bright spots other than good craftsmanship."

Zatanna stomped her feet angrily when she heard that Zha Kang was not here. She glanced at the shop and said angrily and anxiously:
"He must have been here! My monitoring magic has detected his presence. But it's okay if he doesn't want to show up, it's over between me and him anyway.

But you tell him for me that something big is about to happen, let him go back to the mysterious house as soon as possible!
I can only wait for him for half a month! "

Speaking of this, Miss Magician suddenly sniffled, and approached Dr. Halle as if smelling a strange smell, and took a light sniff.

The movement made Dr. Halle take a step back immediately.

She didn't like such an intimate gesture very much.

"Well, good luck."

Zatana glanced at Harry with pity, and said softly:
"Shadows have grown in the heart, bloodthirsty monsters are trying to break free from the shackles of reason, but the person who cultivated and can control her has already returned to hell.

You gotta hurry up before you lose control, girl.

If you drag on any longer, your disease will not be cured. "

"Harry, who are you talking to?"

Poison Ivy's doubtful voice came from the basement, and just as Harry was about to answer, she saw Miss Magician in front of her disappear strangely like a bubble.

This made Dr. Halle blink.

She felt that she encountered a strange thing again. Uh, maybe she really had hallucinations?

Forget it.

Or drink another bottle of medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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